Witch containment diary

Chapter 140 The First Witch Prison

There is one thing that Zhang Su cares about very much, and that is the effectiveness of reversing fate.

Fujikawa Chiyo had died eight hundred times in her previous life, but she was still alive now, which gave Zhang Su the illusion of communicating with the dead.

Maybe fate can be completely reversed, and I can survive natural disasters smoothly.

"What should I say?" Zhang Su walked to a deserted place nearby while communicating with her.

Hayao stood on tiptoe and eavesdropped.

"I am underground now." Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"The subway station has been abandoned. It is full of different gangs and families. Normal people would rather take the light rail on the ground." Zhang Su said.

"This is the only place I can hide. Saburo Fujikawa's power is becoming more and more powerful. Not only does he control the Fujikawa Group, but he also openly searches for me. I want to return to the Fujikawa Group, but I can't do anything. His power reaches every crevice, and I have been attacked several times. All attempts failed." Fujikawa Chiyo said regretfully.

"You have to be careful. What are your next thoughts?" Zhang Su asked.

"I can't reveal details on the phone, but I need capable people to stand by my side, and I want to talk to you privately," Chiyo Fujikawa said.

Fujikawa Chiyo is young, brave, and full of potential, but she also faces great threats. The dark zone of New Tokyo may be her burial place.

Although she had successfully fooled Death before, it was still possible that her fate would catch up with her.

"Where to meet?" Zhang Su asked.

"New Tokyo Huangkongji Subway Station, I'm waiting at any time." Fujikawa Chiyo ended the communication.

Finally received news from Chiyo Fujikawa, but it was to go deep into the dark zone of New Tokyo! This made Zhang Su feel alert.

"It's the basketball teacher's voice!" Hayho whispered, "Let's go save her!"

"Don't cause trouble." Zhang Su said, "We have another place to go."

"Where?" Hayho was puzzled.

"Take Komuro Hana to the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo to see her mother. We have to fulfill everyone's wishes first." Zhang Su nodded.

"Oh~!" Hayho thought thoughtfully.

She also has her own wish, which is to go to the "Shadow Street", a place Sayuri mentioned. It is said that people in that place know a legendary shadow witch, and Hayho wants to know who she is.

But it’s okay to go see Komuro Hana’s mother. Saho was originally heartless. After studying hard in the past few months, now she gradually feels sympathy and guilt. The mistake has been made. Saho hopes that she won’t do it again. Make mistakes.

Zhang Su took everyone to have a meal in the restaurant and then prepared to leave.

"Are you leaving so soon? I haven't fulfilled my duty as a landlord yet, so don't make me ashamed." Hirashima Yorichu said politely.

"I am completely satisfied with this reception. Looking down at the whole city from such a height, I do have a noble feeling." Zhang Su nodded.

"A sense of sublimity?" Hirashima Yorichu asked.

"Faced with an infinite and vast goal, a limited individual does not feel afraid, but wants to challenge and conquer it. This is sublime." Zhang Su explained.

"Yeah! It's a gorgeous and positive explanation. It should be a famous quote by a great man." Hirashima Yorichu was surprised.

"Kant said it. I teach children literature, history and philosophy." Zhang Sudao.

"Nonsense." Hirashima Yoritada shook his head, "Look at your body, you said that you taught martial arts in the army and it's not bad. If you train them to become killers in the future, I won't be surprised. "

"I'm afraid the current situation will force us all to become tougher. My biggest goal is to protect them first and protect everyone from being bullied by a complex and indifferent society. Later, when they are full-fledged, they will start their own careers." Zhang Su nodded.

"Strengthen your body, stay humble, and wait for the right time. This is indeed an irrefutable truth. It's a pity that you can't stay in New Tokyo." Hirashima Yorichu admired Zhang Su very much.

Zhang Su is an educated and reasonable person, and his fist is as big as an ordinary person's head. This is already a rare talent.

And he is actually affiliated with the Human Defense Project, has a regular diet, has power and a public official status, which is really enviable.

Hirashima Yorichu really wanted to find another good opportunity to have a drink and chat with Zhang Su, overlooking the whole city on this sky tree, and giving guidance to the world. Unfortunately, the feast was hard to come by, and good times were not waiting. He could only say goodbye to Zhang Su, and the two of them went their separate ways. .

"Goodbye, uncle!" Hayao waved goodbye to Hirashima Yorichu.

"Sky Tree welcomes you at any time." Hirashima Yorichu waved his hand.

Everyone left the Sky Tree and headed to New Tokyo's No. 1 Witch Prison.

Edith entrusted senior supervisor Helena to take charge of the management of the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo.

When he thought about the identities of the senior supervisors, Zhang Su felt that the power structure of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau was perfectly aligned.

Edith is in charge of everything, acts resolutely, and has four senior supervisors under her.

Among them, Kazama Yihuai is the oldest local supervisor. He is rigid and fair in his work, and he is not 100% loyal to Edith.

Helena is Edith's deputy. She did a lot of work in pacifying the demons in Dongming Kingdom. She is the most loyal among the four senior supervisors and currently guards the largest witch prison.

