Witch containment diary

Chapter 132 Recreating the Past

Love her again.

Zhang Su tasted Edith's lip print on his mouth. It tasted fishy and salty, but it was actually blood.

Her eyes changed under the shadow of the lamp, sometimes confused and confused, sometimes enigmatic. But there is always a faint, lingering feeling.

Zhang Su tried hard to distinguish, what kind of feeling is...


"Why do you say 'again'?" Zhang Su was confused. Could it be that Edith was also reborn in the torrent of time and space?

"I don't know, but I feel like we fell in love at some point." Edith said hesitantly.

Yes, what she said is absolutely true. Zhang Su sighed.

For a long time in his previous life, Zhang Su had been thinking about her.

Zhang Su would stay here when he was not at An'an Hospital. Yaole Palace was the residence where he and Edith shared their body heat.

No matter what appearance he came in, even if he was covered with scars and cursed, Edith would greet him as always, giving him kisses, caresses and whispers of pity.

Then they depended on each other until the end of the night, and they wanted nothing more than each other.

But she is also good at manipulating Zhang Su and making everything feel like a deal.

He completed many difficult challenges, killing people, working, scouting, and searching for treasures for her.

The extremely sticky tool life makes him exhausted, so Zhang Su would rather let go of his obsession and find his own path.

"——It happened at some point." Zhang Su did not lie, "But we can pretend it never happened."

"Do you regret it?" Edith asked.

"No regrets." Zhang Su admitted.

"I don't regret it either, so let's do it again... okay?" Edith held Zhang Su's hand and looked at each other.

As long as she loves her, she will make an eternal promise, share the secrets of the world, and control the power of life and death. From then on, she will dance and spin, rich and free, and transcend the rules——

Edith's eyes were darker than ever before, as if she wanted to swallow Zhang Su whole.

Zhang Su's will was put to the test.

——Fortunately, his defense is impenetrable.

Previously, Lianwu used words to sew up Zhang Su's psychological cracks, so Edith could not control Zhang Su like she did in her previous life.

Zhang Su's expression changed from relaxed to serious and serious. Edith had no choice but to prevent the natural disaster, so Zhang Su had to strengthen himself.

Seeing Zhang Su's determination, Edith's expression was suspicious at first, and then softened.

"...You have become more determined." Edith said softly.

"Then what?" Zhang Su asked.

"Then?" Edith took a deep look at Zhang Su, "Don't you understand yet? This room is designed for you. No matter what you choose, I have my own ideas."

She wants to.

Edith turned off the light and invited Zhang Su to come find her.

It was easy for Zhang Su to find Edith. In fact, it was not difficult, as long as he followed the scent of blood.

"Edith..." Zhang Su boarded the place where he should go, and Edith allowed Zhang Su to take her as his own.

"——You are only safe at this moment." Edith lowered her voice.


"Others can't see what you are doing, they can only see some dots. This way we can hide it better." Edith smiled mysteriously.

The time that follows is long and sweet.

"Love" is a free and changeable concept. The clever thing is that it makes sense to read these two words upside down. The meaning changes slightly, and it makes people more likeable.

The next morning.

Zhang Su woke up and heard the sizzling sound of hot oil. Edith was frying eggs in the small kitchen of the room, and her pajamas were piled on the bedside.

Edith used to live a very regular life, arriving at the office at 9 a.m. and leaving get off work at 9 p.m. But Zhang Su knew that as long as he was in Yaole Palace, Edith would stay here for a while.

A lot of things happened last night, and the residents downstairs got up all night to fight the flood.

Zhang Su could feel her love. For a moment, Zhang Su felt that he had robbed Edith from him, but she was willing to maintain and nourish Zhang Su.

If Zhang Su is injured or in danger, Edith will feel more anxious than others.

Now she was wearing a pale apron, and the sunlight slanted on her back, casting a soft light on her curves, which made her look particularly beautiful in Zhang Su's eyes.

He stood up, and the smart electronic curtain wall was turned on, playing the daily news.

Article 1 [The Hell Raider Legion attacked New England, the defenders fought hard and killed many enemies]

Classic rhetoric. Zhang Su is very familiar with it.

If there are too many dead but you defend, the media will report "Too many enemies killed." If the defense line is lost and the army retreats, the media will report "smooth transfer of effective forces." If the person dies and the defense line is not held, the media will report that "a new species of demon has been discovered, and the understanding of hell has been further improved"... Zhang Su was numb.

Then [Breakthrough in gene editing and prosthetic enhancement technology suitable for witches]

Or the key to saving Komurohua... Zhang Su looked at it and saw that it was a research institute in Lin'an City that was applying for patents and funding from the Witch Council.

Article 3 [The 110th Human Defense Planning Conference was held in Castle, lasting 45 days]

"...Aren't you going to the 110th Congress?" Zhang Su asked.

"I've asked Zoro to convey my opinions, but I don't think there will be any progress." Edith's voice came from the kitchen.

Zoro is another senior supervisor, mainly responsible for external affairs. In fact, he was placed by King's Castle next to Edith to act as a monitor. If he was still in New Tokyo, it would be inconvenient for Zhang Su to come to Yaole Palace to see Edith.

