Witch containment diary

Chapter 134 No advance warning

"What's on those people's heads?" Hayho pointed to a restaurant platform the taxi passed by.

At the table, guests wore gowns woven from polymer materials and varying sizes of metal helmets, glasses or technical implants.

"That's a human enhancement device." Zhang Su glanced at it.

"What? Put all kinds of wires and tubes on your body?" asked Hayho.

"Yes, this can strengthen the mind, obtain powerful strength such as hydraulic muscles, and connect electronic devices with psychological thinking. It was first used by the military to transform super soldiers to fight against demons, and is now in the process of civilianization and commercialization. . But the limitations are still very big, and you can't pretend to be a witch." Zhang Su said.

"Why can't a witch just pretend?" Hayho was puzzled.

"Your magic power is constantly circulating in your body, like a turbulent river. If there is a node in the middle that is blocked by an electrical appliance, then the magic power will not flow smoothly, and more importantly, it will hurt! The pain is unbearable, and you have to Demolish it." Zhang Su said.

The lossless transmission of electricity requires superconductors, and the lossless transmission of magic power also requires finding a suitable magic conductor.

"Oh...!" Hayho thought thoughtfully.

Seeing those human body modifications, Zhang Su couldn't help but think of the most expensive and powerful implants. "Digital Mind", a special enhanced chip installed in the brain.

It can convert human nerve signals into photoelectric signals, and you can control electronic devices with your mind and thinking.

Those who install digital minds are the best network security engineers of this era. There are also people who have fallen into the dark side of power and become hackers, and they are all legendary figures.

Haoho blinked and looked outside, her attention changing rapidly. She saw a huge advertising airship slowly passing by in the sky. The side of the airship was covered with advertisements for commercial loans, so she became excited again.

"We have never seen anything like this over there! We have never flown so high before... Is Anxinyuan really a country?" Hayho pressed his face against the window of the flying aerostat.

"What's wrong with the countryside? Everyone's life is just as rich." Zhang Su looked at the city scenery outside.

"I don't understand." Hayao yelled.

"There is a work that summarizes people's lives: it is nothing more than choosing a major, choosing a job, choosing a family, choosing a TV, choosing a washing machine, a car and headphones, choosing who to be friends with, choosing a set of clothes, choosing food, choosing medical insurance and pensions Insurance, choosing a house, choosing a loan bank... You see, our lives are very similar. It's just that city people have to work on their own in order to have the opportunity to choose, while Anxinyuan is a lifestyle shared by everyone." Zhang Su said.

"It seems like this." Hayho thought, "There are money floating everywhere in this place. Whether it's the people working in the hotel or the people in the aquarium, they are all working hard. It seems that everyone will be unlucky if they don't have small bills. ”

"And Anxinyuan will become very lively in the future. There will be many people and they can go to all kinds of novel places. Everyone will live together, share things together, help each other, and support each other. They are all equal, and there is no need to worry about money. ." Zhang Su has an idea.

"I will have grown up by then." Saho's eyes lit up.

"Yeah...grow up quickly." Zhang Su smiled.

Soon, the taxi arrived at the bottom of the New Sky Tower.

Although it has been infiltrated by Fujikawa group hackers, the New Sky Tree is not under martial law yet, and tourists can come and go freely, take photos and check in.

After all, this scenic spot is very beautiful and must be visited.

Zhang Su met Fengjian Yihuai at the bottom of the tower.

Kazama Yoshihuai looked up at the New Tokyo Sky Tower, which was like a silver needle piercing the sky.

The exterior was designed by a modernist artist and is taller than the one in old Tokyo, reaching 899 meters.

"Hey, Kazama!" Zhang Su waved.

"Short," Saho whispered.

Kazama Yihuai turned to greet them.

"This thing is too high for you." Zhang Su teased.

"Ha!" Zaosui helped Zhang Su, feeling that Kazama Yihuai was not as tall as her.

"Edith sent me here." Kazama Yihuai had no intention of arguing.

"Is the senior supervisor so idle?" Zhang Su asked.

"Today is my day off." Kazama Yoshihuai looked around, "I also came here to travel. There are still more than 1,500 tourists in the tower, and the ninjas of the Fujikawa group have infiltrated."

"Where are the ninjas?" Zhang Su asked.

"He hid and tried to enter Hirashima Yorichu's hideout, but Yorichu hired a lot of security guards to stand ready." Kazama Yoshihuai glanced at Hayao.

"What are you looking at?" Hayho put his hands on his hips.

"You are the Shadow Witch, right? What kind of power does she have?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"I'll show you my hand." Hayho waved his hand and hid himself in the shadow. From the outside, it looked like a black shadow suddenly appeared in the open space.

In fact, it’s quite awkward and must be used in an already dark place.

"You have to discipline her." Kazama Yihuai warned.

Hayao's mother "Shadow Witch" is one of the most wanted black devil women in this era. The scars she left on the gate of Hell on Mount Kagurura have not been healed to this day.

When the Shadow Witch was active in the Dongming Kingdom, she gained a great reputation and went her own way. Any force that dared to provoke or provoke her was massacred by the Shadow Witch.

It does look like an extra-large haosui.

"I'll try my best." Zhang Su reached out toward the black shadow and touched Haosui's hair. She chuckled, removed the magic power, and emerged from the shadow.

"Do you want a drink?" Kazama Yihuai looked at Saho.

