Witch containment diary

Chapter 135 The decisive battle in the kitchen

The sky tree is divided into three parts: the building's overhead layer, the viewing restaurant layer and Lai Zhong's office layer.

Shui Li walked quietly through the bustling hall.

Ordinary people around her couldn't see her at all, especially when she was walking in the shadows of buildings, as if she was completely invisible.

For Shui Li, everything around her was extremely clear, and her senses had long been honed to be extremely sharp, like sharp blades.

Track the senior ninjas of the Fujikawa group who have sneaked into the Sky Tree, and do not alert the civilians.

This was easy for Shui Li. She was well-trained and had already been forged into a tool that was proficient in stealth.

"...The target's signal disappeared in the kitchen area of ​​the viewing restaurant, go and search there." Fengjian Yihuai's voice entered Shui Li's electronic ear.

She understood it and quietly climbed up from the maintenance channel.

Arriving at the world-famous luxury viewing restaurant in the middle of the Sky Tree, there were about 50 diners enjoying lunch here, and the drone waiters were moving back and forth.

Shui Li must follow the shadows on the wall as if they were her kind.

She raised her wrist and activated the scrambling device on her body, making it difficult for the other party's electronic detection system to track Shui Li.

Shui Li approached the restaurant's back kitchen carefully.

No food has been delivered there in a long time, and drone waiters are waiting in line.

The diners did not rush, mistakenly thinking that waiting was part of the special service of Sky Tree Restaurant.

Shui Li climbed through the window where food was delivered.

The window was very narrow, only half a meter wide, but to her it was as wide as a road, and she could slide through it without any hindrance.

There was no one in the kitchen.

Shui Li raised her head subconsciously. If it were her, she would hide there.

A red ninja hangs upside down from the ceiling.

"Hello, first time we meet -" The red-clothed ninja pulled the trigger. In an instant, the entire kitchen appliances were working together. The gas stove hissed, the oven roared, condensation water flew down from the pipes overhead, and pots and pans all came together. Fei, "My name is Sakamoto Lewan, please give me your advice!"

"Hello, this is the first time we meet. My name is Shui Li." She quickly retreated behind a row of hanging pot racks.

The strategy is to hide first.

She threw miniature smoke capsules towards the ground, completely hiding herself in the smoke, but her electronic eyes were able to penetrate the fog and see Sakamoto Lewand's position clearly.

Lewandre Sakamoto jumped to the top of the stainless steel refrigerator in the kitchen, ready for action.

His attire is similar to Shui Li, wearing a matte black ninja suit that covers his head and face, leaving only a pair of mechanical sharp eyes visible.

He was clearly invisible, how was he discovered?

Shui Li thought quickly. Laser tripwire triggered? Or gravity sensor?

"Ah 咿 咿 咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿 咿咿“ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ ““ at the same time waves hard, and eight sound wave darts are revealed from their sleeves.


These sonic darts hit the walls, ceiling and floor of the kitchen hard and then began to vibrate at high frequencies.

Shui Li immediately detected a large number of sound waves coming towards her, and invisible sound waves were intertwined in the kitchen.

Although she can become optically invisible with the magic of shadow, her physical body still exists, so the sound waves will continue to bounce back!

sound--! Shui Li inferred. I can't be completely silent, the other party relies on echolocation. clever.

After the eight sonic darts were nailed to the wall, they were still vibrating, forming a sonic field. Now Sakamoto Lewandowski is like a bat, relying on echo to lock Shuili, no matter how many shadows and smoke are, it is useless.

Shui Li immediately distanced herself and at the same time threw a spear at Sakamoto Lewandowski.


Lewan Sakamoto jumped onto the glass platform where the cold dishes were placed. At the same time, he popped out the mantis knife on his arm and accurately cut off Shuili's spear with one knife!

Very fast and with perfect accuracy, is this a highly modified mechanical ninja?

Shui Li decided to attack.

She jumped left and right, maneuvered at high speed, and also jumped onto the glass platform.

Sakamoto Lewan instantly stabbed Shui Li with his knife, as fast as a golden whip, hissing as it cut through the air.

Shui Li performs ninjutsu——


She used the teleportation technique to advance at high speed and moved rapidly in the air. The strong wind ruffled her hair and she escaped the blow.

Shui Li punched hard while flying towards the opponent, turning her body into a cannonball at extremely high speed!

