Witch containment diary

Chapter 146 Inject energy into her

"It's not a good thing to talk about death lightly," Zhang Su said.

He thought of the words used in ancient times to describe the tough folk customs of "easy death and easy death".

He despises death and gets angry easily.

It might have seemed brave in ancient times, but now it's 2057.

"Let me... ventilate first." Chiyo Fujikawa forcefully opened the ventilation window of the safe house.

The turbid breath blew in, and Zhang Su heard the echo of dripping water outside, as well as the rustling sound, which was probably the sound of rats and cockroaches running quickly.

After a burst of clattering sounds, the restaurant on the ground ejected kitchen waste to the bottom. Some creatures with symmetrical bodies, weak muscles, and hair loss approached the stinking leftovers, hoping to rummage through them for food.

Farther away, a row of huge subway trains stood silently in the tunnel.

There is a hazy light and shadow in each carriage. The underground residents robbed the subway operating company's vehicles and made them their homes.

They are the electric subway train sets of the New Tokyo Metro 05 series. They were designed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 10 years ago and are made of aluminum alloy. Each car has six sections, each section has four doors, and can accommodate up to 1,440 passengers. Now it has become Fixed housing.

The windows of some carriages were sealed, and gangs were occupying the interiors, refusing to trespass. The windows of some carriages are all open, indicating that the residents inside are unable to protect themselves.

"I have been living here since June." Chiyo Fujikawa looked underground.

Zhang Su saw boxes of beer around, and she seemed to be drinking heavily here.

All the signs are very bad, almost rotten. In such a bad environment, it is impossible for people to muster the fighting spirit.

He wanted to know whether fate would forcibly correct itself. For example, Zhang Su saved Chiyo Fujikawa, but she still met inevitable death, as if the god of death had come.

The fate line on her body is dripping with tears.

[Memory of "Chiyo Fujikawa": A mature witch in the lightning path was framed into an asylum and attacked by people sent by the Fujikawa group, but she survived safely. After being released from prison, she sought to regain the position of leader of the Fujikawa group occupied by her uncle Fujikawa Saburo.

Current erosion level 5%]

Erosion... is it due to erosion?

"Look at me." Zhang Su couldn't help but check Fujikawa Chiyo.

"What?" Fujikawa Chiyo subconsciously opened her eyes.

Zhang Su observed that the dark spots under Fujikawa Chiyo's eyes were like fat tadpoles.

"This kind of dark place will generate negative emotions." Zhang Su said.

"...It's nothing. Just get used to it." Fujikawa Chiyo said in a dull tone.

The magic of the thunder path should make her violent and strong, shocking the world like lightning.

But now she is quite negative and discouraged.

"Fujikawa Saburo once tried to threaten Sky Tree's boss Hirashima Yorichu, but I was able to deal with it." Zhang Su tried to encourage her.

"That's really amazing! Hirashima Yoritada is the 'canary bird of New Tokyo'. If he surrenders to Fujikawa Saburo, one-third of the New Tokyo businessmen will choose to get closer to the Fujikawa group..." In front of Chiyo Fujikawa One light.

Zhang Su is still as capable as ever. Fujikawa Chiyokoro said. Sanlang was scheming and tried to master the underground and surface worlds step by step, but Zhang Su was able to fight back forcefully!

In contrast, Fujikawa Chiyo can only live in such a deserted place to avoid being hunted down and eliminated...

So after hearing the news brought by Zhang Su, Fujikawa Chiyo became even more depressed.

"This incident has proved your uncle Sanlang's ambition. We have to find an opportunity." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, I have to find a chance, but there is almost no way. What can I do?" Fujikawa Chiyo sighed.

It was a complete failure, and the more I thought about it, the worse it got.

Zhang Su shook his head. He had never seen Fujikawa Chiyo be pessimistic before. The degree of erosion would completely change a witch.

Chiyo Fujikawa has lost the chance to recapture the Fujikawa Group. Zhang Su thinks of her sudden death in her previous life, and now is her second chance, a precious opportunity.

