Witch containment diary

Chapter 113 Achieving the Eye of Insight

The choice was placed in front of Zhang Su.

He also experienced the feeling of carrying a human treasure in his previous life, and the auxiliary effects provided were particularly powerful.

If he stabilizes his mind, Zhang Su will become more calm, unafraid of fear, threats and temptations. He will remain calm even if the mountain collapses in front of him, achieving ultimate calmness.

By enhancing his memory, Zhang Su can reach a level of almost photographic memory, and can clearly recall every detail when looking back on the past.

If you improve your eyesight, you can observe slightly invisible enemies, see through camouflage, and even achieve dynamic vision to defeat high-speed moving enemies.

If analyzed carefully, Zhang Su does not need to strengthen his willpower or memory.

Because he had received a mental protection course in his previous life, this experience was universal, and he could now resist psychic whispers.

Memory is not very useful. After all, there is a witch containment diary that can help with recall.

And eyesight is too precious, and there may be enemies moving at super high speeds in the future. If Zhang Su wears such a treasure, he will still be able to spot his opponent with quick eyesight and quick hands, even if the enemy is thousands of miles away.

"It would be great if this power could enhance my eyesight." Zhang Su said.

Priscilla is also very satisfied with Zhang Su's choice.

In the future, battles will be faster and more high-quality. If your eyesight and perception cannot keep up, you will easily be fooled by the enemy. Especially for a character like Zhang Su who needs actual combat, he needs a pair of good eyes.

"Because it will be transformed into a treasure driven by 'Qi', as long as you put your Qi into it, it can strengthen your optic nerve to the limit and even be linked to your inner spirit. If you have the talent for spiritual vision, you can It couldn't be better," Priscilla said.

In other words, it opens the way to the mind's eye.

"Thank you!" Zhang Su felt very good, "How long will it take?"

Speaking of spiritual vision, he really does have it, because Xiaofeng gave him the Insect King's pheromones, and Zhang Su now also has highly enhanced inspiration.

"If you're lucky, there will be a show today within a few weeks." Priscilla didn't slack off and immediately began to help Zhang Su recast the treasure while supervising Dongmei's practice.

He had the material, Priscilla needed to hone her skills, and the two hit it off.

For Priscilla, what she prefers is work and scientific research. If she is lucky, she can publish some papers.

Tens of minutes later.

"I...I'm done!" Dongmei completed her little exercise and recast the broken rock into a rectangular red crystal stone.

Priscilla smiled.

The gem in her hand was recast more beautifully than before, and the angle of cutting was more beautiful. To save trouble, Dongmei just polished it like a brick.

"Well done." Priscilla praised.

"Yes, it's so beautiful." Zhang Su also praised Dong Mei.

Dongmei blushed, her cheeks feeling slightly hot.

The sense of accomplishment is addictive, and Dongmei is more willing to work hard in order to become a stronger casting witch.

"However, there are still many problems, it's too ugly." Priscilla put down the black gem in her hand, "You still need to practice more."

"Yes!" Dongmei suspected that Priscilla was not as gentle as she appeared on the surface, and was still a perfectionist in her heart.

"Next, melt all these ornaments for me." Priscilla handed the water of migration to Dongmei and asked her to complete this pre-processing work.

Dongmei got busy and picked up the next set of jewelry.

Although she felt like she was being manipulated by Priscilla, at least she could learn some real skills this way.

She feels that she still has a long way to go, and as long as her efforts are meaningful, she is willing to calm down and focus on perfection.

The sun sets in the west.

Zhang Su went out to do some errands. When he came back, the workshop was very lively.

Dongmei was sweating profusely, rubbing various tools for Priscilla. The precision must be perfect. Priscilla can identify errors at the level of one-tenth of a micron with the naked eye. Dongmei's workmanship is poor and must be reworked repeatedly. .

The metal clanks and the magic hisses and burns, forming the unique tune of Yuehuayuan Workshop.

Priscilla leaned over the workbench, with the tip of her tongue slightly sticking out from the corner of her mouth, completing the final work and carefully setting the notch on the silver necklace.

It is the nature of the forging witch to create things. When she completed the final carving, Zhang Su saw a subtle surprise flash across her face.

It looks so innocent, like a child who has just completed his first handicraft in his life. Even if she has completed ten thousand treasures, Priscilla will still be as happy as if she made something for the first time.

Zhang Su didn't want to disturb her, but Priscilla's eyes fell directly on the silver necklace. After a long time, she sighed softly and picked it up.

When she turned around, she saw Zhang Su.

"It's done. I call it the 'Eye of Insight.'" Priscilla couldn't wait to step forward. Zhang Su leaned down so that she could put on the necklace like a medal.

Zhang Su lowered his head and gently picked up the necklace with his hands, and related memory lines emerged slightly.

[Memory "Eye of Insight": Priscilla recast the devil's jewelry into a treasure that humans can drive, which no longer consumes soul or magic power, but "qi". After activation, it can greatly enhance the wearer's vision.

Level 1: Increased field of view and sharpness

Level 2: Dynamic Vision

Level 3: Mixed Vision]

"I'll try." Zhang Su couldn't wait. He is currently about 23 levels of Qi, and the necklace can hold 3 levels, corresponding to the third level.

