Witch containment diary

Chapter 131 The Legend of Flying Penguin

Looking for an opportunity, Hayao stretched out his arms and entered this exhibition area. Several penguins were walking among the plastic boards and driftwood, waiting to be taken to have a meal by the staff.

She observed the three penguins carefully.

In Haoho's eyes, they showed an upright and solemn posture, which looked particularly unique.

The head feathers are arched back, and the body is streamlined, like a drop of water. The dark back feathers and pale belly down are in sharp contrast.

"Quack." The penguins looked at each other, feeling that this girl was particularly suspicious.

"Cuckoo." The two penguins told the other fat penguin that this girl might help them get out of trouble and return to the Antarctic realm they dreamed of, return to the land of ice and snow, ancient creations and world-destroying bacteria, and rebuild the penguin empire.

"Cack!" Fat Penguin understood, everything is for the rise of the penguin family! They also need to return to Antarctica in good health, explore the Crazy Mountains, and regain ancient heritage.

It beckoned, stumbling awkwardly, its lovely shadow reflected in the overhead lights of the exhibition hall.

The penguin's body structure is designed for swimming, not walking, so it has a unique sideways swaying rhythm when walking, which is particularly cute to look at.

Saho's eyes lit up, he selected the fat penguin, swooped over, picked it up with both hands, felt its furry touch with both hands, and watched how quickly its feet twisted.

"Gah——" The fat penguin was in great pain and felt that he had paid a lot.

The staff hadn't noticed the situation yet, and Hayho found this to be the most exciting part of the trip.

She wanted to see if the fat penguin could fly.

"I'll take you on a big adventure." Hayho whispered to the penguin, and then slipped away with the penguin in his hands.

"Quack!" Penguin waved to the two brothers for help, codenamed Seal! Codename Seal!

"Quack!" The two penguins waved goodbye. With one less mouth to share the food, the plan worked.

Saho covered her whole body with shadow magic, and the fat penguin also hid in the shadow. She felt that this penguin was so heavy and fat.

She tried it in the small animal farm of An'an Hospital. If the chickens were thrown from a high place, they would flap their wings desperately to survive and then fly away.

Will penguins have the same effect?

"Boohoo~" Hayho held up the penguin and ran freely in the exhibition hall.

With the help of shadow magic, others could only see a dark shadow passing by loomingly. You can vaguely see something under the light, but once you move away from the light source, it becomes dim.

"what is that?"

"Shadow -"

"Am I dazzled?" the tourists were confused.

Hayho felt very happy and amazing, like she was flying.

She saw a tall metal octagonal locker used to store tourists' belongings.

So Hayho pushed the penguin up and supported it. The fat penguin didn't know what to do yet, and it fluttered its wings and reached the top.

"Quack." The fat penguin didn't know what to do on the top.

"Go, go." Hayho thought of the cartoon about pirates forcing people to walk on the pedals.

She was so excited that she also climbed up, pushing the penguin from behind and pushing it to the edge of the cabinet, intent on testing the penguin's flying ability.

Still 2 meters above the ground, the penguin glanced down, then turned back to look at the excited Zaoho.

"Guga!" It swallowed nervously and pointed to the ground with its wings. Jump? Why does heaven want to end the penguin's path?

"You're too timid." Hayho squatted down and looked down where the penguin's wings were pointing, "Is this place very high?"

She glanced down, and Saho instantly felt her blood freeze, and her body fell straight from the top of the cabinet.

"Gah!" Fat Penguin screamed and looked around. Such a little witch was so careless.

It sighed softly, flapped its wings, uncovered its hidden appearance, and jumped down.

When Saho woke up, she found that she was back at the hotel and other children were sharing photos.

"I...why am I here?" Hayho touched his head, feeling a little dizzy.

"You didn't know why you fell down in the corridor. The teacher brought you back." Yuori wiped Saho's face.

Hayho rubbed his head and gradually remembered what happened before.

"What are these?" Saho looked carefully at the photos they shared.

"We visited the aquarium and then went to the maid cafe. There were many girls dressed like us. They gave us many, many, many good things, as well as dinner. This is for you." Natsuki gestured excitedly .

Natsuki stuffed cookies into Hayho's mouth to satisfy her hunger and restore her strength.

Saho saw a lot of photos that Renwu had taken and developed, which made her deeply regret it!

"Show me!" Saho was about to crawl over. She flipped through the photos and found a group photo.

Everyone showed happy smiles in the photo, and in the middle was a dizzy Hayao, who was put into a peaceful pose by everyone.

What made Saho despair the most was a photo of a great white shark. They actually saw the giant shark in the deep sea area in the second half of the aquarium with their own eyes!

"The big shark is so powerful!" Natsuki was very happy.

"The big shark in the aquarium... is amazing." Reio had to admit.

"I was shocked." Yuanzhi patted his chest.

They talked excitedly about the danger and terror of sharks, but none of this had anything to do with Hayho.

