Witch containment diary

Chapter 119 Things to be solved

Xiaofeng saw Youfalin's change and backed away in fear, her eyes red and tears flowing.

Eddie Si remained motionless, her eyes cold. Kazama Yihuai also distanced himself to avoid being affected.

The giant claws on Youfalin's back stretched down and embedded themselves into the concrete floor.

Along her spine, nanobugs gathered one after another, forming several vesicles that store strong acid and sepsis. They are special bugs that belong to the queen of the swarm. They are difficult to kill and have ever-changing uses.

Immediately afterwards, Youfa Lin screamed, swung the huge insect limb behind her, and stabbed Zhang Su hard!

Zhang Su tensed his muscles and held the Guanshi Pagoda, guarding against the coming heavy blow.

Open your eyes!

Concentrate your energy and use the power of the necklace to the second level.

Zhang Su instantly saw Youfa Lin's jagged sharp blade limbs. It accelerated in the air and stabbed directly at the top of Zhang Su's head!

Although the speed is fast, you can see clearly!

With the blessing of the treasure, Zhang Su accurately grasped the moment of attack and swung out the Guanshi Pagoda with great force.

It drew a tricky fan-shaped arc in the air and hit You Falin's forelimb instantly!



With a loud noise, Zhang Su swept across the Guanshi Pagoda with all his strength, and immediately defeated Youfa Lin's right forelimb.

With one blow, the entire blade was deflected to the opposite side, bent at a right angle, the shell was shattered, and translucent insect blood burst out from the crack!

From You Falin's perspective, her appendages were intercepted and interrupted by Zhang Su in the blink of an eye!

Her six eyes see accurately, so she is more alert.

Zhang Su is not only very ferocious, but his accuracy and reaction speed are also top-notch, far beyond ordinary people.

The right appendage had been interrupted, so she waved her left forelimb and attacked Zhang Su again!

Zhang Su used his reflexes honed in actual combat and quickly waved the Guanshi Pagoda, grabbing You Falin's left limb in response.

"You——" You Falin pushed her appendage hard, but found that she couldn't push Zhang Su.

It's like dealing with a mountain...

Youfa Lin not only relies on agility and precision, but also has extremely powerful strength, but she can't push Zhang Su!

After a few seconds of stalemate, Youfalin began to tremble, obviously at a disadvantage!

Zhang Su exerted force with his arms again, and his infinite muscular strength exploded, instantly flicking away You Falin's left appendage!

"Damn...!" She felt an overwhelming force coming towards her, causing her body to stagger, and the pair of sword legs that supported her body took two steps back!

Zhang Su moved the Guanshi Pagoda delicately in his hands, then jumped forward, then pushed the end of the stick forward, and then drew out the stick like a spear, and struck You Falin's chest with energy!


She screamed, and "righteousness" burst out from the end of the stick, blasting into You Falin's body and reverberating rapidly in her body!

Youfalin could no longer maintain her balance. Her huge body fell backwards and hit the ground hard!

The cysts on her back were crushed by her own weight, bursting out with dark green and deep purple pus!

A big break! Youfalin's head and hands hit the ground hard, and the four appendages behind her were also scratched, and her whole body could no longer maintain its ferocious state.

Completely defeated!

Zhang Su did not let go of You Falin, he rushed over and lifted You Falin up from the ground with both hands.

"Are you more honest now?" Zhang Su ordered.

"Hiss!" You Falin tried to spray venom at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su directly used his arms to throw You Falin away!

She was like a sandbag, being hit hard to the other side by Zhang Su!

Youfalin's body hit the concrete floor again. This time, even the proliferative appendages on her back that were used to support her body were broken. The sound of the chitin beetles cracking was extremely harsh!

"Are you honest?" Zhang Su went up to ask again.

"Hiss...hiss..." Youfalin was beaten brutally and let out a hoarse cry.

"Asking you!" Zhang Su said without politeness.

"Can we reconcile..." You Falin surrendered completely.

She had been beaten to the point of death, and she would not be able to withstand a few more punches.

"Control your food intake, abide by discipline, and listen to my words." Zhang Su ordered, and then let go of his hand, leaving You Falin lying on the ground panting.

The nanobugs on her body were greatly depleted, and now she was covered in blood, which made her look particularly miserable.

Kazama Yihuai nodded.

He felt that Zhang Su was quite powerful. Although the Insect King Youfa Lin was not at his peak, losing so quickly also showed how strong Zhang Su was.

"Zhang Su's ability is very..." Kazama Yihuai turned to look at Edith, a little surprised.

Edith? …

She raised the corners of her mouth and showed an ambiguous smile, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes seemed to be full of Zhang Su.

She raised her hand to adjust her tie gently, pursed her lips slightly, and she looked very wrong!

He felt that Zhang Su attracted Edith's attention. Was it true attention... or care?

The feeling of justice in Kazama is hard to describe.

Perhaps Zhang Su's existence is filling a certain gap in Edith's heart. Kazama Yihuai thinks.

Immediately afterwards, Edith's expression suddenly became dull and indifferent, as if the previous expression was deliberately performed.

"Mom..." Xiaofeng looked at You Falin's miserable state with fear, while at the same time looking at Zhang Su with reverence.

As expected, she was indeed the leader of the insect swarm she chose, and he defeated Youfa Lin easily!

