Witch containment diary

Chapter 130 Buffet Aquarium

The cooking table stacked with fresh food caught his attention, and he locked onto it.

Children love sweets, and basins of ice cream make them feel bright all day long, and Zhang Su also has to make meat.

His figure stood out in the restaurant, and the waiters and other hotel guests walked around him, speculating whether he was an athlete or something.

Zhang Su had to tidy up his suit jacket to look more approachable.

He chose his own food, first taking a plate of grilled saury, sprinkled with pepper and lemon juice; then the "big fat" of bluefin tuna, which is the thickest part of the abdominal fat. This piece of meaty fat is very plump and mouth-watering. After melting, I took several slices; finally some peony shrimps, which can be eaten raw with lemon vinegar seasoning.

After the plates were piled up, Zhang Su started to eat.

The most versatile condiment in the world is "hunger". Being extremely hungry will make people regard steamed buns as a delicacy. Zhang Suqa ate it on an empty stomach, and it tasted delicious.

When the food enters the mouth, all kinds of pleasant smells are intertwined. The fish meat is extremely fresh, the shrimp meat is firm, the lemon is fragrant, and the sashimi is bright red and enchanting. It is a wonderful appetizer.

Within a few minutes, all these fresh fish and shrimps were swept away by Zhang Su!

"That guy...eats a lot!"

"Are you playing basketball?"

"You're going to the Tokyo Dome for a fight match, right?"

"Like a heavy hammer..."

When the chefs at the Tianjing Hotel saw that a tough guest had arrived today, they hurriedly ventilated the meal privately and prepared extra dishes so that Zhang Su wouldn't have to cook all the dishes alone.

"Would you like to try our hotel's wagyu barbecue?" A chef in a white apron actively invited.

"That's good." Zhang Su sat in front of the barbecue table, and the chef grilled the meat on the spot.

The chef picked up a large piece of A5 grade Wagyu beef. Its surface was richly textured, like marble patterns, which were all fat from the beef.

"The shorthorn cattle from Iwate Prefecture, their name is 'Ichiya'." He showed the appearance of this piece of beef on the tablet next to him. At that time, it was still wearing music headphones and VR glasses and grazing, carefree, with its ears Filled with pleasant music, there is boundless green wilderness in front of you.

But now, Zhang Su only has "Yiya"'s perfect upper brain left in front of him!

The chef lights lumps of charcoal under the grill and slowly heats it up. When the beef is finally grilled, the sizzling sound is heard immediately. Zhang Su heard that the melting point of this kind of meat is only 18°C, and it melts instantly.

After frying it on the iron plate, the chef picked it up and delivered it to Zhang Su himself.

"Thank you." Zhang Su admired the beauty of this piece of roasted Wagyu beef.

The premium steak has just been seared on the edges and is slightly wrinkled after sealing. It is extremely crispy. The beef inside is still tender red and juicy.

Zhang Su cut it with a knife and didn't feel any resistance. It was already so tender and tender that the meat juices immediately overflowed from the cut area!

He forked a piece of meat and tasted it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The quality of the Wagyu beef is excellent. The fragrant beef aroma blooms on the tip of the tongue, followed by the mixture of fat and burnt aroma. The satiety is truly top-notch.

The chef knew that people like Zhang Su had big appetites, so he immediately served the second and third rib-eye steaks to save him from waiting in a hurry.

Zhang Su chewed heavily. For those who love meat, the buffet at Tianjing Hotel is indeed a treat.

The chefs also felt good. They could get a sense of recognition from Zhang Su's satisfied look.

Zhang Su ate meat, and the children ate sweets, ice cream, and pies.

Katie was still sleeping in the room, while Lianwu didn't eat much. She mainly took photos in the cafeteria to commemorate this rare trip.

"Where to go next?" Zhang Su finished 10 kilograms of meat and then went to find Lian Wu.

Lian Wu gestured to Zhang Su to squat down, then leaned into his ear and whispered: "Sky Tree."

New sky tree! It was just completed this year to commemorate the old Sky Tree in old Tokyo that was destroyed during the war.

Zhang Su also knows very well that Sky Tree is a must-visit place when visiting New Tokyo. He booked tickets and it became so popular that the tickets for today, tomorrow and the next three days were all sold out, and he could only buy tickets for the day after tomorrow.

"Then let's go somewhere else for two days, and then go to the New Sky Tower on the fourth day." Zhang Su planned the itinerary.

"!" Lianwu smiled and nodded. She liked the feeling of having someone solve all travel planning and ticketing problems. She was happy just walking around with her bag.

Hayho was piling the ice cream into a tall tower, then opened his mouth and swallowed it all in one bite.

Reio was still eating a plate of mochi ice cream. There were matcha and red bean flavors, bitter matcha and sweet red bean, smooth ice cream and soft and glutinous mochi. Different flavors and textures were mixed together. She really liked it. Fairy way to eat.

"Where should we go next?" Zhang Su asked.

