Witch containment diary

Chapter 137 University Questions

He looked at Shuili coldly, and the three cameras recorded each other.

"Then you are awesome. You can still fake your eyes even if you are blind. We witches can't do anything even if we are blind." said Saho.

"Where did you find such a child?" Hirashima Yorichu looked at Zhang Su helplessly.

"...To get back to the subject, the Gaoyue Chamber of Commerce led by the Anxinyuan family is said to be holding some kind of celebration or event." Zhang Su said.

"I don't care. The Satsuki Chamber of Commerce has no strong people worthy of my respect. If I were you, I wouldn't go to them. I suspect Ansin Hideyuki will kill all of us." Hirashima Yorichu said.

The last dish was dessert, a piece of matcha mousse, which tasted only of a lingering bitter taste.

When they parted, Hirashima Yorichu nodded to Zhang Su.

"At least until the situation changes, you will have the full support of our Hirashima family." He said.

"Thank you." Zhang Su nodded to Hirashima Yorichu.

"By the way, your ninja, I also want to thank her for giving me one less thing to worry about today." Hirashima Yorichu ordered the robot to bring over a set of hidden weapons.

"This is..." Shui Li glanced at it in a hurry and felt that it was extraordinary.

"Codenamed 'Golden Car Sword', this was once used by a ninja under my command, but he was killed by Raiwan Sakamoto, so it was handed over to you. That ninja did not exert the full power of this technical item. I hope it can be used in your hands." Take it to the extreme," said Hirashima Yorichu.

Shuili inspected it carefully and found that it looked like a palm-sized ball. It was easy to throw and could fly autonomously. When activated, it could fire a large amount of deadly ammunition. It was extremely flexible in usage and was enough to give the opponent a headache.

"Yes." Shuili accepted the Golden Car Sword, feeling that it was extremely powerful and might become her biggest killer.

"I want it too, give me something pointed." Hayho stretched out his hand.

"Be polite." Zhang Su reminded.

"Please give me something pointed." Hayao bowed.

"Then this is for you." Hirashima Yorichu took out a beautiful three-edged thorn from his collection.

This terrifying weapon is sharp and has edges on three sides. It is very destructive when it pokes people.

Zhang Su felt dazzled when he looked at it, but Zaohui couldn't put it down.

"You have to hide it, this thing will hurt many people." Zhang Su asked Zaosui to put it away and strictly prohibit its misuse.

"The children are too weak, I won't use this to bully them." Hayho hid the three-edged thorn and turned to say goodbye to Hirashima Yoritada, "Goodbye, uncle, I will become a strong person in the future. "

"Go and have fun in New Tokyo." Hirashima Yoritada said goodbye.

Say goodbye to Sky Tree.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Su asked Shui Li.

"He feels like a wolf," Shui Li said. "A wolf is ambitious, but he is lonely."

The old consortiums hosted by wealthy families such as Toyota and Sumitomo, the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce led by the Ansin family, the cabinet headed by Prime Minister Nagai Hikoshiro, and the emerging forces represented by Congressman Mihashi Yu...

There are so many factions in New Tokyo, but Hirashima Yoritada is the only one who works alone. When trouble comes, he has to ask outsiders like Edith to help.

"You are right. New Tokyo is full of lions, behemoths and overlords. A lone wolf can only wait for an opportunity to succeed in the most dangerous times. I feel that Hirashima Yoritada will wreak havoc in the chaos of New Tokyo in the future. Fishing for profit." Zhang Su said.

"Then what should we do next?" Shui Li asked.

"We are going to travel, you go find Chiyo Fujikawa. But you just killed Raiwan Sakamoto, the Fujikawa group must hate you to the bone, so you must be careful." Zhang Su said.

"Yes." Shui Li also wanted to track down Fujikawa Chiyo and help Miss Chiyo regain the power of the Fujikawa group.

All problems will be solved, and the dark zone of New Tokyo will also be renamed, ushering in a new era.

Return to Tianjing Hotel.

Zhang Su saw that everyone had eaten the buffet lunch and was taking a nap with full stomachs, so he did not disturb them.

