Witch containment diary

Chapter 155 Armor Adaptation Process

The corridor leads to a larger cabin.

Stacked cargo containers overlapped each other like a narrow maze, and low cries echoed eerily between the metal walls.

The hostages were nearby, and they were also alerted. Zhang Su could distinguish thirty or forty different voices, the pleading of children, women, and men, forming a spider web with sounds as threads.

There are also fights.

Zhang Su heard a woman's fighting cry, he quickened his pace and saw a strange scene——

A fast-moving woman fought against six Fujikawa members at the same time.

She wielded a white and sharp spear, danced like no oil, spun and slashed, killing all the enemies and forcing them to retreat.

It's Li Yixin!

"She's the only one, come on!"

"Unity! Loyalty!"

"Are you kidding, you bastard!" Two more Fujikawa team members roared and rushed over, and more reinforcements were still arriving.

Seeing this, Zhang Su immediately provided support and swooped in. He rushed in front of many members of Fujikawa's team in an instant, as ferocious as a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep.

Before they could react, they saw a huge black shadow appear!


Zhang Su struck out mercilessly and punched a member of Fujikawa's team on the torso. He screamed and the place where he was hit collapsed!

Li Yixin was fighting fiercely with members of Fujikawa's team, and instantly felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

She turned around and saw a man wearing mysterious black armor coming to her aid, crushing and killing the Fujikawa team members at will.

How efficient he is in combat!

Li Yixin just took out a gun and stabbed a team member to death, but countless corpses were already lying around Zhang Su.

Just one punch or kick can beat someone's brains to pieces and break their hands and feet!

"Who are you?" Li Yixin followed up with his gun drawn.

Zhang Su stood in a pool of blood, looking like a god of death.

A Fujikawa team member rushed over with a blast shield and a pistol. He quickly jumped over and punched in the air.


The air-attached blow penetrated the shield, and the air flow penetrated the opponent's body and surged at high speed, instantly turning the entire Fujikawa team member into a bloody mist!

Li Yixin took a breath of air.

A good person turns into debris that explodes in the air in the next second. This is the result of the energy entering the body and then exploding.

Only a broken shield, a pistol and the fingers holding the gun were left on the ground, barely proving that the other party had existed...


"Just follow this and flush! Don't worry about anything! Just flush!"

Without even a moment to mourn the death of his brother, what immediately came to the battlefield was... more members of Fujikawa's team!

Seeing them rushing over without fear of death.

Zhang Su jumped into it and struck without mercy.

In just a few seconds, Li Yixin saw the members of Fujikawa's team being torn apart.

Shattered bodies, twisted heads, broken limbs, and torn fragments were flying all over the sky!

This guy, who is this guy... Li Yi's heart was shocked.

Really violent, really strong...and completely dominated by blood, his martial rage overshadowing his humanity.

The Fujikawa team members were finally killed by Zhang Su and their morale collapsed. They fled in all directions.

[It took 14.11 seconds to kill 18 people. The degree of compatibility increased and the score for the host increased. Host, you are the most suitable driver of this armor]

Data flashed on the helmet panel, and Zhang Su turned to Li Yixin.

She attacked first, jumped forward, pushed the flame ray forward with her right hand, and the pale, pale spear tip full of energy hit Zhang Su's armor, but Zhang Su turned sideways in time, and the spear light slipped away from the edge.

The same material is obsidian, or demon-repelling alloy.

One of our own? Or an enemy who stole military armor? Li Yixin wields the spear, and the only way to see the outcome is to win!

Zhang Su feinted to the left, and Li Yixin's spear point struck him, but Zhang Su's ghostly steps avoided the spear's light and closed the distance.

Li Yixin retreated and swept across, maintaining a distance, and Zhang Su advanced again. Li Yixin jumped with luck and jumped to the rear, still holding the flame ray steadily.

What a stable gun.

She just held the gun, as if there was a chasm between them.

When did that silly girl have such a skill? When Zhang Su saw Li Yixin, he had the urge to disembowel her for some reason, but seeing Li Yixin's current progress, he felt relieved instantly.

