Witch containment diary

Chapter 138 Desire in Results

After studying for the same year, are Mayumi's scores comparable to those of first-year high school students from outside schools?

In order to test this result, Zhang Su made careful corrections.

Mayumi's handwriting is really beautiful, and she is indeed the most promising and diligent student in the entire Ansin Academy.

Zhang Su has proctored the college entrance examination, and it is true that people with good handwriting get higher scores. He will give one or two more points for essays or give more recognition for reading questions as appropriate.

Mayumi, on the other hand, nervously answered the standard answer.

Mayumi was shocked when she saw the geography multiple-choice question.

Because she found that the green plants on both sides of the road were different, and it was really because of [D. The zoning leaders’ hobbies were different]!

"This kind of question is too outrageous, I can't do it at all!" Mayumi lamented.

"Sometimes this kind of question comes up. I think this kind of question makes some candidates think they are unlucky." Zhang Su said.

"Why is such a question asked?" Mayumi didn't understand.

"Before, on the top of the Sky Tree, we met a boss who had a very high self-esteem. He felt that society deliberately designed people to be stupid and cowardly. Just like a noodle-making machine, everyone was originally a mess of dough, but over the years, All the test questions have turned into regular noodles. The same is true for exam-oriented education, which has suppressed our energetic adolescence." Zhang Su said.

"The 'energetic' adolescence." Mayumi couldn't help complaining, "If I don't study, will I become as mischievous as Saho?"

"At least Saho still has a bit of a fighting spirit. You see, the correct answer is 'D. Leaders have different hobbies', so we can only accept it, and we can't get along with the person who asked the question. When I was studying, I often thought, How can we find the person who asked the question and argue with him face to face, but we can't do it, the person who asked the question seems to be deliberately torturing us." Zhang Su said.

"Why are you doing this?" Mayumi didn't understand.

"Because if people are weak, a few elites can mobilize the resources of the world, which they believe is necessary to fight against the invasion of other worlds. So you see, to join the human defense plan, you have to pass a very complicated civil service examination, which tests technology, loyalty and Unity, those who pass the screening are the honest among honest people." Zhang Su said.

"Then if teachers were in charge of education, wouldn't they make drastic reforms?" Mayumi asked.

"Not necessarily, because there is another very important issue - fairness. Studying as a student is a game where if you put in 100 points of effort, you will be rewarded with at least 70 points, which is already impressive. Mayumi-chan, look at your score. Well, what is the difference in performance between a student who studies hard day and night at An-in Academy and a student from New Tokyo City Middle School?"

Zhang Su worked quickly and finished correcting the subjective questions of all the questions and tidied up the paper.

"Did you do well in the exam...?" Mayumi was nervous.

"You did great on the exam!" Zhang Su sent the paper back.

Mayumi got basically all the questions right!

The composition is also written with great literary talent!

The most peculiar thing about Zhang Su is that although she looked sad and depressed during the exam, her writing style was very positive and uplifting. This is an advanced talent for exam-oriented education.

"Hey, hey..." Mayumi murmured.

Although she did well in the exam, there was no joy on her face.

Zhang Su looked at the real bow carefully, this was not good.

"Can't you feel happy?" Zhang Su asked.

"It seems like this..." Mayumi stuttered a little. She looked at the circled symbols on her paper, "Obviously she should be very happy. She did well in the exam and is expected to enter New Tokyo University, but she still looks so sad!"

"You must stop using the 'joy' magic, it will damage your ability to perceive happiness." Zhang Su said.

Mayumi looked down at her hands.

Stop using magic?

She had long used the magic of joy as fuel for her learning and to keep herself from feeling sad, angry or bored.

If she didn't use this power and allowed the fatigue of studying to overwhelm her soul, could she still study so hard?

Zhang Su understood her uneasy thoughts.

"Come on, let's start with small things. Isn't this a great cafeteria? Everyone has gone back after eating here. Come and eat and feel happiness from ordinary things!" Zhang Su stood up with Mayumi.

Food piled up around the bar.

Crispy tempura fried shrimp, steaming rice, fresh sushi...

It all seemed colorless to her numbed emotional senses.

"Open your heart and pay attention to the texture and smell of food again." Zhang Su guided.

Mayumi's lips trembled, she reached out and picked up a pair of lacquered chopsticks, picked up a piece of sushi, and raised it to her mouth.

She first focused on the touch of her fingertips on the chopsticks, which were cold, smooth, and textured.

