Witch containment diary

Chapter 151 Flesh Demon Carmen

The headquarters of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau is located in the Ocean View Area on the south bank of New Tokyo, where you can easily overlook the sparkling Pacific Ocean.

Zhang Su and Katie took the elevator upstairs together. The public officials around them were all calm.

They are the most standard public servants. They are more docile than ordinary corporate social beasts. They are good at conveying orders from their superiors intact and refuse to express personal comments and thoughts.

"Have you been here before?" Zhang Su turned around.

"After I fell from the front line in North America, I took a back seat and was forced to find a job, and then I was thrown here." Cardi folded his hands in front of his lower abdomen.

"It was probably Edith who contacted you at that time," Zhang Su speculated.

"Edith found a small place that needed to be guarded and isolated from the rest of the world, and that was Anxinyuan." Katie snorted coldly.

Anxinyuan is really small and shabby, Zhang Su thought to himself. However, it is now taking steps towards revival.

Arriving at Solo's office, Zhang Su knew that the room next door was where Edith lived, so he couldn't help but pay more attention.

Feeling that there was an eerie atmosphere coming from under the door, he looked away.

Katie was waiting outside, and Zhang Su went in.

Solo sat on an ergonomic chair and moved his head, cracking his neck. Zhang Su's head brushed the door frame and came in, looking down at him.

"Sorry, senior supervisor." Zhang Su greeted him.

"It's okay, we have more pressing problems." Solo turned the floating panel to Zhang Su's side, and the holographic image enlarged, reflecting some victims who were brutally tortured to death.

"The Fujikawa group and the devil?" Zhang Su frowned. This way of desecrating the corpse was undoubtedly the devil.

"They have really fallen to an extremely low level. These traces seem to be related to the flesh-and-blood demon 'Carmen'." Zoro said.

[Memory of "Flesh Demon" Carmen: One of the demon lords of hell, living in flesh and blood, controlling the power of appetite, temptation and the body, extremely evil, greatly increasing people's pursuit of meat and senses]

Zhang Su remembered that he had seen a portrait of a flesh-and-blood demon.

She is depicted with thousands of hands and feet, wearing a translucent gauze dress, with jewels on her forehead and ears. The contours of her limbs and skin are perfect, and every curve and finger follows some supernatural proportion, so she is Don't look ugly.

A smile appeared on Carmen's soft lips, as if whispering in someone's ear: The joys of this world are beyond imagination, just feast to the fullest and be satisfied now.

The influence of the devil was pervasive. Just recalling this scene, Zhang Suguang felt a secretion in the depths of his throat, which made him miss the delicious meat mountain in the cafeteria.

"Carmen's admirers need extra meat. Is this why meat consumption is so high now?" Zhang Su speculated.

"The Fujikawa group ordered a large amount of meat and sacrificed it to the demon species without any secret. What is the difference between this and provoking us! We can take any necessary measures to eliminate this threat." Solo said.

Flesh demons and their worshipers will be greatly strengthened once they eat fresh, noble meat, and their worship of meat will continue to escalate.

"I hope to attack the headquarters of the Fujikawa Group." Zhang Su said.

"This requires intensive planning, and you don't have much time to stay in New Tokyo." Solo questioned in a questioning tone.

"Because time is short, I have to try. I hope I can have some power to act independently. In return, I will completely defeat Saburo Fujikawa." Zhang Su said confidently.

This guy is really courageous, he does what he says and he does it resolutely. Zoro thought.

I hope Zhang Su's ability is worthy of his spirit. There are too many people who are just starting out, arrogant and arrogant, and then completely defeated and unable to recover...

"Go ahead, I will ask the Metropolitan Police Department and other departments to cooperate, but remember to be careful. There are many areas in old Tokyo that are beyond our reach." Solo gave Zhang Su a chance to make a bold attempt. Anyway, he has not made any mistakes so far. Blunder.

"Yes." Zhang Su understood.

He left the office and returned to the corridor outside.

Outside the window, you can see the gray old Tokyo on the other side of the bay, as if covered in volcanic ash, all in disarray and ruin.

"How was it?" Katie asked briefly.

"The Fujikawa group has crossed the bottom line, and the Human Defense Plan will not sit idly by," Zhang Su said.

He felt that when he spoke, the energy in his body was resonating with his belief and burning brightly.

"Hmph...we have to kill all the monsters and live our lives." Katie turned around.

He, Kati and Mizuri went to scout the headquarters of the Fujikawa Group.

After a little preparation, Katie recovered her dragon body and carried Zhang Su soaring in the sky.

Old Tokyo, Shinjuku District, Mingshe Commercial Building.

Flying on Katie's back was the most enjoyable thing. Zhang Su grabbed Katie's horns with both hands and sat on the mane on her neck.

Her wings flapped steadily, shaking the airflow, and she soared. Her body slid effortlessly through the clouds, her black scales shining in the afternoon sun.

Fly on a dragon!

"what is that?"

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane?"

"so big!"

"Promote airships?" On the ground in old Tokyo, people pointed at the sky and marveled.

Katie relishes this rare opportunity to release her true self from the repressed human body.

Flying is as natural to a true dragon as breathing, and her senses and instincts become sharper.

