Witch containment diary

Chapter 125 New life for all members

They regrouped and returned to the office, where Kazama Yihuai was reading the disciplinary code to Zhang Su.

Since taking over Anxinyuan, Zhang Su has done many earth-shaking things and won everyone's trust. Will all his efforts be ruined by Kazama Yihuai?

Lian Yang took a deep breath.

I won't sit back and watch this happen!

"You." Lian Yang raised her hand, "leave the teacher quickly."

Seeing Lian Yang, Zhang Su's heart skipped a beat.

Fengjian Yihuai turned his head.

"What do you want to do?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"Didn't you ask who lost those specimens? Actually, they are mine." Lian Yang walked forward as if nothing had happened and stood in front of Kazama Yihuai.

Kazama Yihuai felt that she was so tall.

"Zhang Su said it was his." Fengjian Yihuai hesitated.

"The teacher is just protecting me. I made the specimen." Lianyang said.

"Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, he is mine." Zhang Su emphasized.

Lian Yang walked to Zhang Su. She stood upright and put one hand on Zhang Su's shoulder, as if she wanted to get his approval.

"No, it's mine. I know I shouldn't have piled the specimens in that room, please don't punish our teacher because of my stupidity!" Reiyo said.

There was a strength in her voice that moved Zhang Su.

"I understand." Kazama Yihuai said thoughtfully, "Arrogant, self-righteous and reckless little witch."

"Don't say that." Zhang Su said in a deep voice.

"Then how would you describe her?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

Zhang Su cleared his throat.

"Lian Yang is the smartest child I have ever seen. She is kind-hearted, reserved and elegant by nature. There are not many girls at this age who can be as good as her. She knows what she should do and what she can do. She is naturally pursuing Beautiful, just like many of us who are dedicated to the truth, Lianyang's pursuit is 'pure beauty'. She has the talent to discover beauty. For this reason alone, I will not tolerate 'arrogance', 'self-righteousness' and 'rashness'. These words describe her." Zhang Su said loudly.

Lian Yang's body felt hot. She never thought that Zhang Su would praise her like this.

Her face turned red, and she turned to look carefully at Zhang Su's unwavering expression, knowing that he was not joking.

Lian Yang knew that she was an annoying and vain person, but Zhang Su's words really warmed her heart.

She took a deep breath, breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Kazama Yihuai, waiting for his final judgment.

"But...why would a child want so many specimens? Why would he take the moments of their death and nail them to the wooden board?" Kazama Yihuai said sharply.

"You have already taken all my specimens, just these few, why make a fuss." Lian Yang glanced at the evidence in the plastic bag in Kazama Yihuai's hand.

"More than that! You have too many 'collections', not just these." Kazama Yihuai reminded.

"Yeah, in the attic of the shrine, that's all I have. Do you think it's a lot? Why?" Reiyang asked.

"Let's go." Kazama Yihuai left with a cold face, "Why didn't you admit it before?"

"I just suspect that you are a thief and I am thinking about how to report you." Lian Yang said.

"What have you done?" Zhang Su felt amazing.

The little one seems to be doing great things together so he doesn't have to fill out all the materials he has on hand.

"It's not enough for outsiders!" Hayho shook his head and moved forward with his hands behind his back, "I will keep doing it in the future."

Return to the shrine.

Kazama Yihuai climbed the ladder to the attic and looked around.

There is nothing here.

Everything was gone, but the residual warmth of magic lingered in the air.

Kazama Yihuai realized that the little witches had done a lot of work behind the scenes. Just when he was torturing Zhang Su, they cleaned up the insect specimens, dead frogs, and glass jars. The previous horrific dead materials were gone. .

He wiped the ground with his fingers. Even though they cleaned it carefully, there was still ash.

Sure enough, they are still very cunning...these little witches in Anyuan. Kazama Yihuai sighed. However, it was not a selfish act, but a desire to help Zhang Su get out of trouble.

Perhaps this can prove that they are not hopeless. On the contrary, they may all love Anxin Hospital and support Zhang Su deep in their hearts.

He climbed down.

"Look, there's nothing on it. I think there must be something wrong. I only made a few insect specimens. Is it worth writing about?" Lian Yang asked.

"...Then...no problem." Kazama Yihuai said.

There is no need to keep struggling, Kazama Yihuai has already understood the attitude of everyone in Anxinyuan, and he feels like an uninvited guest who has broken into the paradise. Lianyang, who made the death specimen, may have psychological problems, but Zhang Su should be able to solve them.

Hayao made a face at Kazama Yoshikaei. dwarf! Feng Jianyi took it calmly.

