Witch containment diary

Chapter 139 Invitation from the Dark Zone

Soon, the scheduled visit date arrived.

Zhang Su took them to check in at the New Tokyo Sky Tree, and the glass elevator ascended vertically along the observation tower.

The high-rise buildings gradually shrank in front of their eyes. They were originally glass peaks composed of giant buildings, but now they were just a flat map.

"Look how small these cars are!" Hayho pointed, "Teacher, what do those people who ride flying motorcycles do?"

"Takeaway delivery people deliver food to people." Zhang Su looked on.

They were all wearing company-specific uniforms and were very busy.

"Wow, giving food to others is actually the most boring job in the world." Hayho sneered.

"This is the foundation of modern civilization. People work and study hard. When it's time to eat, they directly open the express meal box, fill their stomachs, and then return to work and study, saving countless hours of foraging and greatly improving people's efficiency. ." Zhang Su said.

"Oh! Great delivery guy!" Hayho greeted the flight attendants flying outside the elevator.

"So beautiful...so tall..." Xia Xi looked into the distance.

"It's all thanks to me that you can reach such a high place." Saho patted her shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Don't put dirty things on my back!" Natsuki grabbed Saho's hand fiercely.

"I didn't!" Hayho protested desperately. Huh, I'll put the dirty stuff on your back next time.

"Meow~" Yuanzhi turned into a kitten. This way she can sit on Zhang Su's shoulders without having to walk by herself.

Shihua carefully touched the glass window with her hand. Her senses were sharp and she could barely judge the current height from the frequency of vibrations in the elevator car.

So high! It felt like I was flying, completely weightless. She couldn't see, so she had no idea what was going on.

Finally, the elevator took them to the bright, open viewing platform of the Sky Tree.

Many people believe this is the most beautiful place in New Tokyo!

"Wow——!" Natsuki was even more shocked.

The scenery here is also great.

The sky trees are uniquely tall in the hinterland of New Tokyo, and they are located in the center of the circular glass viewing corridor. No matter which direction you look, you will have a stunning view of New Tokyo.

The metropolitan landscape stretches endlessly outside the window, skyscrapers line up in the distance, and the sunlight illuminates the windows of those commercial buildings as if shining on millions of crystals.

The streets are packed with people, vehicles are moving fast, the silver-white light rail is running rapidly on the three-dimensional rail system, like white dragons, and shuttles are flying through the streets and alleys.

Mayumi came with everyone and saw the magnificent city view outside. She couldn't help but begin to imagine the activities of thousands of people in this new Tokyo. People here have their own hopes, dreams and heartbreaking moments.

She walked to the guardrail and looked carefully into the distance. She could vaguely make out the luxurious and spectacular buildings: New Tokyo National Museum, Kuwahara Theater, Narita Hotel, Panorama Shopping Center...

Mayumi looked around and saw that there were many tourists walking around, viewing the scenery, and enjoying the food and tea breaks provided by the restaurant.

Their demeanor and expressions were all arrogant and elegant, making Mayumi couldn't help but guess their profession.

There are always some people in this world who never have to work. They hang out in shopping malls, attractions, restaurants and shops during workdays, as if they were born for enjoyment.

"Haah - so beautiful!" Natsuki ran to Mayumi's side.

Looking into the distance, I felt my mind broadened. Seeing the sun shining on such a vast metropolis, Natsuki also had a happy smile on her face.

Mayumi stared into the distance, and a feeling of tranquility sneaked into Mayumi's heart.

This is real tourism.

Even just looking at this scenery without being disturbed, it feels like breaking away from the vulgar daily life and getting excellent spiritual enjoyment.

"Hoho," Saho shook his head and commented, "I've been here before. Children, now you can share this feeling, as if you are standing on top of millions of people, enjoying this free luxury. , and all the living beings below are just living boring daily lives."

"Come here quickly and show you something good." Xia Xi waved.

"What?" Saho walked up to Natsuki.

Natsuki pointed to the ground.

Hayho took a look, and the small buildings and people made her feel dizzy.

"Ouch...!" Hayho suddenly realized what altitude he was in, and quickly distanced himself like a catapult!

"Idiot, idiot~" Natsuki made a face at Saho.

"Teacher! It's too high! It's too high! Take me down!" Hayho shouted.

Reio cast a look of contempt at Saho for making such a fuss.

What she fears most is that the guys around her are too noisy and alert others.

"Haah, the noisy child is coming up." A harsh voice came.

Reio turned around and saw a man in a suit looking at them curiously.

This made Lian Yang's heart skip a beat. Reio almost wanted to apologize to him for Saho!

Unexpectedly, Hayho waved arrogantly.

"Uncle! I'm not afraid of living at such a high place," she said.

"You are the only one who would be afraid." The man in the suit is Hirashima Yorichu, the owner of the Sky Tree, who had dinner with Zhang Su and Hayao the day before yesterday.

"Meow!" Yuori arched her back and meowed to Hirashima Yorichu.

"Hello." Zhang Su greeted Hirashima Yorichu.

"Are there any animal friends this time?" Hirashima Yorichu looked at him.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi is a witch, not a small animal.

"Woof!" the guide dog Pepper barked. Shihua squatted down and touched it.

