Witch containment diary

Chapter 120 Katie vs. Edith

Cooking is Zhang Su's hidden skill. Yuan Zhi stood on tiptoe on the stool to help cut vegetables. At the same time, he was startled when he saw Zhang Su bringing in a basin of something.

"Teacher - what is that?" Yuanzhi was surprised.

"Cocoon pupae are used for frying." Zhang Su was born in the land of White Mountain and Black Water. His family has the habit of eating fried silkworm pupae. He prepared some tussah pupae and wanted to keep them for himself, but since Edith and Kazama Yihuai came , he planned to show them his skills.

Yuan Zhi looked fearfully and saw that the basin was full of fresh, plump silkworm chrysalis. They were fully formed, quite hard, and had completed their growth.

Is this actually edible?

"Teacher...I...I'm scared!" Yuanzhi said.

"When you became a kitten, you ate it often, and you also ate things that were more outrageous than silkworm chrysalis. 'Hey, what is this? Eat it.' Silkworm chrysalis is much better, low in fat and high in protein, crunchy and crunchy." Zhang Su said.

"A kitten is a kitten..." Yuanzhi felt incredible!

Zhang Su first cleaned the silkworm chrysalis with tap water, moving gently to avoid crushing the silkworm chrysalis, then put cold oil in the pot, slowly fried the silkworm chrysalis until golden, and then stir-fried.

He added onions, ginger, garlic, green peppers, and chili shells, and turned the pot with one hand. The silkworm chrysalis rolled inside and made a rattling sound. The aroma was fragrant.

After frying, put it on the plate. There are big and fat silkworm chrysalis on the plate. Yuan Zhi smelled it and felt it was very fragrant, but when he saw the appearance of the silkworm chrysalis, he was scared away.

"Is there anything else?" Yuanzhi was worried that the guests would be scared away.

"Everything else is normal. Let's cut the potatoes." Zhang Su taught Yuanzhi to cut the potatoes into thin hob pieces.

After Yuan Zhi has cut the potatoes, Zhang Su adds cold oil to the pan and fry the potatoes to color them. Next, put the eggplant in the pot at high heat, and take it out after one minute in the hot oil. Finally, add the beans, stir-fry the potatoes and eggplant, add starch to thicken the sauce, sprinkle with minced garlic, and a pot of fragrant Di San Xian is ready.

His problem was that the kitchen knife was too small. It was fine for Yuan Zhi to use as a kitten kitchen utensil, but it was not convenient for Zhang Su to hold. It seemed that he would have to buy a larger kitchen knife.

Zhang Su went to the small animal farm and slaughtered a chicken. For the second dish, he made chicken stewed with mushrooms, adding some reserved dark soy sauce and star anise leaves for an authentic taste.

The third dish is the steaming sauerkraut stewed with vermicelli. It is made with local sauerkraut and stewed with vermicelli. Pork and chili are added. It is hot and appetizing.

From this, he prepared three large pots of vegetables and a plate of silkworm chrysalises, and then served them to Edith and the others.

Present at the table were Edith, Zhang Su, Kazama Yoshihuai, Katie, and Les Colin. The five of them are all official members of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau and have an establishment, which makes it more formal.

"?" Fengjian Yihuai saw the plate of golden fried silkworm chrysalises and looked up at Zhang Su, "You don't have to be so blatant if you want to murder us, right?"

"Come on, tell me, this is delicious. We all know that a cocoon is worth an egg." Zhang Su picked up a silkworm chrysalis and ate it.

Um! The outer shell is peppery and crispy, and the inside is fragrant and delicious. It is a rare delicacy.

"Perhaps the interior has been fused into chaotic proteins due to the metamorphosis and reproduction of insects..." Kazama Yihuai tried to take a silkworm chrysalis.

"In Provence, if a housewife forgets to collect dried cicadas in August, she will definitely blame herself for her carelessness." Lescolin picked up a silkworm chrysalis to try. Her hometown has the habit of eating fat snails.

Katie grabbed a handful of silkworm chrysalises and stuffed them into her mouth to gnaw on them. Her sharp teeth broke through the shell and devoured the tender meat. She could really taste the unique taste.

High in protein and delicious!

Edith looked at the chrysalis with a complicated expression.

"Eat, Director." Zhang Su invited with bad intentions. He rarely had the chance to see Edith look like this.

"...Come and have a drink." Edith said.

"The wine in Anxinyuan has been drunk." Zhang Su said.

"I still have it." Edith asked Kazama Yihuai to go to the car to get the wine.

They ate a few chopsticks. The flavored dishes made by Zhang Su were simple in appearance, but they were very filling, and the portions were large, enough to make them full.

After the food was over, Kazama Yihuai came with two boxes of foreign wine. It was quite hard on his body. Perhaps only Edith in the world could control him.

Did Edith come here specifically to drink? Zhang Su saw two large boxes of wine on the table.

nice one. Katie swallowed and looked at the wine. Several bottles of bourbon, a bottle of Gray Goose vodka, Hendrick's gin, Grand Marnier orange liqueur...these bottles were like screwdrivers, prying open Katie's memory of her love for wine.

Zhang Su knew that they would never return unless they were drunk this time.

The air is filled with the salty smell of food, and the dishes made by Zhang Su go well with both rice and wine.

