Witch containment diary

Chapter 154 The Knowledge of a Ship Full of Hostages

"Your place is nice, it's like a secret laboratory." Zhang Su found a glass chair and sat down.

"You are planning to attack Saburo Fujikawa." Kazama Yoshihuai confirmed for the last time.

"Yes, his days are numbered, and I will never let him continue killing people." Zhang Su said.

"Saburo Fujikawa seems to rely on violence, but his spy network is very wide, with informants everywhere, embedded in every level of society. In fact, many people do this, bribing staff at the headquarters of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau, but here, Everything can be kept confidential." Kazama Yihuai turned around.

"I will monitor everyone's real-time psychological activities, every minute and every second." Shang Shuqin said softly.

"Can you also monitor my mental activities?" Zhang Su glanced at Shang Shuqin.

"I guess you must be thinking about me." Shang Shuqin looked at Zhang Su with a smile.

"I will never work in this place in my life." Zhang Su said.

"I won't hire someone like you." Kazama Yihuai held the transparent panel and checked the parameters. He has a technical background and knows all kinds of mechanical and electronic engineering.

He opened a sealed cabin, and jet-black armor appeared.

When he saw the armor, Zhang Su couldn't help but feel a throbbing feeling.

Missing the No. 1 machine was a big regret in his previous life, but now he can move freely wearing it.

"This was designed in cooperation between the designated supplier Rheinmetall and North American Star Ring Technology." Kazama Yoshihuai said briefly, "It integrates Ross's power armor technology and has countermeasures in terms of individual soldiers, energy, anti-witches and anti-demon. .”

"So strong." Zhang Su knew how high-end and rare this kind of professional armor was. There were only 4 pieces in total in the previous life.

"Put on some clothes~Supervisor Zhang~" Shang Shuqin held up a tights with both hands.

"Go over there and change your clothes, and then do the experiment." Kazama Yihuai pulled the armor with one hand without pulling, and then wisely let go.

"Yes." Zhang Su went to the dressing room and changed into a dark one-piece suit. The whole body was wrapped tightly, and the outline of every area was outlined.

When he came out, Shang Shuqin's eyes were running up and down on him, and the more he looked, the more surprised he became.

"Is it ready?" Zhang Su took the armor out of the box with one hand.

"Try it. This armor is used to allow humans to reach a higher level and be able to fight against any witch threat and destroy any demon." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

Zhang Su smiled knowingly and put on the armor.

The inner lining of the experimental armor is a nano gel pad for cushioning and shock absorption, and the outer armor is a magic-repelling alloy recast by the Casting Witch, which is a special type of obsidian. Judging from the transparency, it should be of rare quality in the world.

The whole body was wrapped in sharp-looking armor. Zhang Su put on the helmet and heard the clicking sound of the tightly fitting mechanical structure.

The one-way panel of the helmet is open. From the outside, Zhang Su cannot be seen at all, but Zhang Su can clearly observe the outside world.

The high-tech head-up display parameters were presented in front of Zhang Su, tracking health data such as heart rate, body temperature, and nerve radiation levels.

It also has a large number of eye-tracking interfaces. As long as Zhang Su makes eye contact, it can switch to many other panels to assist him in completing different tasks.

"Perfect." Zhang Su moved his hands and feet.

"'Witch Countermeasure Armor Unit No. 1', first test. Is there anything uncomfortable?" Kazama Yoshihuai recorded on the panel.

Zhang Su once again experienced the seamless and smooth feeling of human armor. The armor was completely synchronized with him, and its response to nerve impulses was as natural as his original body.

He pumps his fists, his strength multiplied exponentially, and the rhythm of the armor's execution seamlessly matches the rotation of human tendons, reaching the ultimate in ergonomics.

The only problem is that in his previous life, he heard that the No. 1 machine was offline after one year of service. But why did the armor with such perfect performance only work for one year?

"No, this is the power armor that suits me best." Zhang Su knew that this type of armor has integrated "qi" channeling.