Sakamoto Lewandowski raised his arm to block in a hurry.


Hearing a muffled sound, he was knocked back a step, and a flaw appeared.

Shui Li seized the opportunity and ducked down.

Sakamoto Lewan mistakenly thought that she was going to attack his legs, and immediately bent his knees to block.

In fact, Shuili put her hands on the ground, shifted her body's center of gravity significantly, accumulated all her strength on her right foot, and then kicked Sakamoto Lewandowski hard in the head.

Rapids·Flying! Inverted scythe kick!

Seeing that he could not dodge, Sakamoto Lewan had to jump back on one leg and raise his arms to defend.


Shui Li's right leg was completely made of machinery, and the power of this leg was a hundred times stronger than that of an ordinary person.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Even though Sakamoto Lewan tried his best to block with his arms, he was still kicked out!

Immediately afterwards, Shuili crawled on the cold dish platform like a snake, regaining her balance with an amazing posture.

Sakamoto Lewandowski also barely landed, and the two sides continued to deal with each other.

He shook his right arm, no!

Just now, in order to block Shui Li's inverted sickle kick, the sound wave chip on his arm also cracked, greatly reducing the efficiency of locating Shui Li through echo.

Relying on his stealth skills, Shui Li gradually disappeared from Sakamoto Lewan's sight.

But Shui Li is also in her predicament.

During the fierce attack and defense just now, Shui Li's combat chip was operating at a high load, so much so that she felt her brain began to heat up.

If this continues, she will die first.

Cool down…water…

Shui Li immediately threw smoke bombs at the fire alarm equipment on the ceiling!

Thick smoke rose up, triggering the bell to ring loudly. At the same time, water rushed down from the ceiling, drenching Shui Li all over.

Huh... Shui Li tried her best to cool down, and suddenly she felt better. She was not going to burn out her brain. She was only half a robot.

Sakamoto Lewandowski is keenly observant.

He discovered that under the fireproof water rain in the kitchen, there was an invisible obstacle blocking the water spray.

It was Shui Li whose body was outlined by the raindrops!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee!" Raiwan Sakamoto succeeded in finding the enemy again. He immediately brandished his mantis knife and stabbed Shui Li.

The combat chip in Shuili's head was cooled down by the fire shower and could continue to run overclocked.

She accurately calculated the trajectory of the Mantis Knife, and then turned sideways to avoid it.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Li kicked the metal cabinet behind her hard, and used the reaction force to launch herself like a bow and arrow. Her body flew through the air and she slashed at Sakamoto Lewan with a knife.

Secret · Flowing Water Dance!

When Sakamoto Lewand saw Shui Li's ultimate killing move, he immediately raised his arms, and an orange-red alloy mantis knife popped out of both arms to fight.

He widened his eyes and tried his best to focus on Shui Li's rushing trajectory.

Saw it!

At the critical moment of life and death, Sakamoto Lewand's eyesight saw the high-speed flying shadow!


Sakamoto Lewan's double mantis swords confront the sharp blade in Mizuri's hand——


His two swords actually broke at the sound!

In response, Mizuri's body slammed into Sakamoto Raiwan, knocking him back, and the blade also severely injured him, making him unable to fight back.

"How could it happen - your knife -! It's really sharp! Obsidian..." Sakamoto Lewan was shocked.

"The name of this sword is 'Fujing Dongmei Yaoying'. It was made by Xiao Dongmei, a famous craftsman from Anxin Academy. You are honored to witness the first murder committed by this sword." Shui Li raised the black ninja sword in his hand.

Dongmei? People who have never heard of it! What the hell kind of place is An’an Hospital again! Lewandowski Sakamoto was still in shock as death came suddenly.


With one blow, Shui Li chopped off Sakamoto Raiwan's Tianling Gai with a knife and pierced his skull.

Sakamoto Lewandowski, defeated!

When Zhang Su and Kazama Yihuai rushed to the scene, the roar of the fire alarm drowned everything.

When reinforcements arrived, Shui Li stood up and relaxed her guard, wiped the blood off the knife, and hid the weapon back in the concealed scabbard on her thigh.

"We won...the threat from the Sky Tree was eliminated." Zhang Su was very satisfied.

He observed the aftermath of the battle.

The once clean and tidy kitchen was now a mess, with holes all over the walls and darts and shurikens scattered everywhere.

