Witch containment diary

Chapter 136 On the top of the sky tree

After quelling the Sky Tree crisis and repelling the killers of the Fujikawa group, the boss Hirashima Yoritada was extremely excited.

He directly sent a letter inviting Zhang Su, Zaosui and Shuili to the supreme suite on the rooftop to talk.

"Where are you going?" Hayho followed to the elevator entrance.

"The luxurious restaurant on the rooftop is a very luxurious place. The table costs 120,000 yen per person. Now we can go there for free." Zhang Su was very happy to take Zaho to see the world.

It is said that the warmest place is at the top of the Sky Tree.

"Hey! I'm also a rich man!" Saho's eyes lit up, "You mean, it's all my fault?"

"You did help a lot." Zhang Su nodded. According to previous battle analysis, the shadow magic provided by Hayho has indeed greatly enhanced the invisibility effect.

Saho chuckled. She was smart and straightforward. After supplementing her nutrition, she seemed to be taller than at the beginning.

"Then, I'm going to sit on my arm." Zaohui stretched out her hand and Zhang Su picked her up.

"It's quite high here, won't you faint?" Zhang Su said.

"Anyway, just don't throw me away. Practice your courage." Saho said.

The elevator arrived, and Zhang Su took Zaosui and Shuili in.

Kazama Yihuai also received the invitation, but he didn't come, and Zhang Su was used to this kid's temper and always antagonized others.

Then, only Zhang Su and the others could enjoy the grand view of the top floor suite of the Sky Tower. Thinking of this, Zhang Su also felt lucky.

Take the exclusive elevator to arrive, and the entrance alone is impressive.

Zhang Su saw a whole handmade pear wood Bodhisattva statue, molded in one piece, a work of fine workmanship, and firmly placed next to the door. It was worth at least more than 50 million yen.

The statue of Bodhisattva is lifelike, as if looking directly at Zhang Su, and has an extraordinary bearing.

"What is this?" Hayho pointed at the statue.

"Quantum Bodhisattva, one of the Ascended Witches, the ninth seat of the Witch Council, the witch responsible for mastering knowledge and collecting secrets." Zhang Su observed.

"Bodhisattva, make me smart!" Hayho shouted to the statue.

"Wisdom is the rarest gift in the world, and Bodhisattva will not give it away for free." Zhang Su said.

The door opened, and a well-dressed boss wearing a custom-made black suit appeared.

"Welcome, welcome!" Hirashima Yorichu came out with a smile and invited, "Thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come out!"

[Memory of "Hirashima Yorichu": The leader of the New Tokyo Skytree Real Estate Group, a wealthy businessman who has both sides, and is smooth in doing things. He deals with the political situation in the East, the Yakuza, the witches and the human defense plan, and does not stand on any side]

Hirashima Norikada looks to be in his 40s, with a very neatly trimmed beard.

The most eye-catching thing is his eyes. The left eye is dark and the right eye is light blue. It seems that he has undergone plastic surgery.

"It would be disrespectful to the spiritual world to have the majestic Quantum Bodhisattva come to guard the gate," Zhang Su said.

"Immortals and Buddhas in the spiritual world also need supplies of gold and silk. If I make more offerings, the Bodhisattva will not blame me." Hirashima Yorichu said with a smile.

When he smiled, his teeth were full of white, which seemed unrealistically bright.

"Hey! Good afternoon, uncle. I saved your life." Hayho coolly gestured with two fingers in a victory gesture.

"Is she your daughter?" Hirashima Yorichu asked.

"I was entrusted by someone to take care of this child." Zhang Su said.

"Please come in! Please come in." Hirashima Yorichu led Zhang Su and Shui Li in.

Penthouse suite at Sky Tree!

Since the completion of the construction, Hirashima Norichu has regarded this place as his own private territory. Only a handful of people from all over the world have entered. Now that Zhang Su has visited this place for the first time, he is really happy.

The interior space is spacious, and even though it is located nearly a thousand meters in the air, this place looks like a Zen-like water garden.

The central ground is hollowed out and filled with circulating water, where rockeries stand and koi fish swim. There are niches on the stone walls on both sides, and beautiful porcelain vases with flower arrangements are placed in them, emitting a delicate fragrance.

With panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows stretching across all four walls, affording spectacular views of New Tokyo, this suite is Hirashima Yori-tada's personal treat. Just by stepping into this place, Zhang Su felt as if he had accomplished something.

"This is the burrow where I am hiding. Thanks to you killing the ninjas of the Fujikawa group, this place will not be stained with blood." Hirashima Yoritada bowed to them.

Then, Hirashima Yorichu took them to a low table with soft tatami mats on the floor.

"It takes a little effort." Zhang Su took a seat.

He saw a whole wall of collection cabinets behind Hirashima Yorichu, filled with rare antiques.

Any piece of it can become a treasure if you take it out, but now it just stays here and becomes an exclusive collection.

Shui Li didn't say a word. She didn't seem to be used to this extremely luxurious occasion.

The robot chef customized by Hirashima Norikada began to cook. An advanced housekeeping robot named "Mr. Handy" approached and placed tableware for them.

These are all made of ivory and carved with Tomei-style ukiyo-e. Turning a chopstick is like looking at a piece of art.

"Please enjoy the kaiseki meal on the top floor of the Sky Tree." Mr. Qiaoshou announced.

"What is kaiseki cuisine?" Hayho asked Zhang Su in a low voice.

"In ancient times, monks were so hungry that they held a stone in their arms to express their hunger. They ate a little bit. This is kaiseki cuisine. It features small portions and careful cooking. But why are you talking so quietly?" Zhang Su whispered.

"Since I want to be a rich man, I should keep all my family treasures in mind and not be looked down upon by the guy across from me..." Saho whispered.