"Huh?" Lian Yang asked, "Won't you drive the teacher away?"

"If I had the chance to drive him away, I would drive him away in the first second. He is a big problem. Remember my words: Be careful with Zhang Su." Kazama Yihuai said.

"You kid..." Zhang Su frowned.

"How could a rough guy like you nail a butterfly so beautifully? Lian, how long did it take to make this specimen?" Kazama Yoshihuai showed the colorful butterfly specimen.

"Seven days." Lian Yang said easily.

"It's too difficult for Zhang Su to sit in the same place polishing things for seven days." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Then you are still struggling for so long." Zhang Su felt puzzled.

"I will not wrong anyone." Kazama Yihuai said lightly, "On the other hand, I just want to see who the person you are trying your best to protect is."

She... was being protected by her teacher... Reiyang couldn't help but feel touched in her heart when she thought of this concept.

Ever since her mother was shot, Reio has always felt abandoned by the world. She sculpted the death of insects and fantasized about her own death, feeling the illusion of slowly sinking in the deep sea.

She felt the light now, maybe she was no longer the forgotten child.

Is this the sincerity of the teacher? She turned to look at Zhang Su. Zhang Su's conscious intention is to protect everyone in An'an Hospital, including Lian Yang.

"...Okay, Kazama Yihuai," Zhang Su said, "You have caused enough trouble to Anxinyuan these days. I think it's time for the supervision to come to an end."

"I have one last thing to say to Edith." Kazama Yihuai left.

Seeing that Fengjian Yihuai was gone, Lian Yang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but turned around to see Zhang Su's stern eyes.

"...How dare you go to the shrine? Aren't you afraid of danger?" Zhang Su lowered his voice, "Do you know who is locked up in this place?"

"I don't know..." Lian Yang shook her head shyly, "But teacher, why do you have to stand up for me...! I... I can do it myself..."

"Because I know you are too sensitive! You must be more generous in the future." Zhang Su climbed up to take a look and found that all the specimens were destroyed, and the "evidence" disappeared. He could not imagine how much the children had paid in this.

It was too reckless, and it was certainly not a smart idea, but it was the only way they could think of.

He returned to the ground.

"...Speaking of which, the insects are gone. Are you sad? Lian Yang, don't you want to collect records of insects in Anxin Institute?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's okay." Lian Yang smiled and looked around, "Come with me."

They went to Anshin Academy's school building, and Reio took out a sketchbook from her cabinet.

She opened the sketchbook and drew page after page with concentrated strokes, filling them with things she observed - tentacles, insect shells, frog muscles, veins as thin as cicada wings, butterfly patterns, each specimen All paintings are treasures.

"The 'big collection' has not been completely destroyed." Reiyo stared at each page of her paintings. Since she discovered that the physical collection is easy to perish, she has added records in the painting book.

Zhang Su looked at those paintings. They recorded the death of insects, recording a kind of sadness and poignancy. Lian Yang painted them in great detail, restoring the regret of the withering of life. Such a picture album with the theme of "death", It looks so solemn and solemn.

Lian Yang is still the same as he remembered, an expert in discovering "beauty". In the future, she will continue to grow, outline people's hearts, and open up her own life course.

"So beautiful! Senior!" Hayho stood on tiptoes, "We also drove away the bad guys!"

"Teacher, there's no need to leave!" Xia Xi hugged Zhang Su's leg with a bright smile.

Reio unconsciously showed a cheerful smile.

Seeing Lian Yang's smile, Zhang Su also breathed a sigh of relief.

Lian Yang had always been reserved and looked very quiet and dignified. Zhang Su hadn't seen her smile like this from the bottom of her heart for a long time.

It feels so good, this pot is not in vain.

Outside, Zhang Su saw Edith already waiting for him.

"Yoshihuai Kazama just told me that you have many problems with the management of Anxin Home. You can only rate it 59 points. You should be removed from your position as guardian of Anxin Home." Edith said.

"I hope not." Zhang Su said.

"Of course not," Edith chuckled, "I'll give you 100 points, with an average of 79.5. You can continue to work at Anxin Hospital."

"Thank you very much, Director." Zhang Su said hurriedly.

Edith handed a letter to Zhang Su, then turned and left.

"Ah - what is that!" Hayho asked on the stairs.

"Let's take a look..." Zhang Su opened the letter and read it carefully, his expression suddenly changed.

"What's the matter?" Hayho was confused.

"Do you want to go to New Tokyo?" Zhang Su said softly.

Zaosui rushed over and jumped into Zhang Su's arms.

"Let's go now!" she shouted.

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