Witch containment diary

Chapter 156 Extraordinary Amusement Park

"This extremely violent case of 7.11 must be handled properly!" People from the New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department dealt with the aftermath of the incident.

The Kirishima Maru was parked in Tokyo Bay, with blood dripping from the sewage outlet and weeping in the morning light. Brown fragments of peeling paint stuck to its rusty side hull like scabs. Someone was jumping on the side of the deck. ocean.

"Someone jumped off the boat!"

"Rescue!" Members of the Maritime Affairs Division of the Metropolitan Police Department quickly drove a speedboat to the rescue.

The person they rescued was a member of Fujikawa's team, and he was completely frightened.

"There is a monster on the boat... black... very huge... huge... help me..." He uttered unconscious lies.

His clothes were stained with sea water and urine, and he was covered in blood, but not a drop of blood was his own.

"The pork chops and rice are enough, please be honest." The members of the Metropolitan Police accepted the poor guy.

"Authorization has been obtained, board the ship! Board the ship!" As the order was issued, members of the Metropolitan Police Department boarded the ship to rescue the victims in this incident.

"Be careful, there are nearly a hundred violent armed members on board the Kirishima Maru!"

"Don't get hurt!"

"The opponents are all members of the Fujikawa group, very scary guys, not willing to kill themselves, and very cunning!"

The Metropolitan Police Department officers were fully armed, wearing riot helmets and marching with shields and pistols.

When they entered the cabin, they were shocked by the horror of the corridor in front of them!

Bodies were lying all over the ground.

Their faces turned pale, the hostages were rescued, and the hijackers were all killed.

"Report, the gang members in the Kirishima Maru...have been killed!" the operator reported to the police.

As soon as these words came out, many police supervisors and counselors in the conference room suddenly showed expressions of surprise.

"All dead?"

"Who did it?"

"Are the two factions fighting? Is the Fujikawa group fighting with the Funabashi Gang and the Mexican Gang?"

The operator swallowed.

The scene in front of me was bizarre and tragic. The Fujikawa group was either torn to pieces or hit with broken heads and fractures. It was as if they were destroyed by monsters, which left people with lingering fears!

Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. If they faced such an enemy, they would probably be wiped out in an instant.

Fortunately, we are fighting crime.

With a glimmer of hope, they checked carefully to see if there were any high-tech weapons. But in the end, a terrible truth had to be handed over.

"It was broken by fists, it was... crushed or crushed to death by punches and kicks! The battle took place in a very short time."

After hearing the news, the Metropolitan Police Department had many terrible conjectures.

"This matter is completely beyond our management capabilities." The superintendent ordered, "Rescue the victim and come back as soon as possible."

One kilometer away, the old Tokyo port area.

Zhang Su and Kazama Yihuai leaned on the railing of the seaside promenade.

Zhang Su's figure is reflected on the sea. He is tall, strong and thick, with a kind of masculine beauty. Kazama Yoshihuai is too short to be seen.

The Kirishima Maru can also be seen from here, now surrounded by coast guard ships, like a swarm of small fish surrounding a giant whale.

Kazama Yihuai bought breakfast in advance and came back. Zhang Su ate the egg toast and pork sandwich for four people and washed it down with lemon water. Only then did he feel refreshed and regain his strength.

Kazama Yihuai picked up the black coffee and took a sip.

"The battle data has been collected, and the results are very good." Kazama Yihuai said.

"But I feel it will control me." Zhang Su carried the black beast on his back.

When stacked, it can be placed in an armored container similar to a piano case and carried with you.

"Tell me more about it?" Kazama Yihuai asked.

"It has a certain degree of intelligence. When I drive it, I feel that it subtly affects my mental emotions. It talks to me and has a high risk of penetrating my psychology. That is to say... it makes me become more Crazy." Zhang Su said.

"Cherish it. This experimental armor combines all the scientific achievements of our civilization on power armor and individual combat exoskeletons. It also has the witch's 'special assistance', so it is quite special in its form. In any case, it is our most One of the advanced equipments, completely revolutionary." Kazama Yihuai took another sip of coffee, his thoughts were clear and his face was expressionless.

"In good conscience, I do not recommend the continued development of such technology. Just like the 'Steel Knight' brought back by Solo, it may be harmful to mankind." Zhang Sudao.

Fengjian Yihuai took a deep look at Zhang Su.

"We chose you to wear this armor for good reason," he said.


"We believe that your will is indestructible." Kazama Yihuai said.

Zhang Su was stunned for a moment.

"You know Atlas in mythology, right?" Kazama Yihuai said.

"...Yes, the Titan holding up the sky, carrying the entire sky with his two arms." Zhang Su said.

"This is part of the 'Atlas Project'. Some human beings want to become the most powerful, the most determined, the most ferocious, and the most violent human beings. What they have to do is to stand with their feet on the earth. Go up and lift the sky to prevent the disasters of the world from smashing on the heads of countless ordinary people." Kazama Yihuai said.

"I see..." Zhang Su pondered.

"Yes, in order to shelter all rampaging witches and defeat all demons, since human civilization has not yet been destroyed, we must try the most cutting-edge technology again and again until we develop a 'Terminator' who can shock all witches and destroy all demons. .”

"Is it a shock operation?" Zhang Su understood the plan of the top management to explore and implement it, but he did not expect that he would become a pioneer in this life.

"Yes, you are right. As a deterrent operation, the purpose of Terminator's existence is not to attack, but to serve as a force guarantee for the survival of human civilization, so that the demonic civilization will realize that the price to pay for attacking human beings is extremely high, so that The souls lost are more than the souls that can be gained by eating us. At the same time, the witch spirit world will not treat the human world as a back garden, but treat human civilization as an equal existence." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"So this is part of the end-of-war plan." Zhang Su felt that the black armor box on his back was particularly cold.

