Witch containment diary

Chapter 126 Plan to go to New Tokyo

"That day, when I gave you the first class, didn't you ask me if I could go to a big city to see it? Now, it's really possible." Zhang Su took out the special transfer order in the letter, and the children all got 14 days of vacation.

"Um, um... Let's go to New Tokyo! Go to the capital! That's great -" Hayho let out an exaggerated laugh, almost jumping to the sky.

Zhang Su went to the door to say goodbye to Edith and Fengjian Yihuai.

"Leaving so soon? I will miss you!" Roy said goodbye to them.

Katie folded her arms and said nothing.

"This mountain forest is a good place for you to fly freely." Edith stretched her hands to Katie's neck and untied her chain forever.

Katie took a deep breath, and the vertical pupils of a lizard reappeared in her dark yellow eyes. Her magic power could finally flow freely, like a vortex, and the dragon's spirit surged in her body.

"Why?" Katie stared at Edith.

"Because you are needed in the great war against the devil, your memory has recovered a lot. Maybe Zhang Su helped you at some point. He seems to have made a lot of efforts for you... a trapped beast." Eddie Silk's hands ran through Katie's delicately braided hair.

Katie was howling and ignorant for a time, suffocating in the blood of memory. But now she has sharp eyes, trying to master the world again, treating the earth as if it were a creature crawling under her claws.

Faced with Edith's words, Katie just snorted lowly. An'in Hospital and even the small islands of Dongming were too small territory for a real dragon. Her ambitions followed the growth of the dragon eggs in her belly. The gestation process increases day by day.

"Zhang Su is here..." Fengjian Yihuai looked up and saw Zhang Su approaching. Even in the face of all kinds of difficulties Fengjian Yihuai put in his way, Zhang Su would never give in.

"Don't let you lead the team next time." Zhang Su said.

"I have to know the current situation of Anxinyuan, but now after supervising them, I generally understand that you are too indulgent to them. No matter how pretentious you are, the first essence of Anxinyuan is a witch asylum, controlling all those who may be evil and depraved. Witch. But you seem to think that every witch has the value of saving." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"Of course the witch has the value of saving." Zhang Su said.

"You have been on the front line against demons. I have also seen the demon portal opening directly from the sky above Busan City. Tens of millions of demons are squeezing each other and falling into the streets. Now they are still planning the next invasion, waiting to conquer and destroy and massacre, the human defense plan is exhausted. Several demon wars have proven that the Witch Countermeasure Bureau must restrain the witches through discipline and order to ensure that they can be used when needed. But you dote on and indulge them too much." Kazama Yihuai said.

"It's different." Zhang Su shook his head.

"What?" Kazama Yihuai frowned.

"You are standing too high, you are a carnivore. The witches you come into contact with live in written materials. Their names are filled in the criminal record forms and are connected with various sins. They are society's unstable factors. Your daily task is to study how to manage and execute them more efficiently, but here, they live in front of me, with their own temperaments and whims, so real! So I can never do it Even if they use witches as tools like you, I won't treat them harshly." Zhang Su said.

"Kind words and praise are not the only way to educate people." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Well, the work of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau requires perseverance and clear goals, which you both lack. This is why I like them both." Edith said suddenly.

Both Zhang Su and Kazama Yihuai paid tribute to Edith.

"In short, you have got the letter, quickly plan your trip, come to New Tokyo, take those children, come to New Tokyo to see me. I have given them special permission to go out, and you need new equipment, abilities and training According to the plan, I also have work in New Tokyo that you need to complete." Edith turned and left, and Kazama Yihuai went to drive. She also left a bottle of Blue Label Johnnie Walker for Katie to drink from.

The vehicle started and quickly left An Yin. Zhang Su watched the two of them go away, thus completely ending this year's supervision.

He felt a burst of joy in his heart. After Edith and Kazama Yihuai left, it was like a shadow moving away from An Yin. In any case, I managed to get through this troublesome situation and got permission to go to New Tokyo.

Edith mentioned that many training plans would be prepared for Zhang Su, and he also knew that many experimental witch countermeasures equipment would be used by him, which would be of great help in efficiently arresting witches.

"To New Tokyo?" Katie turned around.

"Yeah!" Roy was very excited, "The neon lights are flashing, there are many shopping malls. The place where the huge gap between rich and poor, unlimited consumerism and modern elite culture is the epitome of New Tokyo!"

"Roy will look after the house, and Katie will come with us," Zhang Su said.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I have downloaded all the videos of New Tokyo using the wireless network and lived a relatively successful life as a robot." The soybean expression on Roy's chest became depressed.

"I don't like traveling. When I go, I just sleep in hotels." Katie said.

"Then we can sleep in the hotel, it's okay." Zhang Su kissed her.

There is so much to do! Zhang Su can’t wait to inform everyone.

