Witch containment diary

Chapter 150 Awakening the secret method of flesh and blood

"I have understood the details. I will immediately arrange for a dedicated person to follow up and compensate your organization. The Witch Countermeasures Bureau is dedicated to serving the public and will never disturb the people." Kazama Yoshihuai said slowly.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you very much!" Zhongzhi was overjoyed and even more excited at the same time.

He was convinced that what he heard was the voice of the legendary Yoshitsune Kazama.

He has been managing witch affairs for Dongming Kingdom for a long time, running around and working hard.

Hire the Casting Witch for production, send the Thunder Witch to the power plant, let the Redemption Witch serve as a doctor and nurse, and entrust the Ascending Witch to answer the wishes of enthusiastic believers online...

Well managed and in good order.

If Edith hadn't been parachuted in, the current director would be Kazama Yoshihuai!

Now, a small person like him can come into contact with Kazama Yihuai, and Zhongzhi feels doubly honored.

It turned out that Zhang Su was a little concerned about blowing up the sandbags.

But now, he realized that Zhang Su was also an important member of the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, and his attitude towards Zhang Su became more and more respectful.

Having a close relationship with the Witch Countermeasure Bureau is beneficial and harmless.

After finishing the cleaning, Zhongzhi got involved and provided Zhang Su with hot towels and protein shakes. He also sent snacks and gift cards to Zhang Su's room and distributed them to the children.

Zhang Su drank the free protein shake and felt very comfortable.

The smoothie is a delicious blend of almond milk, chocolate protein powder, banana and spinach.

This time, he was treated politely, and as expected, it was Yuya who passed the blame to Kazama Yihuai! He was born to do this, to solve problems.

Katie staggered to the gym, looked at Zhang Su, and grinned.

"You're awake." Zhang Su felt that Katie had been sleeping these days.

"Why... work so hard..." Katie looked at the signs of new training on Zhang Su's body.

"Because I always feel that the enemy I have to deal with this time is particularly difficult, so if I am stronger, the battle will be easier." Zhang Su clenched his fist.

"I want to accompany you." Katie sat next to Zhang Su, exuding a strong aura.

"You have to concentrate on raising the baby." Zhang Su said.

"No, I'm not talking about fighting, I want that." Katie leaned close to Zhang Su's ear.

"I'm not talking about fighting...!" Zhang Su was helpless.

The dragon egg is so small, what if it breaks?

Old Tokyo, underground.

Plate after plate of beef was sent deep into the tunnel. The beef from Dongming State was as bright red as dripping blood, and the surface was covered with marbled white fat patterns.

They are meant to be burned.

In the fire, the beef gradually turns brown, and finally turns black and charred, and the meaty aroma spreads throughout.

The Fujikawa group members nearby watched silently, sighed secretly, and smelled the wonderful aroma.

The flavor of the beef after being roasted is particularly tempting, but it's a pity that they can't taste it.

Saburo Fujikawa looked devoutly at the central altar. It was piled up with flesh and bones. The flesh and blood were faintly arranged to look like a human face. It had been in this place for some time.

He walked forward, his mechanical legs making a slight creaking sound.

The slender carbon fiber prosthetic legs are a work of artificial genius, responding seamlessly to Saburo Fujikawa's neurological commands.

But this still cannot replace his original strong legs. Fujikawa Saburo once participated in a war against demons, and his legs were cut off by a demon. After that, he was marginalized in the family and was humiliated and despised for a long time.

But now, he has defeated the arrogant Chiyo Fujikawa and holds the Fujikawa-gumi in his hands.

Other loyal members of the Fujikawa group gathered around the ceremony, all wearing suits and looking serious.

Fujikawa Saburo hired many ninjas from overseas, and also received the support of "Fazora", the guardian monk of Quantum Bodhisattva, through donations to Buddhist temples.

These outsiders are responsible for holding down the formation further away to prevent the Fujikawa team members and hall masters from temporarily changing their minds.

A group of people, sixty-six in total, strode closer under the guidance of members of the Fujikawa team.

They were all selected by Fujikawa Saburo from the vast population of the "Dark Zone".

"You all feel pain and hatred for the people on the ground, those rentiers, people who get something for nothing, entrepreneurs, wealthy businessmen, the rich people who come in and out of the shiny buildings in New Tokyo, the people who huddle on that artificial island and live in debauchery. . Now, you have a chance to take revenge. Welcome, sixty-six warriors!" Saburo Fujikawa raised his hands. A girl followed Saburo Fujikawa fearfully.

The sixty-six people looked up at the flesh and blood sculpture, whispering to each other, and excited whispers echoed in the venue.