"Even if humanity is destroyed and our civilization is cut off, the Terminator will go to different dimensions to continue chasing demons, and even eventually jump across the world line, reversing history, reversing the fate of humanity's destruction, and finding a way for human civilization to survive. World Line, Zhang Su, we are conducting such tests, that's why we have such extreme armor." Kazama Yihuai said.

"I'm not afraid, I came here just to do this." Zhang Su looked towards the sea.

"As long as you can control the murderous desire and ferocity of this armor, you can surpass all the heroes trained by the human defense program so far." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

Zhang Su thought that in his previous life, a total of 4 pieces of such armor were produced. Only the "Black Beast" on his body has been retired, and the wearers of the other three pieces have always been active.

"How many candidates are there for the Atlas Project?" Zhang Su asked.

"Counting you, there are currently 14 people in the world, and they all have the same characteristics. First, they have simple backgrounds or even no foundation, and have no interest in the competing groups within mankind; second, they are sober; third, they love mankind. . The selection is eclectic, coming from civilians, the Defense Force, the Witch Countermeasure Bureau, or neutral organizations. Some are better than you, and some are not as good as you." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"Where's Addis? What does Addis think?" Zhang Su couldn't help but ask.

"No one can know her thoughts." Kazama Yihuai looked at the morning sun shining on the sea, "Although we are a human defense plan, we also protect many non-human things."

"This trip to New Tokyo is really eye-opening." Zhang Su turned and left.

"Where will you go next?" Kazama Yihuai picked up the plastic bag thrown by Zhang Su and threw it into the trash can with his own empty coffee cup.

"Amusement park." Zhang Su said, "It's time to relax."

A few hours later, Zhang Su took the children to Sega Amusement Park, where the staff was crossing out the "Sega" trademark and replacing it with "Shengyang".

He watched the children running around in the bustling amusement park, studying how to play various projects.

Hayao challenged the pirate ship and fainted three times. When she came down, she was already out of breath.

Due to physical reasons, Shihua was unable to go to many projects, so he could only sit at the handicraft stall and knead colored plasticine. Natsuki and Enori are picking out souvenirs.

"Teacher, give me some money to buy something!" Xia Xi asked Zhang Su for money.

"Spend whatever you want." Zhang Su sent her 10,000 yen, and Natsuki jumped away happily.

"Zhang Su!" Li Yixin's voice sounded.

"Oh - Miss Yi Xin, long time no see." Zhang Su greeted her. Why did Li Yixin come here when she had nothing to do? It couldn't be that Edith asked her to supervise.

Li Yixin looked at Zhang Su, trying to find information that could prove his participation in the Kirishima Maru battle.

"Explain why you are on the Kirishima Maru!" Li Yixin said.

Have you learned to be smart? Are you deceiving me right from the start? Zhang Su secretly said. It seems that Li Yixin has grown really big!

"What pill?" Zhang Su has been a veteran for two generations and will not be fooled easily.

"Kirishima Maru, don't say you haven't read the news, today's headlines." Li Yixin raised his head.

Zhang Su looked at her carefully. Compared with a few months ago, Li Yixin was... gloomier now.

Although the appearance is still exactly the same, with a slender figure and a neutral slim-fitting trousers suit, he is very professional and his actions are no longer innocent or even frank.

She also learned how to put on makeup.

Zhang Su saw her light mascara and scheming eye shadow, which made her eyes look bigger. She might have learned from Edith. She wore a jade pendant, and the end of the pendant attracted people's eyes to look down.

There are also colored lenses! The beautiful contact lenses have the appearance of pink gemstones, which are really cute.

"It seems like something happened. A tragic accident occurred at sea." Zhang Su said.

"You have killed so many people, don't you feel uneasy about your conscience?" Li Yixin stared at Zhang Su closely.

"I've killed a lot of people since arriving in New Tokyo, but what I did most was take them to the streets and alleys to have fun." Zhang Su shrugged.

Li Yixin frowned, not satisfied with Zhang Su's answer at all.

"Sister Yi Xin!" Xia Xi came over with a lollipop, "Please eat candy!"

"Don't eat." Li Yixin's heart hardened.

"Take us to play the merry-go-round!" Natsuki shouted.

"Sister Li Yixin~" Next to her was Yuanzhi with her big innocent eyes.

Now Li Yixin couldn't turn a blind eye. The two children's requests were too cute.

She nodded. They took them to ride the merry-go-round, but she turned back and glared at Zhang Su, indicating that the conversation was not over yet.

As long as Li Yixin targets someone, he will investigate to the end. At least this point is consistent. Zhang Suxin said.

But she had no evidence. Zhang Su glanced at the little witches playing, and he distinguished the two lives very well, and they were clearly distinct.

"Teacher! That stall is cheating!" Mayumi ran over.

Mayumi can also have some fun now, and Zhang Su is very pleased.

"What! There is such a thing." Zhang Su went over to take a look. It was a classic balloon moving target competition.

Shoot with a laser gun, and there are rows of dolls and stuffed animals of different sizes hanging on the board as prizes.

"I shot several times but couldn't hit." Mayumi complained.

"Of course, people are behind it. As long as the stall owner does a little trick, the signal of the laser gun or toy target will be blocked, and it will not hit." Zhang Su said.

"Ah! Then he stole all my game coins..." Mayumi was annoyed. She had spent a lot of effort to save her pocket money.

"Come and have fun! Let's compete in shooting skills!" shouted the philistine amusement park stall owner. "You can win a prize if you hit a balloon!"

Zhang Su walked over.

"Let me try." He pressed the game coins on the table.

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