"Shadow Street!" Hayho turned around, remembering what Sayuri said, there is a street in the dark zone underground in New Tokyo, and that is where the shadow witches live.

"It sounds strange when you hear it." Zhang Su waved his hand.

"New Tokyo University?" Mayumi asked.

"No, no!" Hayho thought that place must be boring.

"Coffee shop?" Yuanzhi wanted to go somewhere he had never seen before.

"Amusement park!" Natsuki wanted to play a game.

"We should go to the aquarium." Reio interjected with her soft and authoritative voice, calming the dispute.

"Then go to the aquarium." Hayao would contradict everyone except Reio.

Zhang Su nodded, everyone would listen to what Lian Yang said, so it was settled.

After everyone had filled their bellies with sweets and pies, Zhang Su took them to the aquarium and left a message for Katie so that she wouldn't be anxious.

On the way, the children felt very relaxed because of eating sweets. Today they knew the taste of cherry jam, vanilla ice cream and macarons, although they didn't know their names at all.

Soon, Zhang Su took them to the "Nagase Ocean Wonders" aquarium in New Tokyo.

This is an incredibly spectacular place. Zhang Su had to keep the children lined up tightly to prevent them from getting lost in the crowd.

He checked the ticket at the entrance, and as soon as he entered the atrium, he received a lot of "wow" exclamations behind him.

He raised his head and saw a bizarrely huge blue whale skeleton hanging above his head.

Zhang Su could imagine the magnificent sight of it swimming in the sea and filtering krill with its long beards.

Zhang Su looked at the blue whale skeleton specimen. Lian Yang saw this thing and felt that his insect specimen was simply the most insignificant thing in the world.

Her eyes fell on those huge vertebrae. People said that vertebrates all evolved from the same ancestor, which made Reio feel familiar.

Suspension steel cables pass through its spine, skull and tailbone, allowing children to clearly appreciate the complex shape of this giant beast.

The surrounding information panel details that the skeleton is 27 meters long and weighs 4 tons. The length of the skull alone is more than 5 meters. The mandible is large and wide, and can fit a whole nest of children inside to play games, read books, and place them. A big table.

The sign also explains its history. The whale was caught in the 1960s and was one of the last whales to be caught in the world. Dongming Kingdom was later invaded by demons, and the whaling industry stopped. It has not recovered even after the country was re-established in the past 10 years.

In addition to Zhang Su bringing his children, there were also other primary school students who came to watch.

Eori, Natsuki, and Saho blended in without any sense of disobedience. Saho even greeted the other elementary school students with a smile, trying to build a good relationship with them and asking about their age and identity.

"I came from Keio Junior High School, and I'm currently in my first year of junior high school." said the polite girl from an aristocratic junior high school.

"I...I came from Ansin High School." Hayho said nonsense.

"Such wonders are only part of the aquarium." Zhang Su continued to move forward, protecting the children behind him as he visited.

Zaohui stopped chatting. They followed Zhang Su closely, like a group of small animals. From time to time, they poked their heads out of the queue and pointed at the aquatic animals behind the glass wall.

Surrounding the atrium was a giant water tank, with swarms of salmon, sturgeon, mahi-mahi and hundreds of sparkling anchovies swimming around the rocks. Both Enori and Natsuki pressed their faces against the glass. Witness this spectacle that you have only seen in your dreams.

The road ahead diverges, and Zhang Su takes them one by one; in the polar area, there are fat seals swimming in the water tank, and artificial landscaping creates a landscape of ice and snow.

The tropical area is a series of coral reef exhibitions, where staghorn corals and sea anemones weave into a colorful maze, among which clown fish, angel fish, cichlids and butterfly fish swim. Zhang Su described the shapes of the fish to Shihua.

Lianwu took a lot of photos. The most treasured collection of the museum is the jellyfish area. Under the illumination of special lights, the jellyfish float slowly in the sea and reflect the colorful brilliance, which is breathtaking.

"This is really amazing." Hayho praised the place seriously. "The aquarium is the greatest place in the world."

"Yeah!" Natsuki agreed.

In the tourist rest area, Zhang Su bought them grilled sausages and lemonade to let them take a rest.

After walking for just over an hour, they were already dazzled by everything in the aquarium.

The ambient light here is dark blue, and they all find it interesting to see their arms and cheeks illuminated blue.

"In front is the Polar Pavilion." Zhang Su told them, "It simulates the subzero, snow-covered North and South Pole, where penguins and seals are active."

"Penguin? Seal!" Natsuki couldn't wait to see these legendary mythical creatures.

Lianwu took photos and videos of everything around her. She hoped that she could relive today's trip to the aquarium again and again when she returned to Anxinyuan. She also found this place very interesting.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Su took them to the Polar Exhibition Hall. The temperature here was much colder than other places. He rented cotton-padded clothes for each of the children to wear.

Zhang Su took everyone over to watch the seal show. Zaohui saw a few penguins passing by. The fence was only half a waist high.

So she deliberately stayed behind and released a little shadow magic to make herself disappear.

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