Witch containment diary

Chapter 149 Training to deal with the enemy

Returning to the Skyview Hotel in New Tokyo, Zhang Su trained in the exclusive gym provided by the hotel.

The sunlight of the new day slowly moves in, passing through the floor-to-ceiling windows, leaving large rectangular bright spots indoors.

The day's plan begins in the morning. People who wake up at six o'clock and those who wake up at ten o'clock see completely different worlds.

Zhang Su once had a decadent time, and then once he tried to get up at six o'clock. The change was immediate, as if the time available in the day doubled, and the whole day's course changed.

From then on he got used to getting up early.

Zhang Su practiced while lying on the leg press machine, with his feet against the pedals, extending his knees again and again to push the machine to a high place.

The leg press is effortless. He has added all the boards in the gym. They only weigh 400 kilograms, and Zhang Su feels like he is playing.

While doing heavy weight training, Zhang Su was thinking about Chiyo Fujikawa.

She does not lack ambition and pedigree, but she needs to grow in resourcefulness.

But just think about the human heroes in history. When they first started their careers, they did not necessarily have a high level of strategic awareness. These can be slowly cultivated through practice.

The key is whether there is anyone around her to give her ideas, whether there are qualified mentors and think tanks who can give her more ideas before she grows up.

Judging from the current treacherous situation, I'm afraid not, otherwise she wouldn't have failed repeatedly...

After training his legs, Zhang Su trained his chest.

Zhang Su practiced bench pressing while lying on the rack. The weight he chose was 200 kilograms. The iron plates on both sides were surprisingly thick.

After repeated pressing again and again, the heavy barbell slowly moved up and down in Zhang Su's hands.

This kind of weight is enough to crush the spine of ordinary people, but Zhang Su pushed it easily.

The "Qi Jin" cultivated for a long time quietly flows and circulates in the body, greatly strengthening the energy of cells.


"That rascal……"


"Pushing so hard!" When it was morning, other guests who came in for training were startled by the big guy Zhang Su.


They had only seen similar advanced fitness demonstrations on video platforms, but they didn't expect to see them with their own eyes today!

Zhang Su was thinking about other things, so his face was expressionless and he was completely lost in thought.

Two big hands pushed the barbell to the highest point without even shaking.

Sweat was dripping wetly, and Zhang Su could vaguely feel the pain caused by slight muscle tearing. The secretion of lactic acid made the fatigue worse, but every time the breath flowed through his arms and legs, the pain would be relieved.

That's what fitness is like.

During intense exercise, muscle fibers are torn, acting like microtrauma.

Sensing the injury signal, the body repairs cells and the newly grown muscle fibers become more hypertrophic.

In order to adapt to the load of heavy weight on the muscles, the muscles will be prepared for danger in times of peace, continue to absorb protein, store energy, further strengthen themselves, increase hardness, and broaden dimensions.

During training, Zhang Su felt that his tendons and ligaments became stronger, and even his bones became harder.

It's also fun to feel your physical fitness grow slightly with each movement.

The restorative properties of Qi are extraordinary in this process.

The breath circulation keeps healing his muscles, and the new ones grow even more powerful!

So Zhang Su soon felt hungry, and his growing muscles made him hungry, calling him to eat and drink more and supplement protein.

"If only I were that strong..."

"What a big man..."

"When I see him, I feel like I have to work hard! Sooner or later I will become so strong!"

Others in the gym started cheering.

Zhang Su continued to ponder.

Fujikawa Chiyo is also quite strong. Zhang Su remembered the episode of his previous fight with her.

The magic of thunder and lightning can give her power similar to that of a magnetic field, greatly increasing her strength.

In a short battle, the magic power of thunder and lightning is undoubtedly particularly powerful among witches.

With the lightning amplification, her attack quality is very high. If she wants to kill Zhang Su, she only needs to hit Zhang Su twenty or thirty times.

After practicing for a while, Zhang Su wanted to check the time.

He used his left arm to lift a 200-kilogram barbell, and took his mobile phone from his pocket with his right hand to check the time. It was almost 10 o'clock, and the hotel buffet was about to open. Zhang Su felt energetic when he thought of the roasted Wagyu beef here.

The people nearby who noticed Zhang Su jerking one arm were sweating profusely.

There are several people who have practiced before and believe that they can also bench press the same weight with both hands.

But when Zhang Su lifted the 200 kilogram barbell with one hand, it was terrifying!

"One hand! Just one hand..."

"...How is this possible? Isn't he afraid of death?"

"Is there an implant?"

"It must have been done by taking medicine..."

"You can't get this good even if you take medicine!" Passers-by in the gym looked at the burly and majestic Zhang Su, and were shocked by the level of strength he displayed casually!

Compared with Zhang Su's explosive physique, people who have undergone basic training feel like little shrimps.

After bench pressing, Zhang Su went to hit the sandbag.

Facing the black sandbag hanging in the air, he put on his boxing gloves and thought about Chiyo Fujikawa's ferocious punches.

Speaking of which, what Fujikawa Chiyo lacks is experience and vision.

Many fighting schools advocate seizing the opportunity, which is summarized as "three firsts".

Let the opponent strike first, and then defend and counterattack exquisitely, which is called "last, first".

Determine the timing of the opponent's attack, and then attack accordingly, which is called "attack first." This is what advanced combat robots can often do, so robots are much stronger than humans in combat.

The more advanced technology is to predict the enemy's prediction, and through experience and eyesight, counter the opponent's prediction to achieve a higher level of insight! This kind of master-level unique skill is "the first to be the first".

Just like a matryoshka doll, although the other party can see through your moves, you can also see through the other party's.