The Dark Zone is vast, and violent gangs like the Fujikawa-gumi have a monopoly on life and death here. If she misses this time, she will be doomed.

"Where is Ruizi?" Zhang Su thought of Ruizi.

"She gained weight and raised funds for my activities, so I probably still have some money on hand." Fujikawa Chiyo said.

She probably went gambling again, it seemed like she was really going to push her own path to the limit. Zhang Su thought.

During the conversation between Zhang Su and Fujikawa Chiyo, Shui Li knelt and sat beside them, silent.

He glanced at Shui Li from the corner of his eye.

Zhang Su continued to help Fujikawa Chiyo, largely because of Shui Li, because Shui Li came to be loyal to Zhang Su because of the cooperation between the two parties.

Shui Li is like a token of the alliance between the two parties. If the cooperation between Zhang Su and Fujikawa Chiyo breaks down, Shui Li will be embarrassed.

"What do you think is a good way to fight against Saburo Fujikawa?" Zhang Su asked.

"I...can't think of it." Fujikawa Chiyo was silent, "Maybe not, Uncle Saburo is so..."

She gritted her teeth.

Negative emotions, pain, despair and sadness, coupled with the chaotic environment underground, caused Fujikawa Chiyo's morale to reach a low point.

Erosion is like a mental cancer for the witch.

"Give me all the money Ruizi won." Zhang Su stretched out his hand.

"What?" Fujikawa Chiyo frowned.

"I'll buy you a plane ticket and send you abroad. The water in New Tokyo is too muddy for you, and many of your ideas are too simple." What Zhang Su said is true.

"Stop joking." Chiyo Fujikawa waved her hand.

"It's not a joke." Zhang Su said seriously.

Fujikawa Chiyo frowned.

"Let me leave at this juncture? I would rather fight to the death here," she said.

"Saburo Fujikawa behaves viciously, but his strategies and planning are very good, and you are no match for him. Even from the perspective of family interests, the Fujikawa Group can become more powerful in the hands of Saburo. Whether it is for the Fujikawa Group or yourself For your safety, I advise you to leave New Tokyo as soon as possible." Zhang Su said calmly.

Chiyo Fujikawa leaned forward with angry eyes until she was only a palm away from Zhang Su's face. Zhang Su's cold eyes met hers, and his words were like adding salt to the wound.

"You... take back what you said." She said slowly.

"Why, do you think I will be afraid of you? Are you trapped in a place like this now, without a plan, waiting for someone to save you?" Zhang Su said loudly.

Corrosion combined with anger transformed into madness.

Fujikawa Chiyo stepped on the table with bare feet and punched Zhang Su!

Shui Li turned over and backed away. She opened her eyes wide and watched as her childhood friend Fujikawa Chiyo fought with her master Zhang Su.

Thunder wrapped around Chiyo's right hand and arced. Zhang Su immediately struck a heavy blow from the palm of his hand, hitting Chiyo Fujikawa's chest.

Before she could take action, she was sent flying, her body fell back quickly and hit the cabinet.

Completely controlled by "erosion"? Being three times stronger in black form is no joke.

Zhang Su raised the Kanshi pagoda in his hand and stood ready, while Fujikawa Chiyo leaned against the deformed iron cabinet.

Electromagnetic push!

Her strength and momentum suddenly increased significantly, and she drove the cabinet behind her with one hand. The 2-meter-high iron cabinet actually rose from the ground, and she threw it hard!


Zhang Su fiercely swung Guanshifutu to meet the iron cabinet that was crashing towards him. With a crack of metal deformation, the cabinet was immediately smashed through and fell heavily in the middle of the room, crushing the original tabletop.

Fujikawa Chiyo jumped around the room quickly, and the magic power of lightning drove her body, causing her nerve reflex speed, mobility and strength to skyrocket in a short period of time.

She instantly appeared next to Zhang Su and punched him in the head. Zhang Su used his eyesight. In his enhanced vision, the punch was still extremely fast!

He immediately moved his head to avoid Fujikawa Chiyo's heavy blow, and then hit her with the end of Kanzefutu in a short distance.