Many of them stood proudly, knowing that they were about to receive stronger power and become the pioneers of the ground counterattack.

Saburo Fujikawa walked to the flesh and blood sculpture. There was an obsidian blade on the ground.

Obsidian, a material from hell, he couldn't help but look at it more.

This was captured at the front line of the Gate of Hell on Mount Kaguraku. The logistics department leaked some obsidian weapons from the loot, which flowed into the black market at a high price and were acquired by Saburo Fujikawa. This kind of thing is naturally easy to attract the attention of Hell.

Saburo Fujikawa held the obsidian knife high, as if he could hear the cry of his soul.

He sliced ​​the blade of his hand open, blood gushing out.

When the blood spattered on the sculpture, everyone present smelled an unusual iron smell.

The obsidian knife flickered slightly, blooming with a certain eager and vicious brilliance.

He held up his injured hand.

"Come and become stronger with the blessing, strong enough to defeat the decent people on the ground... They have planes, robots and tanks, but you have real great power now and have nothing to fear!" he shouted. stand up.



"We can stop being afraid of those lackeys!"

“Let me create a fairer world!”

"Ordinary high school students can become the strongest!"

"The dark night in Dongming Kingdom will dawn from now on!" The morale of the sixty-six people was high.

With the help of Saburo Fujikawa, they will gain power beyond ordinary people and overthrow the cannibal world!

"Come on!" Saburo Fujikawa raised his head.

The members of Fujikawa's team, who were holding the battle, took action one after another.

The samurai swords penetrated and slashed from behind, as if they had been practiced hundreds of times in advance.

They worked together to kill all sixty-six "warriors", causing their blood to flow everywhere.

The screams and screams lasted for a minute. Fujikawa Saburo did not turn around, but smiled sinisterly.

The air in the stadium became more solemn, as if it could drip blood.

As the entire tunnel chamber was filled with a strange bright red wave, the Fujikawa team members couldn't help but be shocked.

They heard a song that seemed to come from the end of the strange world, echoing at the edge of their hearing.


"That is……"

The "people" they had just killed were quickly being healed and reorganized under the red light. Fuzzy screams and wails came out of their mouths and tongues. The blasphemous energy was transmitted between their flesh and skin. Sixty-six people fought hard. Synthesize a giant flesh puppet!

It stood up on the legs and feet of ten of them, walked slowly past Saburo Fujikawa's side, walked towards the prepared fleshy sculpture, and sat on it, half-integrating with it.

The members of Fujikawa's team were shivering all over. They heard the chaotic heartbeat deep in the body of this flesh and blood demon. Right here, right in front of them, the demon was coming.

"Sixty-six brave souls, here for you." Fujikawa Saburo raised his head and smiled. What a delicious smell of blood!

"Father Sanlang..." The woman next to him was trembling with fear.

"The banquet has filled the hungry intestines, who is thirsty for the gospel?" The flesh-and-blood demon looked into the distance with the hollow eyes of seven people, and spoke with the mouths of eight people.

Its voice sounds like the voices of an old man, a man, a young man and a woman at the same time, making it unpredictable.

"I want my legs back." Fujikawa Saburo raised his head, then turned around and asked the girl next to him for help, "Come on, Meidaizi."

He sat on the ground and let Mei Daizi remove his prosthetic legs and artificial anus.

Fujikawa Saburo was an artificial product from the abdomen down. At first, Fujikawa Chiyo would despise him and ridicule his disability every time he saw him.

Now Saburo Fujikawa wants to turn everything around.

The eyes of the flesh and blood demon stared at Saburo Fujikawa.

Everyone else trembled visibly, and some Fujikawa team members knelt on the ground and pressed their foreheads against the cold floor to show submission.

More people were trembling with fear, not daring to intervene in this extremely depraved scene, or retreating to the edge, not wanting to hear the voice of the flesh and blood demon.

"You will become the source of flesh and blood, mark the body, and develop the herd." The flesh demon whispered.

"I swear to be the container of your power." Fujikawa Saburo is already old, and his cloudy eyes long to be bright again.

A heart-stopping demonic energy surged in the chamber.

Fujikawa Saburo raised his head ecstatically, and in an instant, the flesh-and-blood demon spat out a large mouthful of blood and poured it on him!

Wrapped in this blood, Fujikawa Saburo felt that his whole body was full of powerful power, his skin squirmed, and his muscles involuntarily contracted and expanded.

"Fresh meat..." Saburo Fujikawa looked down and saw that his flesh was recovering and his bones were being rebuilt.

