Witch containment diary

Chapter 145 Huangkong Road Subway Station

In front of you is the elevator leading to Huangkong Road Subway Station.

Zhang Su came to the subway station with a stick.

The stairs connecting the lower part were filled with garbage, and boxes and iron barrels were piled near the bottom to serve as shelter.

Shui Li had already gone to find Chiyo Fujikawa. Zhang Su stared at the darkness below and got into the elevator.

The elevator descended to the platform, and the scream of metal hitting Zhang Su's ears hurt.

This leads to the "dark zone" of New Tokyo.

Zhang Su stepped onto the platform, and the stale air was filled with the smell of body odor, garbage and despair. This was the dark underground of New Tokyo, exactly as in his memory.

His leather shoes were well polished, but they were stuck in sticky dirt with every step he took.

Around him, there were blank, hungry faces, and the underground residents were all wearing shabby clothes.

And Zhang Su, wearing a pressed black suit, was like a bright light, particularly conspicuous.

Let's walk along the platform. Zhang Su thought silently.

Every time I come to the Dark Zone, I feel depressing. Huge trains line the sides, and each carriage has been converted into housing. The authorities have abandoned the underground.

"Give me some money." A child with stains on his cheek came over tentatively and reached out to Zhang Su to beg.

Zhang Su knew that such children were sent to test newcomers, mainly to check whether Zhang Su had any money, so that he could rob them later.

Let them come. Zhang Su pressed a few brand-new 5,000 yen bills on the child's little hand. The boy's eyes widened, and then he ran back into the shadows.


"Look at that guy..."

"Money..." The people watching have noticed this.

There are many residents in the subway.

Most of them huddle in makeshift sheds made of cardboard and scrap metal. A family stood by a sizzling fire, grilling meat skewers of unknown origin, fueled by newspapers and broken furniture.

Coughing, crying and the occasional curse words echoed around him. Zhang Su continued to move forward, hoping to contact Fujikawa Chiyo or Shui Li.

Zhang Su felt that there was a clear gap between himself and the subway residents.

His clean, stern face and neat suit suggest that he is an outsider from the surface world, perhaps one of the elites who control the city.

Coupled with the Fujikawa group's propaganda and infiltration of the residents of the Dark Zone, people tend to avoid them, looking at them with both curiosity and resentment.

People endured such filthy conditions and were forced to linger in this abyss where no sunlight could be seen. Zhang Su thought silently. This is the Dark Zone of New Tokyo, where millions of people survive.

A thin man with yellow eyes suddenly broke into Zhang Su's sight, followed by more people with various weapons in their hands.

In the carriages of abandoned subway trains on both sides, more people began to ambush Zhang Su.

Zhang Su could see them holding various weapons and firearms, preparing to take him down.

"Give me some money." The strong man at the head glanced at Zhang Su.

"I don't want to cause trouble." Zhang Su said calmly,

"You were dead the moment you stepped in. This is our territory and no one can protect you." The strong man sneered.

The surrounding ronin and gangsters quickly moved their positions and surrounded Zhang Su, like a group of hyenas, waiting for the signal to attack.

"You will die." Zhang Su raised a hand, "It's better to let me pass."

"Are you here specifically to kill us? Are you here specifically to eliminate the scum of the city? That's fine, you don't need damn charity anyway." The man looked down upon Zhang Su and spat at his feet.

"Have you heard of Fujikawa Saburo's propaganda?" Zhang Su asked.

"Sir Fujikawa Saburo is our savior, and your tongue will be cut off and fed to the dogs!" the man yelled.

Farther away, unarmed dungeon dwellers let out raucous cheers or dark jeers.

These voices blended into a prejudiced rage that echoed throughout the Dark Zone.


The first sound was the sound of gunfire. Someone opened fire in the carriage. The bullet hit Zhang Su's chest and bounced off the bulletproof armor made by Priscilla.

Zhang Su rushed into the crowd and swung a stick at the nearest big man.


The air wave surged wildly, and a large number of people were instantly blown away. They flew out in the blink of an eye, and the lighter people were instantly invisible!



"Asshole——" The subway residents on both sides were shocked.

"Go to hell!" A big man rushed over from the side.

Zhang Su swung his stick violently and delivered a vicious straight punch to the waist. The big man moved the crowbar in his hand down to block it.

Flooding energy condensed and flowed on the stick, instantly breaking the crowbar, and the remaining force hit the opponent's abdomen, causing him to scream and fall straight back to the ground!

The people here were very angry. Seeing their companions fall, they immediately got red-eyed, got up from the ground, and roared at Zhang Su again!

Poverty, hunger and propaganda made them regard well-dressed people like Zhang Su as a thorn in their side.

"Kill him!"

"Devil! The devil is coming!"

"I'll kill you!" The leading man was a burly thug. He twitched his fingers and punched Zhang Su.

Zhang Su raised his hand to fight back, and hit the opponent's wrist with a swing of the dance stick. The man's face suddenly changed, and he felt that his wrist was not hit by a blunt instrument, but was chopped by a giant axe!

With one blow, his entire wrist was bent directly out. The arc of the break was so huge that anyone who saw it would have their scalp numb!

Zhang Su heard the sound of the evil wind behind his ears, turned around and faced the opponent with a straight punch. He was tall and had long arms, and he hit the opponent directly on the head with his stick.


The heavy blow directly dented the opponent's entire head and face, causing him to take two steps back and fall down.

"Die!" Two gangsters with knives rushed over. Zhang Su dived forward and hit his arm with the blade, but he was lucky enough to defend in advance and was unscathed.

