Witch containment diary

Chapter 152 Let’s swim together

In the evening, Zhang Su returned to Tianjing Hotel.

While he was away, the children were running around.

"Teacher, we also want to swim!" Zaohui took Zhang Su's hand and went to the exclusive swimming pool on the same floor.

"Swimming is great!" Natsuki was very excited and stepped on the floor with her bare feet.

"What do you mean you have to swim? Who is swimming?" Zhang Su was confused.

"Miss!" Hayho pointed forward.

Lianwu was swimming at this time.

Zhang Su looked carefully and saw that she was extremely graceful when swimming, gliding easily in the water. Her figure was slim and slender, and her swimming movements were smooth and powerful, indicating that she had practiced diligently.

"Pahji——" Following the sound of splashing water, Lianwu's head emerged from the water.

She was wearing a fashionable black one-piece swimsuit, stepping on the water with her two little feet, looking out with a stupid face, a few strands of damp hair covering her eyes.

"?" Lian Wu found Zhang Su here. She brushed her hair away with her hands, revealing her delicate face stained with water drops.

Zhang Su glanced at her kindly, and Lianwu immediately dived down shyly and dived back into the bottom of the swimming pool, as cute as she could be.

"I want to learn to swim!" Zaohui took Zhang Su's arm and shook it.

"Okay, let's give it a try." Zhang Su got some swimsuits and goggles from the hotel concierge.

When they heard that they had the opportunity to learn to swim, they were very excited. They ran back to the house, put on their swimsuits, and then lined up and stood by the pool, looking even more petite than usual.

"Try the water temperature first." Zhang Su encouraged, and they came over cautiously.

Mayumi was the first to enter the water. She shouted softly and then dipped her feet into the cold water up to her ankles and then her calves.

Zhang Su felt that she took this matter as seriously as solving the problem and worked hard to learn new skills.

Then came the naughty Zaosui. She kicked in and then kicked the water splash aside, but was held down by Zhang Su.

"Teacher! Put me in!" Xia Xi came over holding a big swimming circle.

She was wearing a one-size-fits-all pink swimsuit and looked at the swimming pool with her big eyes open, as if she were looking into the endless abyss.

It feels like it's going to be extinguished, water!

Zhang Su put the inflatable swimming ring painted in the shape of a duck on the water, and then carried Natsuki inside.

The water submerged half of her body. She was so shocked that she could hardly feel her legs!

It wasn't until the swimming ring firmly supported her that Natsuki's fear turned into joy.

"It's swimming!" Natsuki splashed in the water, holding her hands on the swimming ring, very happy.

Yuanzhi stood nearby, looking at the swimming pool in fear.

"Um, um...into the water?" She hesitated.

"It is said that cats can swim naturally." Zhang Su encouraged.

Yuanzhi's ears trembled. She sat by the pool, trying to adapt to the water temperature, as if exploring an unknown world bit by bit.

Lian Yang knew how to swim. She put on her swimming cap and goggles, fully equipped herself, and then easily jumped into the water, floating and having fun with Lian Wu.

Swimming is a very healthy sport. It protects the knees, consumes physical energy, and makes you very fit. Reio likes it very much.

"Hoho, teacher, hurry up and bring swimming lessons." Saho was jealous when he saw Reiyang and Renwu swimming so easily.

"Get used to being in shallow water first." Zhang Su went into the water and lifted Saho up to let her feel the buoyancy of the water.

"Haaho is stupid and can't learn." Natsuki floated on the water under the protection of the swimming circle, kicking the water with her feet from time to time to make herself move a little.

"The swimming ring is a standard equipment for cowards, and I want to fight the big waves -" Saho moved forward bravely, but her body was stiff. As soon as Zhang Su let go, she sank straight like a piece of wood.

After a few dozen minutes, after they had adapted in the shallow water, Zhang Su instructed them how to "tread water" and pedal down again and again to keep themselves relaxed and comfortable in the water.

Thump, thump... they practiced again and again.

Because Enori is a small cat, she can adapt to the current and can swim in the water.

But she hated the feeling of her ears and tail getting wet, so she left the pool after a while.

After "treading water" comes "paddling".

"Like me." Zhang Su demonstrated the basic paddling movements, "reach forward and pull the water towards you. Your hands should be rhythmic. At this time, don't forget to tread the water with your feet and push your body forward little by little."