The air flow was released from the end of his fist, penetrated the plating, and formed a layer of transparent auxiliary flow on the outside of the armor.

He felt that this was very suitable for training in armoring. The first step was the realm of armor, which required wearing armor and attaching energy to it. The second step is to be in the state of no armor or double armor, and become armor naturally.

At present, we only have the ability to master Xu Liu. When the Armor Winding is completed, it will create a very terrifying state.

From the appearance, this armor is also mysterious and aggressive, like a violent monster, moving in the dark night.

"Train according to the regulations." Fengjian Yihuai was meticulous and asked Zhang Su to conduct relevant tests while wearing armor.

Zhang Su's mobility had already exceeded that of professional athletes, but now his speed had doubled, and he could cross the entire room in almost one second.

The destructive power of the attack is even more terrifying. When Zhang Su is extremely angry, he can really punch through the steel plate with one punch. This kind of critical attack is devastating to anyone.

"This is specialized armor, so it can withstand the bombardment of all kinds of magic, super energy and ammunition. It will automatically spray medicine when injured." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"Yes." Zhang Su felt the needle pressing against his waist, which could release treatment needles and X-injections.

"Are you going to give it another name?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"'Black Beast'." Zhang Su thought of a classic TV series, which is a suitable description.

He felt a faint sigh coming from deep within the armor, as if it was alive.

"Registration completed." Kazama Yihuai said, "The armor will track and detect all combat data and use it to develop the next generation of armor, so you can use it to fight as much as possible."

"As you say, I have work to do." Zhang Su nodded.

"The existence of the black beast is a secret. We have not disclosed the existence of the Witch Countermeasure Armor to anyone, so you should not reveal your true identity when wearing this armor, remain silent, and remain efficient." Kazama Yoshihuai said .

"Then I will work secretly." Zhang Su said.

"You came to me specifically just for the convenience, didn't you? The prototype is already with you, and you have to help me deal with a target that is inconvenient for us to deal with." Kazama Yihuai opened the tablet.

"Say." Zhang Su turned on the voice adjustment module to make himself sound extra hoarse and deep.

Kazama Yoshihuai activated the holographic projection equipment, and a wireframe image of a cruise ship appeared in the air.

"This is the Kirishima Maru. It arrived in Tokyo Bay three days ago and will leave soon. Ostensibly it is heading to the Lion City, but there is reason to believe that the Fujikawa Group is using it to trade people. An agent sent by Edith has already set off. Yes." he said.

Zhang Su carefully studied the ship, observed the boarding route and the retreat plan.

"Edith's agent?" Zhang Su pondered.

"Yes, I want to know who that is." Kazama Yihuai said.

"You're still plotting against Edith," Zhang Su said.

"It's just a necessary precaution, and it can attack the Fujikawa Group and save innocent citizens. Killing two birds with one stone." Kazama Yoshihuai said briefly.

He showed Zhang Su the conditions of the cargo hold, deck and cabin dormitories.

"Surprise is the key. Solve it as soon as possible without hurting innocent people." Kazama Yihuai patted Zhang Su through the armor, "I'm still very happy that you can come here."

"Don't worry." Zhang Su turned and left.

"Wait a minute - leave your contact information. We can meet in private before you leave New Tokyo." Shang Shuqin suddenly said, her eyes particularly eager.

"Okay." Zhang Su told her how to find herself.

After Zhang Su left, Shang Shuqin bit his lip, full of expectations for what would happen in the future.

"By the way, don't you want to start a family and have children? Zhang Su is so lively and energetic, I really envy him..." Shang Shuqin looked at Fengjian Yihuai.

"My genes have no uniqueness or necessity to be passed down in the vast ocean of mankind. As for Zhang Su, he is just enjoying himself." Kazama Yihuai said.

"But what about partners and love? This is human instinct." Shang Shuqin asked.

"I once had a wife." Kazama Yihuai said slowly, "She loved me sincerely, and I treated her sincerely. After she passed away, I just wanted to do the things at hand well, live a life without guilt, and then leave with her. Here, there are only four words left for everything: business is business."