They chatted while eating.

The first course was a carpaccio of seared bluefin tuna, caught from the deep waters of Norway, with dark persimmon-like flesh and uncannily delicate fat, served with optional ceviche on the side.

"I heard that you are famous for your neutrality in New Tokyo, but today you are targeted by the Fujikawa group. It is really a pity." Zhang Su said.

"'Neutral'." Hirashima Yoritada smiled slightly, "What a pleasant word. It's as if I was standing next to the window of the New Tokyo Sky Tower, looking out, dividing the people into two groups, and then choosing to stand in the middle!"

"You really don't take sides." Zhang Su said.

Very few people would call the Witch Countermeasure Bureau directly to ask Edith for help. Zhang Su thought silently.

Edith is a complete outsider, which means that only people who have no connections in the political and business circles of Dongming will ask her for help.

Even when the Fujikawa group ninjas infiltrated the Sky Tower, Hirashima Yorichu couldn't trust the Tomei Metropolitan Police Department, which meant that he really couldn't find anyone to save him.

"Of course I take sides, but I do so based on my philosophy and stance. The problem is that there is no one in Dongming Country who holds the same beliefs as me," said Hirashima Yorichu.

"Then what is your belief? I would like to hear the details." Zhang Su was curious.

The second dish on the robot was a bowl of clear soup, as transparent as water, but it tasted like a sweet floral fragrance, reminding people of some kind of unpredictable dream.

"I'm looking for a kind of 'power', so I chose to build the New Sky Tower. I'm looking for a powerful force, a real strong man. Unfortunately, there are too few such strong men in Dongming Country." Pingdao Laizhong said, his gaze almost sinister.

"What does it mean to be strong?" Zhang Su asked.

"A person with a strong will, clear goals, who can implement his original intention and never change. Unfortunately, the world needs to unite to fight against the devil, so most people are disciplined to be stupid and obedient, with simple ideas and lack of self!" Pingdao Laizhong said.

"There are sisters Koi and Jiangqu on the front line of Kagura Mountain. They inherit the bloodline of Godis's heavenly realm. They have soaring wings and endless power. Are they considered strong?" Zhang Su asked.

"The two witches from the spiritual world are driven by others and employed in human defense projects. They are not considered strong." Hirashima Yorichu said.

"There are the legendary 'Seven Ninjas' in the underground world. They are connected with each other, have superb methods, and have never failed. Can they be considered strong?" Zhang Su asked.

"The Seven Ninjas are nothing more than motivated, aggressive and ruthless, penniless, and not considered strong," Hirashima Yorichu said.

"Director Edith once defeated millions of demons, guided the construction of Dongming for 10 years, and exerted pressure on all parties. Is she considered a strong person?" Zhang Su asked.

"Those who belong to the Edith female stream have subtle and unrestrained temperaments and are not considered strong." Hirashima Yorichu said.

"Then I really can't think of any strong people here." Zhang Su shook his head.

"A truly strong person is ambitious, unrestrained, ambitious, and eager to grow continuously. He cannot be destroyed or defeated. It seems that I am the only strong person in Dongming Kingdom in the future!" said Hirashima Yorichu. .

"Hey! I've read the novel. You should say, 'There are only two people, Your Excellency and me.'" Hayho retorted.

"I'm not familiar with you guys yet, so how can I jump to conclusions, but my perseverance is very strong. After surviving this disaster, I can replace the Zaibatsu and Satsuki Chamber of Commerce and become a celebrity in the new era." Hirashima Yorichu's ambition said enthusiastically.

"My name is Hayao, I will also become a strong person, be sure to remember it well." Hayao said to Hirashima Yorichu.

"Hahaha!" Hirashima Norichu laughed, "If you weren't too young, I could drink with you."

"I want to drink Coke!" Hayho said.

"Coke is inferior syrup. I'll give you imported Evian mineral water." Hirashima Yorichu asked the robot to pour water for Hayao.

"Huhu, what is this?" Zaosui turned to ask Zhang Su.

"Evian mineral water is mineral water produced in Evian Town in Europe. It is said to be the cleanest and natural water in the world." Zhang Sudao.

"Then Anxinyuan's spring water can also be sold to foreigners. Just say that ours is cleaner than Evian Town." Hayho thought.

"Congratulations, miss, you have understood modern business." Hirashima Yorichu clapped his hands.

"I am actually a genius." Hayho thought deeply.

The third course was a plate of char-grilled Matsusaka beef.

Matsusaka beef is the finest among Wagyu beef. It is only as big as the palm of your hand, with a few bamboo shoots on the side. Zhang Su ate it in one bite and Zaho took two bites.

"Other things are too far away." Zhang Su shook his head, "Let's talk about the threat from the Fujikawa group. You have to pay attention to your safety."

"It's always troublesome to do it yourself. The Fujikawa group wants to climb out of the dark zone, but they can't. No generation of the Yakuza family can do it. The people on the surface hate the scum underground. You see, now I have just been threatened, There will be heroes like you coming to help right away." Hirashima Yorizada smiled and did not take the Fujikawa group seriously at all.

"It's good that they don't cause trouble. I came to New Tokyo with children like Saho and Miss Ansuin Renwu. I hope to play in the Sky Tower."

"Please do as you please. I have already ordered my subordinates to treat the people you bring with us with a hundredfold courtesy and waive all of your fees. However, please also ask Miss Anin Renwu not to set foot in this place." Hirashima Yoritada said. .

"What happened to Lian Wu?" Zhang Su was puzzled.

"Eight years ago, I refused to join the Satsuki Alliance, and then Ansin Hideyuki sent someone to blind one of my eyes." Hirashima Yorichu pointed to his light blue right eye and showed a cold smile.

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