The children tried to imitate Zhang Su.

At first, their legs jumped wildly and water splashed everywhere, but gradually, their movements were synchronized, and they slowly paddled and swam like Zhang Su, turning into smooth alternating movements.

"I can, I can turn around." Saho tried hard to keep his head above the water. Swimming turned out to be so difficult.

"Teacher, am I doing well?" Mayumi swam a few meters hard.

"Not everything in life has grades and scores." Zhang Su said.

"Huhu..." Natsuki held the swimming ring and floated on the water.

Looking up at the white ceiling, she felt like she was floating among the clouds.

In this moment, the weight of the world seems to have disappeared. There is no dark past, no dangerous future, only the gentle support of the current and the inflatable swimming ring, which is extremely safe.

"Sprint! Sprint! Sprint! Sprint! Sprint! Sprint!" Hayho waved his arms fiercely and crossed the swimming pool.

Just when Zhang Sugu wanted to praise her for her successful crossing, he saw her head and triumphant expression gradually sinking, and then they all disappeared into the water!

He rushed over quickly and pushed Haoho out of the water until she could breathe.

"Ahem, ah..." Although Saho coughed up water, he was still very excited.

"~" Lian Wu felt particularly at ease watching Zhang Su and the children swimming in the water.

It was getting dark outside, and Zhang Su returned to the shore.

At this time, only Hayho, Natsuki and Renwu were still swimming in the swimming pool. The other children had changed their clothes and went to eat.

Saho likes to swim, while Natsuki floats and falls asleep under the protection of the swimming ring.

Zhang Su lay on a leisurely lounge chair, breathed a sigh of relief, moved back, and continued to think about the next general attack on the Ming She Commercial Building.

The Dark Zone is a lawless zone, and the Fujikawa Group is the boss of the local snakes, with a considerable scale. If Fujikawa Chiyo's plan succeeds, she can get the support of Dongming Country and become a security contractor in the underground world.

Saburo Fujikawa must die, otherwise he will sooner or later conquer the city and expand his sphere of influence to the ground, which touches the core interests of many people.

After defeating Saburo, all forces will start to compete in the dark zone again to compete for the empty resources. Zhang Su thought.

However, he had already returned to An'an Hospital by then and couldn't care less. Now all we have to do is charge in and defeat all the enemies.

The water splash sounded again, and Zhang Su saw that Lianwu had finished swimming.

She clung to the edge of the swimming pool, looked up at Zhang Su with wide eyes, and put her two white arms on the marble decorative strips of the swimming pool.

"You feel comfortable swimming, right?" Zhang Su brought an oversized towel to Miss Lianwu. She climbed up and Zhang Su helped her wipe it clean, feeling Miss Lianwu's wonderful touch under the big towel, which was both soft and delicate.

"Thank you~" Lian Wuxiao spoke softly, Zhang Su almost couldn't hear her.

"What did you say?" Zhang Su deliberately pretended not to hear clearly.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Lian Wu raised her voice slightly.

Then she pushed her head forward, hitting Zhang Su, and water dripped from her wet hair.

"You swim really well. I feel more comfortable in the water." Zhang Su said with a smile.

"Of course~" A trace of blush appeared on Lian Wu's face, and she smiled slightly. Zhang Su's admission made her feel calm in her heart.

When I was swimming before, I was completely submerged under the water, and the surroundings were silent. I could only feel the light pressure of the water, and it felt like I had entered a warm new world.

Zhang Su helped her dry off, and Lian Wu sat on another recliner.

"Gaoyue...meeting." She said to Zhang Su.

"What?" Zhang Su was confused.

"...Dad called...there's a meeting, and we have to go too." Lian Wu said.

Zhang Su knew very well that the Satsuki Alliance was an emerging business alliance led by Ansin Hideyuki, which was fighting against established chaebols such as Sumitomo and Mitsui.

Such an alliance would naturally hold regular meetings, especially at the critical moment after the collapse of the East Continent Wall Project.

According to Lianwu, many business giants should participate.

"Where to go?" Zhang Su asked.

"To Ming She Commercial Building..." Lian Wu gestured.

Ming She Commercial Building...

Zhang Su was stunned.

Isn't that the headquarters of Saburo Fujikawa? Scouted a few hours ago. Could it be that they prepared a large amount of food and held a banquet to entertain An Yin's family?

