Witch containment diary

Chapter 142 Testing the Killing Machine

The afternoon sun shines slantingly.

The headquarters of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau has a special training ground. The space is wide enough to accommodate multiple different obstacles, targets and simulated buildings. Today's test took place between steel and humans.

Just like adjusting the condition of athletes in advance, Edith met Zhang Su alone in a small room.

"That robot is one of the advanced technological creations designed by the 'Quantum Bodhisattva'. She never cares about what technology will bring. The believers named her after technology and praised her with technology." Edith said.

"You don't like it?" Zhang Su asked.

"The only one I like is you. Where is the limit of this body?" Edith couldn't let go of Zhang Su's sculpted muscles. It contains amazing physical strength. It is usually tight and does not leak out, but when it is used, it will be as hard as stone.

"I'm afraid there is no limit." Zhang Su felt that he was taller than when he first arrived.

Eat, train, nourish your energy.

Zhang Su's muscles are now stronger and his size is constantly expanding. Over time, the suit of clothes Lian Wu bought will burst.

"I want to see you breathe," Edith said.

Zhang Su breathes to move Qi.

Nearly twenty-three layers of white energy surged from the depths of his lungs, undulating like inner waves. Wherever it passed, his muscles became stronger, his five internal organs became healthier, his mind became extremely clear, and he felt refreshed. ,

This is the healthiest state, the limit of human ideals, where all cellular potential is stimulated, pushing humans to a higher level.

"You seem to care about me very much." Zhang Su said.

"I want you to stay with me, materially and spiritually, constantly tightening the distance and getting closer. I want you to become stronger, as you pursue, to reach the same height as me." Edith said in a tone of voice faint.

It was a psychological suggestion or a kind of authority. Zhang Su felt a majestic power pouring in.

"Thanks to you, I will become stronger sooner or later." Zhang Su shook his big hand. This hand can crush many things with bare hands.

He changed out of his long-sleeved suit jacket and put on a more smart outfit.

Now he walks with majesty like a mountain, and his movements are like thunder. This feeling is like a cicada transforming into a dragon.

Edith watched Zhang Su leave with her gaze. In this world that was on the verge of collapse, people were degenerating in various forms, but Zhang Su was like a lone traveler climbing up from the mud of the abyss.

If so, she wouldn't mind traveling with him.

In the training ground, Solo was observing from behind a high glass barrier.

"Okay, this is the new robot we plan to invest in, code-named 'Steel Knight'. As far as I can see, it does represent the ultimate in the current technology industry." Solo said solemnly.

Zhang Su looked up at him.

[Memory of "Solo": A special commissioner from King's Castle. His main job is to monitor Edith. He has a capable style, puts practical efficiency first, is selfish, and at the same time controls the spy agency of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau]

This guy is the lackey of the King's Castle officer, and the spy that Edith hates the most. The advantage is that he rarely provokes Zhang Su, and his attitude towards Zhang Su is pretty good. In other words, he doesn't take Zhang Su seriously.

Zhang Su shook his head, no longer looking at him, but concentrated on experimenting with offense and defense.

For a practitioner with such a strong physique like him, he has to rely on assault and close combat to fight high-tech and top-level demons.

As always, as long as he got within two or three meters, no matter what kind of monster, demon or super mecha, Zhang Su would demolish it with two punches!

The Steel Knight stood steadily.

It exists like the vanguard of human civilization to break barriers. It is more advanced than previous defenders like Roy. It looks similar to humans and has superior intelligence.

"This beam will take you to the hospital." The Steel Knight raised his right hand, his palm shining slightly.

The strange feeling of strangeness made Zhang Su alert.

This thing is close to an "autonomous machine" in many senses, including the previous move to call for war.

Behind the scenes, Quantum Bodhisattva provides major companies with many technologies that humans cannot fully control. Under her design, "autonomous" artificial intelligence can control and plan its own actions to the maximum extent, get rid of the restrictions of human orders, and do its own thing.

Seeing the existence of this kind of thing, Zhang Su knew that this was because companies were reluctant to adopt dangerous technologies and always had to take risks to learn R\u0026D.

He moved his fists and had no choice but to give him a beating.

With a beep, the test has started.

Zhang Su jumped towards the Steel Knight.

There is a surging feeling in the body, and the breath flows like a surging river.

Zhang Su has not yet reached the state of perfect Qi gathering in his previous life, but his state of mind, experience and skills are still there.

Zoro, who was staring from above, couldn't help but frown.

Seeing Zhang Su's attacking posture, he seemed to see a momentum, like a big wave. Can one person become a wave?

The Steel Knight faced Zhang Su indifferently.

It raised its arm, and the kinetic energy sensor recorded the data and calculated the trajectory of Zhang Su's path designed to get closer.

The speed is very fast, and the Steel Knight can observe Zhang Su's movement trend from his movement speed.

Zhang Su seemed to be attacking in a straight line, but in fact he still wanted to get closer safely by taking maximum detours.

Sure enough, he was still afraid of his main weapon. Steel Knight judged.

Breatharians are known for their explosive power, shooting speed, physical strength and close-range destructive power. The Steel Knight archives are familiar with this, so denying opponents is their first consideration.

At this moment, Zhang Su's speed suddenly dropped significantly, causing him to pause on the spot.

As if he was lame in a complicated training ground, flaws suddenly appeared!

For the Steel Knight, this is the best moment to defeat Zhang Su.

Next, an electric current activates the coil.

Zhang Su instantly punched the air, and at the same time, the steel knight's palm reflected light, illuminating the entire venue, and a scorching beam of light shot towards Zhang Su instantly!