This technique will make a person nearly invincible, making him invincible once he strikes, and he can easily counter the enemy.

If you want to be the first, you need strong combat experience, eyesight, analytical skills and brain power, as well as a flash of inspiration brought by combat talent...

Only the most powerful humans, demons above the leader level, and witches who have been defeated many times can stably achieve the first goal. This is also Zhang Su's goal.

While thinking, Zhang Su stabilized his posture and aimed at the sandbag.

Zhang Su's fighting style is a self-created boxing method, which is derived from the results of multiple trainings over the past four years. It is a mixture of boxing, mixed martial arts, Sanda, Brazilian war dance and other techniques.

There are also some fatal killing techniques that Edith taught him in his previous life, which he used as a trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

Ordinary sandbags were too brittle for Zhang Su's fists, and the purpose of hitting them was to train his concentration.

He took a deep breath, stagnated his breath, and wrapped the flowing air around his fists.

But it's not to expand his power. On the contrary, he wants to significantly reduce his attack power to avoid breaking the sandbag.


It’s light and fast and requires a neat pace!

Zhang Su punched out and hit the sandbag with his fist.

It immediately raised high and flew back in fear, and then slowly swayed back under the restriction of the chain.

That's a pretty good punch.

Zhang Su continued to practice boxing, as fast as a storm, and struck out continuously.

The force of each punch was quite ferocious, the sandbags shook violently under the impact, and the iron chains creaked.

Zhang Su relaxed his mind and body, immersed in the rhythmic impact of fists and sandbag leather. This kind of training honed his concentration and swept away all distracting thoughts.

In the eyes of others, Zhang Su is like a tireless machine, attacking and training with perfect posture.

He trained endlessly with ordinary jabs, and a light layer of sweat appeared on his arms and face.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around sharply, stretched his hands towards the ground, as if he was about to hit the ground, his body weight shifted downwards, and his right leg circled a semicircle under the cover of his body, attacked high, and kicked the sandbag!

"Very cool!"

"Kicked so high!"

"It's like dancing..." Others saw that Zhang Su's move in boxing was quite elegant.

Shui Li kept holding her hands and watching from a distance. She was a little surprised.

Because she can also do a similar trick, that is, put her hands on the ground and then kick people with her feet, which is a very tricky angle.

Her Ninpo technique is called Riptide Flying, or the Inverted Sickle Kick. She used this move to hit Sakamoto Lewan, a foreign ninja hired by the Fujikawa Group, at the Sky Tree Restaurant.

However, a light and slender person like Shui Li can only use this kind of kicking technique, but it is strange that Zhang Su, a strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms, has such bizarre and agile movements!

If used in actual combat, the enemy may be shocked.

Zhang Su regained his balance and adjusted his breathing.

The kick just now had no official name, so he tentatively called it "Kaitian". He developed it by referring to the technique of the Brazilian war dance "Capoeira".

The key point is to spread the energy originally gathered in the hands through the whole body, move it to the right foot, and then kick it all out!

In this case, Qi will pass through multiple organs and parts of the body along the way, and all the strength of the body will be wrapped into one kick. It may look fancy, but it is actually a very violent physical technique.

Even strong enemies are rarely able to withstand them.

Zhang Su continued to practice boxing. He punched out, and the sandbag kept shaking under the chain. The sutures made an overwhelming muffled sound and were about to break at any time under his beating.

Fight, fight, fight!

He returned to training, immersed in his attacks, punching so fast that others could hardly track it with the naked eye.

His knuckles hurt slightly from the reaction force, but he ignored it. All he could hear now was the continuous, rain-like hammering sound.

His steps are steady and his waist is always supplying power, injecting energy into every attack he has made so far.

Getting faster and harder, and the fighting spirit is getting higher and higher.

Hit harder, hit harder!

Zhang Su continued to suppress his power, but his wild state of mind finally broke this restriction.


Out of balance, he threw a punch with normal force and hit the sandbag. The sound was like thunder. Then, with a wild clicking sound, the iron chain holding the sandbag finally broke! The thick leather was freed from the beating, and instantly flew forward, hitting the wall, and sand exploded all over the floor!

Zhang Su stood in the heavy sand and panted heavily, trying to regain his unbalanced energy.

His fists were still clenched tightly, and he felt extremely relaxed. Fighting and training were part of a healthy body and mind, which made him feel satisfied from the inside out.

People in the gym looked at this scene in stunned silence.

It is not a rumor that the sandbags were exploded manually, and Zhang Su seemed to have accomplished it very easily!

"Are you okay?" The gym manager, a man named Zhongzhi, rushed over and looked at everything with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, I broke it." Zhang Su shook the sand on his hand and said, "I'm sorry. Try calling this phone and tell the other party truthfully what I did. Say it was Zhang Su who did it, and compensation will be in place. "

Zhang Su gave Fengjian Yihuai’s phone number to Zhongzhi.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry." Zhongzhi nodded repeatedly, picked up his cell phone, and contacted Kazama Yihuai.

Kazama Yihuai was drafting a plan for organizational reform in his home office, and soon received a message.

"Hello, this is Tianjing Hotel, so and so, about Zhang Su..." Zhongzhi recounted the previous events in detail. He didn't know yet that it was Kazama Yihuai on the other end of the phone.

Kazama Yihuai couldn't help but get angry.

Zhang Su is destroying public property and disturbing people everywhere!

Fortunately, this is the only time we have to go to New Tokyo. Sooner or later, go back to the countryside!

However, Zhang Su represents the image of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau outside.

And Kazama Yoshihuai must also maintain the honor and appearance of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau.

So he takes care of this!

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