Zhang Su and Katie were hovering in the air. Although they were flying extremely high, Zhang Su's eyesight was particularly far-reaching with the support of the necklace. He could see the details below at will. Zooming in and zooming in, the figures and traffic flow were all clear.

Shui Li was active on the ground. She boarded an abandoned building nearby and hid among the reinforced concrete ruins. She tiptoed and looked down at the Ming She Commercial Building from the edge.

Due to the destruction during the war, everything in old Tokyo was only initially rebuilt. It was completely incomparable to the prosperous New Tokyo, and the streets and alleys were relatively poor.

"This is the center of the Fujikawa group's power." Zhang Su looked down.

The entire commercial building is 10 stories high, with a gray exterior. It is very low-key, but it is located among the surrounding dilapidated blocks, and it suddenly becomes eye-catching.

"Fujikawa Saburo's legs have also been rebuilt like mine. They are mechanical legs. Once attacked, he will run extremely fast." Shuili's sharp eyes captured every detail of the building.

The streets were abandoned and unmanaged. The Fujikawa group directly built cement walls on the surrounding roads, with tiles on the top and many cameras, just like a private residence.

They restored the cement floor to soil and green plants, dug a pond and placed stone lanterns around it. They completely designated this block as their own garden and regarded old Tokyo as their own private property.

There seems to be some kind of event going on at the Ming She Commercial Building.

Some vehicles were coming in, with gang members scrutinizing each incoming car before letting them go.

Obviously, Saburo pays great attention to protecting himself.

Shuili listened carefully and used the chip to analyze and amplify all the audio.

"The people inside are having fun and celebrating." Shui Li judged, "It was full of noise, laughter, and clinking glasses."

Zhang Su looked down and saw that the security factor was very high, and there were armed gangs guarding the place at all times.

Katie carried Zhang Su and stared at the Ming She Commercial Building with her narrow pupils. She smelled some kind of sinful stench.

The building now resembles a tumor embedded in the heart of old Tokyo, begging to be removed.

"If they are celebrating, maybe Saburo himself is there. If we can find him, the trip will be worth it." Zhang Su said.

"I'm going to eat this place up," Katie said. The familiar hunting urge coursed through her veins.

Zhang Su glanced at the Ming She Commercial Building, there were many guards.

"If we attack head-on, there will be a fierce battle." Zhang Su said.

Shui Li closed her eyes and listened carefully.

She began to retell the conversations among the gang members and passed them to Zhang Su through the communicator. He could see, but Shui Li could hear clearly.

"'Are you kidding, you bastard!'"

"'You're kidding me, you bastard!'"

"'Bring the meat over, you bastard!'"

"'More sake, we're going to finish it. Mr. Saburo only drinks the Dassai from Yamaguchi Prefecture!'"

"'Kill you! Bastard!'"

"'Don't underestimate me—bastard!'"

No good, it's a cheap re-read for gang members. Zhang Su secretly said. The Fujikawa-gumi gang members are indeed the top gang members in New Tokyo, and they speak slang so fluently.

Only a few key pieces of information are vaguely mentioned, and Saburo Fujikawa is likely to be among them.

The water glass blends perfectly into the shadow of the building.

"-I detected motion sensors, biometric scanners, automatic turrets, and active mine detection... and that's just a simple scan of the security measures. Every window is protected against large-caliber bullets, as well as anti-aircraft radar Signal. In short, the defense is extremely specialized and almost impossible to sneak into." Shui Li said.

Zhang Su nodded. The Ming She Commercial Building, as Fujikawa Saburo's hometown, was indeed built to be impregnable.

"There is no trick. It seems we must ask for assistance from regular troops." Zhang Su said.

"Yes." Shuili planned the retreat route. She had stayed here long enough and might have attracted attention.

"...Chiyo Fujikawa may have given up on you. You can help her one last time and put an end to the past kindness. Then, follow me in the future." Zhang Su said.

"Yes." Shui Li understood, Zhang Su gave her a good opportunity.

If the agreement with Miss Chiyo is fulfilled, I will owe nothing in my life.

You can safely do what you want to do and complete what a ninja should do——

Shui Li jumped up and disappeared into the building.

Hearing the reply in the communicator, Zhang Su nodded.

"...Hiss...Is that child really that important? What's so good about her?" Katie looked down.

"The role of ninja is very crucial." Zhang Su said, "Besides, as an early experimenter of the transformation plan, Shuili still has a lot of room for growth, and the future is unlimited."

Katie took one last look at the Ringing Snake Mall below.

"They are holding a banquet, but these people alone are not enough to eat, so who are they entertaining...?" Katie murmured.

Yes, the grandest banquet. Zhang Su pondered. Thousands of kilograms of meat were introduced into the Ming She Commercial Building and disappeared like entering a black hole.

These people ate and shared each other's blood, and sooner or later the evil influence of the flesh and blood demon would be spread to the limit. Just thinking about that scene made Zhang Su feel alert.

"We'll find out when we fight in." Zhang Su patted the dragon's horn and asked Katie to return, "Does it feel okay to fly with me like this? It will be very hard!"

"It doesn't matter if it's you." Katie spread her wings and flew with difficulty, "Be ready at any time, you can go anywhere, as long as we are together, as long as you don't leave me behind, ah, Zhang Su, I just ask you not to forget me …”

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