"It feels weird." Zhang Su didn't understand.

"I haven't been there either~ But can we go together this time? Dongzhou Industry is gone and everyone is worried. This meeting must be very important. You can also come to see dad together~" Lianwu said optimistically.

"But Ming She Commercial Building is a very dangerous place." Zhang Su said helplessly.

"Dad said that this is a special meeting and asked me to take you with me~ But dad regards you as my boyfriend~" Lian Wu tilted her head.

"I think so." Zhang Su said.

"Hmph..." Lian Wu hit Zhang Su's abdominal muscles with her fist.

"Did Mr. Hideyuki reveal any 'special features'?" Zhang Su was curious.

"Shh, keep it secret~" Lian Wu raised her finger to cover her mouth, "But dad seems to be very scared... I have never heard him speak like that, it doesn't look like him~"

Zhang Su was thoughtful.

He intuitively felt strange, why should he go to the Naking Snake Commercial Building and hang out with the Fujikawa group? He felt that An Yuan's family must have been involved in something dangerous. If there is any conspiracy behind it, Zhang Su has to protect Lian Wu from getting hurt.

Carmen, the flesh demon...

If the lovely, weak Miss Lian Wu appeared at the banquet, she would probably be eaten as a piece of meat!

"Miss Lianwu, you are absolutely not allowed to go to the Ming Snake Commercial Building, the scheduled place for this meal. I must keep the details secret." Zhang Su said seriously.

"Then~ are you going?" Lian Wu was curious.

"I will go." Zhang Su said in a deep voice, "If Mr. Ansin Hideyuki wants to contact the Fujikawa group for something, I have to figure out the cause and effect."

"Hmm..." Lian Wu pondered.

While Miss Lian Wu was thinking, Zhang Su checked An'in Hideyuki's official resume.

40 years ago, Ansin Hideyuki left Echigo and his ancestral home, Ansin, and established Satsuki Shoji Co., Ltd. in old Tokyo. It was mainly engaged in manufacturing and was one of a series of small workshops. It sold metal products and quickly expanded to the weapons industry. But it has been repeatedly suppressed by traditional chaebols.

After 20 years of bleak business, Anxinyuan Hideyuki suddenly launched a series of investment plans as if inspired by the apocalypse.

At that time, the Dongming Kingdom was invaded by demons and the economy was in recession. Aninin Hideyuki acquired many companies even though they were not favored. The business conditions were getting better and better, and he was known as the man with the "gold leaf god's eye".

Afterwards, he established the "Satatsuki Chamber of Commerce" to unite new entrepreneurs and international investors to fight against the old chaebol forces and provide commercial loans for the reconstruction of Dongming Country. The "Dongzhou Industry" he invested in also went smoothly.

It was not until this year that it fell into a loss situation due to the Dongzhou Wall incident.

People are spreading rumors that Hideyuki Anin's "Golden Eyes of God" has come to an end!

However, Mr. Hideyuki is still a creditor of the Dongming government.

Many public affairs departments have to borrow money from Satsuki Bank, so he himself has not been attacked by public opinion for the time being.

At this time, Zhang Su and Lian Wu's mobile phones suddenly flashed. They picked them up in unison and saw a shocking flash message across the top of the screen.

"The four major chaebols of the Dongming Kingdom reorganized and merged to form the 'Sun Group', which officially replaced Dongzhou Industries and became the designated cooperative supplier of the human defense plan. 40% of the members of the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce announced their withdrawal from the association and applied to join the Sun Group instead. group"

Is this a variable in the world line? Zhang Suxin said.

In the past few months, Dongzhou Industry has been discredited due to the losses of the Dongzhou Wall Project. In the end, the established and powerful consortiums have the upper hand. The Satsuki Chamber of Commerce cannot have the last laugh like in its previous life.

Lian Wu lay down on her side.

"Mr. Ansin Hideyuki messed up the Dongzhou Wall. He understood the consequences of doing so at that time. If he did something wrong, he would definitely be punished. Satsuki lost power and the chaebol came back. This was the punishment for Mr. Hideyuki." Zhang Su comforted Lianwu. , the emotions in her heart must be difficult to accept.

Lianwu shook her head.

"...We made a decision after careful consideration, and this is how it should be. But I feel like, have I destroyed all of my father's 20 years of hard work?" She said softly.

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