Immediately afterwards, he swung the Kanshi Pagoda vigorously, breaking the opponent's entire arm just by slapping it, causing the opponent to let out a heart-rending scream, and instantly lost his combat effectiveness!

The other sword bastard's expression suddenly changed and he wanted to retreat, but Zhang Su counterattacked very quickly and hit his shoulder with a stick, causing his shoulder blade to make a loud cracking sound.

Another steel pipe hit Zhang Su on the back of the head. He quickly dodged and turned around to see a young gangster with dyed hair. His face was very surprised. He never expected that Zhang Su could avoid such a sneak attack.

In fact, his footsteps and movements were all under Zhang Su's control.

Zhang Su hit him hard, and the young gangster flew several meters away in an instant, sliding on the ground, causing his skin to be torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Su no longer fought with these gangsters, but followed the direction of the gunshots in his memory and spun into a carriage. Someone shot Zhang Su just now, which should not be underestimated.



"Help!" There were only a dozen gray-headed residents of the dark zone in the carriage, looking at Zhang Su in fear.

Zhang Suyou's necklace provides eyesight and can clearly distinguish the smallest details.

One of the young girls looked panicked, maybe it was the shooter.

He rushed over and lifted her up with one hand. Sure enough, a pistol slipped out from under her jacket!

"No, don't kill me...! Please...!" She begged.

"Because I am a resident on the ground, should I be shot?" Zhang Su looked into her eyes, which were full of anxiety and fear.

She was speechless, Zhang Su threw her out, she screamed, and her figure flew across the entire carriage. He picked up the pistol and put it away. It was still new and he didn't know where he got it.

The others were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Zhang Su took his pistol and fired two shots outside. Seeing that they could not take advantage, the gangsters fled one after another.

Zhang Su strode away, and there were still several seriously injured gangsters lying on the ground.

They all felt very remorseful, why had they provoked such a demon, who told them to die if he touched it and to be injured if he touched it?

With so many people coming together, with swords, guns and clubs, even top martial artists or soldiers would die, but Zhang Su was unscathed. Even if there were twice as many of these people, they wouldn't be able to hurt him.

Zhang Su's presence instantly awed the residents of the Dark Zone. Wherever he passed, people retreated and whispered to each other, announcing his arrival.

They all vaguely felt that such a person coming to the New Tokyo Dark Zone would definitely turn the Dark Zone upside down!

Zhang Su had his hands behind his back, and no one dared to disturb him.

He ordered a bowl of noodles from a ramen stand on the subway.

Residents in the dark zone rely on the subway for their livelihoods. The wide platform in the center is like a road on the ground, and the train carriages on both sides are residential areas and small shops.

The stall owner made the noodles in the carriage. After they were ready, he held the noodles in his hands and handed them to him through the subway window.

While he was eating noodles, a woman wearing a hat and mask sat down in front of Zhang Su.

"Lord, I'm here." Shui Li whispered.

"The dark zone is still as chaotic as ever." Zhang Su said.

"Life in this place is quite cheap, although the ground is not much better. The only good news is that I have found Fujikawa Chiyo," Shui Li said.

"Let's go." Zhang Su put down the ramen money. The ramen here smelled like plastic.

Shui Li's footsteps were very light, leading Zhang Su through the maze of underground dark areas. The subway was part of it, and the sewers were more complicated. The water pipes were dripping above their heads, and below were highly toxic pits. Industrial pollutants mixed in the wastewater to form more... It was an unsightly thing, emitting a pungent stench.

Zhang Su watched Shui Li shuttle through the shadows, almost silently.

She has a light figure and wears a pitch-black chemical fiber ninja suit. The suit has an optical shielding function and changes color as the surrounding environment changes. Only the metal right arm under the cloak occasionally shines.

He walked through a hole in the brick wall and entered a more dead place. There were some people here, but Zhang Su was not sure if they were still alive. They were just huddled on the ground or sitting, with haggard and dead expressions, flickering in the darkness. With a pair of eyes, I wonder how many people live here.

Zhang Su was prepared and ready to respond when they threatened, but until he passed through the entire tunnel, no one struck up a conversation with them, not even making eye contact.

After a short time, Zhang Su completely forgot about these people, just like city people forgetting the residents of the dark zone.

Shui Li came to a sealed metal door marked with mysterious symbols. She knocked on the door in a complicated way. The sound echoed and sounded particularly strange.

After a while, the secret door on the door opened, revealing Fujikawa Chiyo's eyes. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Zhang Su and Shui Li.

"You're finally here." She was relieved.

The door opens.

Zhang Su saw that this was a well-equipped lounge that was incompatible with the filthy chaos outside. The carpet was thick, furniture and electronic equipment were all available, and there was a humming generator to provide power for the lights.

Fujikawa Chiyo stood upright, with piercing eyes, as always, giving people a sense of majesty.

"Long time no see." Zhang Su sat down on a leather sofa.

"It's ridiculous. I can only hide in this rotten underground. I won't make any specious excuses. I can only admit the fact: I can't defeat Uncle Saburo at all." Chiyo Fujikawa poured a glass of boiling water for Zhang Su and put it in it. tea bag.

She looked even more depressed than when she was at Anshin Institute. Compared with the wily Saburo Fujikawa, Fujikawa Chiyo still had a lot to learn. There were many tricks here, which could only be accumulated through experience.

"How firm are you in fighting Saburo Fujikawa? What if your life is in danger?" Zhang Su asked.

"Why are you afraid of death?" Fujikawa Chiyo asked back, her eyes were firm, but Zhang Su felt that she was not the person he should be looking for.

Our book friend Suiming Kuangyu has written a novel, you can read it

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