Witch containment diary

Chapter 114 The power of moonlight spreads

The silver moon shone silently, and Lian Wu's aura suddenly changed.

The magic power of the moon spreads, and the white light shines across the world, just like the Milky Way pouring down.

Zhang Su quickly distanced himself and protected his body with luck. The moonlight of the lotus mist was the power of Yin, so it was uncertain what impact it would have.

"Woo... Wu ah..." Lian Wu raised her head.

The radiance of the moon was clearly visible on her body, as if she had swallowed a ball of radiance, and now the moonlight vibrated, bursting out from under her skin.

Immediately afterwards, after a flash of the most dazzling moonlight, the light quickly dissipated, just as abruptly as it came.

Lianwu collapsed to the ground.

Zhang Su rushed over and helped her up.

"Miss Lianwu!" Zhang Su shouted.

"My head... hurts..." Lian Wu gritted her teeth and sobbed.

Zhang Su was surprised to see that Lian Wu's originally dark hair faded to silvery white in front of him, and a pair of sharp horns sprouted from the top of his head!

This image instantly reminded Zhang Su of Yuehua Ji.

The image of Yuehuaji is that of a huge silver-haired witch with a pair of bizarre and huge horns on her head. The same characteristics appear on Lianwu!

"!!!" Lianwu stumbled to her feet.

She ran to the pond and looked at the newly grown horns on her head.

She took a breath of air. Lianwu was no longer the dignified young lady, but now had a strange appearance, no different from Yuehua Ji.

Lianwu stroked her long snow-white hair and sharp horns in horror, only to feel that what she was touching was not herself, but another ancient skin.

Her eyes were reflected in the pool. The originally dark and bright eyes were now as pale as liquid mercury!

The blood of ancestors...

The sudden change in appearance made Lian Wu panic, and she seemed to have turned back into the nervous little girl again.

She immediately fell silent and rushed into Zhang Su's arms without saying a word, her body trembling.

"Don't be afraid! Miss Lianwu! Don't be afraid!" Zhang Su quickly reassured her.

"...??" Lianwu didn't understand.

"Calm down... we will find a way." Zhang Su felt that the magic power of Yuehua was raging on Lianwu.

She has never trained how to control this power, including turning those soldiers into women before, which was also the result of Lianwu pouring a lot of magic power directly.

"...!" Lian Wu closed her eyes tightly.

Zhang Su's brain was working rapidly, trying to think of how to solve this shocking change.

The members of the Anxinyuan family are all descendants of Yue Hua Ji, so they must be influenced by her, as Yue Mang's bloodline is deeply rooted.

"It's okay, Miss Lianwu... This shows that you are already a real moon witch." Zhang Su said.

He suddenly thought of what Lian Wu had said before.

She originally lived in a big city, and the weak moonlight was obscured by the neon light in the sky. And once he returned to a rural place like Anxinyuan, the moonlight penetrated everywhere, causing Lianwu's moon magic power to increase exponentially. And this bloodline has been completely activated, almost a curse.

Lianwu sobbed, and her tears wet Zhang Su's coat.

He knew that she must be confused and scared at the moment. Zhang Su gritted his teeth and decided to reach out and hug Lian Wu tightly.

Do your best to comfort her.

"...!!!" Lian Wu bit Zhang Su.

"...It's okay, it's okay. I will definitely not send you away, nor will I lock you up. After all, you are the most powerful Miss Lianwu. She will definitely not be eroded by the moon's magic power, and she can also use it in turn. It." Zhang Su tried his best to guide.

Lianwu is so close to him now. Once the magic power of Yuehua spreads too much, he will be finished!

Lian Wu held her breath and gradually relaxed.

Approaching Zhang Su's broad chest, she was silent for a while, then bravely opened her eyes and looked up at Zhang Su.

"...!!" Lian Wu took a deep breath.

Here, in the silence of this moment, all she felt was absolute tranquility.

Zhang Su remained calm, and his performance gave her some confidence.

"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight. It is more beautiful at night than during the day. If you carefully observe our home, you will feel good. Morning, noon, night... As the light changes, the landscape of Anxinyuan also changes subtly, just like watching It's like a living, moving painting, and we are the people living in the painting." Zhang Su said nonsense.

"...!" Lianwu breathed slowly, listening to Zhang Su's words.

Lianwu wanted to lie down for a while, so she leaned sideways against Zhang Su.

When she felt Zhang Su's rock-solid arms, her face turned red.

"Are you feeling better?" Zhang Su felt light and airy.

To his strength, Miss Lianwu was no more than a piece of paper.

"..." Lianwu nodded, and a trace of blood returned to her haggard and pale face.

"Now, feel carefully, the power of the witch is flowing in your body. Now it's just because you have changed from a growth witch to a mature witch, so the quality of the magic power has suddenly become stronger! Just control them slowly and put them under control. Guide it to your body, mind and soul..." Zhang Su said.

The moonlight shrouded their heads like a pale canopy. Lianwu closed her eyes and quietly guided the magic power in her body, allowing the surge of new magic power to return to her body.

From a growth witch to a mature witch, her total magic power has more than doubled.