The countertops, sink, and refrigerator were all scarred, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of some kind of chemical compound.

The automatic fire extinguishing device was not only dripping water, but also white foam fire extinguishing agent was scattered on the floor.

Kazama Yoshihuai immediately notified Sky Tree to lift the alarm.

Several staff members closed the valves of the sprinkler system, and water and fire extinguishing agents no longer broke out.

"This is the... ninja sent by the Fujikawa group." Zhang Su waved his hand to remove the foam and steam in the air, and then squatted down to observe the red ninja Sakamoto Raiwan.

"He is a foreign ninja. He is very powerful. He can even out the gap of more than ten years of hard training with very little electronic modification." Shui Li observed.

"...Yes, we gave the Fujikawa group a powerful counterattack. They cannot expand their power here and must return to the dark zone, like rats that have never seen the light of day." Kazama Yoshihuai nodded and commended Shui Li for his work.

"Until Miss Chiyo regains control of the Fujikawa Group, I will be the enemy of the Fujikawa Group." Mizuri said seriously.

But Zhang Su thought of something else.

What if Chiyo Fujikawa also wants to lead the Fujikawa group to counterattack on the ground?

Saburo Fujikawa was a shrewd man and sent ninjas to infiltrate the Sky Tree, forcing his boss Yori Tadashi to ask Edith for help. And Fujikawa Chiyo's ambition will only be stronger than Saburo.

"What to do with this dead guy?" Zhang Su turned to Fengjian Yihuai.

"I will deal with the aftermath. The relevant report has been forwarded to the boss, Hirashima Yorichu, and he will reward you generously." Kazama Yihuai nodded.

"My ninja is indeed very powerful." Zhang Su praised Shui Li.

"This is what I should do." Shuili raised her head and raised her chin slightly.

"...Why would someone like you have such an excellent ninja by his side? The reality we live in is really illogical." Kazama Yihuai pondered.

He finally made this kid jealous for once, Zhang Su nodded.

"Shui Li, let's go. This time we have done something good again. We can get you some more advanced ninja tools." Zhang Su took Shui Li away. He felt that Shui Li was very good, and not just anyone was willing to help him solve problems anytime and anywhere.

"Thank you." Shuili followed Zhang Su and left.

Kazama Yihuai took a deep look at their backs, and finally shook his head.

The true witch Shang Shuqin came to Kazama Yihuai. She was tall, wearing a black uniform, and had an elegant expression.

"It seems that I don't need to continue to evacuate the Sky Tree people. It's time to change their sincerity and send them back here to spend money." Shang Shuqin said with a smile.

"Thank you." Fengjian Yihuai greeted Shang Shuqin.

"...By the way, that guy is Zhang Su, the supervisor of Echigo? He is indeed very tall." Shang Shuqin stared at Zhang Su's retreating figure.

"He is nothing by himself, but he has more and more friends. Witches, politicians, businessmen, and now ninjas." Kazama Yihuai said.

"It's just a ninja." Shang Shuqin chuckled.

"In the past, ninjas were spies, agents, and feared mercenaries. In modern times, they were only the stuff of legends and anime stories, and they were once unknown. But in modern times, relying on human body enhancement technology, ninjas use technology to enhance invisibility, acrobatics, and more. Superb martial arts, coupled with toughness, loyalty and courage gained through hard training..." Kazama Yoshihuai spoke highly of ninjas.

"What about us?" Shang Shuqin asked.

"Perhaps the Witch Countermeasures Bureau should also establish real employment contracts with some ninja villages and recruit them to work. It is better than being hired by the dark zone to do evil." Kazama Yoshihuai looked at Sakamoto Raiwan's body.

"Isn't it enough to have a witch?" Shang Shuqin shook his head.

"If witches alone were enough, Zhang Su wouldn't think of ways to get robots, ninjas, and his own 'qi' for himself." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Then you should imitate him and envy Zhang Su for his smooth life." Shang Shuqin suddenly realized. Fengjian Yihuai has always followed the good deeds.

"For me, I should learn from anyone who has value for reference. He always seems to have foresight, which is a good thing. Maybe I can cross the river by touching his stones and provide more help to our cause. Okay, There is also a dead ninja of unknown nationality here. Take him away. Edith is said to have a way to extract information from dead people. I really don’t want to get into it." Kazama Yoshihuai turned around.

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