"This is the witch Miss Yuanzhi." Zhang Su pointed to the Yuanzhi cat on his shoulder, "That is the guide dog Pepper."

"The witch turned into a cat, I've only seen it on the news." Hirashima Yorichu was amazed.

"You are so ignorant. We see them every day." Hayho said excitedly.

"Then the scenery in this place is not something you can see every day. I fell in love with the scenery of the Sky Tree, so I made it my own. You can't do that." Hirashima Yorizada tried his best to learn how to adapt to the kid.

He couldn't help but argue with Saho, glaring at her with both blue eyes and black eyes.

"When I grow to be as tall as you, I will be more successful than you." Saho held his head in his hands.

"This kid speaks so arrogantly and forgets to be polite." Hirashima Yorichu said to Zhang Su.

"I'm too excited. Zaho, make a video call to the people at An Yin and let them see the view of the Sky Tree." Zhang Su gave his phone to Zaho to divert her attention.

"First like this, then like this..." Zaosui pressed the button under Zhang Su's guidance.

It's time to show off your wealth. Hayho secretly thought.

After connecting to Ansin's communication, Les Corrin's face appeared on the screen. Saho was startled and almost dropped his phone. It took him a few seconds to adapt to the video communication.

"This is New Tokyo." Hayho said to Lescolin.

"Yes, I saw it." Leskolin observed the Sky Tree Hall behind Hayho, "It seems to be a good attraction."

"Go, go and ask Sayuri to come." Saho was excited.

Sayuri was raising chickens and was soon called in. Sayuri looked unkempt and her hair was messy, she had adapted to the rustic life in the country.

"Hey - don't be joking." The vampire witch Sayuri is a native of New Tokyo, and she gradually distinguished the landscape around Saho, "Isn't that the Sky Tree?"

"Yes, Sky Tree!" Hayho picked up the phone and turned it around in front of himself.

The mobile phones of this era are light and transparent, like a whole piece of glass, reflecting Sayuri's curious gaze.

"I made several appointments but couldn't get one! The owner of Sky Tree is really stupid, making the tickets so cheap and yet so expensive," said Sayuri.

"I'm here, I'm here! Tickets have always been at this price, find your own reasons!" Hirashima Yoritada shouted.

"Who are you?" Sayuri didn't know Hirashima Yoritada.

Lai Zhong usually lives in seclusion and rarely appears in public. He is nicknamed the "Widowed Canary".

Most people go to the Sky Tree just for sightseeing, and they don’t want to find out the operators behind it.

"Hey~ Sayuri is a native of New Tokyo. If I don't know you, your reputation is very low." Seeing that Sayuri didn't know Hirashima Yoritada, Hayao immediately gave Yoritada an extremely contemptuous look.

"Uh-huh -" A kid at this age can bruise his uncle's self-esteem just by looking at him.

Hirashima Yorichu covered his heart and left in agony.

"He's just an uncle." Saho didn't dare to go to the window and just threw his phone from a distance. "Look, the world outside has become smaller. I can do whatever I want. I can throw some on the ground from upstairs. Things, people just have to live with it.”

"You can't throw objects from high altitudes." Zhang Su knocked on Zaosui's head.

"Then I can blah blah blah blah..." Hayho touched his forehead.

However, Zhang Su's mention of high altitude once again confirmed the fact that he was in an extremely high place.

Saho handed Zhang Su's cell phone to Natsuki and asked her to play with it.

"Okay, it's really high here. I really don't like it very much. Teacher, I'll close my eyes and you can transport me to the ground." Zaho raised his hands and asked Zhang Su to carry them on his back.

"Let's go." Zhang Su picked up Zaosui and went downstairs. "You are always so naughty and yelling outside. If it weren't for me, you would get into a lot of trouble."

"Then it's okay if the teacher lives forever." Hayho disagreed.

"How come you are still alive?" Zhang Su was helpless.

"I wish the teacher never dies!" Hayho said happily.

"I don't care, but sooner or later you will leave us and live independently. By then, your character will have a lot of influence." Zhang Sudao.

"I'm not ready to leave sensei yet." Hayho disagreed.

"I have to leave now, because I have to go back to the viewing platform, and you have to wander around on the ground." Zhang Su took Zaosui to the leisure square on the first floor of the Sky Tree.

"No, no! A kid like me will get lost on the ground! You have to stay with me! Stay with me!" Hayho said coquettishly.

"There's really nothing I can do against you." Zhang Su and Zaosui walked around under the Sky Tree.

"You protect me now, and I will protect you when I grow up." Zaosui followed Zhang Su.

Zhang Su picked out several souvenirs for the Great Red Flame Bodhisattva, including snow globes with miniatures of the Sky Tree, anime stickers, and fanzines, so that the real Bodhisattva could pass the time.

Ten minutes later, the elevator came down behind him. Natsuki panicked and ran over panting: "Teacher! Teacher! It keeps vibrating! It's going to break!!"

"There's a call coming in, don't be afraid." Zhang Su frowned at the anonymous code on the phone, then picked it up and connected it.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Excuse me, Director, I am Chiyo Fujikawa. I am here to invite you to join the hunt."

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