Witch containment diary

Chapter 144 Unconditional Obedience

What secrets lie behind Edith's eyes? For Zhang Su, distinguishing riddles has little meaning, just do it. Seeing the look in his eyes, Edith couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

Get closer and that's it.

Until the next day, Zhang Su and Edith just fell down from exhaustion and were awakened by a loud noise.


The collapsed bed was broken in the middle, and the fillings of the mattress were scattered. The natural latex, springs, sponges and fiber cotton were no longer covered, and the crack in the center reached straight to the ground.

"It collapsed." Edith murmured.


Mortal tools are so fragile.

"How much did it cost?" Zhang Su left the bright red sheet and it slowly slid down like a drowning person.

"360,000 yen." Edith put on a plain gauze dress and walked to the window.

"I'll compensate you." Zhang Su said subconsciously.

"I broke it. Don't think about it." Edith looked into the distance.

It was still dark at this time, and the city was shrouded in a confusing mist, which seemed calm and non-threatening.

Commercial activities took a brief breather at this time, stores replenished goods, employees prepared materials, and vehicles ran silently.

And all the advertising light boxes and colorful lights and shadows chose to dim and disappear before dawn. After all, the inevitable scorching sun is coming to share the light with the world.

Zhang Su breathed against the light, and every breath increased his strength by a millimeter.

"How long have you been in New Tokyo?" Edith asked.

"Today is the 8th day, and I will go back to An Hospital in 6 days." Zhang Su said.

"So fast." Edith turned her head.

Zhang Su saw that Edith's expression was particularly innocent and confused at this time, as if a young girl had just heard bad news.

"Cherish the moment." Zhang Su picked up the scattered clothes and walked to the kitchen attached to the room.

It was Edith who made breakfast for him that day, and now it was his turn to replenish each other's strength.

The kitchen utensils and goods were all complete. Zhang Su selected the materials and picked up Edith's knife to cut vegetables. He found that Edith had many sharp objects in her hands, including more than a dozen kitchen knives of different styles.

Click, click, click... Zhang Su cut chives, bell peppers, and onions at a rhythmic speed, and the blade made a pleasant tapping sound on the chopping board. The countertop is natural marble with rich patterns, not artificial stone for home use.

He prepared a large bowl of egg liquid, mixed it with scallions and diced bell peppers, fried it in a pan, and put in four strips of bacon. The edges of the eggs were solidified first. Zhang Su used a spatula to gently lift them up and cover them. Fold the hardened eggs inward from the edges to form an egg roll.

Edith put the raw bread into the toaster and toasted it, then tinkered with the coffee machine a little to make 2 cups of black coffee in the morning.

"Why don't you go back and sleep a little longer?" Zhang Su asked, "You still have to go to work."

"A feeling of gathering less and leaving more spreads in my heart, as if your existence is just a momentary embellishment in a long life. Looking back from the end to tonight, what I gain may be only the thinnest piece of good luck." Edith explain.

"Let's be honest." Zhang Su brought the egg roll to her.

"I want more." Edith stared at Zhang Su, then she knelt on the ground, opened her mouth, and stuffed the egg roll as wide as her fist bit by bit, directly to the bottom of her throat.

This thing is addictive.

"It's time to work. Today is a working day. If you don't go to the headquarters, people will gossip." Zhang Su went to the toilet.

"Then come with me." Edith went to prepare her shuttle. Before she could walk away, she heard the sound of Zhang Su releasing water.

It was so spectacular, roaring, strong, and harsh, like a giant horse weighing 2,000 pounds. It is a blessing to be with such a person for a long time.

Zhang Su used Edith's bathroom to take a shower. Although she was not here, there were traces of her life everywhere, including the opened shower gel package, unused lipstick, lip marks on the mirror, and ubiquitous... Strong aroma.

After taking a shower, Zhang Su's hair was now on the floor drain. He shaved, his stubble falling on the countertop, and his breath lingering in the air.

Zhang Su felt like he had stepped into Edith's life, which made him feel like he was back on track.

"Let's go." Edith was already fully dressed. A white striped suit and a retro round hat were her attire today.

Zhang Su went with her to the headquarters building of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau.

Solo is waiting in the office. He is 40 years old, tall and thin, with salt and pepper gray hair, a neatly trimmed goatee, a hooked nose and a pair of deep black eyes. He is wearing a simple black suit and a A badge with the abbreviation HDP of "Human Defense Project" printed on it was too old-fashioned and solemn, and Zhang Su never wore it.

Edith sat behind her desk and completed her official duties meticulously.

On the terminal, she approved documents and issued orders to various regions in Dongming Kingdom. Every line of text she typed would forever change the fate of someone or something.

"Zhang Su." Solo shook hands with Zhang Su, "You are here too today, which is good."

"I'm still on vacation, but I just take care of official business occasionally." Zhang Su said.

"Yesterday's battle with the Steel Knight made me feel very good. We still lack elite members who can charge into battle. I feel that your presence just fills the gap." Solo speculated.

