Witch containment diary

Chapter 148 Shui Li has new clothes

Leaving KFC, Zhang Su walked through a long and dirty staircase.

It was already night, and colorful neon lights illuminated the streetscape of New Tokyo.

Zhang Su and Shuili stood on the streets of New Tokyo, with people coming and going around them in a hurry.

"Everyone is very busy." Zhang Su looked around, "What do you think of New Tokyo so far?"

"Noisy, chaotic." Shui Li replied calmly, her eyes scanning the surroundings, always alert.

Zhang Su nodded.

He remembered that Mizuri had been training at the Mizukage Ryu Dojo in the mountains, and the shining New Tokyo was also a splendid new world for her.

"Speaking of which, Chiyo...you must be familiar with her," Zhang Su said.

Shui Li's body shook imperceptibly.

"When I was young, more than ten years ago, most people were still fighting demons at that time, and we took refuge in the countryside. New Tokyo was just a blueprint." Shui Li said.

"When we were talking just now, she didn't even look at you. She just wanted to restore the family business." Zhang Su said.

"So what?" Shui Li frowned.

"I think you deserve better treatment, instead of being treated as...a tool." Zhang Su said.

"I was originally going to be assigned to her as a personal ninja." Shuili looked at her metalized right arm. "After the accident, I thought I was going to die, but the dojo asked me to participate in Providence Company's human repair experiment. After surviving, in my memory, only the time spent with Chiyo Fujikawa day and night is particularly clear. Therefore, I have some feelings for her."

Shui Li turned her attention to the crowd.

"... However, maybe it's just a phantom in the code. I feel that Fujikawa Chiyo doesn't really know me anymore. I have been forgotten by her. She just knows that there is a little ninja in the Mizukage Dojo and she grew up with her. And my destiny is to serve her. And I was sent to you just as a way to be loyal to Fujikawa Chiyo. But I can’t go back to the past. When she looked at me, her eyes seemed to be looking at something. furniture."

Zhang Su listened carefully. Shui Li had devoted herself to Fujikawa Chiyo, but not everything had repercussions.

"Come with me." Zhang Su extended his hand to invite, "Shui Li, let's go shopping in the streets of New Tokyo."

There are many novel billboards on the streets of New Tokyo, intertwining into a colorful illusion. Izakaya, video game arcades, and custom venues are all trying to attract customers.

Zhang Su is tall, stands out among the crowd, and moves forward with his head held high.

People subconsciously avoided him, but Shui Li's footsteps were silent, showing the qualities of a ninja at all times.

He glanced at the taciturn Shuili: "Do you have any hobbies? Let's go to shops, restaurants, shopping malls?"

"Your Majesty, please decide. I am not familiar with these leisure activities." Shuili glanced at the chaotic street scene.

Her eyes were alert and her camera flashed, as if she wanted to identify the hidden assassin in the crowd.

"Come, let's see if there's anything you like." Zhang Su took Shuili to a place where small vendors gathered. The floor was full of sparkling gadgets, trinkets, and various semi-legal implants.

"Forbearance." Shui Li looked past the flashy decorations and saw a blacksmithing stall selling concealed weapons.

The stall owner is also a man with a mechanical arm, and a few ronin just picked up a short knife that fit the hand from the ground.

She squatted beside the stall, and Shui Li felt particularly fond of sharp objects.

With childlike fascination, Mizuri ran her fingers over the blade of the weapon, inspecting the spiked metal chain and admiring the craftsmanship of the kunai.

"I want this." Shui Li pointed at a shuriken.

Zhang Su grinned. He thought Shui Li was cute too, so he bought it for her.

"And this." Zhang Su went to the stall next to him and chose a hairpin covered with cherry blossoms for her. "I'll leave you a little souvenir. This one is also pointed."

Shui Li looked at the hairpin in silence for a while.

To his surprise, Zhang Su saw some changes in her cold face.

"It's very beautiful." Shui Li gently picked up the hairpin.

"Put it on?" Zhang Su tried to ask.

"It will make the action more conspicuous, but... commemoration, okay, commemoration..." Shuili put away the hairpin.

