Witch containment diary

Chapter 153 Testing Armor Technology

There is no trace of the moon.

Zhang Su sat firmly on the leisure chair in the swimming pool, and the Teslin mesh underneath him was particularly strong.

Lianwu fell into deep thought.

"We have considered it carefully and made a decision. Lord Ansin Hideyuki will also understand. What's more, this is his problem, not ours." Zhang Su said.

Lianwu felt uncomfortable and curled up on the chair.

She knew from the bottom of her heart that Zhang Su was right, but seeing her father's career collapse before her own eyes was still scarier than she originally imagined.

Just like my faith and persistence since childhood, I found myself penniless when I grew up.

"Let's learn about this newly established company." Zhang Su invited her to analyze the information about Shengyang Group.

Lianwu nodded, and the nervous expression on her delicate face eased. Zhang Su's presence made her less nervous. After all, he had vowed to accompany her all the time.

She stretched out her hand and asked Zhang Su to pick her up.

Zhang Su let her lie in his arms, leaning against Zhang Su's muscles. Only then did Lianwu have some courage to continue watching the news. It felt like sitting on a mountain.

Lianwu's slender fingers flew across the screen, and Zhang Su was shocked at how quickly she absorbed knowledge and information. The pages poured out like a waterfall, and the information seemed to be transmitted into her thoughts instantly.

Quantum speed reading?

"What happened?" Zhang Su murmured. In just a few seconds, Lian Wu had read hundreds of documents.

"This is also because of the 'one country, one enterprise' rule. Each country that joins the human defense plan must provide a company as a designated business operator... Originally, it forced people to supply products, which was almost a tax. But in modern times, humans The defense plan has gathered global funding and given high subsidies to these cooperation partners, and everyone is keen to become partners..." Lianwu analyzed slowly.

The long speech seemed pleasant to the ears since she said it in a delicate tone.

indeed. Zhang Su secretly said. Dongzhou's industry lost ground, and Dongming's economic power was reunited under the trademark of "Sunrise Group" to continue supporting human defense plans.

It is larger than the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce and has become a truly huge monopoly entity in Dongming Country!

"...In this way, Sun Group can improve its competitiveness and directly gain share from the global market. The greatest significance of the human defense plan is to turn the entire world into a big market, bypassing tariffs and ignoring national borders. Extract resources online." Lian Wu opened her hand, and Zhang Su imagined countless funds flowing through her fingertips.

Zhang Su saw an unexpected name, Yu Mihashi, who was being interviewed by reporters.

"Congressman Yu Mihashi is invited to attend this press conference!" the host announced.

As soon as the camera turned, the well-dressed Yu Mihashi walked onto the stage confidently. Under the spotlight, his suit shone like liquid metal.

Zhang Su feels that Yu Mihashi is a natural stage animal, and he appears more energetic when reporters stare and ask questions.

"Citizens of the Dongming Kingdom, I stand in front of you today to introduce this happy news - the top chaebols have united to form the Shengyang Group. All Dongming Kingdom's well-known overseas trademarks will now be branded with ' "The name of the rising sun." Mihashi Yu said calmly.

"How will you deal with the economy of Dongming Country? Won't the existence of Shengyang Group affect the decision-making of various departments? After the establishment of such a company, its scale will be three times larger than that of Dongzhou Industry in its heyday, with a market value of 170 trillion yen!" the reporter asked.

"Don't worry, this is not to monopolize the economic lifeline of various industries, but to better connect the various enterprises in our country. Only by gathering into a giant company can the enterprises of Dongming State better support the human defense plan , to support the great war against the devil. From its establishment until December next year, Sunrise Group will actively fulfill its social responsibilities and open more than 2.5 million new job opportunities to citizens." Yu Mihashi announced.

"There's a job!"

"The economic situation will get better. This is really the shock of summer."

"Let Dongzhou Industrial die. I really don't want to see the guy who harms human beings!"

"As expected of our Senator Mihashi Yu!"

"Oh-oh--" messages floated on both sides, and the audience felt excited.

The camera zoomed in, and Mihashi Yu's calm and serious face appeared on the screen.