Zhang Su punched out, and his energy shook the spear.

Li Yixin noticed Zhang Su's mighty air flow colliding with the spear, and she suddenly got lucky. Equal amounts of energy collided in the air, creating countless torrent-like air explosions.

"Hoo, ho..." Li Yixin realized that the opponent was also a powerful Qi-eating warrior, and couldn't help but be more vigilant, but Zhang Su had already withdrawn.

He should have gone far away... This guy is really scary, he came out of nowhere.

Li Yixin waved his spear.

The souls of the dead around him drifted out one by one, were swallowed by the spear, and injected into Li Yixin's body.

The demon-repelling alloy is obsidian, which can swallow souls by itself and becomes sharper in the process.

It's just that people are very afraid of this method.

But Li Yixin just wanted to become faster and stronger, and the benefits of this approach were immediate.

Moreover, the urge to eat souls became stronger and stronger, and she gradually couldn't help but refuse.

Zhang Su came to the cabin.

There are several special scarlet red containers stacked around, with labels from leather bag companies and third-party logistics on their appearance.

He unscrewed the hatch of one of the containers and smashed the lock with violence, revealing frightened faces inside.

"Ah, ah, ah——"



"Lasu nin eliri!" The garbled language came out. Zhang Su took a closer look and saw that they were all foreigners.

There were number plates, strip codes and tags hanging on the body, and it seemed that it had been sold here.

A trafficking network of the deep web?

Zhang Su didn't expect that what he uncovered was such an incident. The Fujikawa group bought people from all over the world, and they might have to serve in more terrifying rituals.

Letting the devil "change his taste"... is too despicable. In order to gain the favor of the flesh-and-blood devil, Fujikawa Saburo must hold a feast.

The kidnapped people thought they had found a savior, but they trembled again when they saw Zhang Su's terrifying appearance covered in blood.

Zhang Su jumped away and Li Yixin also rushed to the scene.

Li Yixin held up the flame in her hand and walked through the cabin like a ghost. She shouted at Zhang Su: "Who are you!"

Zhang Su glanced at Li Yixin, he couldn't expose himself, Fengjian Yihuai had told him. Now it seems that the agent Edith trained is Li Yixin, and her martial arts skills have also improved a lot.

Li Yixin gave Zhang Su a lot of credit at the beginning, and now Zhang Su also gives her the credit for saving these hostages.

Li Yixin also knew that it was important to save people, so she glanced at them and pointed in the direction of the exit.

Dozens of men and women, who were originally destined to be sold to foreign countries as experimental materials and harvesting objects, were now able to escape!

Zhang Su moved to the upper cabin, where a large number of Fujikawa team members were gathering.

He couldn't let these thugs threaten civilians.

When Zhang Su came to the corridor, the enemy mobilized quickly and had already come to intercept him.

"Brothers, guard this place!"

"I have been favored for many years, now is the time to repay my father and brother!"

"Don't underestimate us! Bastards!" Captain Fujikawa shouted, followed by at least forty people, holding various iron pipes, pistols and knives in their hands.

Take a deep breath.

Zhang Su was as lucky as the wind and rushed forward at top speed. Team Leader Fujikawa swung the samurai sword in his hand and slashed at Zhang Su, drawing a fierce arc.

He judged its direction and immediately raised his hand to fight back. A precise punch hit Team Leader Fujikawa's ribs, instantly shattering the bones. The broken ribs slashed through the body like a blade, piercing his own organs.

Team leader Fujikawa screamed and fell down, making the scalps of his subordinates numb.

"Kill!" They rushed forward with all their strength.

The two members of Fujikawa's team rushed in first, and Zhang Su grabbed them one by one. Considering his physique, it was like grabbing two chickens.

He slammed his hands together and their heads collided with each other, splitting instantly.

With a flurry of movements, Zhang Su swung his fists and started killing, with corpses piled up around him.

Every inch within his attack range is extremely dangerous.