Solo is a senior supervisor of the Human Defense Project sent directly from the Castle. His main task is to maintain the connection between the affairs of the Dongming Kingdom and the upper echelons of the Castle. Although he is a subordinate, he is actually monitoring Edith's work.

The last senior supervisor is Dai Lan, who was sent by the Witch Council. His main job is to safeguard the rights and interests of witches and implement various bills that are beneficial to witches. However, he is too old, 200 years old, and rarely works anymore.

Therefore, currently among the senior supervisors, Edith has very few loyal subordinates and is in a state of checks and balances.

This is why Zhang Su has a good chance of entering the senior management of the Countermeasures Bureau, because Edith must focus on training him to be a loyal senior supervisor.

But now, Zhang Su is not in a hurry to join Edith, he has his own plan.

Helena was on a business trip and did not come to receive Zhang Su. However, the staff here were polite to witch supervisors like Zhang Su, knowing that he would not cause trouble, so they let them go.

"This is..." Hayho raised his head. The main building of New Tokyo's No. 1 Witch Prison is bizarrely huge and covers a vast area. It is like a giant fortress made of reinforced concrete, with strict black walls on all sides.

The majestic prison gate is located at the front, many times higher than the entrance to An'an Hospital. It is flanked by guard towers. The view is very good, and all prison areas can be seen at a glance.

A total of 1,000 high-risk witches are imprisoned here, including many who have broken the throne many times. They are powerful, but have nowhere to escape, and are punished for serious crimes.

"It's scary." Zhang Su led them through the corridor and into the prison itself.

"Terrible...!" Xia Xi grabbed the corner of Zhang Su's clothes, not daring to relax at all.

They thought that all witch prisons were as warm and harmonious as An'in, but there wasn't even a playground or a reading room here.

Both adult witches and children were closely guarded, and the atmosphere was oppressive and closed.

This time, there was no need for him to remind him repeatedly. The children would follow Zhang Su closely and not dare to be left alone in the darkness.

At the end of the corridor, a thick metal door separated the inside and outside, with "Witch Countermeasures Bureau Assets" written on it in scarlet tones.

Zhang Su entered his own code on the combination lock next to him, and with an electronic beep, the door opened automatically.

"This is the only entrance and exit." Zhang Su led them in. There were nine floors in the Witch Prison, and Xincheng Meiyu was imprisoned on the fifth floor. He had to lead the children through this dark maze.

The place is deliberately designed to be intricate and intricate, giving people the feeling of being upside down, as if they could get lost at any time.

Even though Zhang Su had experience in his previous life, he couldn't guarantee that he could definitely lead the way.

"There are no jailers, no guards." Lian Yang said keenly.

"It's all automated management. Each floor requires very little supervision and relies more on robots. The mechanical mind will not waver. There is no kindness or mercy." Zhang Su said.

It was very quiet, and the air was filled with the breath of despair. The children could only hear their own footsteps. After discovering this, they invariably slowed down, only to scare themselves.

There are small red lights at regular intervals on the baseboards of the wall, providing the only illumination. These small red lights attracted their attention, preventing them from noticing the ubiquitous cameras and motion sensors.

Reio's eyes occasionally fell on those holding facilities.

They are more than 100 meters away from the corridor, hanging independently in the air, and the silhouette of the witch's daily life can be vaguely distinguished.

They all live in separate secluded prisons, unable to breathe. Lian Yang could not imagine such a fate, let alone imagine that she would one day fall into such a situation.

"..." Saho's eyes turned around. She wanted to play some prank, but the defense here was really tight and there was nothing in the corridor.

"It's so scary..." Natsuki asked Zhang Su to hold her. Yuanzhi Kitten squatted on Zhang Su's shoulders and reached out to scratch Natsuki's hair.

"This is the most terrifying witch prison, so everyone must use their magic power carefully to avoid being caught here." Zhang Su reminded.

"I'm going to see my mother soon?" Murohua was the only one excited.

"Soon." Zhang Su led them down.

Arriving on the fifth floor, Zhang Su walked through a slightly damp corridor.

There was a temporary reception room here. The masked guard checked Zhang Su and the children behind him. Only Zhang Su and Shi Hua were allowed in, not even the puppy.

"Woof!" Pepper shouted.

"Pepper, be good and sit down." Shihua ordered softly, and Pepper slowly put down her paws and sat down.

"...wait outside." Zhang Su put the Yuanzhi kitten into Xia Xi's arms.

"Oh!" Xia Xi hugged Yuan Zhi Cat and watched Zhang Su and Shi Hua disappear behind the door.

In the spacious room, Zhang Su sat upright, his body slightly blocking the masked guard so that he would not disturb the meeting between Shi Hua and Mrs. Xincheng Meiyu.

Not long after, a woman wearing prison uniform came over.

She was a very tall woman, over 1.7 meters tall, with a thin body, high cheekbones, and thin lips. She had almost lost her beauty during the long-term detention and torture. Her eyes were sunken, and her chestnut hair was cut extremely short.

Her prison uniform was a light blue jumpsuit, with rough fabric wrapped around her weak body, and her feet were shackled.

Mrs. Meiyu in the new city...!

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