Among the four senior supervisors, Kazama Yoshihuai is a 1.65-meter-tall dwarf with deep thoughts. The most important thing is that he has his own opinions and is not easily transferred; Helena is in charge of the No. 1 Witch Prison; Zoro is responsible for secret agents and intelligence work ; Dai Lan from the Witch Council is very old.

Relatively speaking, Zhang Su is very suitable for joining high-level work as a strong and flexible new member.

"Thank you." Zhang Su replied neither humble nor overbearing. The personnel relations in the Witch Countermeasures Bureau are complicated. Each of the four senior supervisors has a certain amount of power. Zhang Su will not underestimate anyone.

"Anxin Hospital lacks funding and staff quota. I plan to transfer funding directly from the World Foundation." Solo felt that Zhang Su and Edith were too close, so he tried to win over him and showed off his relationship with the upper management. connect.

"Thank you for your concern, but I won't receive any reward for no merit. I don't know what I can do to relieve the Countermeasures Bureau?" Zhang Su said calmly.

"Fujikawa Group, the deformed Fujikawa Group." Zoro's tone was full of disgust.

He took Zhang Su to the small conference room next to him and played a video of the court hearing the day before yesterday.

"The defendant Haozhi deliberately hacked and killed Tayama Takaaki, Nakamura Hidena, his wife and their two young sons, causing two deaths and two injuries..." The prosecutor is prosecuting the criminal's crime.

A convicted murderer, "Haozhi", stood handcuffed in the middle, and the witch was monitoring his mind.

"The prisoner's subjective malice is extremely strong," the prosecutor reported and released a video.

"People living on the ground... are all real demons." The murderer Haozhi stared at the picture, "Took away all the money, drained the sewage into my home, took away all the light and left us with darkness. From a healthy person to a monster. I want to kill the demon and empty the demon's lair."

When the video was played, prisoner Haozhi remained indifferent and his eyes were extremely fierce.

"Gozhi was shot last night, and Gozhi's family members were also hired to kill him afterwards. It may have been the family members of the deceased who hired the assailants." Soro said, "The murderer admitted that he was influenced by the 'hateful material' published by the Fujikawa group. Take a good look. The citizens have turned into monsters in this way. Public opinion can still be suppressed, but this bottomless mutual revenge will continue in the future. At the moment, you are the only one who has the determination and courage to solve such a problem."

Zhang Su pondered.

Fujikawa Saburo was probably enjoying himself at this moment while letting his subordinates plan such evil acts.

"The problem is that it makes no sense for us to kill the Fujikawa group. Unless we can move all the people underground to live above ground." Zhang Su said.

"This is not something we should consider," Solo said.

"If I can't see the prospect of resolving this matter, it's useless for me to go there." Zhang Su said bluntly.

"...New congressman Mihashi Yukai is running for prime minister." Soro inferred, "His goals and slogans are related to improving people's livelihood, which may significantly reduce unemployment and dissatisfaction. At least people are tired of Nagai Hikoshiro. And San Qiao You supported your work before, which also gave him a good reputation."

"What's his plan?" Zhang Su asked.

"Rebuilding old Tokyo, moving universities and schools back to their original locations, rebuilding industry, and improving government administration, his Twitter account introduces his plans every day," Soro said.

"I hope he can turn decay into magic. I know he has certain abilities, so I'll set off." Zhang Su nodded.

"Qualifying the trouble caused by Saburo Fujikawa is a big deal. I wish you good luck. You are right. In addition to killing people, we must also rebuild this place." Zoro nodded.

The following words were told to Edith. Zoro glanced at Edith at the same time. She always supported destruction rather than reconstruction. Edith even wanted to make Saburo Fujikawa make a big fuss so that he could be eradicated at once. She had eliminated many people. , people are not only afraid of her, her existence represents destruction.

"I have no objection." Edith watched Zhang Su leave. Zoro couldn't help but secretly thought something was wrong, when did Edith become so talkative!

Zhang Su took a taxi shuttle back to Tianjing Hotel.

Solo is the chief spy, which reminds him of the importance of information security.

Cell phones may have eavesdropping software, taxis may have spy systems, and hotels may have cameras and tape recorders that penetrate everything.

He felt that if he wanted to gain a foothold in New Tokyo, he needed a hacker.

A highly skilled hacker who can block signal detection and establish encrypted channels at any time to help maintain information security.

Fortunately, Zhang Su doesn't need to think about the long term now, he just needs to break down the next obstacles.

He closed his eyes and meditated. It was safest to keep things in his mind.

Zhang Su returned to his room in the hotel and opened a box.

"? What are you doing~" Lian Wu sat on the bed and looked at Zhang Su curiously. Zhang Suzhen often stays away from home for several days and nights. He really doesn't value the room fee.

"Do something meaningful." He stood up, took out the Guanshi Pagoda from inside, and smiled softly at Miss Lianwu.

"! Come on!" Lian Wu patted Zhang Su, Zhang Su was the best.

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