"Yes!" Saho nodded.

Kazama Yihuai has always taken care of children inexplicably, and Zhang Su is used to it.

"I want it too." Zhang Su said. But he was ignored by Kazama Yihuai.

Hayao was bought a cup of coffee from the street by Kazama Yoshihuai. The self-service robot prepared it quickly and had a rich flavor.

"It's so bitter, what does it taste like! But it seems... makes me feel very energetic!" Saho couldn't get used to drinking it.

"Coffee is very useful. For witches, coffee can stimulate the spirit and restore magic power." Kazama Yihuai said.

"That's when the magic power is used up. Drink coffee, and then your brain will be active and the magic power will be restored." Hayho learned a valuable experience.

"There are other ways to restore magic power, the focus is mental stimulation, strong stimulation." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Let's talk about the movements of the Fujikawa group ninjas you have, don't miss anything." Zhang Su said.

Kazama Yoshihuai took them to a compartment inside the Sky Tree and took out his single-sided silver-white tablet.

It is a truly high-end product. With just one click, a three-dimensional map filled with marks, question marks and avatars will appear. The contrast is very high and it is clearly legible under light.

"In the past three months, the scope of the Fujikawa group's activities has expanded dramatically. Smuggling, extortion, and trading of prohibited implants and pharmaceuticals. This is only part of their work. Their real power lies in intelligence trading and political influence." Kazama Yihuai's fingers moved between the various marks, drawing a network of connections.

The Sky Tree is like an important node in this network.

The Fujikawa group must conquer it so that they can officially gain control of the ground part of New Tokyo.

"Fujikawa Saburo's ambition is so great." Zhang Su observed.

The Fujikawa Group had been very active in the previous life, and Saburo Fujikawa was the underground overlord of New Tokyo until the natural disaster struck.

But now Zhang Su has brought changes, and Fujikawa Chiyo is still alive!

"This person acts resolutely and ruthlessly. All forces are cooperating with the Fujikawa Group and posing a threat to New Tokyo. Edith hopes that we can stop this conspiracy." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"...The foundation of the Fujikawa Group should have been controlled by Miss Chiyo." Shuili murmured.

"Who are you?" Fengjian Yihuai raised his head.

"Hello, this is the first time we meet. I'm Shui Li." Shui Li said.

Kazama Yoshihuai did not reply with ninja, but turned his head and continued the introduction.

"...The ninjas who sneaked into the Sky Tree are similar to Shui Li, but they are ninjas trained overseas." He flicked on the handheld panel and quickly took out a large number of pictures and videos.

"Modern ninja." Zhang Su observed.

"Optical camouflage, limb strength enhancement, reflection enhancement chip, subcutaneous armor, sensory specialization, hacker package and firewall components... He has done a lot of things for the Fujikawa group, from verbal threats to deliberate murder." Kazama Yoshihuai explain.

"...No wonder Pingdao Lai Zhongfei asked for help. He couldn't solve the problem on his own." Zhang Su nodded.

"Our appearance has attracted the attention of the other party, and now the tourists in the Sky Tree have become hostages." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"If we act rashly, he will kill someone." Zhang Su speculated.

"So, I mobilized the witch to use her psychic abilities to let the tourists leave on their own." Kazama Yihuai glanced into the distance.

The high-level witch Shang Shuqin of the True Heart Path is already in place.

She was a very beautiful witch, wearing black stockings, high heels, a short skirt and a tight uniform.

Feeling the gazes of Zhang Su and others, Shang Shuqin also blew a kiss in return.

[Memory of "Shang Shuqin": The perfect witch of the true path, the subordinate of Kazama Yihuai, a beautiful and professional professional beauty. Excellent work ability, good at using magic to implant wrong ideas and memories into living organisms]

She will secretly cast her magic to make people mistakenly think that her true intention is to leave the Sky Tree.

Compared to Lian Yang, who can only peek into her thoughts, Shang Shuqin is the truly outstanding "sincere" witch.

Shang Shuqin took a closer look at Zhang Su and felt that his physique was very powerful and he stood out among this mediocre crowd.

"Thanks for the help." Zhang Su said. Without the presence of senior supervisors, it would be difficult to deploy high-level witches.

Kazama Yihuai just shrugged.

"I can deal with him. He and I are both modified ninjas." Shui Li said.

Shuili rebuilt half of her body and brain after the accident; the other party deliberately carried out mechanical enhancement and implant modification.

Does she want to prove her strength? Zhang Su looked at Shui Li, she looked more serious than ever before.

"...You actually have a ninja with you." Kazama Yihuai glanced at Zhang Su.

Only traditional families with close ties to the ninja dojo can get the help of ninjas. Zhang Su secretly said that it was lucky that he had also benefited from Fujikawa Chiyo, and Kazama Yoshihuai could only envy him.

"Let Shuili go, she is very strong." Zhang Su said.

"In that case, I will also send you an encrypted message, and the hackers from our Witch Countermeasure Bureau will find ways to track the other party's signal." Kazama Yihuai turned to Shui Li.

"And Zaohui will help you and cover you with shadows." Zhang Su said.

"I'll do it!" Hayho nodded. She began to accumulate the shadow magic power in her right hand, and then released it towards Shui Li with all her strength.

In an instant, Shui Li escaped into the shadows and disappeared without a trace. The combination of shadow magic and ninja skills was extremely powerful!

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