Zhang Su looked outside.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows are seamlessly connected, showing the entire landscape of New Tokyo. Yaole Palace is more worthy of the name "Sky View" than the Sky View Hotel.

Edith's hand shook the pot gently.

Breakfast is ready.

"Don't watch the news. We should make more space for each other. Let's watch a movie." Edith walked to the scarlet sheets and invited Zhang Su to come to her so that she could feed him breakfast.

There's bread, omelettes, sausages and bacon, and high-quality black coffee is served by drone.

Zhang Su sat next to her, very satisfied, feeling very similar to his previous life.

In his previous life, Edith gave him thirteen tasks and thirteen tests. He ran for Edith, and the rewards for each test were surprisingly generous. Edith also greatly encouraged him and helped him survive and grow.

When he was depressed, numb, or lost, he would sit with Edith and it would be like the present moment.

"This is really not the first time we have met like this, and I am more convinced. No wonder I always feel that something is missing in this life, and it is not missing now." Edith murmured.

"I don't think so either." Zhang Su said, "But the previous memory may have happened in a dream. Don't take it too seriously."

"Okay, I don't take it seriously." Edith leaned into Zhang Su's arms.

The giant projection screen at the end of the room was very wide. Zhang Su was lying on Edith's pillow, which still smelled of perfume, blood and sweat.

She chose a light comedy.

After the arrival of the devil, these films were banned for a while, but Edith had the privilege to collect many of them.

Several of the scenes were so funny that Edith laughed out loud and Zhang Su smiled.

As he was dragged into this situation by Edith, he gradually became able to adapt to this unrestrained feeling.

Zhang Su really felt like he was back a long time ago, a very long time ago...

——Before traveling through time.

Life on that earth without demons, there would be no pressure, no natural disasters, no safe havens, and nothing that would cause your head to fall off.

The movie allows Zhang Su to get rid of the pressure, let him relax his vigilance and experience this simple emotion.

When the movie reached the next hilarious point, Edith pinched Zhang Su's arm while laughing. So he smiled too, without any pretense.

There is no position, title, halo or responsibility.

His nostrils were filled with the bloody smell from Edith, which was full of sin and danger. But in his previous life, he naturally followed this aura. Because Edith knew what Zhang Su wanted.

"So...this is the end." Edith looked at the credits at the end of the movie.

There was something in her words, she didn't want Zhang Su to leave like this.

"This is just the beginning. Now everything can be brand new, and new encounters will overwrite those false memories." Zhang Su said.

"Then, you help me solve troublesome things, and you must have something to ask me for help." Edith said.

Zhang Su thought about the demolition of the Dongzhou Wall, the budget, and the recovery of stolen money from suppliers.

These jobs can earn him at most several billion yen, enough for him to flourish.

As long as Edith helps, these things will be solved.

"About funds..." Zhang Su expressed his thoughts.

They drank tea and negotiated, and Edith listened attentively to what Zhang Su said, not leaving out any details.

"...I will help you. This money is handled by Kazama, commonly known as 'Dongzhou Project Compensation Recovery'..." Edith said slowly, "I will not let you encounter any resistance in these matters. .”

"Thank you." Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief. Edith was like holding a key to his heart, always making him feel comfortable.

"...So, your official business is settled?" Edith asked.

"Solved." Zhang Su admitted.

"I also have my own business. Do you know the new sky tree?" Edith asked.

"Of course." Zhang Su understood.

"That place is now completely a commercial attraction, run by a wealthy businessman named Hirashima Yorichu... and he is now under threat." Edith said.

"I've heard that Hirashima Norichu is a rich man. Who dares to threaten him?" Zhang Su pondered.

"People from the Fujikawa group." Edith's pupils narrowed.

"...Fujikawa Group, I plan to take the children there." Zhang Su went to get dressed.

"It's best not to go. The senior ninjas of the Fujikawa group have sneaked into the New Sky Tower and used illegal electronic technology, which is extremely deadly. Yori Chu is hiding in his room and dare not leave a step." Edith took a sip of coffee.

A ninja from the Fujikawa group. Zhang Su imagined the scene, with the assassin hiding in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity to splatter blood on the spot.

"Saburo Fujikawa is in charge of family affairs now," Zhang Su said. Saburo is Fujikawa Chiyo's uncle.

"Chiyo Fujikawa has disappeared since she left your prison. Now under the rule of Saburo, the Fujikawa group is good at using blackmail and threats to make others surrender." Edith raised her eyes.

"What does Sanlang want?" Zhang Su asked.

"Hirashima Yoritada has many shops and properties under his name, but he is weak on his own. If he is leveraged, it will be easier for the Fujikawa-gumi to subdue others. Hirashima Yori-tada is very worried. If the Fujikawa-gumi's demands are not met, If you are satisfied, someone will die, and this person has a high self-esteem, does not want to die, and would rather ask us for help." Edith said.

Zhang Su digested this information silently. This has to be handled very carefully, as carelessness can lead to disaster.

"Where are the people from the Metropolitan Police Department?" Zhang Su asked.

Edith sat on the armchair, folded one leg over the other, and asked Zhang Su to help her put on her stockings.

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