"Undoubtedly, I will participate in the election for prime minister next year. I implore you to believe in my plan, believe in my vision, and support Sunrise Group. The future of Dongming Country will be as bright as the sun at noon!" he declared boldly.

The reporters applauded, and Mihashi Yu was immersed in the praise. He was eloquent and charming.

Zhang Su had to admire him for describing the stranglehold of giant corporations on society as a savior.

"It's like drinking poison to quench thirst." Zhang Su said, "Mihashi Yu must have received political donations from the Sun Group. He is constantly accumulating chips to win, so he joined those people."

"...It's too huge. Toyota, Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba... will only have one name from now on, 'Sunrise'." Lianwu couldn't help but imagine the scale of Sunrise Group.

"It means a lot." Zhang Su said.

"From now on, all the goods that Dongming Country presents to the world and sends overseas will be labeled with the 'rising sun' label. It will become synonymous with our entire country. In the eyes of overseas people, all cameras, game consoles, Comics prints, Internet companies... they are all rising suns, only rising suns." Lian Wu said helplessly and intermittently.

Without the suppression of the Ansin family, the old chaebol took advantage of the opportunity to fill the void after the decline of the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce and became a new partner in the human defense plan.

Soon, all the small and medium-sized economies in the Dongming Kingdom will be crushed into pieces by the behemoth of the Sun Group. This is an important part of the chain reaction.

Lian Wu lay on Zhang Su's body. His warmth made her feel very comfortable. When her courage to talk loudly ran out, she patted her face gently.

"So, Ansinin Hideyuki is going to the Naked Snake Commercial Building to meet with the Fujikawa group. Is he really desperate?" Zhang Su pondered.

"We have to go and see Dad. If you say that the Ming She Commercial Building is in danger, it will also be in danger if Dad is there." Lian Wu raised her head and said.

"When is the banquet?" Zhang Su asked.

"3 days later." Lian Wu nodded.

"Then we'll find out at the banquet." Zhang Su said in a deep voice.

"Don't imitate me...!" Lian Wu knocked on Zhang Su's forehead.

After all, Fujikawa Saburo must be eliminated no matter what, and Ansinin Hideyuki and Satsuki Zhong, who were also present at the banquet, had to act accordingly to see what they were doing there.

Lian Wu thought silently.

She had to prepare for the worst, what would she do if her father fell and her brothers went their separate ways...

Although Zhang Su had mentioned this concept beforehand, Lianwu had to be prepared now.

Personally rebuild the Anxin family's bloodline and build a big family.

Are you with Zhang Su? How to do that? You have to learn it from scratch! Lian Wu was thinking wildly and couldn't help but kneel on Zhang Su's abdominal muscles and beat Zhang Su with her small fist.

"If you go to Ming She Commercial Building, Miss Lianwu must not go in. You must wait and watch outside." Zhang Su said.

"Yeah~" Lian Wu nodded.

She felt braver than before.

If it had been the past, she would have closed herself up, read a book silently, and waited for the news to reveal the result. Now she is going to witness the ending of the "New Tokyo Ansin Family".

Ansin Hideyuki is her father who has never failed to invest, but he left a huge hole in the wall of Dongzhou, causing the biggest scandal in recent years and almost becoming a sinner in the world. Is this an unintentional mistake or an intentional mistake... Lian Kiri also hopes to know the truth about his father’s past.

Reborn, or unforgivable?

"Good night, Miss Renwu." Zhang Su walked to the swimming pool, picked up the sleeping Natsuki and the wandering Saho from the swimming ring, and took them back.

"Good night~" Lian Wu turned over. She didn't know why, but when she saw Zhang Su walking away, she felt a little empty in her heart.

The next day, Zhang Su got up early and left the hotel, went to have a pork chop rice, and then called Kazama Yihuai.

Ding ding ding…connected.

"Fengjian, are you awake?" Zhang Su asked.

"If you find trouble, just say it." Kazama Yihuai was woken up by this phone call.

"I'm helping the bureau to deal with people from the Fujikawa group." Zhang Su said briefly.

"I know." Kazama Yihuai said.

"I think I can help restore order. Fujikawa Chiyo may be a partner, as long as Fujikawa Saburo is defeated." Zhang Su said.