Youfa Lin contracted her power, her six eyes closed, and when she opened them again, only two were left. The nanoworms retreated to the surface of the body and returned to her clothes, but they were too consumed in the battle. Now it can only be barely covered.

"This is the Witch Asylum of Anxinyuan, and you, You Falin, are one of our witch prisoners. You are not the 'Insect King', and Xiaofeng does not need to be your follower. She is an independent witch." Zhang Su Said coldly.

"..." Youfalin turned her head and looked at Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng looked at her mother stubbornly, and Youfalin knew now that she could no longer control Xiaofeng's mind.

"...Very good, the power she accumulated has been successfully consumed. She is hungry and is no longer a threat." Edith assessed indifferently.

Youfalin listened to Edith's comment unhappily, but what she said was true.

During her sleep, Youfa Lin instinctively cultivated and accumulated nanoworms, and her magic power circulated as usual.

However, just now, because she was beaten so badly by Zhang Su, Youfalin lost all her strength, which she had managed to accumulate while sleeping.

The current Youfa Lin might not even be able to defeat the little bee.

"It went well." Zhang Su wiped off the insect blood on his hands.

"So I say that An'in is fully capable of restraining and controlling Youfa Lin." Edith nodded.

"The rule is that the witch supervisor can use all means to contain and contain the witch. You have proven your strength, which I agree with." Kazama Yihuai said lightly, rarely giving Zhang Sugu a high evaluation.

Zhang Su nodded, thus temporarily containing Youfa Lin's potential threat.

However, further containment plans need to be formulated in the future. After all, Youfa Lin still carries psychic energy and nano bugs.

Youfa Lin fell into silence. For the witch who was determined to create a huge swarm of insects, this situation was tantamount to a desperate situation.

"I'm hungry," Edith announced.

"...Let's go, let's go eat." Zhang Su left.

Edith and Kazama Yihuai walked in the front, while Zhang Su and Xiaofeng walked in the middle.

Bee looked a little nervous.

"Youfalin can calm down for a while, but as long as she eats something, she will recover soon." Zhang Su thought about ways to properly contain Youfalin.

"Mother Youfa Lin... is so powerful... has stronger organs, psychic powers, and is more beautiful... the power to breed insect swarms... and nano bugs..." Bee murmured.

"The more powerful the better, because she is what you will become in the future." Zhang Suhu said.

"Eh?" Xiaofeng's heart skipped a beat. She also vaguely had such a dream, but after Zhang Su pointed it out, she felt very good.

"You will also summon nanobugs all over your body, mutate your own huge limbs, and have a large group of small wasps running around the ground. Use your spiritual energy to control them and become a respectable existence." Zhang Suchang thought.

Small wasps are easier to hatch. Dragon eggs still need to be retrieved from the hatching pool. One litter of small wasps can produce a large number.

Xiaofeng couldn't help but chuckle when she thought of this. Yes, she may have achieved more than Youfa Lin.

[Our children will spread all over the universe in the future, so you must feed me? ]

Xiaofeng looked at Zhang Su with wide eyes, her eyes full of love.

[One word is settled]

Xiaofeng nodded contentedly.

She turned around and saw Youfalin lying unnoticed at the door of the cell, and felt pity for her.

"I'll go back and see mom." Xiaofeng walked back.

"Go ahead and ask her to come for lunch. She will sleep, eat and work together with everyone, and she will soon be integrated into Anxinyuan." Zhang Su said.

Xiaofeng returned to the starting point, and she and the downcast You Falin looked at each other.

The four appendages on Youfalin's back have shrunk and can no longer support her walking. The insect witch needs a lot of food, and Youfalin hasn't eaten enough for a long time.

Xiaofeng felt amazing that now it was her mother's turn to starve. She had never thought of such a thing.

Although they have rejected the forced restraint, the relationship between mother and daughter still exists.

[…How is life in An’an Hospital? ] You Falin looked up at the little bee. She was very surprised by the evolution of the little bee. This was originally the smallest and thinnest little bee in the insect swarm, but now it has turned into a soldier insect.

[Very well, Mom, you can take care of the garden here with me. I guarantee that the garden will become the new home of the insects. ] Xiaofeng stretched out his hand.

You Falin was helped up by Xiaofeng. She felt embarrassed but also felt relieved. Even though she was in such a desperate situation, Xiaofeng still thought about her, which was great.

Back then, the wasp was insignificant and malnourished in the insect nest. Youfalin also let other insects eat the wasp's flesh.

"...After surviving the hardship, you will become a new queen." Youfalin murmured. She looked at the little bee with a smile. It was a blessing to see the little bug grow up.

Xiaofeng put her hand on Youfalin's face. Youfalin's eyes quickly changed from relief to fear. Xiaofeng soaked Youfalin's body surface with spiritual energy, and the nanobugs climbed up one after another and boarded Xiaofeng. skin.

"You, you—" You Falin couldn't believe it.

"You also said that I will become a new queen." Xiaofeng let go of her hand and walked out.

The captured nanobugs were coiled around her fingertips, completely surrendered.

On the other side, outside.

"The food in An'an Hospital must be very good." Edith smiled, "I can't wait. Zhang Su, can you cook?"

"Yes." Zhang Su said, "I'll get you some fried cocoons."

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