After they woke up one after another, Zhang Su planned the next step: visiting New Tokyo University to seek blessings from Mayumi.

Otherwise, she would keep talking about it and not be able to concentrate on reading.

"Going to New Tokyo University? Really?" Mayumi was extremely excited. She had always been dull and taciturn, but now she suddenly became excited.

"College, it's so boring!" Hayho clasped his hands behind his head, "Let's go to the Sky Tree again!"

"The Sky Tree reservation is for the day after tomorrow." Zhang Su said.

"Eh - I hate it so much!" Seeing that he had accomplished such a big thing, Saho wanted to go high up on the Sky Tree to take another look.

Mayumi rubbed a happy stream of light with both hands, and then shone it into Saho's back.

Hayao's elongated stinky face suddenly became happy.

"Ah, take me to college quickly... I have become a person who can't live without college... I'm so happy..." Saho stuck out his tongue.

"Let's go!" Zhang Su chartered a car to take them there.

Arrive at New Tokyo University, the highest institution of higher education in Dongming Kingdom.

The entire university's original campus was destroyed during the war and has now been rebuilt in New Tokyo, basically retaining the style of the old buildings.

"This is the rebuilt 'Red Gate', a vermilion gate, which is very memorable." Zhang Su took them to look around.

"Wow..." Mayumi looked intently.

Admission to New Tokyo University is also known as "crossing the Akamon". To Ming's university, you don't need to make an appointment, just walk in.

When Mayumi walked through Akamon, she really felt as if she had passed the exam.

They went in and took a look around. College students passed by everyone in an endless stream, talking and laughing, with schoolbags on their shoulders.

be in college--!

Mayumi stared at them, imagining that he was among them, studying a course with a certain professor.

I will make it, Mom, I will make it! Mayumi kept thinking to herself.

The university in New Tokyo basically imitates its original appearance. The teaching buildings and auditoriums are all made of red bricks. They are very charming, like a classical academy, and have a strong academic atmosphere.

Zhang Su took them to have a meal in the cafeteria of New Tokyo University.

The food was nothing special. It couldn't be more expensive than the meal Zhang Su had at the top of the Sky Tree, nor was it as good as the buffet at the Skyview Hotel, which was just fish, rice, kombu soup and the like.

After walking most of the campus, Mayumi felt like she was really a Shinto University student.

immerse yourself in writing notes, communicate with knowledgeable instructors in class, participate in college student debates, and give speeches...

The sun sets.

Zhang Su took Mayumi to basically experience the scenery of this university, and he didn't know what the scene would be like if she really got admitted.

Thinking of this, Zhang Su suddenly had an idea.

"Let's try the exam at a nearby high school and take the same set of papers as others." Zhang Su said.

"Oh? Oh? Really?" Mayumi's eyes lit up.

She also thought about trying to see if her learning progress was the same as that of people outside.

Mayumi has completed the course for more than a year through self-study.

The liberal arts program has Zhang Su’s professional tutoring, and mathematics relies on online courses and Roy’s AI teaching. For foreign languages, you can ask Les Colin, who can speak Rhine, Gaul and British languages.

But, can it be compared with middle school students outside? Mayumi wanted to know the answer to this question.

Just do it.

Zhang Su went to print out a lot of the latest practice test papers, and then took everyone to a clean cafeteria on the street.

Mayumi was writing papers at one of the tables while the other kids went to have dinner.

The air was filled with the aroma of fried food and coffee, but Mayumi allowed herself to focus on the test questions. Zhang Su sat opposite her, playing the role of invigilator.

"National Intellectual High School First Grade Final Exam Paper"... Mayumi stared at the title closely.

Anxious emotions were stirring in my heart. Although this was just a mock test, it felt like the real thing and was of great significance.

Destiny and ideals are tied here.

Zhang Su nodded slightly and signaled Mayumi to start. She took a deep breath, picked up the pen, and started to do the math problems.

Seeing Mayumi being so focused, the other children didn't dare to disturb her, but hid aside to eat.

First is math.

Mayumi's brain was working rapidly, analyzing complex mathematical problems and frantically scribbling formulas. She concentrated on and racked her brains to deal with these challenging topics.

