Witch containment diary

Chapter 133 Sky Tree Robbery

Edith's beautiful silk feet were soft and smelly. Only connoisseurs could appreciate this smell. Fortunately, Zhang Su was one of them.

"The Fujikawa group is ruthless and has already attempted an assassination. This matter has been kept secret for the time being. The impact may be too great. You must know that even at this moment, there are still more than 1,500 tourists stranded in the New Sky Tree. Whatever you do will alarm the entire New Tokyo. . Only a small number of plainclothes officers from the Metropolitan Police Department tried to sneak into the New Sky Tree." Edith said.

"I heard that you want to build New Tokyo into a safe city with zero crime." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, the Metropolitan Police hired many spies and asked them to disguise themselves as female high school students so that others would not detect their true identities." Edith stretched her toes into Zhang Su's palm. Zhang Su put on red high heels for her.

Zhang Su nodded slowly and thought quickly.

New Tokyo is like a powder keg surrounded by neon lights, ready to explode at any time.

The Fujikawa Group is the leader of New Tokyo's underground forces. An all-out war with them will make the situation in New Tokyo even worse, so it is best to deal with it covertly.

"I need someone I can trust for this matter." Edith said, "I have asked Kazama Yihuai to handle it."

"I want to go to the scene to see it too," Zhang Su said. He can buy tickets for the new Sky Tree.

"Are you up to it?" Edith asked.

"I will do what needs to be done." Zhang Su nodded.

Edith stood up on high heels, leaned forward, and looked at Zhang Su through her dark eyelashes.

Her delicious fragrance enveloped Zhang Su, and then she stretched out her hand and slid her neatly manicured nails down his chest.

"Take care of yourself outside." Edith said in Zhang Su's ear.

Zhang Su felt his heart beat faster, and when Edith stared at him, he felt heat rising quietly from his skin.

"It's time for me to leave." Zhang Su called a floating taxi.

"And I'll stay here, waiting for you to come back." Edith's fingers shook gently in the air.

Zhang Su looked at Edith.

Fortunately, he now knows that Edith is in danger and can get out in time. Before, he was completely trapped and had no autonomy at all.

This also meant that he could treat Edith as an equal this time.

"You must have something to worry about in your heart." Zhang Su said.

"Of course." Edith said quietly, "But I won't tell you."

"Yes, with your strength and level, the challenges you face are extremely dangerous, and may not even be able to be accommodated by this world. It's useless for me to know. But I hope I can become stronger , break through the difficulties and obstacles! Then, I can understand you thoroughly, know the problems you face, and share your sorrow. When the time comes, let's talk about 'love' again." Zhang Su said boldly.

Edith chuckled.

She had never thought that Zhang Su would say such a thing, nor had she thought that a man would be willing to make such a claim.

Countless people had crawled in front of Edith, but Zhang Su wanted to be on an equal footing with her.

"Live your own life first, and then talk about saving me... fool." Edith turned her back.

Vehicles gradually came from the sky, and Zhang Su took a ride out of the "Yole Palace" Hotel and returned to the children.

After Zhang Su left, Edith dressed neatly and tied her hair into a bright red ponytail in front of the mirror. Then she put on her high heels and sat upright on the chair.

She asked the drone to prepare a martini for herself and took a sip.

"Come in." Edith snapped her fingers. Today's official business has not been settled yet.

A white mist flickered in front of Edith.

She saw a tall, pale figure wearing a rich and exquisite suit.

"Greetings to you, noble one." The monster's face is almost skeleton, with deformed facial features, high cheekbones, sunken eye sockets, and a faint golden light where the eyes should be.

"Hello, Mr. Fortunado," Edith said softly.

Mr. Fortunado shook hands with Edith gently, his cold fingers almost passing through Edith's skin.

Its eyes fell on all the valuable things in the room. It went to check every watch, every gold cup, and every piece of jade belonging to Edith. The torso under the suit kept surging in ripples.

"You shouldn't be in New Tokyo at this time," Edith said.

"It was the Anyuan family who summoned me."

"What sacrifices have been prepared this time?" Edith asked.

"I haven't looked at it yet, I hope it's sweet food. The return on my investment in them is quite impressive." Mr. Fortunado turned around, "I have confidential matters with them and want to continue to cooperate. Although it is a small contract, but It needs to be handled with caution.”

"There is someone in their family who took away someone's heart, someone I don't want to lose." Edith put her hand on her cheek, and her eyes occasionally seemed hollow, as if she had lost focus.

"So you will allow me to move around in the hospital." Mr. Fortunado turned his head.

It let out a burst of laughter, and gold coins kept pouring out of its throat, clattering on the ground.

"You came to the human world according to the contract. I don't care. I won't kill you this time." Edith gestured tiredly.

"Farewell, Your Excellency." Mr. Fortunado disappeared without a trace. As long as you follow the rules, you can avoid death.

Edith thought that there were still some things she had not explained, but forget it, she was tired.

She put her feet back on the chair, thinking about what Zhang Su did last night.

Of course there is pain; happiness is even richer. Her legs are still numb now, and many of her movements are made with force to avoid making Zhang Su laugh.

At this moment, she found that she missed him a lot, but Zhang Su still left, as if he had never been here before. No matter how hard she tried, things still would not change.

There is a silent touching feeling in my heart. Can Zhang Su reach a high enough altitude? How difficult that is.