"There is no action today, the action is over." Zhang Su led Shuili to continue walking through the commercial streets.

Elite officers sent by the Metropolitan Police Department are on standby at the center of the intersection to guard against any scoundrels, allowing people to work in a low-key and orderly manner, which is very different from the chaos in the dark zone.

Zhang Su took Shuili into a clothing store.

"I want to see you wearing clothes other than ninja uniforms." Zhang Su said boldly.

Shui Li's blue mechanical eye flashed rapidly, as if part of the chip was overheating.

Zhang Su touched her forehead and found that it was indeed overheated.

"My lord, this is not in line with my duties." Shui Li said.

"The first duty of a ninja is to be obedient! Come and give it a try." Zhang Su went to pick out clothes for Shui Li.

Shui Li felt like she was burning. She wasn't sure if this was wise, but she still let Zhang Su lead her around the different clothing exhibition areas.

"Choose, choose one." Zhang Su urged.

Shui Li turned around.

"...This." She raised her hand and pointed at a cherry-pink traditional costume.

"I match you so well, Shuili." Zhang Su felt very good, "The locker room is over there!"

Shui Li sighed helplessly.

She disappeared into the locker room. Zhang Su heard the clanking sound of various weapons falling to the ground. All kinds of buckles, armor straps, pouches and inner garments were all taken off. It was probably the first time in Shui Li's life that she had Strip naked.

A few minutes later, she came out with her ninja uniform and a pocket full of hidden weapons, having already put on new clothes.

"How...?" Shui Li raised her head, not daring to look at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su felt relaxed and happy, and Shuili looked completely new at this time!

Her face was originally good-looking, but she had been wearing a mask in the past. Today she finally took it off, revealing her true beauty. Her black hair was tied up into a bun.

She used to wear a dark stealth suit, but now she wears a cherry pink outfit with a white crane pattern on it. The silk texture wraps around her body just right, and her movements are both elegant and self-disciplined.

Her mechanical right arm and mechanical right leg were now clearer, and the artificial joints left black line-like seams.

"Don't look..." Shuili immediately used her left hand to block the wiring traces on the joint of her right hand.

"It's okay, no one is looking at you." Zhang Su held Shui Li's hand, "New Tokyo is a huge city, we will only be ignored and forgotten, so just do what you want to do. And you This looks super cute.”

"..." Shui Li lowered her head. She seemed to be blushing twice as much, but she didn't have such a function. "It feels so strange... I think it's better to put back on the ninja uniform, please."

"No problem, but can you put the hairpin on now? I have to keep this moment. You also said it is a commemoration." Zhang Su said.

Shuili slowly put on the cherry blossom hairpin, and Zhang Su took a photo of her. Shuili in the photo was wearing beautiful clothes, which may be a rare opportunity in her life.

Soon she returned to the dressing room, put on her dark night clothes, put on her mask, and put away her hairpins.

The only thing hanging on the belt is the kunai, the golden chariot sword is hidden in the arms, and the floating scenery of the east beauty is inserted into the scabbard on the thigh.

Zhang Su bought the clothes, asked the clerk to pack them, and then left the store.

"Hmm..." Shui Li was still analyzing the super strange and magical change of clothes just now.

"This is an ordinary life, do you like it?" Zhang Su took Shuili shopping and strolled in the night of New Tokyo.

Shui Li was in a daze.

"I like it. If I wasn't a ninja, I might live like this every day. But in that case, I wouldn't be able to meet you. Now I really can't tell how I should live." Shui Li said.

"You can always find the way of life that suits you best. We are still young and the days are still far away." Zhang Su clasped his hands behind his head and walked forward step by step. "Didn't the famous saying say, 'As long as we move forward, the road under our feet will be smooth. Keep extending'. Be happy, Shui Li!"

They have been taught since childhood that ninjas have no independence or self and must become someone's shadow. She thought silently.

She will not become the shadow of Fujikawa Chiyo. She values ​​her family more than a little Mizuri.

Then, he will become Zhang Su's shadow from now on.

"Then I... I'll go forward and follow you." Shuili followed Zhang Su.

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