Witch containment diary

Chapter 122: Specimen Crisis

With Edith in front of him and Yuehua Ji behind him, Zhang Su only felt that his chest and back were equally cold.

"Your Highness Edith." Kazama Yihuai took a step forward.

"Director." Zhang Su greeted briefly.

"Are you okay?" Edith's expression was cold, not as tender as before when she was drinking.

"Very good, we are going to check the details of the seal." Zhang Su said.

"Zhang Su's contempt for the containment work caused Yuehuaji to suffer a micro-loss of control risk, which was manifested by opening her eyes." Kazama Yihuai said loudly.

"It was Fengjian Yihuai who inexplicably stimulated her and me." Zhang Su shook his head.

"You may find each other intolerable, but you are the few available people under my command." Edith said, "I don't want you to fight over details anymore, let's go."

Based on Zhang Su's experience, this kind of thing will happen a million times.

"Anxinyuan has many management oversights. It's hard to imagine that this is the place where Yuehua Princess was sealed." Kazama Yihuai walked up the spiral staircase.

"Zhang Su is fully capable of controlling Yuehua Ji." Eddie refuted Kazama Yihuai without mercy, "I don't need to repeat what I just said."

A rare embarrassment appeared on Fengjian Yihuai's face. Just seeing this scene made Zhang Su feel that everything today was worth it.

"Yes." Kazama Yihuai said quickly.

Yuehuaji has been sleeping for thousands of years, and even the Witch Countermeasure Bureau doesn't know when she started to accept the seal. From this level of deep sleep, it is impossible to wake her up unless Anxin Academy is breached.

Arriving at the ancient shrine above the tunnel, Edith left quickly, as mysteriously as when she came.

Kazama Yihuai was not in a hurry to leave.

The shrine was used to worship Princess Tsukika in ancient times, but it is now abandoned. Kazama Yoshihuai carefully inspected the worn wood on the altar, as if he had paid special attention to it.

"These artifacts are already part of Anxinyuan and have not been changed since ancient times. What do you expect to find?" Zhang Su asked.

Kazama Yoshihuai raised his head and pointed to the attic of the shrine.

"Have you been up there?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"Never." Zhang Su had never been to the attic of the shrine in his two lives. It was a useless place.

"I want to go up and have a look." Fengjian Yihuai raised his head and asked Zhang Su to bring him a ladder.

"I'm not a worker." Zhang Su was too lazy to help Fengjian Yihuai.

Kazama Yihuai then went to move the ladder himself.

He moved a rotten wooden ladder from the wall and raised it to the entrance to the attic high up.

"I remind you, this ladder has signs of use." Kazama Yihuai said.

Only then did Zhang Su notice the traces of trampling on the ladder.

I don’t know whose shoes have been trampled on, making small dents in the thick dust on the ladder. Judging from the traces, the other party has climbed up and down more than once, and the dust on both sides of the ladder has also been grabbed, Marks of friction.

who? Who has been climbing the ladder into the attic of the shrine?

Kazama Yihuai climbed up, and his figure disappeared deep into the dark attic.

Then Zhang Su heard a cry.

"Zhang Su! Come up and take a look at these things!" he shouted.

Zhang Su frowned and climbed up quickly.

The attic space was so narrow that he could only bend down, and Kazama Yihuai used his mobile phone light to illuminate it.

I saw that the debris originally piled in the attic had been moved aside and replaced by layers of rocks and wood blocks, stacked like a pyramid.

Hundreds of specimens of insects and frogs rest against these stones, including brightly colored butterflies, beetles with sturdy shells, as well as different Coleoptera, beetles, ladybugs, scarabs, and animals that Zhang Su cannot name.

The most terrifying thing is the frogs. They have all been skinned and carefully preserved on fixed branch crosses, each one larger than the last.

Even more terrifying are the spiders and centipedes in glass jars, which were probably drowned.


Zhang Su's heart skipped a beat, thinking of Lian Yang's collecting hobby.

He could imagine how she made insect specimens and then hid them in a place where Zhang Su couldn't find them. She must have taken great pains to choose such a hidden place!

She asked others to catch a lot of bugs during the bug-catching competition, and then she collected them and sent them to the hidden space above the shrine.

Here Reio spent hours contemplating the death of insects and frogs, crafting bright butterflies into peaceful symbols of death.

...She will also stare at them with cold, curious and cruel eyes, watching how they slowly die.

Everything is hidden in the attic of the shrine, where no one will come.

Reio's mother was shot for murder and hid many corpses in her home before her arrest. Reio may have developed a hobby of appreciating death at that time.

"Do you want to explain? There are so many bugs." Kazama Yihuai's tone was half gloating and half pity.

Zhang Su paused and thought quickly.

