Witch containment diary

Chapter 129 It’s time for the new arrival

The vehicle entered the dazzling new Tokyo, like an arrow hitting the crystal dome standing on the sea.

The children were even more delighted, and Natsuki's eyes lit up, staring at the giant city "New Tokyo" in the distance.

The city was like a vibrant, rough and incomprehensible giant. Gorgeous sights and noisy sounds came from all directions, overwhelming her senses. She would never have such an experience in An Yin.

Zhang Su did not treat the children badly. This time he booked the New Tokyo Skyview Hotel.

He has one room, the children have one room each, and Kati and Lianwu have one room each, a total of five rooms.

Shui Li was the only one who didn't drive alone because she was inseparable from Zhang Su.

Room rates for 5 rooms for 14 days cost a total of 1.81 million yen. In this way, Zhang Su still has 22 million yen on hand. Zhang Su can let the children have a lot of fun during this trip, and money is definitely second.

The bus stopped in the magnificent square of Tianjing Hotel, the door opened, the children got off in turns, and then dragged their luggage out of the belly of the bus.

Looking around, they were all shocked.

"This is the square, this is the fountain, those are hotel guests, those are palm trees..." Zhang Sude explained the surrounding landscape to them, and they pointed and pointed, excited.

The square entrance of Tianjing Hotel is extremely wide, and the ground is paved with smooth gray-white marble, which makes it look particularly luxurious.

In the center is a gurgling cylindrical fountain. The water slowly flows down from the layers of fountains and merges into the large pool below. The children particularly like the soothing sound of running water.

"I'm coming!" Zaohui jumped to the fountain, and Zhang Su quickly went over to catch her to prevent her from jumping in.

"It will get wet!" Zhang Su reminded.

"It's amazing!" Hayao's eyes were filled with tall water pillars. Yuori and Natsuki also walked to the fountain and looked curiously.

"It's like a country kid coming to the city..." Lian Yang noticed the looks of passers-by and felt a little embarrassed.

But the fact is that they are just a group of country kids coming to the city. Zhang Su thought there was nothing wrong with this.

There are many benches around the fountain, using cream and coffee colors, which look fashionable and casual.

The hospitality robot brought them welcome drinks. There were watermelon juice, jasmine tea, green tea, and lemonade on the tray to choose from.

"Welcome to Tianjing Hotel, please enjoy the service." The robot played a voice.

Even before entering the Skyview Hotel, they enjoyed such respectful service, and the children were very happy.

Zhang Su led them inside, where the square gradually narrowed, leading to a huge dark bronze door, which was the exclusive entrance to the hotel lobby.

There were carefully arranged orchids, lilies and fortune trees on both sides of the door. The aroma of the plants lingered in the air. Doormen in purple uniforms were waiting for them. They all had standardized smiles on their faces, which made people feel happy just by looking at them. Relax.

Before entering, they couldn't help but look up at the hotel, which towered into the sky like a spear, with exterior walls made of metal, glass and stone.

The majestic building rises from the ground and is arched, instead surrounding the square. The top is connected to other shopping malls and boutiques to save space to the greatest extent. If viewed from a high altitude, it looks like a gorgeous glass crown, which is impressive.

After registering at the front desk, Zhang Su taught them how to ride the elevator.

"This place, click the upward arrow, Xia Xi, come here." Zhang Su asked Xia Xi to overcome her fear of unfamiliar places.

"Yeah!" Xia Xi stood on tiptoes and pressed hard, and soon the elevator door opened.

Zhang Su held down the open button with his hand, and then asked the children to go in, one, two, three, four, five, six...and then Lian Wu and Katie.

Shui Li had already teleported from the stairwell to the high-rise building to check the safety of the guest rooms in advance to avoid an ambush.

After entering the elevator room, the magnificent elevator rises rapidly, and you can clearly see the cityscape outside through the glass curtain wall.

"Rising higher and higher..." Mayumi stared at the amazing elevator scenery.

"Teacher, I...I'm dizzy..." Yuanzhi was a little confused. The elevator's ascent brought a slight feeling of weightlessness. She had to sit on Zhang Su's arm to feel more relaxed.

With a melodious dinging sound, the elevator arrived at the 70th floor of the hotel.

At this height, New Tokyo seems to have been shrunk.

At this time, they officially discovered that New Tokyo was indeed built on a large artificial island, connected to the old Tokyo area through several cross-sea bridges.

New Tokyo is extremely beautiful, in stark contrast to the dilapidated old cities, like a piece of fruitcake next to the smelly garbage dump.

Zhang Su asked the children to file out. Their attention had just moved away from the gorgeous giant city and was attracted by the hotel decoration. The bright red flocked carpet, elegant traditional hanging paintings and potted plants were all beautiful.

A floating drone came to greet him. It looked like a pale ball with only one indicator light constantly glowing.

"Welcome to the New Tokyo Skyview Hotel. I am 'Cairo', the service steward on this floor. It is an honor to receive you." the robot reported.

Zhang Su nodded in response. Curious, they followed the waiter through the corridor and got to know their room.

"Please allow me to show you how to open the door." Kailuo's storage slot opened, and 10 room cards appeared. Zhang Su took them away and distributed them to everyone.