Then came the sushi, Mayumi chewed slowly, focusing on the sushi itself, the fish was fresh and sweet, the rice was soft.

A hint of...sourness and sweetness. Mayumi frowned, would this really make her happy?

It's not as fun as her own joyful magic.

"Still not happy." Mayumi said.

"Because the threshold has increased, living in the false happiness created by magic every day will eventually rebound and become very painful." Zhang Su accompanied Mayumi beside him.

So she continued eating, and next came the crispy tempura fried shrimp. The thick golden batter tasted extremely crispy, and the prawn itself was plump and fragrant.

Mayumi patiently discerned the delicate taste.

happy happy……

It feels like you are making yourself happy.

But it is true, a subtle happiness blooms quietly, like a small flower blooming in the cracks after the harsh winter.

But in a moment, this happiness disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

Mayumi wandered around the cafeteria, continuing to taste popcorn, chicken wings, fried pork chops, and cola, and was bombarded with sugar, carbohydrates, and protein.

While eating, she looked at Zhang Su.

His usually stern face relaxed into a smile of approval.

Mayumi's heart was touched, and she suddenly thought of the meals her mother had cooked. When her mother was still alive, she would cook for Mayumi or bring food back.

Thinking of this, she almost burst into tears.

As time passed, her senses slowly came back to life. Both the restaurant and the food seem brighter.

However, she is still insulated from happiness.

"My mood is like a roller coaster. I'm sorry, but I still don't feel happy." Mayumi twisted.

"It's okay, you are healthy, but you can't rely too much on magic power. Joy itself is very simple, eating, listening to music, watching TV... other children will be happy without the magic power of joy." Zhang Su comforted Mayumi.

"The most natural joy..." Mayumi mused.

"The real joy is only here, believe it." Zhang Su pointed to his heart.

Mayumi took a deep, shaky breath.

Then, she slowly tried to raise the corners of her mouth, but she couldn't.

"..." Mayumi could no longer smile.

"It's okay, cherish your smile. Smiling is very laborious and involves so many muscles on the face. You must have something better to do before you smile. There is nothing to worry about about your grades. You will definitely go to New Tokyo University." Zhang Sudai Mayumi goes back.

Mayumi nodded silently.

"If I get admitted to New Tokyo University, I can leave Ansin." Mayumi turned around.

"Your academic performance is the best among us, which is very meaningful. It means that you can pass the civil service examination, join the Human Defense Project, and officially work in Anxinyuan like me! But it is very chaotic outside. If there is danger, you have to Run back as soon as possible. Anxinyuan is your forever home." Zhang Su said.

Mayumi also understood that Zhang Su wanted to make Anxin Institute impregnable.

Leaving the restaurant, the street outside was already dark.

"Can you take me to the place where my mother worked?" Mayumi looked nervous and asked hesitantly.

"It's too late now." Zhang Su glanced at the sky. The sky in New Tokyo was covered with dark clouds, and there were no stars or moon.

"But, that place is only open at night." Mayumi said softly.

"...Then, let's go over and take a look." Zhang Su took a taxi over.

It was raining, and raindrops pattered against the windows.

The vehicle crosses the bridge, leaving the brightly lit artificial island of New Tokyo and returning to the dark land of Old Tokyo where sewage flows.

Old Tokyo always carries some memories and sadness.

New Tokyo continues to siphon away the most precious resources and wealth from here. The old city has sparse lights and looks like a painting with bright spots on it.

Zhang Su and Mayumi stopped at an old commercial street.

The place where Mayumi's mother works is called "Maine Ai Nemu", located between a ramen shop and a jewelry store.

The door was filled with smoke, and beauties in fashionable clothes and heavy makeup were waiting for customers under advertising light boxes while taking shelter from the rain.

Zhang Su dislikes this kind of place very much.

What's more, there are ronin carrying samurai swords and street gangsters with tattoos hanging around, so he has to always protect Mayumi beside him.

The invasion of demons left behind a large number of secret societies. They would secretly collect people and hand them over to demons in exchange for power. The worse the security situation, the more likely this would happen.

"I used to live here." Mayumi raised her hand.

Zhang Su looked at the broken facade of the building. The dirty facade was simply inviting the most depraved people to come in. Rainwater dripped down from the wall.

He forgot to bring an umbrella, so he used his big hands to protect Mayumi from the rain.

Mayumi walked in with brisk steps. The hall inside was dark and shabby. Mayumi walked up the stairs without hesitation.