He had thought about making up some stories, but Kazama Yoshihuai was incredibly perceptive and he would probably see through the lies.

Zhang Su couldn't let Lian Yang suffer the humiliation of being questioned at this age.

He had no choice but to meet Fengjian Yihuai's cold and shrewd eyes in person.

"It's mine, Fengjian..." Zhang Su shrugged, "My collection, studying insects will make me feel calm, really. High concentration, steady hands..."

"Then when I want to move the ladder, you won't react like that. Admit it, you know nothing about this place." Kazama Yihuai said.

"My fault, I should have written it in my daily report. The collection of specimens is increasing and a dedicated space is needed. The unused shrine attic is suitable. I pretend to be ignorant, just to dispel your suspicions. , but you are still as serious as ever. This is not illegal." Zhang Su said.

"But this proves that you have a psychological problem. Come with me." Kazama Yihuai pointed to the ladder, "Go down now."

Zhang Su had to protect Lian Yang, at least so that she would be less stimulated, and he climbed down the wooden ladder.

"I still don't know what my insect collection is doing to you." Zhang Su said.

He hopes Kazama Yoshihuai leaves as soon as possible. If Kazama Yoshihuai looks carefully, he will realize the amateur nature of these collections.

Although the collection is substantial, the nailing and labeling are crude and the age of the maker is apparent.

"..." Kazama Yihuai took out a plastic bag and put several specimens in his hand as evidence.

Then Kazama Yihuai came outside the shrine and walked out without saying a word.

Zhang Su thought he would take credit from Edith and talk about how cruel, cunning and insidious Zhang Su was, as well as his habit of hiding bugs.

but no.

Kazama Yihuai didn't even look at Edith, but walked to the Anxin Academy building on his own.

"What's he holding?" Edith asked.

"Insects." Zhang Su followed.

He didn't know what Kazama Yihuai was going to do this time. The other person had keen eyesight and was meticulous. No matter what he wanted to do, he was annoying.

Kazama Yihuai walked into the class.

Mrs. Reina was explaining phonetic notation to the children, and Kazama Yoshihuai cleared her throat at the door.

"If anyone has seen or knows about these things, please tell me." Kazama Yihuai raised the specimen in his hand to the children.

"I'm sorry...this is..." Mrs. Rena observed and couldn't help but feel horrified.

"Eh?" Hayho looked up, "What!"

On a found piece of foam board, a colorful butterfly is pinned with needles, tape and branches. There is also a skinned frog.

Kazama Yihuai's eyes swept over the children's faces. Reion, Saho, Muroka, Enori, Natsuki... tried to see the clues.

"Children don't know how to make these things," said Mrs. Reina.

"I never did it, I only caught it," said Saho.

"Scary!" Natsuki and Yuanzhi were scared. Muroka couldn't see that Mayumi was studying in the library next door.

"It's something I haven't seen before." Lian Yang remained calm.

"I hope so." Kazama Yihuai nodded, and he looked at the children again, "——I repeat, who among you has seen or knows these insect specimens?"

He would not be stupid enough to believe that people like Zhang Su would catch bugs and make specimens of these exotic bugs.

Zhang Su's nature is to protect them!

He knew at a glance that these bugs must be related to a certain child here, and Zhang Su just wanted to protect one of them.

Who are you trying to protect? Early ear? Or Reio?

In any case, Zhang Su's natural reaction made Kazama Yihuai feel amazing. This man is really cheerful, he would rather defile himself than involve children.

Kazama Yihuai just wants to know.

Are these young witches willing to stand up for Zhang Su? Do you want to be an honest child?

"I don't want to punish you. I am a member of the supervision team. The focus of this inspection of Anxinyuan is to check your character and upbringing. Please be more conscious." Kazama Yihuai said.

He looked at them.

Murohua's mother was a deserter from the Hell's Gate in Hokkaido, causing heavy losses.

Yuan Zhi's mother "evil beast" was stained with the blood of millions of people.

Reio's mother is a serial murderer in Neo-Tokyo.

Hayao's mother, the Shadow Witch, tore apart the Gate of Hell on Mount Kaguraku, causing it to remain closed to this day.

Natsuki's mother Pateshia was bewitched by the devil, betrayed humanity, and spread the power of the sun to her own troops, causing tragedy. Later, she defected to the hell camp.

Their mothers have all committed serious crimes. Kazama Yihuai has been working for more than ten years and is aware of all kinds of evils. He only hoped that the witch's children might have upright character!

Kazama Yoshihuai believes that witches are cruel and selfish in nature, but - let good things happen, one of them must stand up!

For a long time, no one responded, no one acknowledged... They looked at each other, and the atmosphere was stiff.

So Kazama Yihuai held the specimen in his arms and hurried away.

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