After entering one of the rooms, Cairo showed them the functions of a luxury hotel room.

The most important thing is the lighting, which can adjust the color tone, and the scenery outside the window can also be switched, from the original urban beauty of New Tokyo to the desert style, rainforest light and shadow, starry sky...

Modern technology is enough to bring them to life. Zhang Su felt that given the acceptance level of the children, they would not be able to recognize it even if it was fake.

"So beautiful! It's like magic!" shouted Hayao, temporarily impressed.

"My little bed!" Natsuki jumped on one of the single beds. Considering that she was a child, the hotel gave her a lot of dolls.

Natsuki grabbed one of the teddy bear toys, and then another dinosaur stuffed doll, and liked it very much.

"If you have any questions, please feel free to ask." Cairo briefly introduced the TV, telephone, executive lounge and buffet, and then returned to the hotel corridor.

"Everyone, please go to your own room. The three rooms in this row belong to you, and the ones across from us belong to you." Zhang Su made a gesture.

Then, he let the children play by themselves first.

They did not rush to separate, but gathered in the first hotel room.

"So comfortable..." Yuanzhi stretched herself on the bed like a kitten. She raised her head, her back arched high, and then put it down again.

"Ha! Kitten tail!" Hayao grabbed Yuori's tail.

"Ah - no!" Yuanzhi liked to hide her tail, so she struggled hard.

"Shhh, it's going to break." Saho threatened her.

Yuanzhi was startled, turned into a kitten, got out of his clothes, and ran away.

"Ah! Cunning!" Hayao saw Yuori escaping to the top of the wardrobe, "Get down here!"

"There is a bathtub here." Reio likes to take a bath.

She checked the bathroom and saw that every room had the same configuration, so she knew her room would have such a deep soaking pool.

She saw many exquisite infused oils, such as rose, lavender, honey essence... and she was immediately attracted by them.

So Reio stopped hanging out with the other children, and hurried back to her room, closed the bathroom door to entertain herself, and immersed herself in the fragrant steam.

"I'm so happy... super awesome..." Mayumi looked out the window, "If I get admitted to New Tokyo University, I can leave Ansin and live such a life by myself."

"Isn't it good to live with everyone?" Komurohua asked timidly from the side.

"Very good, but... I want this kind of life, I want a life outside the hospital." Mayumi put her hand on the floor-to-ceiling window of the hotel, looking out at the endless metropolitan landscape.

"Yes..." Shihua didn't know how to comfort her. She hoped that everyone would always be together.

"When I took the elevator just now, I felt like I was flying. This kind of feeling will not be found in Anxinyuan. And your mother, Shinjo Meiyu-sama, won't be leaving the prison soon? You will also be released by then. Yes. You must have a chance to leave Ansin! If I don’t pass the exam, I hope you can come back often." Mayumi said.

"...I won't leave. I will take my mother to live in Anxinyuan. We are also here to see our mother this time." Shihua said seriously.

Mom... no longer has to run around outside. She can live happily and safely with everyone in Anxin Home.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the sofa and bed, and Reio also finished her bath.

Afterwards, Zhang Su took everyone to the hotel buffet.

"Everyone, please follow closely and don't fall behind." Zhang Su led them to follow.

It really felt like taking children on a spring outing. They were all wearing yellow hats. They were so happy and energetic. This energy alone made other hotel guests feel warm. Some wanted to come up and take photos with them, but Zhang Su was Declined.

After all, they are all descendants of guilty witches, and they are still very dangerous if discovered. The anti-witch forces are committed to eliminating the "scourge".

Arriving at the hotel cafeteria, Zhang Su showed the registration form to the waiter and was then allowed to enter. The tempting aroma of food spread around. Only Murika's guide dog Pepper was stopped outside.

"Woof woof!" Pepper was put aside, and someone fed her dog food and gave her a bath.

The buffet restaurant is very spacious, with many seats. The central cooking table is extremely large, and there are chefs cooking Teppanyaki and steaks on site.

"Shi Hua, let me take you in. What do you want to eat?" Zhang Su helped Shi Hua move forward.

Shihua tapped the ground with his blind stick to detect the smell of food.

"I want this...and...this..." Shihua could distinguish the smell of different foods in the air, and especially wanted to eat something he had never eaten in his life.

Zhang Su took great care of Shihua. He selected foods for Shihua and introduced their appearance, ingredients and materials to her to ensure that she could understand.

Boston lobster, grilled cod, caviar, pine leaf crab, smoked salmon, grilled Wagyu beef, and the oysters mentioned in the text, another big bowl.

The other children were particularly interested in ice cream because Ansham didn't have any.

Reio reservedly and elegantly prepared a flame parfait for herself. There were eight cones on Hayao's plate. Natsuki was also eating pie crazily. Her lips were stained with frosting. Since she didn't have time to wipe them off, she asked Yuori to Lick it off for her.

The environment is great. They eat happily while looking at the city scenery of New Tokyo outside the window. They feel as comfortable as they want.

Without having to go to work or work, I can freely eat delicious food, fill my stomach with iced drinks and sweets... What a blessing!

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su also discovered his target.

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