"You should stay with everyone." Reio combed her hair and looked at Saho sideways.

"Forget it, it's enough for you to see it. Anyway, it is indeed a good scenery for you, and I have also seen scenery that you can't see." Saho said generously, and she decided to forgive others this time.

"What invisible scenery did you see?" Lian Yang asked.

Hayao smiled slightly.

Before she passed out completely, she saw the fat penguin jump off the top of the cabinet.

The fat penguin spreads his arms and flies in the air, so penguins can fly!

It soared freely in the sky, its gentleman-like feathers stood up, and screamed sharply, like a black paper plane flying across the sky, like a noble prince among birds.

Every time he thought of the scene he witnessed before falling asleep, Hayao felt his heart surge.

Only Saho risked his life to learn this fact. The kids living on the dry shore will never understand.

As soon as she thought about this, Hayao wept for her own glory. Her exploration and her courage should have been remembered in a more profound place. Hayho, the greatest witch in the world. How can I lead them to become as good as myself?

"You will never know." Hayho looked at them with pity, "The things I have seen are beyond your understanding, and the areas I have entered are beyond your reach. Over time, the gap between us is only It’s going to get bigger and bigger.”

"Idiot! Saho is an idiot!" Natsuki rolled a ball of sunshine and threw Saho down.

"It's too hot!" Zaho knew that this was another duel between light and darkness. They were fighting on the floor, pounding their fists.

"Where is the teacher?" Yuanzhi raised his head.

"In the corridor, talking on the phone, seems to be talking about something again." Lian Yang looked out.

At this time, Zhang Su finally brought the children together and brought them back to the hotel without leaving home. He received another call from Edith.

As he stood in the corridor, looking out the window at the dazzling skyline of New Tokyo, Edith's voice came from the phone.

"How was the trip to the aquarium?" Edith asked.

"It's okay." Zhang Su said. "What do you want? I don't think a call this late will do anything good."

"It's a good thing. Come spend the night at my place, please." Edith said.

Zhang Su looked back at the children. They were all exhausted and wanted to rest.

"Okay." Zhang Su nodded.

The place where Edith stayed was called Yaole Palace, the most luxurious five-star hotel in New Tokyo, which can be said to be the first hotel.

She sent an unmanned automatic shuttle to pick up Zhang Su. After only a few minutes of silent air travel, Zhang Su arrived at the high-rise terrace where Edith was.

"The 66th floor of Yaole Palace, my exclusive floor." Edith stood in the room and spoke to Zhang Su on the tarmac outside.

She adjusted her dress in front of the gilded mirror to ensure the size of the neckline and skirt, hoping to look her best to welcome Zhang Su.

"We meet again... Edith." Zhang Su made his eyes look serious and serious. As he approached, the sliding glass door opened automatically.

"Come in." Edith extended her hand to greet him.

Her hand took the initiative to climb up Zhang Su's arm, catching him off guard.

Edith walked to the sofa on the opposite side. Zhang Su's eyes fell on Edith. Her figure had a kind of enchanting attraction.

"Please help yourself," Edith said.

"Yes." Zhang Su sat on the armchair. The chair was very comfortable and wide, as if Edith had specially reserved a seat for him.

The idea struck him as odd, but when he saw the other furniture in the hotel, he had to admit it was a possibility, since the other chairs were tiny.

Edith sat down opposite him and slowly crossed one long leg in black stockings over the other. She poured Zhang Su a cup of tea.

"I'm glad you can come to Yaole Palace to see me." Edith's voice was deep and beautiful.

"Yeah." Zhang Su answered as briefly as possible, wondering what Edith wanted to do this time.

He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. The wasp's pheromones protected him from toxins, and the tea itself was clean.

Edith tilted her head slightly.

"You feel lonely sometimes, right? After all, you are such a unique person." She said.

"No, everyone is very good. I am even very busy. There are so many people to take care of every day." Zhang Su said cautiously.

"You seem to be carrying the weight of the whole world, but sometimes, it doesn't matter if you take a break." Edith always stared into Zhang Su's eyes as she spoke.

"Thank you Director for your concern. In fact, I rest more and work less." Zhang Su felt uncomfortable.

"It's getting hot here, do you mind if I change into something more comfortable?" Edith asked.

"I..." Before Zhang Su could speak, Edith stood up.

She gently put down her usual white shirt.

Followed by suit trousers and gloves, Edith shook her head gently and let go of her long fiery red hair.

"It's much easier now." Edith made Zhang Su's vision smooth, "Now, where are we talking?"

Zhang Su wanted to get up, but something went too far.

Edith pressed her hands on the table, leaned forward, and kissed Zhang Su.

Zhang Su had to deal with the sudden kiss seriously, and they separated after more than ten seconds.

"What do you want?" Zhang Su took a deep breath.

"I want you to love me once." Edith ran her tongue across her lips, her tone sentimental, "Love me again."

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