Zhang Su also had good luck to resist this all-pervasive moonlight erosion.

This kind of magic power is not very lethal to humans, but its transformation power is extremely strong. He still remembers the terrifying scene of those soldiers being transformed into beautiful girls!

Not long after, Lianwu slowly stood up and slipped out of Zhang Su's arms.

She took a deep breath, walked to the pond, and looked at herself again.

Zhang Su walked over and observed.

The evolution and transformation brought to Lianwu by the light of the full moon were too obvious. She became more... holy, her skin was as white as snow, and her beauty was otherworldly, like a god.

"Can you control this new power?" Zhang Su asked.

"...!" Lian Wu looked at the pond in front of her. She raised her hand and tentatively released the moonlight magic power.

A concentrated brilliance was released slightly, and Zhang Su could clearly see the pond water being slightly disturbed, and then being pulled up toward Lianwu's palm, like a rising tide.

Lian Wu felt that she was partially in resonance with the bright moon, so that she could channel the moon's power.

Her fingers stirred slightly in the air, causing tiny vortices to form on the surface of the pond.

Immediately afterwards, Lianwu waved her hand upwards vigorously, and the torrent swirled at high speed like a tornado. The turbulent water rose high into the sky, and the landscape was as beautiful as a waterspout!

Lian Wu smiled slightly, let go and let the rapids fall back into the pond with a splash.

She stepped forward, and Zhang Su saw that she was almost walking in the air. He turned around and waved to Zhang Su, and then jumped down from a height of half a meter, still staggering.

"...This kind of power can transform the 'yin', drive the 'tide', and trigger the 'moonlight beast transformation'..." Zhang Su recalled the relevant details.

Lian Wu gradually accepted this power. She danced in the moonlight, her silver hair and witch skirt flying and spinning with her.

"~" Lianwu felt that her body had become lighter. She jumped very high with a slight jump. With her hands behind her back, she jumped seven or eight meters.

So casually approaching the limit of human long jump, perhaps the magic power of the moon has extended a technique called "Moon Step".

Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Miss Lianwu was a witch, and she would have to learn and master her own magic sooner or later.

There are many moon witches, but Ansin is the only one who can grow horns and turn her hair white when her magic power explodes.

"??" Lian Wu turned to Zhang Su and bit her lip, then raised her finger and shook it gently.

"Don't be afraid, you won't turn into a monster. Although there are some changes in appearance... you can control your magic power. It's up to you." Zhang Su encouraged her.

"~" Lian Wu smiled slightly, and her originally anxious expression softened.

"Have confidence in yourself, just like I have confidence in you!" Zhang Su encouraged.

"!" Lian Wu considered Zhang Su's words for a moment, then nodded vigorously.

"...But...Why am I speechless again..." Zhang Su felt helpless.

"~" Lianwu thinks it doesn't matter, just pat her face and she will have the courage!

She patted her cheeks with both hands, once, twice, three times.

"..." Lian Wu said to Zhang Su.

"Wait a minute - I can't even speak now even if I pat my face." Zhang Su was puzzled.

"??" Lian Wu didn't know why.

Normally, even when I'm scared, I can pat my face and say a few more words, but now I have no strength to even make a small sound!

"...Don't worry, go back and have a good rest. The bar in Yuehuayuan is temporarily closed. There will be someone in Anxin Hospital to take care of you and accompany you until you recover!" Zhang Su comforted.

"...!" Lianwu left along the garden path.

Zhang Su reached out to Lian Wu, and she took it without hesitation, with a smile on his face.

They held hands and walked all the way back to the prison building, as if an invisible bond connected Zhang Su and Lian Wu.

After what happened that night, Zhang Su had a lot to say, but he also felt that it would be better not to say anything.

At the door of Lianwu's room, they bowed to each other.

The lotus mist drifted away and returned to the room.

Every night she would open the curtains and sleep under the moonlight, but today Lianwu had enough of the moonlight, so she pulled the curtains tightly, then changed her clothes and got into bed to sleep.

Zhang Su also returned to his room.

"That kind of power... is very dangerous." Shui Li said.

"Shui Li? When..." Zhang Su saw Shui Li appear, appearing from unexpected places every time.

"The 'Moonlight Butterfly' of the Neo-Tokyo Ninja Seven is the second half of the moon's magic power. She is so powerful that she can create a moon field. Anyone who steps into it will freeze and suffocate to death. They have to wear a space suit to stay safe and sound." Shui. Li said warily.

"There is no need to be fierce and ruthless like those ninjas. Miss Lianwu just needs to live a good life..." Zhang Su was about to go to bed. Getting along with Miss Lianwu is like a dream, sweet and subtle.

At this time, Zhang Su already had many beautiful images of lotus mist in his heart, which he could not put away for a long time.

Is Miss Anyuan Lianwu so charming? Zhang Su asked himself.

I have to admit, yes, Miss Lianwu is really cute.

The next day.

Lian Wu woke up, and the sound of birdsong floated in from the outside, followed by Kati's whistle and the roar of the prisoners gathering.

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, and Lian Wu felt dizzy in the morning light.

She touched the horns on her head, eh? Gone!

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