Time passed quietly and unconsciously.

After finishing the math part, Mayumi stretched her sore hands and continued writing without losing energy.

Next are literary questions, involving ancient poetry and various literary techniques.

Zhang Su had already taught her a lot. Mayumi recalled how Zhang Su taught her various poems, and she could almost hear his serious voice reciting those lyrical and logical poems.

When she looked up now, she could only see Zhang Su's meticulous face. She just wanted to live up to Zhang Su's hard work.

Write questions and answer according to the teacher's instructions.

Mayumi wrote a 1,000-word essay and turned to the next volume, history! She felt sore in her back and her eyes hurt.

The magic of happiness surges in her veins, but the threshold for making herself "happy" is also constantly rising.

Now Mayumi can only feel some happiness if she releases all the magic power in her body at once!

She released her magic, opened her eyes wide, let the joy spread through her limbs, and regained her energy.

Mayumi racked her brains to recall various obscure dates and events in world history.

Where did the first door to hell open? What titles was Edith assigned to by the Human Defense Project? Briefly analyze the impact of the "Shibuya Treaty" on Dongming Kingdom?

After finishing writing the history paper, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. The other children were sent back to the Tianjing Hotel, while Zhang Su continued to supervise Mayumi's exam.

Next came the English test, and Mayumi soon encountered questions that were beyond her ability.

[The company is in dire need of a new strategy if it is to _______ in today's competitive market.]

A) prevail


C) survive

D) persist

This is Mayumi's most troublesome choice of synonyms. The meanings of these words are quite similar, so it is the most difficult to choose. I have never seen prevail at all. Sustain seems to mean to maintain, survive means to survive, and persist seems to mean persistence. What are the options?

After giving an answer that he didn't know was correct, the distress and frustration in Mayumi's heart had already overshadowed the small joy.

She gritted her teeth and persisted to finish the English test, and Zhang Su also read the listening questions to her.

And geography, Mayumi took a deep breath and tried to complete this challenge.

[Title: On a highway, there are completely different plant landscapes on both sides of the green belt. One side is a beech tree and the other side is a juniper. The reason for this phenomenon is. ]

A. There are differences in climate types on both sides

B. There are differences in residents’ hobbies

C. Urban planning is deliberately differentiated

D. District leaders have different hobbies

Mayumi thought hard. This is really the most complicated problem she has encountered. The same road, but the plants on both sides are different?

If you think about it carefully, when it comes to roads, the climate types on both sides are the same, so there won't be much difference. So you can't choose A. Residents' hobbies cannot affect plant selection, so you cannot choose B.

What is D’s leadership hobby? It’s just a distraction at first glance. It’s nonsense. I’d better choose C!

After a tough exam, Mayumi finished all the questions at 11 o'clock in the evening, and her eyes were red.

Zhang Su also felt sorry for Mayumi. Because Mayumi’s mother’s job was to use the magic power of “joy” to satisfy guests, and she was later executed for killing a guest during a dispute. Her only wish was for Mayumi to study hard when she grew up and go to the best school she knew, “New Tokyo.” University”, you no longer have to do the same job and can live a decent life.

This is why Mayumi persists until now.

People burn their inner fighting spirit to accomplish various things, and Zhang Su is worried that Mayumi's mental energy will be overstretched.

"It's done! That's great. Let's go get something to eat, Mayumi." Zhang Su encouraged.

"I want to see the score! Please correct the paper for me!" Mayumi requested.

"Don't be in such a hurry." Zhang Su planned to let Mayumi take a breather.

"No... no need... Teacher, I want to know now whether I can succeed." Mayumi stared at the paper, "I have always had to read when picking up garbage, and read when picking up scrap newspapers. The old books are turned to pieces. A little bit...because I only remember that my mother said, Mayumi! You have to give your mother a chance to go to New Tokyo University! If you say that I am a student without talent, then let me give up now!"

"Then, leave it to me!" Zhang Su took the test paper and corrected it quickly, "But Mayumi, the teacher wants to tell you, no matter whether you do well or poorly, you are already an outstanding child!"

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