Witch containment diary

Chapter 121 Yuehuaji’s shock

"I'll take her to rest." Zhang Su helped Katie away.

She leaned against Zhang Su in a daze.

After drinking for a few hours, the others had already eaten and gone back to work. Before others saw him, Zhang Su sent Katie back to the Discipline Tower.

Katie lay on her treasure trove of firearms.

She was dazed, stretched out her hand to grab Zhang Su, and lingered on his arm with her fingers.

Longing, intimacy, and more of a feeling of being away from each other.

"Hug me..." Katie whispered.

Zhang Su had never seen Katie like this.

How could he leave Kati at a time like this? Zhang Su sat next to her and kept her company.

"Why did you drink so much?" Zhang Su asked.

Katie grabbed Zhang Su with her fingers, again and again.

At this time, he felt how terrifying Edith's sense of manipulation was. Only when he was with Katie did he feel truly at ease, with her nestled in Zhang Su's arms.

At this time, Katie lazily opened her arms and rested her head on Zhang Su's chest. She also turned her ears to listen to Zhang Su's heartbeat, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

"Don't leave..." Katie muttered. She burped again, her skin feeling hot.

Zhang Su felt distressed and funny, but still comforted and took care of Katie.

"Don't drink so much in the future." Zhang Su said, "I won't be seduced by Edith."

"Really?" Katie relaxed, letting her body become heavier and heavier.

Zhang Su kissed her on the forehead and found that Katie had fallen asleep.

On the other side, in the restaurant, Edith, who was still drunk, sat up straight after Zhang Su and Katie left.

Her face returned to calmness, the kind of calm that had erased all emotions, without any trace of drunkenness at all.

"...Ms. Edith, are you not drunk at all?" Lescorin cleared the table.

"Why do you think I'm drunk?" Edith asked in a relaxed tone.

Lescolin nodded and took the table full of tableware to the kitchen to clean.

Kazama Yihuai sat at the table coldly.

"Even so, I still don't recommend that you get too close to Zhang Su." He said.

"What are you jealous of? Xiaofengjian?" Edith stood up, "I'll find a room for us to rest in."


Lianwu wanted to see if she would become a monster again, so she went outside for a walk.

She raised her head and stared at the moon. Ten days had passed since the last full moon, and the last quarter moon was high in the eastern sky. An's courtyard fell into silence, and the breeze ruffled her hairband.


She felt a little pain in her head. After a while, she saw that her body was covered with the silver light of the moon, her horns grew back, and her skin became as pale as snow. Sure enough, if she wandered around at night, she would become like this, and then turn into the moon again. Hua Lian was confused.

The trampling of leather shoes broke the silence. Lian Wu turned around and saw a figure wearing a coat, with slim curves visible in the moonlight.

"Miss Edith...it's so late..." Lian Wu bowed to Edith cautiously.

"You too, are you still out so late, do you like the moonlight?" There was a hint of amusement in Edith's sweet voice.

"I..." Lianwu's body tensed up.

"Don't be too nervous." Edith stepped forward and touched the horns growing out of Lianwu's head. "Family inheritance is inevitable. We all have our own secrets, don't we?"

The curved horns illuminated by the moonlight on her head were evidence of blood. Lian Wu was silent.

Yes, Yuehuaji's secret, this should be left in An'an, buried in fear and shame from generation to generation.

Her greatest wish is to solve her ancestor's problems once and for all, so that many of the heavy responsibilities will disappear.

"It is said that a witch who has broken the throne 9 times will become a 'god' after the 10th successful break. That power is enough to defeat all demons." Edith said.

"..." Lian Wu shook her head. In the current world, the most powerful witch has only been defeated 9 times. It is too difficult to break the throne for the 10th time.

"Yuehuaji is an existence that is very close to the form of the 'Moon God'. Having inherited this 'divine blood', she has the greatest potential to become the savior of our world in the future. I am very happy that you are willing to stay in Anxin Academy and slowly refine yourself. The magic power." Edith looked at Lian Wu.

"...!" Lian Wu only felt scared. She didn't want this twisted power, and the terrifying face of Yuehuaji flashed through her mind, as well as the countless ancestors buried at her feet.

"Don't be afraid," said Edith.

For some reason, when Edith said it, the fear in Lian Wu's heart disappeared and she blinked.

"!" Lianwu felt the strong magic power and Yuehuaji's moonlight blood.

"You who were protected and saved by others may be able to protect and save everyone in the future." Edith's fingers brushed across Lian Wu's cheek, "Is there anyone you want to protect?"

Lian Wu nodded and thought of Zhang Su. Although she is just a little Lianwu now, she will become more powerful in the future, and she might even have the opportunity to protect Zhang Su! She couldn't help but smile when she thought of this.

During this process, Edith always stared into Lian Wu's eyes.

Soon, a half-smiling expression appeared on her face, and then she left.

The next day.

After the drunken incident, Cady continued to monitor Edith. And Edith just walked, read, and worked as usual every day, focusing on her own affairs.

Kazama Yihuai wanted to check Yuehuaji's accommodation status, so Zhang Su went with him to the secret underground palace of Anxinyuan.

Use the director's badge to open the spiral staircase, and the two of them go in together and head to the corridor.