After the initial injection of Qi, Zhang Su suddenly felt that his vision became strangely clear, as if the resolution of the entire world had doubled, and he could even zoom in and out of the situation in front of him at will. When he came to the window, he could even see the Dongzhou Wall more than 10 kilometers away!

After the second layer of air was injected, Zhang Su looked up at the flying bird and could clearly see the whole process of its wings. When watching birds flying before, he would feel that they were flapping their wings extremely fast. However, in this state, he concentrated on , you will feel that the bird's flapping speed has slowed down several times, so that you can see every picture clearly.

As for the injection of the third layer of Qi, Zhang Su felt that the world was covered with a layer of spiritual vision filter, just like the state that Lescorin helped Zhang Su enter, but he could activate it independently.

"It's done!" He turned his head and was shocked when he saw the smiling Priscilla.

Because Zhang Su's field of vision can now penetrate the lab coat she is wearing! The bottle of volatile water around her neck now had nowhere to hide, lying quietly in a warm place.

It was really rude. Zhang Su quickly looked away to reduce his luck.

"Huh..." Priscilla reacted quickly, probably knowing what happened, and immediately turned sideways.

Priscilla clearly realized that Zhang Su was a serious person, and the pragmatic side of his heart pointed out the need for restraint, but she couldn't help but tilt her head slightly to admire his strange and muscular appearance.

The attractiveness of a strong man like Zhang Su who has fully exercised cannot be compared to that of a small dog. Priscilla reminds Priscilla of the bronze sculpture of Hercules. At that time, if people met a No. 1 model like Zhang Su, they would be impressed. Download more masterpieces from time to time.

"Thank you for this gift. Then, please forgive me for resigning." Zhang Su felt that it would be of great use in the future.

"Yes, please take care of yourself." Priscilla nodded.

Zhang Su turned around and left until he walked downstairs. He could still vaguely hear Priscilla's voice instructing Dong Mei, hoping that they could become good partners in the future.

"...You need to read a lot of books." Priscilla continued to educate Dongmei and ordered many books for her.

"If I had worked so hard in high school, I could have gone to Waseda University... Do you know that there is a kid named Mayumi here who has been studying hard?" Tomei felt uncomfortable thinking about studying.

"This is not learning, this is research, scientific research. We must read as many books as possible and become extremely knowledgeable." Priscilla warned.

"Sounds like a lot of hard work...I will never read more books than you in my life." Dongmei sighed.

"If you want to study, you have to study higher. I read an interesting metaphor when I was a child. The whole society is like a rabbit, and we are like a group of lice. Many people just follow the trend and fall to the bottom. And a few people will choose to go down. Climb up, climb to the top of the rabbit hair, a little higher, a little higher, and explore the limits that this rabbit hair can reach! Push a little further to the edge of human cognition, even if we are only a little successful, we have passed. It’s a fulfilling life,” Priscilla said.

"Understood." Dongmei sighed. If she hadn't met Priscilla, she would never have thought of such a thing in her life, but now she also wants to study.

"After you are released from prison, I will arrange for you to upgrade to a bachelor's degree." Priscilla felt that Dongmei had great prospects.

"What I studied is not considered a junior college!! It is considered a university!!"

After 8 o'clock, all the witch prisoners were sent back to their cells. An Yin's schedule was to go to bed at 21:00 and get up at 6:00 the next day. Zhang Su also had to rest.

At this time, the moonlight shines through the paper curtain into the hall of Yuehuayuan. Lianwu has finished her business work for the day and is wiping the machines.

"Let me help." Zhang Su realized that Lian Wu had not returned to the dormitory, and then realized that she still had to do closing work.

"!...!" Lianwu felt very hard, because after using these machines for a day, they were covered with food residues, and there were still unsold tea leaves that needed to be thrown away, pots washed, brushed, and floors mopped...

At least Zhang Su came to help. He worked quickly and efficiently, saving Lian Wu a lot of trouble. If Lian Wu did it by himself, it would have taken at least an hour, but Zhang Su came and solved it in twenty minutes.

"~" Lian Wu was happy.

"Let's go for a walk and then go to bed?" Zhang Su invited.

"!" Lianwu thought there was no problem.

She followed Zhang Su and came to the garden. The winding path passed through trees and flowers. Newly green lotuses grew in the pond, and frogs and insects were chirping by the pond.

Lian Wu was sitting on the stone of the "Bodhisattva Seat". The tunnel where Hong Yan was hiding was not far away. Zhang Su could even hear vague breathing sounds. It should be that Hong Yan was sleeping.

"!" Lian Wu pointed at the sky and began to count the stars next to the moon.

Her well-proportioned figure was covered by a loose witch robe, her long black hair was spread down, and her eyes were piercing.

For a long time, they didn't speak, sharing the rare silence and leisure.

"Are you used to counting stars in front of the moon? In big cities, you usually don't see stars and moon like this." Zhang Su sighed.

"Yes, only now can I have peace of mind~" Lian Wu smiled. The light pollution of the city blocks the bright moon, and only here she can appreciate the profound meaning of the moonlight.

"One, two, three..." Zhang Su raised his head and counted the stars with Lian Wu.

At this moment, Lian Wu suddenly realized that something was strange about himself, and strong moonlight burst out from Lian Wu!

"Ah?" Lian Wu was surprised. She saw a silver light on her body, and the magic power in her body surged exceptionally.

"It's okay!" Zhang Su understood very well that this was the evolution of Lian Wu's magic power!

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