Late night, Tokyo Bay.

Zhang Su identified the Kirishima Maru among the large number of ships parked in the port.

It is 160 meters long and has a displacement of 20,000 tons. The sharp bow pierces the water. The steel hull is painted with faded black paint and is stained with rust above the waterline. The deck is covered with cranes, loading hatches and winches. No one is there. The smell of work, fuel and seawater filled the air.

It once passed through the demon-infested waters of the sea. Zhang Su saw the scorch marks of hellfire left on its hull, and it was obvious that it had to take risks to deliver the goods.

Trafficking in humans...

Flying a foreign flag is difficult to deal with and can easily escalate into a diplomatic incident.

But Zhang Su has no worries now. He just hopes that there are enough enemies on the ship so that he can test the performance of the armor.

He jumped up and boarded the deck from the rear. The patrolling crew members were armed with live ammunition, but there were not many of them, which gave Zhang Su an opportunity to take advantage of.

Descending to the cabin, he walked quietly, the air filled with the smell of salt, oil and rust.

According to the drawings provided by Kazama Yihuai, Zhang Su suspected that the hostages were being held on the lower deck near the cargo hold. He planned to conduct a careful sweep to eliminate threats while ensuring the safety of the prisoners.

Turning the corner, Zhang Su saw a half-open cabin door, with some light coming from it.

Chairs were rubbing against someone's overweight buttocks, wine glasses were clinking, and vulgar jokes were being made. The people inside were having fun, and Zhang Su counted three different sounds.

He jumped in. The three Fujikawa team members were still enjoying the card game. Zhang Su's appearance was like a big truck that shattered their lives.

The first person was hit by a fist, and his whole body flew out and hit the wall. There was only the sound of cracking bones, and his head was instantly broken and bloody.

Before the second person could react, he was in great shock and stiffness. Zhang Su reached out and grabbed his throat, smashed it against the table, smashed his forehead with great violence, and the contents flowed out.

The last gang member took out his pistol and fired a wild shot, which bounced off Zhang Su's armor. Zhang Su turned sideways and knocked the gangster away violently. He screamed and slammed his body against the narrow bulkhead. on the body, leaving an eye-catching bloodstain.

The battle was over in seconds, a battle that didn't even make him feel short of breath, and the black armor was like a shadow.

[Battle process: 2.25 seconds, kill 3 people, armor fitness is increasing]

Zhang Su felt that the armor was integrating with him, becoming an external part of his energy and flesh and blood.

He searched for access cards, money, keys, guns and ammunition and put them into his carryall.

There were some waves-like noises outside. Others hadn't noticed the blood here yet. Zhang Su's mind had already turned to the next encounter.

He had memorized the maze-like layout of the ship, drawing a map in his mind through the sounds of footsteps and distant cries and supplications.

The hostages were nearby, just aft of the next deck.

Zhang Su continued to move forward and crossed the gangway.

The roar of the engine was getting closer and closer. Several engineers walked past in a hurry. Zhang Su avoided them and then turned a narrow corner.

"It's been a wonderful little life..." A guard with Fujikawa group tattoos was leaning against the wall and taking drugs.

Zhang Su rushed over with a lunge and swung his right fist. Before he touched the opponent, the punch had already scratched the opponent's cheek. When the fist hit him, he instantly flew more than ten meters towards the other end of the corridor. , died suddenly before landing!

[Battle process: 0.39 seconds, kill 1 person, armor fitness is increasing]

Only now can he display the ultimate violence. Zhang Su turned his armored gloves. He felt like a raging fire sweeping away the ship, and then the whole world!

This black power armor fits the body shape better than the ones provided by the military to soldiers. Zhang Su feels that it is constantly compacting itself, as if it wants to fit his body shape, reaching the point where it is the most appropriate, and even merges into one.

He heard a faint sound of fighting in the distance. Who was fighting?

Zhang Su thought of what Fengjian said about a mysterious agent under Edith operating on the ship, and couldn't help but fly closer.

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