"Saburo Fujikawa is difficult to deal with. His power is growing day by day, which is also related to the current popular sentiment among the people." Kazama Yoshihuai admitted.

"Are you willing to help? After all, the enemy is breaking the rules." Zhang Su said.

"Although I feel like you are trying to trick me, you came at the right time." Kazama Yihuai quickly replied.

"What?" Zhang Su asked.

"Do you still remember that Zoro came back from King's Castle and brought some new equipment?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"Remember, a killing machine that is very threatening to humans." Zhang Su said.

"There is something new. The Witch Countermeasures Bureau has a training program to test new experimental equipment." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Co-author Solo went to Junbao to import things." Zhang Su said.

"The connection between Solo and the above is too close, so that a small country like ours can get first-line products." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

Zhang Su vaguely thought of a piece of equipment.

Countermeasures Bureau's anti-witch armor. In his previous life, he obtained the qualification in the third year, and now he can directly wear the No. 1 machine. There is nothing cooler than this. It turned out that Zoro had brought it back. His status in his previous life was mediocre and he didn't know about this.

It was probably because of this that Edith summoned her to New Tokyo, and now she finally has a clue.

"What?" Zhang Su asked knowingly.

"A set of power armor, a very powerful experimental armor, mixed with technology from many companies. I am tinkering with it, and I will let you put it on for actual combat and accumulate combat data for the armor." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"...Thank you, it sounds very strong." Zhang Su said.

"You are a practical person. I hope you can personally crush the Fujikawa group and put an end to this farce, so that I can sleep more well." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"I'll go over now." Zhang Su set off.

Kazama Yoshihuai has his own office, which was specially built for him by the Human Defense Project. It is commonly known as the "Kazama Witch Affairs Research and Countermeasures Center", which gives him enough cards.

Zhang Su arrived by taxi.

This white building is 4 stories high and has a simple appearance, like an inverted egg shell. Each window is a honeycomb hexagon, giving it a neo-futuristic design feel.

There are several vehicles in the parking lot next to it, and the people working here are Kazama Yihuai's cronies and subordinates.

The scenery here is so nice. Zhang Su looked outside.

Located in the port area of ​​old Tokyo, you can see the vast and undulating Tokyo Bay anytime and anywhere. New Tokyo also looks quite far away from here, like a gorgeous fortress floating on the sea. Those luxury and extravagance cannot affect Kazama's work.

At that time, people thought that Kazama Yoshihuai would become the director of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau of Dongming Country, because he had already made many contributions to this cause. But in the end it was Edith who took charge of everything.

Zhang Su suspected that the building awarded to Kazama was used to stop people from gossiping, and Kazama Yihuai was also happy to have his own studio.

It would be more comfortable if I had a place to live in Tokyo. Zhang Su thought as he went in to take a look.

After punching in, Zhang Su went to the underground experimental floor to find Kazama Yihuai. The roads were all clean, and Zhang Su was careful not to make the place dirty.

Given how picky Kazama Yihuai is, if something is dirty, he will definitely force someone to clean the floor three times.

"We meet again." Zhang Su waved to Fengjian Yihuai from a distance.

Zhang Su saw another witch next to him, Shang Shuqin, Kazama Yihuai's deputy, whose "sincere" magic power was broken once, and she had seen it before at the Sky Tree.

She is an absolute beauty, almost 1.8 meters tall, a head taller than Kazama Yoshikaei. Her legs are extremely long, wrapped in black silk, and wearing a perfectly tailored black skirt. Her skin is smooth and flawless, and a little makeup can highlight it. Her beautiful appearance.

Her high heels are transparent, so you can see her foot socks, and her nails are painted with red crystal oil. Sensing Zhang Su's gaze, Shang Shuqin smiled.

Shang Shuqin cast a playful look at Zhang Su, raised his hand to greet him, and wore a silver pendant around his neck. However, he could not see clearly what the pendant was because it was hidden deep in the ravine, completely covered by it. blocked.

"Hello~" Shang Shuqin raised his hand and waved his fingers to Zhang Su with a flirtatious attitude.

"..." Fengjian Yihuai asked Zhang Su to come over.

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