He saw that his skin cracked first, and then, brand new flesh and blood began to pour out!

Countless new cells are regenerating in the cavity under his abdomen, and new muscle fibers, nerves, organs, bones, and joints are all recovering!

"My legs, my legs -" Saburo Fujikawa was in pain and excitement.

Around him, some of the Fujikawa-gumi hall masters who also paid homage were also trembling with blessings. Their eyes rolled back and only the whites of their eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes!

The great power injects new vitality into them, making their bodies larger and their muscles stronger.


"Let me go -" Some Fujikawa team members who harbored blasphemous thoughts or despised demons were immediately marked as targets of flesh and blood.

They watched helplessly as their skin cracked, and pieces of muscle popped out, scattered in the air, and hollowed out from the inside out!

Midaiko, the adopted daughter of Saburo Fujikawa, quickly retreated and watched all this in horror.

In a short time, Fujikawa Saburo's legs were completely rebuilt, and they were so strong that Mei Daizi couldn't take her eyes away.

So strong...Master Saburo...she was secretly surprised.

The unfortunate Fujikawa Saburo has long lived with the contempt and insult of his brother Fujikawa Yuichi and niece Fujikawa Chiyo.

Only now can I stand up again! Mei Daizi was quite surprised. This is what a dark zone overlord should look like!

Fujikawa Saburo looked at his newborn legs with satisfaction.

Health, perfection, any technology or magic cannot be done so well, and even if they can be equal, the transaction price cannot be as low as this.

This is the happiest moment in his life.

People who once despised him will learn to fear the name "Fujikawa Saburo". With the help of the devil's power, he finally returned to his full glory.

And the hall masters around him who participated in this ceremony became even more powerful, their bodies expanded greatly, full of terrifying power, like human tanks.

This is more powerful than the dead muscles worked out in the gym, this is the supreme energy given by the devil.

Saburo Fujikawa nodded secretly.

He couldn't help but glance at Mei Daizi beside him. It turned out that she was incapable, so she took in an adopted daughter as a companion.

But now that she's back to full strength, I'm afraid she can still be of help in other ways.

In the distance, Fazheluo, a subordinate of Quantum Bodhisattva, muttered to himself. He looked at the fallen people and felt guilty.

Everything is for the Bodhisattva, to collect brand new knowledge. You have to learn normal knowledge, and you also have to learn demonology.

The flesh demon looked into the tunnel, lost in thought.

Fujikawa Saburo didn't dare to disturb him anymore.

"Let's go." Fujikawa Saburo glanced at the hall masters in the distance who did not dare to join. They were still wary of this kind of demonic power.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but pause.

"...Fujikawa Chiyo just left the underground. I'm afraid she met some noble person and is very suspicious. You, Koike, go get in touch with her and find a way to bring her to me." Fujikawa Saburo waved.

"Yes." Xiaochi didn't dare to look at the flesh and blood demon, nor did he dare to join the ceremony.

Old Tokyo once fell to the hands of the devil. Although it was recovered by Edith, countless remaining rituals and rituals still exist among the people. I didn't expect to see them again today!

Fujikawa Saburo strode through the blood on the ground and left the tunnel.

His legs were so strong, making him feel happy and relaxed. Only a healthy body has a healthy spirit. Saburo Fujikawa smiled and planned to do good things from now on.

At Tianjing Hotel, Zhang Su was eating the buffet.

There is no beef available today. It is said that the high-end Wagyu beef has been bought by the mysterious subscriber, so he has to eat chicken legs as a meal replacement. His plate is full of delicious roasted chicken legs, which adds a lot of protein to him.

At this moment, he received a call from Senior Supervisor Solo.

"Zhang Su, regarding the Fujikawa Group incident that you are currently following, how are you doing?" His voice was high-pitched.

"After contacting Fujikawa Chiyo, she should help replace Fujikawa Saburo. Although she is also a stern leader type, she acts more openly." Zhang Su reported concisely.

"Very good, a tip came in. The situation is not good, and the threat level has intensified. We must take action, and it's time to close the net." Solo said in a serious tone.

"I'll be there right away." Zhang Su started.

"As soon as possible, take this matter to your heart. The higher-ups of the human defense plan are involved in this matter. If you can put an end to the chaos, I will recommend you." Solo said.

"Thank you for your appreciation..." Zhang Su's heart moved. Solo has extremely close ties with the top management, and it seems that Zhang Su has also entered the top management's field of vision.

"You have already become famous because of your achievements in Mount Kagurura. Don't waste this opportunity. Only when you go to a higher place can you use your talents more." Zoro said seriously.

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