Fujikawa Chiyo suddenly felt a pain in the middle of his ribs, as if there was a big gaping hole.

She took a few steps back, the fighting spirit in her eyes still strong.

Fujikawa Chiyo raised her hand, arc sparks exploded in her hand, the light in the room flickered on and off, and then suddenly stopped flowing.

The subway trains in the distance, the surrounding scavengers, and even the city vertically above the ground are all affected!

"Why is there a power outage!"

"Ah! I haven't saved it yet—"

“My cell phone has become so weird, there’s no signal!”

“Toys are still stable with batteries!”

"The generator was finally made..." Surprise and commotion suddenly arose.

Fujikawa Chiyo looked at Zhang Su angrily. Under the control of the "thunder and lightning" magic power, electric energy was extracted from all directions, and the electromagnetic ball in her hand became brighter and brighter!

The rampant erosion formed countless black markings on her body, and tiny blood vessels bulged on the surface of her skin, like thousands of forked tree roots...

good chance!

Zhang Su quickly jumped over, and the flowing energy surged on the Kanshi Pagoda. He was able to swing his stick and lightly hit Fujikawa Chiyo on the chest!

Enter positive energy!

The air flow rushed into Chiyo Fujikawa in a violent form, interrupting her action of absorbing electricity, but the light was still not powered on, and the room was dark except for the electric arc around Chiyo Fujikawa's body that glowed slightly with blue light.

Chiyo Fujikawa fell to the ground in severe pain. Zhang Su rushed over, lifted her up with one hand, and pressed her heart with the other hand, continuing to type.

Feeling Zhang Su's contact, Fujikawa Chiyo tensed her body, but did not break away.

"You...what did you do?" Fujikawa Chiyo felt a warm flow of heat flowing through her body, especially the place where Zhang Su had just been hit.

"Putting aside the frustration and pain, I hope I can still see Chiyo Fujikawa, who has the most fighting spirit." Zhang Su said.

The dark erosion gradually faded in her heart, but there was still a trace left. Zhang Su felt that in-depth treatment was needed.

Fujikawa Chiyo closed her eyes, Zhang Su gently pressed her hand.

She felt very strange. In this dark underground, she had been letting the anxiety in her heart grow and fester like a wound, which made her no better than the most rubbish people.

Fujikawa Chiyo took a shaky breath, suddenly feeling that she was vulnerable and exposed. She had been feeling uneasy and suspicious since her upright father died of illness.

In the darkness, only each other's breathing could be heard.

Everything was silent.

The thunder and lightning in his body, the rotten underground environment around him, the history of the Fujikawa family...

It all dissipated, replaced by white light surrounding itself.

Gradually, Fujikawa Chiyo stopped shaking.

A sense of calm enveloped her, and the chaotic emotions that had once devastated her soul gradually dissipated under this positive influence.

positive energy!

Zhang Su is like a positive energy transmitter, making Fujikawa Chiyo feel more and more energetic.

Shui Li looked anxiously beside him, standing on tiptoes and turning on the night vision function of his eyes.

Can Zhang Su do it? How is Chiyo Fujikawa doing? Will he die? Will he become vulnerable? Although she seemed calm on the surface, Shui Li was worried to death deep down. The semi-intelligent chip that assisted her thinking kept bouncing back all kinds of disordered and wrong emotional codes.

Soon, Fujikawa Chiyo stood up, patted his body, and his eyes were clearer than before.

Shui Li breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Miss Fujikawa Chiyo can definitely do it.

She couldn't help but look at Zhang Su. It seemed that Zhang Su was more powerful. He could wake up the possessed Chiyo Fujikawa and restore her energy in one go. This was something that not everyone could do.

She was worried to death when she saw Fujikawa Chiyo's gloomy and negative attitude, but now she wanted to jump up and celebrate.

But on the surface, Shui Li was still cold.

"It's time to go," she said nonchalantly.

"Let's go to the ground. This basement will only dampen our fighting spirit." Zhang Su started.

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