"Guest, please come here..." The people in the store wanted to recruit Mayumi, but when they saw her footsteps, they were surprised to find that she was so familiar with this place and knew it better than these "old clerks"!

The oldest waiter glanced at Mayumi, and a figure flashed in his mind.

That was a beautiful witch from 7 years ago, always staring coldly at the surroundings, holding a little girl in her arms who was constantly smiling.

He couldn't connect the tense Mayumi with the smiling little girl, so just for a moment, the old waiter lowered his head, picked up the cold tea, took a sip, and returned his attention to the horse racing betting form for the next issue.

Zhang Su followed Mayumi upstairs.

The air here is thick and filled with all kinds of smells, the food is spicy, the tobacco is pungent, and the stamps are sweet.

"This used to be the busiest center in the area, but now it's run down." Mayumi raised her head.

“Nothing in old Tokyo can develop,” Zhang Su said.

"Mom used to dress up there." Mayumi pointed to the dressing room at the end of the corridor on the third floor.

A lot of women had gathered there.

They stood sparsely, like a ghostly figure. They lived an uncontrolled life, with their work and rest reversed, which was not healthy.

The women of "True Love Nemu" looked at Zhang Su and Mayumi curiously and made offers.

50,000 yen, 30,000 yen, 10,000 yen... Their customer base is shrinking, and their expressions are also very anxious.

With the development of virtual reality technology, people tend to solve problems without leaving home. These days, only foreigners who have been suppressed for a long time come here. They really hope to get some spending money from Zhang Su.

Zhang Su shook his head and refused, Mayumi bowed to them and said goodbye.

Climb the stairs to the sixth floor.

It is more secluded here, with many rooms on both sides, and homeless people, corpses, and mentally disabled people are scattered among them.

Mayumi came to a room at the end of the corridor and pushed open the broken door.

There was a dirty bed inside, as well as rotten tables and chairs. It was a single room, and the walls were messily painted.

"It can't be erased. This is what I drew when I was a child." Mayumi sat on the bed and stroked the black marks on the tattered wall.

She tried her best to imagine cars, buildings, and animals, but everything came out wrong, but what could be done? She hasn't seen it before.

"It's really good." Zhang Su looked at the graffiti on the walls and imagined the scene of little Mayumi kneeling on the bed and scribbling.

"This room used to be very beautiful, but my mother cried and scolded me when she came back and saw that I had painted the entire white wall black." Mayumi recalled, but now the lamps in the room have been burned down, and garbage is piled around. .

They all wanted to identify traces of Mayumi's mother's presence in this room.

Mayumi was addicted to the memories, as if she would rather drown in them. All she lacks is something to prove that the memory actually existed.

There may be hairpins left in the gaps, and there may be a hint of perfume in the air. Such a vivid person once lived in the world!

However, over the years, thieves have taken away everything in this room. The wardrobe was used to burn firewood, and even the sheets were taken away from Mayumi's small bed, leaving a hard iron bed frame. .

As a result, the impression of her mother also disappeared, and the only person who could prove that Mayumi had a mother was Mayumi herself.

Mayumi gave up trying and lay down on the dirty little bed.

"I was hatched by my mother in this room." Mayumi curled up, "I still remember that I smashed the eggshell into pieces, thinking that there was a wide world outside, but I didn't expect that it was just a small room."

"There's a lot to do outside." Zhang Su listened to the sound of rain falling on the street outside.

"But mom can't see it." Zhen bowed and turned away. She learned a lot of knowledge, ate a lot of good food, met a lot of children, and had reliable teachers. It was great.

Through the windows on the wall, she saw some stars in the sky.

Zhang Su followed Mayumi's gaze and looked out at the night sky.

"You can see the stars here, because there is almost no light pollution in old Tokyo." Zhang Su said.

"Stars..." Mayumi looked into the distance.

"It is said that witches come from distant stars. After leaving us, they may return to the stars." Zhang Su said.

"Really? Mom just went far away, back to the stars?" Mayumi got up.

"There is such a theory, but we haven't been able to sail that far, so we can't verify it," Zhang Su said.

"Lift me up, sensei." Mayumi opened her arms.

"Be careful." Zhang Su held up the real bow and lifted her steadily to a place slightly outside.

Rain fell on her hair, and Mayumi waved her hand toward the stars.

The dark sky, the twinkling stars, the vast Milky Way, can accommodate all fantasies.

"Mom!" Mayumi wiped away her tears and smiled, "My life is very happy now!"

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