Witch containment diary

Chapter 128 The alternation of old and new Tokyo

The next day, everything was ready, and the scheduled bus drove to Anxinyuan. After a three-hour drive, they would enter New Tokyo.

The bus is a military bulletproof vehicle transferred from the East Coast Wall, and the driver is also an orderly. New Tokyo itself has a low threat factor, but it has to pass through a large chaotic area of ​​"Old Tokyo" on the road, so it has to be guarded against. Military vehicles can reduce the risk to the lowest.

Zhang Su checked An Yin one last time, locked the office door, and prepared to go out to go to New Tokyo for a 14-day vacation with his children!

"Then, let's go." Zhang Su said goodbye to everyone.

"Wish you a safe journey, friend!" Roy gave a thumbs up.

"I hope you are safe, please go slowly." Mrs. Linai bowed deeply to Zhang Su.

The children were on summer vacation, and Mrs. Rena happened to take this opportunity to go home to her own home, visit her parents and relatives, and tell them about her experiences after Kobayashi Shigeru's death.

"While you are away, I will take good care of the prisoners in the hospital." Lescolin said lightly.

[take care. ] Xiaofeng and Youfalin looked at Zhang Su. Youfalin now looked calm and rational.

"Goodbye, Sir." Priscilla said goodbye to Dongmei.

"No more morning jog... That's great..." Sayuri was very relieved to see Katie leaving.

In contrast, Renwu, Kati, and Shui Li are very happy to go to New Tokyo.

"~" Lian Wu packed her bags and could finally go home and take a look.

Zhang Su took out a to-do list and recorded what he had to do after going to New Tokyo. There were quite a few things.

[Task list:

1. Meet Edith and get a feeling.

2. Take Mayumi to visit New Tokyo University.

3. Go to zoos, aquariums, coffee shops, beef restaurants, amusement parks, Sky Tree, Kabukicho Ichiban Street, museums and other well-known tourist destinations.

4. Take Lian Wu to see An-in-in Hideyuki and return to the An-in-in family.

5. Meet Chiyo Fujikawa and see if her cause of retaking the Fujikawa Group is progressing smoothly.

6. Go to Neo-Tokyo No. 1 Witch Prison to meet Mrs. Miyu Shinjo and reunite Hana Komuro and her mother.

7. Buy souvenirs and new clothes for Hongyan Bodhisattva, and save some stories to tell Hongyan.

8. See if Lian Yang’s old house has been taken away.

9. Punch former director Ryosuke Matsudaira]

After sorting it out, Zhang Su found that this trip to New Tokyo was too fulfilling!

He thought it was good. He had something to do every day instead of wandering around. After going to New Tokyo, many things could be settled.

Zhang Su called the children's names.

"Haaho, Mayumi, Reio, Natsuki, Muroka, Enori... are all here, let's go!" Zhang Su saw them on the bus.

"Okay!" They boarded the military bus one after another. Even such a large transportation vehicle was novel to them.

"That's awesome!" They took turns looking for seats. Even the seats here are reinforced, with five-point safety belts to ensure a smooth ride, and the windows are double-layered bulletproof glass.

Zhang Su looked at their rows of seats and could immediately tell how close the children were.

Saho still admires Reio-senpai, so she sits with Reio; Natsuki, Muroka and Enori are three good friends, and they also sit together. Enori is holding the puppy Pepper; Mayumi is relatively marginalized Some, because she rarely appears on the same screen as anyone else.

Katie sat at the back, touching her belly with both hands, planning to sleep through the long journey.

Shui Li was hanging upside down on the top of the bus, while Lian Wu was sitting in the front, next to Zhang Su.

The service driver started the engine and took everyone out of Anxinyuan.

The vehicle started to move unsteadily through the mountain road.

For a moment, all the children were silent. Except for Saho and Reio, Eori, Mayumi, and Natsuki were all seeing the outside world for the first time.

"It's too big! It's amazing!" Although Saho came out before, she was still very excited.

The bus passed through the main road of Gozen Town and entered the expressway. She immediately pressed her face against the glass window.

Stylish vehicles passed by them in a steady stream. Natsuki looked back worriedly and found that the stone walls, discipline tower and prison building of Ansin were long gone!

Mayumi stared curiously at the outside world, comparing it with what she had learned from the textbooks.

Yuanzhi felt a little motion sick, so Zhang Su walked through the aisle and carried Yuanzhi to Katie who was at the back.

"Sleep, sleep, little kitten...it will be over in a moment..." Katie said hoarsely. She held Yuanzhi in her arms, and they closed their eyes, hoping to ignore the fluctuations outside.

As the bus drove to Niigata City, the tall buildings on both sides once again refreshed Natsuki's understanding.

"Arrived in New Tokyo!" she shouted.

"Not yet," Reio said restrainedly, showing her understanding of the outside world, "This is just Niigata City, a big city in Echigo, very close to us."

"It's still half a day's drive, don't worry." Zhang Su comforted.

Natsuki's expression became worse and worse, feeling a little sad because she had come to a completely unfamiliar place.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" She began to sob.

"Teacher!" Yuanzhi shouted, "Natsuki, she..."

Zhang Su had to take Xia Xi over, and she felt calmer by Zhang Su's side.

