Witch containment diary

Chapter 118 Large Insects Awakening

Youfa Lin is about to be awakened.

Xiaofeng's eyes were anxious, and Zhang Su didn't know what would happen. "Insect King" You Falin was a difficult witch. She should have fallen into a deep sleep and would not wake up until at least 4 years later.

"Is it necessary to wake her up?" Zhang Su asked.

"The Nine-Seat Council of Witches stipulates the rights of witches. Even the dangerous insect witches should move around healthily. Anxin Institute is strong enough to handle the trouble caused by Youfa Lin." Edith's tone was calm. And determined.

Edith only came for a short while and already started to teach An Yin. Zhang Su would rather let You Falin never have a dream than open her eyes.

Zhang Su is used to treating witches in stages.

The children and Kati are counted as the first phase, Yufa Lin, Akazawa Yoshio, and Larue are considered as the second phase, and the twenty-eight witches including Sayuri and Tomi are considered as the third phase.

In the second issue of Witches, Yufa Lin and Akazawa Yoshio both had the strength to break the position once.

But Youfa Lin's threat is much greater than Akasawa Yoshiyo!

Ten years ago, Edith defeated a large group of demons in the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees. After that, the sea of ​​​​trees became a forest filled with evil spirits, and no one dared to enter.

Youfa Lin then hid in it and cultivated the insect swarm.

She secretly infiltrated the surrounding areas of old Tokyo and captured humans to supplement genetic information and protein. In its heyday, it almost eroded the Sea of ​​Trees itself into a complete insect nest, and the dense forest was filled with the descendants of Youfa Lin.

However, once it attracted Edith's attention, she easily destroyed Youfalin's insect nest and slaughtered Youfalin's descendants, leaving only the thinnest little wasp behind!

Now this legendary insect witch will also wake up in Anxin Academy.

Edith put her hands behind her back and moved forward with dignity, without Zhang Su leading the way, as if she knew this place better than he did.

Kazama Yihuai fulfilled his duties and accompanied him. Zhang Su always wanted to say something, but realized that no matter what he said, he would be refuted by Kazama Yihuai.

[what to do? Mom...Mother is about to wake up...] Xiaofeng sent a message to Zhang Su mentally, looking uneasy.

[Don't be afraid, you are an independent witch now] Zhang Su thought to himself.

With the spiritual link, Zhang Su and Xiao Feng were almost synchronized in their thoughts. Even when Zhang Su was living in Anxinyuan these days, Xiao Feng could feel and understand Zhang Su's mind.

The spiritual compatibility between them is getting better and better, they are in harmony, there is an invisible line of communication in the air, and the soul is full of mysterious tacit understanding, as if one soul lives in two bodies.

Xiaofeng gradually synchronizes his mentality, and from then on tends to be close to Lianwu, hates Kazama Yihuai, is wary of Edith, and more importantly, bravely faces Youfa Lin.

And Zhang Su could also understand Xiaofeng's mood, that "sense of insignificance". He couldn't help but think of how insignificant he was under the canopy of the universe, and how insignificant a human life was in the infinite river of time!

Did it turn out that Xiaofeng has been living with this feeling of insignificance? Zhang Su has never had such a mentality.

[Although we are not strong enough yet, we are determined to pursue strength. This is enough, completely enough] Zhang Su looked at Xiaofeng.

[Yes, I already understand. When you think about it, I think about it the same way you do. Our hearts are so close, which gives me strength] Xiaofeng smiled weakly.

Taking a deep breath, Xiaofeng raised her hands to her chest, closed her eyes and silently cheered herself up.

Be brave, you are no longer a useless little insect.

In the midst of his thoughts, he arrived at Youfalin's coffin. This was the confinement room at the end of the prison cell equipped with mind-isolating paint.

Youfalin slept in the glass container, breathing evenly, but showing no reaction to any external stimulation.

"Is this the effect of the chemical mixture? How to wake up Youfa Lin?" Zhang Su asked.

Edith walked to the glass coffin.

"Wake up," Edith said.

Youfalin woke up from her deep sleep.

She opened her eyes, and without touching them with her hands, she psychically pushed the glass container away and stood up from it.

This is... Xiaofeng's mother, "Insect King" Youfa Lin.

"Are you sure? To wake up such a..." Zhang Su turned to look at Edith.

Edith's eyes were particularly calm, but Zhang Su detected some cruel meaning in them.

Edith wanted to see people bleed. Zhang Su thought of this in a daze. He was very familiar with Edith's entertainment methods.

Kazama Yihuai was holding a notebook in the back and standing straight.

He had no expression at all, which was probably what he would become after working with Edith for a long time.

"Don't worry, Zhang Su, I will have a good talk with You Falin." Edith said.

"Insect King" Youfalin stepped out of the glass container and stood on the concrete floor. Her presence was both majestic and elegant.

The clothes on her body changed rapidly, and Zhang Su knew that it was her living skin, woven from countless nano-worms.

In just a few seconds, the nano-bug swarm formed a close-fitting, noble-style robe on Youfalin, which perfectly complemented her temperament. This active garment is alive, breathing, and pulsating regularly.

The color of her skin also kept changing, eventually forming an eerie gray.

