Witch containment diary

Chapter 127 Separation before expedition

"Hey, we're entering New Tokyo!" Sayuri was surprised. She didn't expect that these little things locked up in Ansinin would also have the opportunity to go to the big city.

It was probably because of the successful passing of the inspection by the inspection team, Sayuri speculated. It seemed that Anxin Institute's teaching style and containment progress had been recognized. No matter what, Zhang Su still created a good environment for everyone.

"We will create greater glory in New Tokyo!" Hayho said confidently.

"But it's only a short trip..." Reio thought that this was only a two-week trip.

"Indeed, after going to New Tokyo, you can also know what real city and modern life is. But your life is leisurely enough. Some people spend their whole lives wandering around in workstations, ramen restaurants, and apartments and dormitories, and they are still not far behind. It's a holiday." Sayuri comforted.

"Sister Sayuri! What does New Tokyo look like!" Natsuki asked happily.

They gathered in front of Sayuri, heads raised, eyes full of curiosity.

"Humph..." Sayuri smiled. She felt very touched that the little kids asked her for advice. She felt that this was the most "useful" time in her life. "New Tokyo is a magical place."

She spoke eloquently, describing the gleaming, advanced city.

"The sidewalks are bustling with people every day, everyone is busy doing some important work, and no one seems to know each other. The signs are shining with bright colors, and some of the languages ​​​​you have never seen before: English, Rhine and Russian. The music is so loud that it hurts your ears, and there are all kinds of trendy culture..."

Sayuri said this and smiled to herself.

"At night, the neon lights sparkle like a real rainbow. The shops are shining with tempting lights, and there are all kinds of food on the streets. You can go out at night! The ones selling salmon sushi, the ones selling red bean paste Taiyaki, the ones selling bamboo wheels Oden, those selling Tangyang chicken, those selling grilled squid, those selling tempura fried shrimps, and those selling seaweed octopus balls..." Sayuri licked her tongue, but there was no one selling blood.

After the collapse of old Tokyo in the Demon War, Dongming Kingdom built New Tokyo on the bay. The overall scale is much smaller and more compact than before, with high-rise buildings lined up in rows.

In contrast, there are endless dark forces and underground structures. Under the shiny buildings are slums and polluted ditches where humans and animals are not distinguished, commonly known as "dark zones."

However, Sayuri did not start talking about the dark side of New Tokyo, and only focused on talking about the things that money can buy:

Glass malls and steel towers pierce the sky, sparkling like diamonds, with floating lights dancing around them like fireflies. Those buildings never seem to collapse...

After listening to Sayuri's vivid description, the children looked at Sayuri with joy, and their eyes became more and more distant.

Speaking of this, Sayuri really felt sympathy.

The kids can only travel to New Tokyo and stay for a short time. After they have seen the freshness and prosperity of New Tokyo, will they still like Anxinyuan in the countryside?

Sayuri has been in New Tokyo since she was born, and after being released from prison, she can return there to enjoy modern urban life. They will always live in Ansin.

"... Are there really flying shuttles and holographic movies as described in textbooks and videos?" Mayumi asked.

"There are too many. New Tokyo's advanced technology will make you feel like everything is unreal." Sayuri waved her hand.

They gasped in surprise.

"Yeah, but where's the fun stuff?" Hayho asked.

"You are the Shadow Path, right? There is a shop in the underground street that sells the Shadow Witch's stealth equipment called the 'Shadow Witch's House'. You must be very popular there." Sayuri said.

"Hoho, that's amazing..." Hayho felt that the name Shadow Witch was very familiar. When had she heard of it?

"The teacher said he would take me to the Sky Tower to eat watermelon!" Natsuki said.

"It's such a waste to eat watermelon. We should eat M5 Wagyu beef." Sayuri disagreed. "You should eat something delicious. The most important thing in New Tokyo is to fill your stomach."

"What will New Tokyo 'sound' like? Will it be noisy?" Muroka asked.

"It will be very noisy, and the noise and voices will never stop. Relatively speaking, Ansin is the quietest place I have ever seen. It is best to wear earmuffs when going to New Tokyo to avoid hearing annoying things." Sayuri casually said explain.

"Woof!" Pepper was ready to take Hana Komuro to the streets of New Tokyo.

They are about to leave.

The children gathered on the playground, waiting for Zhang Su's instructions. Zhang Su cleared his throat. There were six suitcases beside him, some large and some small.

"This is the suitcase prepared for you." Zhang Su announced.


"You can put things in!" Their eyes immediately fell on the boxes, pointing at the unfamiliar handles and rollers. Only Saho was still secretly tying Natsuki's hair into an ugly knot.

"I have put some necessary things for travel in each box. In addition, you must wear the little yellow hats of our safe home, so that I can distinguish you at a glance in the crowd and not worry about you getting lost." Zhang Su prepared little yellow hats for them all.

They happily took the hats, put them on their heads, and walked around, imagining that they were in the bustling city of New Tokyo.

Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief, now they really looked like a group of elementary school and junior high school girls on a spring outing.

"New Tokyo is very big and chaotic, so everyone must follow me closely. We go to one place and do one thing a day. There is also a phone and watch in the suitcase." Zhang Su said.

As soon as Zaho heard about such a strange thing, his attention returned to Zhang Su.

"Okay, everyone, take your suitcases and go back to the dormitory to tidy up. When you are ready, I will send the bus up the mountain." Zhang Su nodded vigorously.

"Okay!" they shouted one after another. Reio and Mayumi had bigger suitcases.

The suitcase that Natsuki carried was the smallest, just like a suitcase.

Zhang Su was about to go on a long journey, and the most sad thing was Hong Yan.

This time, there was no need for Lian Wu to summon Hong Yan. She appeared on her own. She was sitting on the "Bodhisattva Seat", weaving the grass blades absentmindedly.

Zhang Su wanted to leave and said goodbye to Hong Yan. He came to the big blue stone. Hearing the approaching footsteps, Hong Yan raised her head hopefully. As Zhang Su's tall and strong body came into view, Hong Yan seemed to be particularly happy.

"Hmph, you have to leave!" Hongyan threw away the grass blades in his hand, "throw away your Hongyan Bodhisattva and abandon Anxinyuan!"

"It's just two weeks, just going to New Tokyo. Has the Red Flame Bodhisattva been to New Tokyo?" Zhang Su asked with a smile.

"At that time, there was no such term at all. We old Dongming people went to Ping An Jing." Hongyan stood on the stone with his hands on his hips.

Zhang Su handed Hongyan a piece of candy. She didn't eat it this time, but stuffed it into her pocket.

"I'm not willing to leave, but the children have to go out and see the world." Zhang Su sat on the grass.

He looked around. There were strong mountain streams, overflowing ponds, wildly growing plants and fruits.

The garden has benefited from the divine blessing of the red flames and now looks particularly vibrant.

This is Hongyan's territory, her tunnel entrance, and the place where she is bound and imprisoned. Hongyan can never leave Anxinyuan.

Her only understanding of the outside world comes from the stories of passers-by at Anxinyuan. Their words are like small fragments of the world, falling into Hong Yan's heart one by one, allowing her to piece together what the outside world looks like.

"...Have you been to New Tokyo?" Hongyan asked.

"Been there." Zhang Su had been there several times in his previous life on official business.

This was the first time he had the opportunity to take his children with him like this, and he cherished this opportunity very much.

Seeing Zhang Su's look, Hongyan knew that this was a golden opportunity. She couldn't use any reason to keep Zhang Su. In fact, she couldn't explain it herself.

She didn't want Zhang Su to leave, so she stood on the big bluestone with her hands folded in front of her chest.

"Describe it." Hong Yan requested.

"It was a very large city with a population of 45 million." Zhang Su described it, and Hongyan listened attentively, trying to understand the dazzling lights, towering buildings and crowded streets.

She let out a longing sigh.

"Sounds great." Hongyan admitted, "I really wish I could go with you, even just once." ’

Zhang Su shook his head, and he thought of another crucial question.

"Who bound you here?" he asked.

"Gedith, it's just her." Hongyan said.

Godis, the Lord of the Spirit World and the Ruler of Heaven, is the second seat of the nine-seat witch council.

"Is there any reason?" Zhang Su asked.

"Gedith needs someone to guard Yuehua Ji." Hong Yan shook her head, "My performance in the spirit world is not very good. Maybe, maybe she sees me as useless."

"No, no, no, the power of the Red Flame Bodhisattva is very powerful." Zhang Sulian praised.

Hearing Zhang Su's words, Hong Yan forced out a smile. Although she knew Zhang Su was trying to comfort him, she was still grateful to hear such words.

"Of course." She raised her head, "I am the Great Red Flame Bodhisattva, the guardian of An'an Hospital."

"I will bring you a souvenir back." Zhang Su promised gently, "What do you want?"

Hongyan nodded thoughtfully, then showed a bright smile.

"Snacks! And new clothes!" she announced.

"Of course, of course, I will find the best snack shop in New Tokyo for Hong Yan Bodhisattva, and then buy a lot of new clothes." Zhang Su took a step forward, "I promise."

Hong Yan was relieved.

She flew up and touched Zhang Su's head from a high place, once, twice, three times.

"Zhang Su." She asked softly, "Do you think... I will have the opportunity to leave this place freely in the future?"

Zhang Su raised his head and met Hong Yan's sad eyes. Her eyes were filled with some kind of unreachable longing.

"Yes, it must be possible." Zhang Su nodded, "Before that, I will go outside to explore and bring back stories to share with you, just like the last time I told you the story of my fight against the devil, this time It is the story of the journey of New Tokyo.”

"That's good!" Hongyan flew back and got back into his own crack, "Okay! Let's go to the happy new Tokyo! Don't disturb me anymore, I'm very busy, digging tunnels!"

Zhang Su clearly heard her crying.

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