He ate a big mouthful of rice, gave himself a big chicken drumstick, and then drank a big glass of wine. He was very generous and very satisfied with the meal.

Under the influence of strong alcohol, Zhang Su couldn't help but glance at Edith.

Her beautiful light golden eyes are particularly eye-catching. The thick eyelashes cover part of them, making it difficult to see clearly, but they enhance her beauty.

Next to Edith sat Kazama Yoshitaka, a teetotaler.

"If you don't drink, you won't give me face." Zhang Su filled a large glass for him.

"Drinking affects judgment." Kazama Yihuai's attitude was particularly cold, as if he didn't care about all the entertainment in the world.

If Zhang Su hadn't been very familiar with this person, he would have suspected that he was a precision machine.

Katie also likes to drink, and Lescolin sipped red wine.

Kazama Yihuai expressed his implicit contempt for these drinkers, and then he began to eat the three delicacies prepared by Zhang Su, tasting each dish slightly. The value of tasting was greater than satisfying his hunger.

Zhang Su noticed Kazama Yihuai's disdain, but in Edith's seductive company, he didn't feel disgusted, but felt relaxed.

He drank a few more drinks with Katie, and the alcohol made him feel warm all over.

Edith leaned slightly closer to Zhang Su, and the scent of her perfume flooded into his senses.

They had spent many days and nights... Zhang Su recalled that the memories of the past life were more charming under the reflection of the beautiful shadows of this life.

Time seemed to be melting away, blurring the status gap between Zhang Su and Edith. They were just sharing the joy of drinking together.

Zhang Su looked into Edith's eyes and was lost in her deep eyes.

He continued to move his chopsticks, and the taste of food flashed across his tongue. Edith in front of him was like an ever-changing painting, showing a new look from every angle.

Edith gave Zhang Su a suggestive smile, and he inevitably let himself fall into Edith's dangerous game. Zhang Su's pulse beat very fast, like a series of alarms.

After drinking for three rounds, Edith leaned closer, her dark red lips slightly opened.

"Have another drink, Mr. Supervisor." Edith poured wine for Zhang Su.

Zhang Su couldn't get drunk, but Edith could.

When their eyes met, they both knew each other's thoughts. When Edith put her hand on Zhang Su's, Zhang Su's whole body throbbed, and Edith seemed to have a strong magnetic force.

Edith stopped eating or drinking. She supported her chin with one hand and tilted her chin slightly, looking at Zhang Su with a cute and focused expression.

There was a lot of people outside the dining table, and other prisoners were also eating, but Edith's presence seemed to downplay the presence of other people, and what she did seemed to be trying to awaken something in Zhang Su. What was it specifically? Zhang Su didn't understand.

The slow Katie finally discovered the problem at the wine table. She took a sip of wine and turned around to see the eye contact between Edith and Zhang Su.

Katie gritted her teeth, that crazy Edith...

"Isn't anyone pouring wine for the director?" Katie stood up suddenly.

Before Edith could respond, Katie grabbed the bottle and filled both Edith's and Katie's own glasses.

Then Cady fixed her pupilless eyes on Edith in a silent challenge.

A knowing smile appeared on Edith's lips.

"What a good idea." Edith looked away from Zhang Su.

Edith raised her glass, and Katie's mouth twitched. She bumped the cup viciously against Edith's.

During this process, I kept eye contact with her from beginning to end, as if there was an invisible confrontation. Katie has many things to defend, including her feelings and her dignity.

The two women drank deeply.

Edith also stood up, and they competed against each other. Cady kept filling Edith's and her glasses, determined to fill Edith's face. Edith's face was getting redder and redder, but her eyes were still penetrating.

Katie was furious, and her thoughts were swirling with alcohol. She was no ordinary witch, she was one of the true dragons.

They competed in drinking, Zhang Su also poured wine for himself, Les Corrin sipped red wine, but Kazama Yihuai remained motionless.

"Are you really a teetotaler?" He drank a glass and looked at Fengjian Yihuai again.

"When I was very young, my father came back from a drinking party." Kazama Yihuai held an empty glass with his fingers, as if he was deep in thought. "He looked at me with a reluctant expression, as if he wanted to protect him in front of his son. Dignity is the same as honor. He said in a weak voice, 'Bring a basin.' I brought a basin, and then he kept vomiting blood, vomiting blood... He died the next day. So I will not touch the wine. Sakano Very poisonous."

"Temperance is the antidote." Zhang Su felt that the wine he just drank was particularly spicy.

At this time, Edith and Katie drank one glass after another until the winner was decided.

...Edith fell on the table, Katie won!

"I-" Katie burped and felt her temples beating hard.

A warm tingling sensation spread from Katie's heart, then to her limbs, and the wounds of drunkenness began to torment her sanity.

Everything was spinning.

"I won -! I defeated Director Edith...I am invincible!" Katie felt her voice becoming increasingly blurry. She tried to raise her hand, but she could no longer move her hand in a straight line.

Drunkenness is also the weakness of beasts. In mythology, beasts are often hunted after being drunk. Katie felt that her body was soft and soft, like a stuffed doll.

Then, it was as if there was a big pendulum in front of her, pulling Katie forward.

"I won—" Katie's elbows hit the table hard, and she let out a low roar.

With an almost dragonish roar and drunken muttering, Katie fell asleep on the table.

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