Immediately afterwards, only the sound of sharp objects was heard, and four long bone-like appendages stretched out from Youfa Lin's back.

Two of them supported her body downwards, allowing her to rise into the air immediately, while the other two were hanging high on both sides of her body, with the blades at the end pointing forward, as if they were ready to assassinate the enemy at any time.

"Edith." Youfa Lin said indifferently.

As she spoke, Zhang Su smelled a sweet smell, like fermented fruit.

"Your insect swarm has been destroyed." Edith raised her head, "You have been sleeping for a long time and have never seen how they were crushed one by one."

Youfa Lin exudes a spiritual pressure, and even if she wears a collar, this power is still powerful.

Zhang Su is ready, his luck injects energy into his discerning eyes and improves his eyesight.

Kazama Yihuai staggered when he was hit by the psychic wave. Zhang Su saw that he almost fell down, and his whole body looked like a plastic ruler that was almost broken.

"My delivery room still has the potential to conquer the world." The nano-insect skin on Youfalin's body surged and formed some golden ornaments.

Her appearance was like that of a fully enlarged, mature wasp, each organ more rounded.

"What's the use of having bugs? They will only give birth to more death." Edith said softly.

Zhang Su knew that Youfa Lin was very angry now. She was defeated before she fell asleep. When she woke up, she saw Edith and Kazama Yoshihuai, two enemies of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau. He also learned that the insect swarm had been killed. .

"...Humans...make the witch sick..." She frowned.

"This is your home, your shelter. Enjoy the rest of your life with Xiaofeng." Edith said calmly.

Zhang Su knew very well that the magic power of the "insect swarm" has its own unique rules. All insect swarms on the earth share a spiritual information network.

If Youfa Lin is killed, a strong sense of crisis will spread throughout the area, prompting 2 to 5 insect witches to directly break into new insect queens and multiply in large numbers, which is very difficult to handle.

Therefore, it would be better to keep Youfa Lin contained.

Now, Youfalin is obviously irritated, and she will not give up easily. The magic power of "insect swarm" represents an irreversible life reproduction process. As long as Youfalin finds the opportunity, she will give birth to millions of little ones. Bees are coming.

Xiaofeng sighed in the distance, and Youfalin glanced at Xiaofeng.

[Feed me, little bee] Youfalin ordered the little bee.

[Youfalin... Youfalin's mother...] Xiaofeng's heart was filled with confusion.

She almost walked over and fed herself to Youfa Lin as food. This is the meaning of the existence of wasps, the reserve food of the insect swarm!

Zhang Su walked to Xiaofeng, hoping to give her some comfort.

For the real insect king Youfa Lin, Xiaofeng is still too weak. And he has received the once-in-a-lifetime pheromone from Little Bee, and he needs to protect Little Bee.

"The insect swarm will never be destroyed." A golden tentacle stretched out from Youfa Lin's forehead.

They were originally close to Youfa Lin's face, but now they are stretched out, like a few worms or antennas, which look particularly weird.

"...Mom..." Xiaofeng tried hard to resist.

"Xiao Feng, you have grown up!" Zhang Su encouraged Xiao Feng.

Xiaofeng glanced at Zhang Su gratefully.

She gritted her teeth and raised her head to look at You Falin. You Falin's eyes changed and she looked at Zhang Su with hatred.

"...You! It was you who abducted the little bee, and you took her away from my swarm." Youfalin's tone sounded furious.

Edith has slaughtered all of Youfaline's descendants, leaving only a single seedling of the little bee. Now even the little bee rejects Youfaline!

Edith took a step back and watched with interest as the hatred between Zhang Su and Youfa Lin escalated.

It seems that this is the purpose of her coming.

Kazama Yihuai took a step back and picked up his notebook, ready to record Zhang Su's words and deeds. He glanced at Zhang Su, as if to say, "I'm looking at you."

If Zhang Su can't solve it properly, Kazama Yihuai will criticize him again.

Zhang Su frowned and thought, how to convince You Falin?

You FaLin is furious now. First she met Edith, the enemy who killed her whole family, and then she met Little Bee who lost control. She basically couldn't listen to reason.

...This guy Edith really gave herself a problem.

But then I thought about it, why did it seem like I was on the weak side after putting Edith and Kazama Yoshihuai through such a torment!

He is obviously the guardian of An'an Hospital, but he is still like a prisoner being interrogated!

How could he fall into Edith's scheme!

Zhang Su took a step forward and took out the Guanshi Pagoda.

"Youfa Lin!" Zhang Su slammed the stick to the ground and raised his voice angrily, "You are harming the world and causing evil. The Witch Countermeasure Bureau will spare your life. Instead of being grateful, you are making noise!"

Zhang Su's voice shook Youfa Lin.

You Falin looked at Zhang Su in surprise. As the "Insect King", she had never seen such an arrogant mortal!

"Granting you the honor of entering the abyss of my stomach and intestines." Youfalin showed a sinister smile on her face.

The living nano insect clothing flowed and changed extremely quickly on her body, and she changed her posture and entered a ferocious hunting state.

Cracks appeared above and below her eyes, and then each transformed into a pair of evil insect eyes, and her teeth turned into feeding mouthparts.

The swarm of insects manifests and devours everything!

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