What's more, Zhang Su also fell in love with the silly Lian Wu.

Edith felt puzzled when she thought of this.

I was just living a peaceful life, why did I suddenly become my ex!

Zhang Su returned to the corridor on the 30th floor of Tianjing Hotel.

Once again, it was confirmed through direct injection in the tank that Edith was not a human being, and humans could not have so many complex abilities; she was not a witch, and there was no way of power similar to Edith; it was also difficult to say that it was a demon, and Ilini's death It is clear to my mind that Edith endured a lot, but she did not suffer any serious consequences.

Returning to the room, the bright red flocked carpet felt extraordinarily soft when stepped on. Kailuo, the automatic welcome robot, came forward to receive Zhang Su and brought lemonade and today's menu to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su picked up the cup and found that the children were playing around. Yuanzhi turned into a kitten again, jumping up and down, while others tried to chase her.

"Ah, teacher!" Saho saw him, "You are back! What are you doing?"

"Children have the happiness of children, and adults have the happiness of adults." Zhang Su still remembers what happened when Saho was messing around in the aquarium yesterday, but it wouldn't look like Saho if he didn't mess around.

"Then you come and help us catch Yuanzhi Cat!" Haosui ran over and pulled Zhang Su's coat.

"There are more important things." Zhang Su rubbed Zaosui's hair, "Follow me."

Zhang Su returned to his room to prepare, and Shui Li appeared from the shadows with an expressionless face.

"Shui Li, I want to talk to you about the new sky tree." Zhang Su said.

"I already know the information." Shui Li said.

"Why? Wait - you followed me all the way to Yaole Palace?" Zhang Su recalled that Shui Li never left.

"Yes, I have been waiting for you to call me to join." Shui Li said.

Him, Shui Li, Edith? A flash of fantasy flashed through Zhang Su's mind, but he was quickly disillusioned.

"What to join?" Hayho asked curiously.

"Join the action." Zhang Su changed the subject.

He took Haoho to the glass window of the hotel and pointed at a unique white tower in New Tokyo.

"What is that?" Hayho stood on tiptoes.

"That's the New Sky Tree. It's been infiltrated by the Fujikawa group, and a ninja has sneaked into it." Zhang Su said.

"Perhaps a rebellious nin from a certain village would be hired by the Fujikawa group to do such evil deeds." Shuili said.

"The New Sky Tree is the landmark here. I want everyone to go up there and have fun. But now, that tower is being blackmailed by the Fujikawa group, so I want to go over and help and find out where the ninjas are. Hayao's Shadow Magic can help." Zhang Su said.

"Okay! I am also a master of the action team!" Hayho was eager to give it a try.

"Shui Li, you still want to see Fujikawa Chiyo." Zhang Su looked at Shui Li.

"Yes, Miss Chiyo and I have known each other since childhood. It would be great if we could meet again." Shui Li said.

"Can you find Chiyo's recent movements?" Zhang Su asked.

"After solving the New Sky Tree incident, we will try our best to find it." Shui Li's eyes were very firm.

It may be time to put an end to the matter of retaking the Fujikawa Group for Chiyo Fujikawa.

"... Without further ado, let's go to the New Sky Tree to have a look." Zhang Su set off. Unseen by them, the Fujikawa group is planning more troubles.

The floating taxi departed from the Skyview Hotel and took them to the New Tokyo Sky Tree. The journey was 20 kilometers and the fare was 2,000 yen.

Along the way, Zhang Su also recalled information about New Tokyo.

[Memory of "New Tokyo": Old Tokyo was completely destroyed in the Demon War and lost the meaning of reconstruction. Therefore, Dongming State rebuilt a brand new megalopolis on the coastline and planned a futuristic developed city from scratch, focusing on more than 40 million people]

[Memory of "Old Tokyo": the dilapidated city behind the vast coastline, scarred, damaged historical buildings lacking funds for repair, vast slums, garbage dumps and scattered satellite towns]

[Memory of the "Dark Zone": New Tokyo's extremely large-scale underground infrastructure is connected to the subway of old Tokyo, extending into an extremely vast underground community. There is no order at all, and the talk of the citizens on the ground has changed, and there are all kinds of gangs and black markets. with the Wandering Witch]

The Fujikawa Group is one of the gangs that operates extensively in the Dark Zone. Their relationship network is more complicated. Even if the Metropolitan Police Department and other forces on the ground want to pursue them, they can hide deep in the Dark Zone and live there.

So far, the children have only seen the glamorous New Tokyo, and have no impression of the two lawless places of Old Tokyo and the Dark Zone. Zhang Su thinks this is good, so as not to leave too many negative impressions on the outside world. .

"It's so beautiful! Can we have that too?" Hayho pointed to a shuttle flying around them.

It was gleaming and slightly larger than a car, with a humming engine at each corner propelling it as it glided lightly through the sky.

The shuttle is more flexible than an airplane. It can take off and land vertically without the need for a runway, making it more suitable for a three-dimensional city like New Tokyo.

"Okay, let me see if I can order one." Zhang Su looked at it.

Still short of money. An entry-level shuttle costs 40 million yen, but Zhang Su only has about 20 million yen on hand, so he can only wait for the next opportunity to make a fortune before he can buy it.

It looked quite wealthy in Ansin, but when we arrived in New Tokyo, the best place, the feeling of poverty came back.

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