Witch containment diary

Chapter 143 Edith’s Identity

When we went back, it was already night.

Edith's hotel room left an exclusive passage for Zhang Su, who could enter without making a reservation.

He walked in from the outside. Edith was wearing a dark silk dress that clung to every curve. Zhang Su would try to look away at first, but gradually, he could look directly at her again because he couldn't. escape.

Edith sat on the sofa and let Zhang Su lie in her arms. Zhang Su closed his eyes and felt like he was facing the best therapist in the world.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, it doesn't hurt anymore." Edith coaxed him in a whisper and stroked her hand over Zhang Su's injured leg. The skin was torn and the blood was flowing, but now it miraculously recovered quickly and the pain was gone.

"The power of that robot is really abnormal." Zhang Su closed his eyes, recalling the fierce battle before.

"Maybe it won't enter Dongming Kingdom, but it's so useful. In the future, the Steel Knight will shine on battlefields in other parts of the world." Edith said.

"I don't want to see a terrible future where robots rule mankind." Zhang Su opened his eyes.

"Humanity needs saving." Edith looked at Zhang Su, their eyes meeting each other, like a bridge reaching into each other's hearts.

"How to do it?" Zhang Su asked.

Edith didn't answer, as if she didn't know.

"Your fighting skills are very good." Edith changed the subject.

"..." Zhang Su smiled, "If I said you taught me, would you believe me?"

"There may have been memories between us that I can't remember. Of course I fully believe what you said." Edith said nonchalantly, "Can you tell me the details?"

"They are all your techniques. We have wrestled together, mixed martial arts, Sanda, and Jiu-Jitsu. You have taken the trouble to teach me. So I know your strength, your power...even the brute force is better than mine. In the end, you What is it made of, Edith?" Zhang Su asked.

Edith didn't seem happy to hear this.

"I'm very weak." She left the sofa, picked up the 200-pound Zhang Su with one hand, put it on the ground, and walked away.

Zhang Su smiled bitterly and looked for a place to look around. Everything here had a sense of luxury, all hinting at Edith's status and influence.

Hirashima Yorichu's Sky Tree penthouse suite is extremely luxurious, but Zhang Su always feels that any piece of Edith's collection here is worth all of Hirashima Norichu's treasures.

"I have some official matters that I want to discuss with you." Zhang Su said.

"Can I get you a drink?" Edith waved.

"I'm not thirsty." Zhang Su shook his head.

But Edith didn't seem to need Zhang Su's answer. She came to the bar and mixed Zhang Su a martini. The wine was as red as Edith's lips.

"Come." Edith leaned on the armrest of the sofa and handed the wine glass to Zhang Su.

It would be rude to refuse. Zhang Su took the wine glass and took a sip. The liquid flowed through his throat and soon turned into a ball of fire that rolled into his stomach.

The smell of perfume on Edith's body hit her, and she kissed Zhang Su unscrupulously when he put down the wine glass.

"How do you feel now?" Edith put her hands on Zhang Su's shoulders and looked at him.

At such a close distance, Zhang Su could see her dark golden eyes. She looked so focused, but Zhang Su's eyes gradually became distracted.

Charming, intoxicating. Zhang Su thought silently. Edith stared deeply at Zhang Su, lifted her fiery red hair away from her shoulders with one hand, and raised a knowing smile at the corner of her mouth.

"What's the official business? I saw the plan. You want Xincheng Meiyu to go to An'an Hospital." Edith said.

"Although I wrote the plan, I suspect you already knew it." Zhang Su felt that nothing could be hidden from her.

She must know that Zhang Su took the children to the No. 1 Witch Prison in New Tokyo, and the masked guards looked like Edith's spy agents.

She must also know about Zhang Su, Shui Li, and Fujikawa Chiyo, and she also has a good grasp of the Fujikawa group's movements in the underground dark area.

"But you still have to say it and write it down. This is the shortcoming of human beings. You always have to use incompetent language to express subtle meanings. You need to choose your words carefully to find some suitable combinations. Words." Edith's fingers brushed across Zhang Su's chin, and her warm breath caressed his forehead as she spoke.

In his previous life, he worked for Edith and completed one task after another.

Zhang Su suspected that part of his soul was still stranded with Edith in his previous life. As a deal or punishment, he would be bound to Edith again in this life.

"That killing machine is not as efficient as you, and Solo will give in. I want to ask you to help solve the Fujikawa Saburo matter. As a deal, I will let Shinjo Miyu go to Ansin." Edith said.

"That's what I meant. Fujikawa Saburo is in an unfair position and does extreme things. I can help solve the Fujikawa group's troubles and keep their power underground. There will be no turf wars and no civilian casualties... This will also help stabilize New Tokyo. The situation." Zhang Su thought of Fujikawa Chiyo, this matter really killed two birds with one stone.

Edith put her arm around Zhang Su's shoulders, and she leaned on Zhang Su's broad chest.

"Saburo Fujikawa is so annoying. Go and kill him for me. This is a good deal. Anyway, it's the same anywhere in the New City Meiyu Pass." Edith said softly.

"Hmm..." Zhang Su thought deeply, it would be great if Mrs. Meiyu of Xincheng would gradually recover in An'an Hospital.

"Don't always work yourself so hard." Edith said softly, "You don't need to bear so much pressure alone, I'm here."

His eyes intertwined with Edith's. Under Edith's gaze, Zhang Su felt like a transparent person.

"I'm not under any pressure. This is my responsibility." Zhang Su tried to be businesslike.

"There are things here that are deeper than responsibilities, and there are things that are more painful. What do you...know exactly? Our memories, what are our previous lives like?" Edith put her face close to Zhang Su's shoulder, sniffing Everything about him.

Zhang Su's thinking was a little hazy, his mind was in a mess, and all his memories seemed to be forgotten.

"I don't understand what you want." Zhang Su murmured.

Edith's long hair fell on Zhang Su like chains, and she tried to absorb memories from Zhang Su.

This matter crossed Zhang Su's bottom line, and he designed some false memories in his mind to make it impossible for Edith to penetrate.

"Why are you so afraid of me? I just want to know what happened before." Edith's face turned red.

"I still don't know who you are." Zhang Su said.

Edith looked at Zhang Su and tilted her head slightly. Zhang Su was in a trance, and the image of Edith overlapped with Lian Wu at this moment.

"There are three possibilities here. Whichever one your heart leans toward will become correct." Edith said:

"I may be part of a greater force, a projection and a fragment of a powerful being."

“I could be an immortal traveling through various worlds, looking for interesting experiences and experiences.”

"I may be a demon, but my domain and power are mainly to manipulate humans and the course of history."

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