There are also some attached rooms on both sides of the corridor, which were used by the ancestors of Anxinyuan for funerals, makeup, and preparation of ritual props. They are quite gloomy and make you feel uncomfortable walking around.

Lianwu's maternal predecessors may show signs of returning to their ancestors, with their skin turning white and horns growing on their heads... Zhang Su secretly thought. Perhaps it is for this reason that they are willing to stay here for the rest of their lives to avoid being treated as aliens.

Kazama Yihuai was holding a flashlight. His short stature and gloomy expression reminded Zhang Su of some kind of moving stone statue. His presence here always made Zhang Su feel uncomfortable.

Arriving at the underground secret cave, countless sealing yellow talismans hang from the top of the cave-like room, blocking any light and being 10 meters away from the ground.

The cave structure was originally made of rock and soil, but was later transformed into an alloy frame by the Human Defense Project.

The air was cold, giving them goosebumps. Kazama Yihuai took a few steps forward. Although he was trying to restrain himself, he was still trembling a little.

"The seal looks intact." He looked up at Yuehuaji. The huge Yuehuaji was An Yin's eternal nightmare. She was sleeping with her arms shackled.

Many electronic chains penetrated directly into her cerebral cortex, monitoring Yuehuaji's physiological signs.

Her broad mind rose and fell slightly with her breathing in front of Zhang Su,

Yuehuaji is still alive. A witch who has broken through the Moon Path 9 times is only one step away from becoming the God of Witches. A witch of this level is almost immortal.

"It's best to stay away from Edith." Kazama Yihuai suddenly said this, which made Zhang Su feel a little confused.

"What? Chatting in front of Yuehua Ji?" Zhang Su raised his head.

"Not even Edith's power can touch this place, because Yuehuaji's energy is too powerful and disrupts her observation." Kazama Yihuai raised his head.

"Do you think Edith is a threat?" Zhang Su couldn't help but ask.

Kazama Yihuai has been with Edith for a longer period of time, for a full 10 years. He is the oldest senior supervisor. Although he is much weaker than others in age and physique, his status is particularly special.

"More than just a threat, with Edith's power, if she joins the Hell side, what do you think our fate will be?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"Edis cannot be measured." Zhang Su could see people's memory lines, but he couldn't see Edith's.

"I remind you that one day you will be caught by Edith and eaten clean." Kazama Yihuai turned around, "But no matter how deep you sink, you must seize every opportunity to crawl back."

"Why are you sure I will be captured by Edith?" Zhang Su asked.

Kazama Yihuai took a deep breath.

"Your credibility is too strong." Kazama Yihuai said.

"As a man, you have credibility. Don't you have credibility?" Zhang Su asked.

"I can solve it myself." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Go find a wife! Don't tell me you can't find one. Even if you are a little short, if you show your annual salary, there will be more people paying you back." Zhang Su said.

"My lover is the Human Defense Plan." Kazama Yoshihuai said frankly.

"Can the Human Defense Plan satisfy your credibility? So are you directing it or what?" Zhang Su questioned.

"As long as I see us defeating demons again and again, I will feel satisfied." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

Suddenly, Yuehuaji's huge eyes slowly opened, and a purple light shone on them.

She stared at Zhang Su and Fengjian Yihuai indifferently. Judging from her scale, these two people were as small as ants.

The decaying air became heavier and heavier, as if it suddenly had its own weight.

Zhang Su immediately looked at the intricate protective mechanisms to ensure that they were intact and sufficient to contain Yuehuaji's actions.

Next to him, Kazama Yihuai quickly put his hand on his pocket, wondering what life-saving trump card he had hidden.

But Yue Huaji just kept her eyes open and made no additional movements.

"...Don't worry, the seal is intact..." Zhang Su looked solemn, "Maybe it's just a biological stress reaction."

"Yes." Kazama Yihuai judged after a moment, "Yuehuaji is still in a deep sleep."

Even so, they all retreated in unison.

Yuehuaji is one of the few powerful people who has the potential to become the true witch god. Just thinking of this, Zhang Su feels that he cannot be neglected.

Soon, Yuehuaji's eyelids gradually lowered and returned to a deep sleep, as if nothing had happened.

Returning to the dark corridor of the underground palace outside, Zhang Su and Fengjian Yihuai walked side by side.

"You actually make a noise in a place like that." Kazama Yihuai said.

"It was you who started the dispute." Zhang Su said.

"I kindly point out the risks." Kazama Yihuai said coldly.

Zhang Su understood. Only there, Kazama Yihuai can hint at Edith's doubts.

"I know you are very experienced and capable, but please believe that I have the ability to manage Anxin Home and the means to deal with Edith." Zhang Su took a deep breath and tried his best to control his expression.

"You may be trustworthy, but it is very different from what I expected. You could have done better. It would be great if I had your conditions." Kazama Yihuai raised his head.

"... If I were a senior supervisor at your level, I could do more. I could do a lot of things, many earth-shattering things... The resources I have on hand can be a thousand times more generous." Zhang Su shook his head.

"You are not the only one working hard in this world." Kazama Yihuai said.

"No matter, let's go quickly. If Edith sees the two of us like this, she will laugh at us severely." Zhang Su quickened his pace.

"Definitely." Kazama Yihuai sighed.

They stopped in unison, because Edith suddenly appeared at the end of the underground palace, like a ghost.

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