Those who were farther away were kicked to death, and those who were a little closer had their heads smashed by fists. Some rushed in front of Zhang Suzheng, and were immediately met with fierce whip punches or elbow strikes. The result was that they were smashed into pieces of meat!

The gunmen in the distance opened fire. Zhang Su grabbed the corpses of Fujikawa's team members and used them as human shields, absorbing several bullets. Then he threw the corpses out and knocked them down!

Zhang Su's bloody temper has already risen.

He saw that Fujikawa's team members had lost all courage and tried to escape. Zhang Su chased after them and knocked them over violently.

How fragile human beings are! Zhang Su felt it particularly deeply at this moment. With just one collision, their bodies were thrown out and smashed against the surrounding walls and floors, wailing incessantly.

[It took 28 seconds to kill 32 people. Armor adaptation completed, evaluation of host: perfect]

When Li Yixin arrived, the cabin was already littered with corpses, and the ground was filled with fishy water, like a sea of ​​blood flowing.

There are very few survivors, and only the groans of the defeated fill the missing notes of this silence.

Metropolitan Police helicopters and maritime vessels were approaching.

Li Yixin himself couldn't explain why she appeared here, so she escaped into nothingness and disappeared into the gray gap.

By the time she got out of the crack, she had appeared on the shore of the port area.

She contacted Edith.

"Director, I saw a... dark monster." Li Yixin said.

"Where are the hostages?" Edith asked.

"Rescued and temporarily safe, 33 men and 33 women, a total of 66 people, are all preparing to participate in Saburo Fujikawa's 'meat sacrifice ceremony'." Li Yixin said.

"What is the dark monster you are talking about?" Edith asked.

"I personally saw a man tearing apart dozens or hundreds of Fujikawa team members in a few seconds. He was wearing obsidian armor and was very threatening." Li Yixin described.

"Tell me more about why he appeared there?" Edith was very interested.

"I asked myself the same question, but what happened tonight was incredible, like a demon. He methodically fought off Fujikawa's crew, bullets just ricocheting off armor, and his movements were otherworldly - speed. Extremely fast and violent, the cabin was turned into a living hell within seconds, with corpses and pieces of meat everywhere. His attack was extremely destructive." Li Yixin closed his eyes and felt it.

"Perhaps you accidentally discovered the special operations of the internal affairs department. It was a set of experimental equipment." Edith said quietly.

"I feel this is a warning, he is here to find me." Li Yixin speculated.

"So he massacred an entire ship just to find you?" Edith asked.

Li Yixin shook her head. Maybe this conclusion was too early, but she always had an intuition that she seemed to be inextricably related to the other party.

The Metropolitan Police Department's reinforcements boarded the Kirishima Maru cruise ship and began negotiations. After all, this ship was a foreign-related ship and had a great influence.

The small policemen nearby are waiting for people with more decision-making power to arrive. The Metropolitan Police Department needs to ask the Human Defense Plan first to see whether such an investigation will destroy the unity among human countries.

"Either way, it was horrific, and you should be able to see what I witnessed by now. He tore his enemies apart like tissue paper, splitting people down the middle. Taking men ten times his size with ragdolls Throwing him around, his helmet looks like a demon lord or something, but the way he fights... is very disciplined and efficient, not a mindless beast," Li Yixin said.

Edith listened silently, noncommittally, and could only hear the sound of breathing.

Li Yixin imagined Edith sitting in the office, taking off her shoes, putting her black stocking feet on the table, communicating while looking at the brightly lit night view of New Tokyo outside.

Edith is puzzling, brilliant and elusive.

"What do you think?" Li Yixin asked.

"I think that's Zhang Su." Edith said.

"Zhang Su? How is that possible?" Li Yixin was surprised.

"Go find Zhang Su tomorrow. He is taking the children to play in New Tokyo." Edith said.

Zhang Su! Li Yixin also felt that it was time to meet again after not seeing him for a long time.

I wish he could see himself now.

She is no longer the dumb girl, she is a hero.

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