Their mothers committed serious crimes, but they deserved a glimmer of grace that, for them, might have been their only chance to travel. After all, a few years later, New Tokyo was probably smashed to pieces by an army of demons.

He plans to go to New Tokyo for two weeks to have fun starting on July 4th. His annual leave is also so long, so he will use it all for this trip.

Zhang Su gathered the children in the classroom, and they all looked at him curiously.

Mayumi was as attentive as ever, Hayao sat on the chair with her hands spread out like a boss, and Eori was so happy that her tail was raised, and she kept trying to hide it under her skirt.

"There is good news." Zhang Su couldn't hold back his excitement. "We have been allowed to go to New Tokyo! Two weeks!"

They were stunned, and there was silence in the classroom.

For a short time, everyone was shocked by the sudden good news, but then a burst of cheers sounded.

"Very good!"

"Let's go to New Tokyo!"

"That's great!" They were excited, and the classroom was filled with joy.

Zhang Su was dazzled by what he saw. They all jumped up and down, making excited sounds, both enthusiastic and happy!

Leave Ansin and go to New Tokyo!

"——Okay, okay." Zhang Su tried his best to get out and raised his hand to maintain order.

"Yeah!" They calmed down a little.

"Now, let's discuss this issue carefully." Zhang Su looked at them, "I would like to ask everyone to think carefully about what to do after going to New Tokyo. We have 14 days to stay there."

Soon their beautiful fantasies about the big city will become reality!

"Whoa whoa--"

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

"Go to New Tokyo!" The brief silence was broken by screams again, and they were once again immersed in excitement.

This news sounds so dreamy, like the stars in the distant sky falling in front of me, and unrealistic fantasies become reality overnight.

While they were thinking, their faces couldn't help but show joy.

Mayumi was the first to speak.

"I want to visit New Tokyo University, walk around the campus and see the buildings there," she said seriously.

"No problem, I'll make an appointment right away and we'll stay there for a few more days." Zhang Su announced.

Mayumi smiled at Zhang Su and expressed his gratitude.

"Me! I want to go to the zoo! And then to the game arcade!" Hayho interrupted, jumping up and down, swaying her braids.

"No problem, everything can be arranged." Zhang Su announced.

"I want to go see mom." Shi Hua whispered.

"Okay! Absolutely no problem." Zhang Su nodded vigorously.

Although Edith is unwilling to transfer Shinjo Miyu to Anshinin, Zhang Su will definitely fulfill Murohua's wish and take her to the No. 1 Witch Prison in Neo-Tokyo so that they can meet again.

"I want, think, want to go to that place...! It's the kind of place you see on TV. Everyone is wearing the same clothes as us, but they seem to be selling coffee and drinks..." Yuanzhi tried hard to describe.

"It seems to be a maid cafe." Zhang Su thought that everyone's school uniforms were maid-style.

"Hmm! I want to see that kind of place. It's like, just like us. The people working there are just like us, wearing the same clothes, but doing different things." Yuanzhi curiously explain.

"I want a big watermelon!" Natsuki said.

"I'll take you to eat watermelon at the Sky Tree in New Tokyo." Zhang Su decided.

He finally turned to Reio.

"Where's Reiyo?"

"...I want to see the new Kabukicho Ichiban Street." Reio lifted her hair and said seriously that she wanted to get a hair style, buy some cosmetics and new clothes.

"That's no problem." Zhang Su nodded.

"I want to see my house." Lian Yang said again.

"Okay, it should still be empty now." Zhang Su said.

The children must be too excited to sleep these days.

Markets, convenience stores, museums, schools, city squares, light rail lines... are commonplace to others, but to them, this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

There are still four days before departure, so Zhang Su needs to make preparations and decide which adults will follow.

Miss Renwu must go because she has to go to see An-in-in Hideyuki and learn about the An-in-in family. Although Zhang Su didn't feel that fast, it still felt like meeting his parents.

Shui Li has to go, Fujikawa Chiyo is currently engaged in an underground war in New Tokyo. Shui Li and Fujikawa Chiyo are familiar with each other, and they definitely want to see Fujikawa Chiyo again.

Kati also has to go. Kati has been in Anxin Yin for too long and is bored. Zhang Su felt a little guilty for not taking Kati with him during the last extra-wall investigation. Now he has to take her to New Tokyo to have some fun.

Then the ones left behind are Roy Robot, Lescorin and Mrs. Rena.

With Hong Yan in charge, Zhang Su is not afraid of any trouble, as long as he provides Hong Yan with more candies.

After planning, Zhang Su started to prepare and buy necessary luggage and travel supplies for the children.

On the other side, when they knew they were going to New Tokyo, they all swarmed over to the Little Animal Farm and asked Sayuri, a native of New Tokyo, what she knew about New Tokyo.

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