The light penetrated the air and should have penetrated Zhang Su, but it stopped a few meters away from Zhang Su, spread widely in the air, and turned to scatter!

Attack trajectory hindered? Steel Knight observes.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su's figure penetrated the sputtering and scattered heat flow, like sliding through a ball of fireworks!

After the loud noise of energy surging, red flames dispersed in the air, and Zhang Su approached the Steel Knight like a shooting star.

Went through, avoiding the most deadly beam jet.

The Steel Knight quickly calculated, and the problem turned out to be Zhang Su's punch to Qiuxu.

What he released was... a breath of shock.

The flaw attracts shots, and at the same time consumes a large amount of Qi in the body, forming an unstable wall of air in the air, which completely disperses the power of the Steel Knight's beam shot.

This person's combat strategy is very clear. As long as he avoids the main attack, he can get closer. After all, if it fires again, the Steel Knight's body will overheat.

However, it is unwise for him to release the air flow. Once the breath-eater's air is released, it will be lost and cannot be recovered.

At present, Zhang Su's body probably only has three or four levels of air flow left at most, which is estimated to be less than 20% of its peak state.

The Steel Knight was very confident in fighting against such a breatharian.

It raised its arms, and its sensors tracked Zhang Su's every move.

Zhang Su made two attempts to test its reaction rate, but the Steel Knight remained motionless.

The test turned into actual combat. Zhang Su no longer hesitated and launched a series of jabs at high speed. Each blow made the Steel Knight tremble violently.

A very...very big blow!

Absurdly fast punching speed and explosive punching weight!

The Steel Knight instantly calculated and concluded that it was impossible to defend against an attack of this level unless it was a thick wall.

Zoro observed everything happening in the training ground in amazement.

The advanced alloys that the Steel Knights have honed over time, and the cutting-edge steel plates in the materials laboratory, were actually dented with bare hands, even to the point of breaking through the defenses!

Its gears, power engine, and load test circuits all began to creak under the strain.

This magnitude of performance surprised Solo.

The development of human cellular energy is the key to pranayama, which makes a person almost as strong as steel.

Zoro has also seen many related videos, but seeing it with his own eyes at such a close distance was still shocking.

Today he finally got to know Zhang Su's skills.

"Okay, it's time to stop. Don't break the test machine. It's quite expensive." Solo suggested.

Zhang Su and Steel Knight had a tacit understanding and continued to fight without either side stopping.

Just when Solo requested a truce, Zhang Su kicked the Steel Knight in the head.

The strength of his legs is five times that of his arms. If this steel knight tries to block again, he will be kicked to pieces in an instant!

"Calculation completed." The Steel Knight suddenly dodged backwards with an astonishing advance.

Then after Zhang Su's strength exploded, the Steel Knight took advantage of the situation and used his arms to support his kicks and strangled his legs!

Having suffered a blow before, the Steel Knight modeled Zhang Su's strength and physical fitness in a desperate situation, so he perfectly calculated the forms of all his attacks.

After successfully blocking the kick, the Steel Knight's body immediately began to shrink in a strange posture, forming a cross-leg posture against Zhang Su!


Like a precision industrial forging machine, the Steel Knight strangled Zhang Su's right leg.

The violence coming from the power engine was enough to crush the entire car to pieces, let alone a leg!

Zhang Su gritted his teeth.

"Stop!" Zoro shouted, "That's enough!"

The Steel Knight turned a deaf ear and continued to exert force, aiming to completely cripple Zhang Su!

Zhang Su felt severe pain in his right leg and immediately punched the Steel Knight with his right fist.

But the body is restrained and the fist cannot reach it, it is just an inch short.

The Steel Knight carefully measured its range, and even Zhang Su's attack could not damage its mechanical core.

Zhang Su's leg is dead!

He leaned back and took a deep breath.

Enduring the pain, luck went through another cycle, and the vortex of breath in his body surged again, and all the remaining airflow gathered at the end of his right fist.

Immediately afterwards, he punched out!

Break again!

This is a low-level application of Taming Armor. It can be used for external bursts and is used purely for offensive purposes.


The Steel Knight's body was instantly hit by a hurricane-like energy-absorbing fist wind, and it immediately cracked and exploded like a torrent!

"——The machine body withstood a massive critical hit——" It immediately let go of its hand and stepped back, but its appearance had been cracked by the blast, and multiple circuit boards and precision engines were exposed, making it look extremely miserable.

The Steel Knight's program was still calculating the power of the blow just now, and the conclusion was completely beyond its combat algorithm. It was smoking in place, as if it was stunned by the explosion.

Zhang Su stood firm, immediately adjusted his breath, and as soon as he regained his strength, he immediately punched out with another punch, roaring on the spot, as strong as a galloping horse, knocking the Steel Knight to the ground!

"...This thing doesn't work." Zhang Su took a breath and looked back at Solo.

"Sorry, I will contact the company to request a re-examination." Solo leaned forward against the glass window, looking apologetic, "...The design of this machine is too dangerous. No wonder the company claims that it can effectively deal with human threats. Because the purpose of its existence is to clean up mankind! Thank you for participating in this test, otherwise the hidden dangers will be serious."

Zhang Su pressed his right leg that was in severe pain. It was really scary for a machine to kill someone. At that moment, Edith appeared like a ghost, close and concerned, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"Does it hurt?" Edith asked.

"It does hurt." Zhang Su felt that his right leg was numb from the pressure.

"Go to my place." Edith whispered in his ear, "Let me take good care of you."

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