"~" Lian Wu hugged Xiao Natsuki into her arms.

Natsuki is of mixed race. It's not obvious now, but as she grows older, she looks more like a foreigner. Her little nose is pointed and her hair is about to turn yellow.

Her mother Patesia is a 5-level witch of the "Sun" who served in the northern theater of Russia. She defected to the demon side in a battle. In an ultimate killing move that guided the sun, she burned a large number of friendly troops that were too close. , resulting in a disastrous defeat.

When Natsuki was 1 year old, she received a large number of death threats. The Witch Countermeasure Bureau was forced to transfer Natsuki multiple times, and finally sent her to Anshin Institute.

Perhaps the memory of her wandering childhood hurt Natsuki, so that now she feels some kind of native fear whenever she sees this kind of "long-distance transfer".

Natsuki closed her eyes in Lianwu's arms. The bumpy vehicles and roaring engines made her feel uneasy.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xia Xi, we are going out to play." Zhang Su pinched Xia Xi's little face.

"Woo..." Xia Xi closed her eyes and lay weakly in Lian Wu's arms.

"~" Lian Wu shook Natsuki slightly.

She imitated the way an adult takes care of a child, although she didn't know when she would have a child to continue the bloodline of the Anxin family.

The bus continued on and entered the Capital Expressway.

Zhang Su rested his elbow on the glass window.

Under the summer sunshine, the scenery on both sides is unobstructed.

"Xia Xi, take a look, it's very beautiful outside." Zhang Su said.

Natsuki took a deep breath.

She opened her eyes and saw that the vehicle had just passed through a farmland, with endless green rice fields in the distance.

Agricultural robots are cultivating rice, there are contiguous ancient houses in the village, and the vermilion shrine gate attracts tourists to stay.

Further ahead, the outline of Mount Fugaku appears in the distance.

Spectacular white snow-capped mountains undulate continuously, and at the foot of the mountain is the famous Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees. As far as the eye can see, it is green with no edge in sight.

As vehicles get closer to Neo-Tokyo, the pastoral countryside gives way to the vast suburbs of Neo-Tokyo, where concrete apartments and office buildings rise from the ground.

In the distance there is a tall tower-shaped building that was cut down in half, which was the former Tokyo Sky Tree. However, it was destroyed during the war and has not been rebuilt to this day.

"This is New Tokyo!" Natsuki shouted.

"Don't worry, this is still a relatively run-down place. It was once occupied by demons and is still being rebuilt. The real 'New Tokyo' is built in the bay, on the sea." Zhang Su pointed forward.

Natsuki looked forward.

An artificial miracle appeared on the sea, and the endless metropolitan skyline emerged in the distance. On the edge of New Tokyo stood a series of gorgeous commercial buildings, made of glass and steel, shining in the afternoon sun.

In order to adapt to the needs of reconstruction, the new Tokyo city is more three-dimensional and compact. Building corridors, light rail routes and billboards are denser. Wires are crisscrossed and colorful, like a huge spider web. The rich live at the top, enjoying the sun and rain, while the inferior residents live at the bottom, never seeing the sun.

Zhang Su tried his best to guide the children's eyes to look forward, to look directly at the new Tokyo connected by the expressway, and beyond the scarred areas of old Tokyo on both sides.

Under the highway bridge, the ruins of old Tokyo are scattered like reinforced concrete corpses.

Rusted beams protrude from crumbling buildings, and many neighborhoods are reduced to piles of rubble and melted glass, remnants of the demonic wars.

Various areas of old Tokyo were almost abandoned and divided into various industrial and agricultural lands, maintaining a large population and supporting the development of New Tokyo, while forming an "underdeveloped zone around New Tokyo."

Tin huts and temporary residences called "liats" are scattered all over the place, and transport trucks owned by large companies shuttle back and forth, transporting groups of workers in large quantities to industrial production areas just like collecting materials.

Unemployed people on the streets looked around with hatred, and garrisons dispatched by the Human Defense Project stood guard in many places to maintain law and order. The only color comes from the recruitment poster at the Gate of Hell on Mount Kagurura, calling on them to go to the front lines to participate in mankind's great war.

Lian Yang glanced at the pale and dark gray old Tokyo city on both sides.

Her family lived in a certain area of ​​​​the old Shibuya district. She originally thought that the area would develop after two years in prison, but it turned out that it was still full of ruins.

Many people are working like ants, building the skeletons of new high-rises and restoring some of the most valuable areas of old Tokyo. Those tower cranes are so high, like golden gallows.

Today's old Tokyo is spacious. People limp on the endless pale streets and no longer have to worry about being blocked by traffic. Shops and houses are all alone, and the poor can find an empty house to stay.

Reio thought of her old house. Because her mother was killed and she was arrested, the old house was probably filled with homeless people and unscrupulous men and women. The thought made her shudder.

As the bus drove onto the cross-sea bridge, dense drones flew from the sea on both sides to closely scan the vehicles and people.

If it was a license plate from an outside area, it would have to be persuaded to return. Fortunately, they recognized that the car was a human defense project, and soon they did not dare to cause nuisance and left with a buzz.

"——Okay! Now, we have officially entered the jurisdiction of New Tokyo." Zhang Su looked away.

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