Witch containment diary

Chapter 157 Understanding the Source of Happiness

The stall owner received Zhang Su with a smile.

Seeing such a tall person like Zhang Su, he felt a little frightened.

But it doesn't matter. Today's shooting projects are electronic and high-tech, and the background operations are very convenient. Thinking of this, the stall owner regained his confidence. What’s traveling if you haven’t been ripped off?

"be careful!"

“This stall is hard to beat!”

"He knows how to eat coins!" The unwilling adults and children nearby said uneasily.

"Nonsense, we have always operated with integrity." the amusement park stall owner emphasized.

Zhang Su looked at the calculation rules and found that 5 targets equaled one big doll.

He nodded, raised the laser gun in his hand, and took a deep breath.

Then he opened fire rapidly, shooting with the precision of an electronic measuring device.


The extremely fast speed made it sound like five voices gathered together, knocking out five targets in just 0.8 seconds, causing them to light up red.

The speed of photoelectric signals is faster than the reaction speed of ordinary people!

Seeing five traffic lights being flashed, the stall owner was startled and broke into a cold sweat.

"This...this..." Originally, he wanted to cheat and make Zhang Su's laser gun lose the signal, but it was too late!

Fang wants to press the cheating device, and Zhang Su has already finished the fight. This is really the military's sharpshooter!

"Which one do you like?" Zhang Su pointed to the dolls arranged on the shelf.

"That!" Mayumi's eyes lit up, pointing to an extra-large shark plush doll.


"Hurry and get the prize!" Others shouted, excited for this victory.

The stall owner reluctantly picked up a big shark puppet on the shelf and handed it to Zhang Su.

"Wait a minute - your shooting skills are really good. I also have a little game. If you hit, I will give you all the toys in the stall." The stall owner said seriously.

He flipped the panel over, revealing an oddly small balloon target.


"Such a small target?" Others observed carefully.

The stall owner looked at Zhang Su with interest, knowing very well that he would agree in order to prove himself in front of the kid.

However, this small target is the pinnacle of deception. It is not connected to a circuit board at all, so it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Su to hit it.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

"We will definitely win it!"

"This way he will lose all his money!" people around shouted.

Zhang Su held the big shark doll in his arms.

"No." He turned and left.

The stall owner was even more stunned. Looking at Zhang Su's leaving figure, he felt even more frustrated than if he had won the super grand prize!

All plans evaporated...

"I like this! It's so cute, thank you, teacher!" Mayumi held the shark doll in her arms, feeling extremely happy and jumping away.

She pressed her body hard and felt the fluffy feel of the stuffing inside. She just felt super happy!

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Su smiled easily.

Mayumi looked back and then looked up at Zhang Su: "Why didn't the teacher continue playing?"

"I come to the amusement park just to spend money and have fun. Once I click, everything else is just a cloud." Zhang Su said easily.

"Oh!" Mayumi thought thoughtfully.

"The games here are all similar. Look at the row of gashapon machines over there. It costs 500 yen to open an egg. About 10 gashapon machines will open a commemorative doll." Zhang Su pointed to a row of dolls in the distance. machine.

"A lot of people are playing gashapon. Is this equivalent to spending 5,000 yen to buy a doll?" Mayumi looked at it.

"Yes, if you go to the wholesale market to buy small gashapon and toys, you can buy them for only 250 yen. By doing this, we save money, but we don't get the fun of opening and drawing gashapon. Grab it. The same goes for dolls. If you carefully calculate the cost, you can save a lot more money by buying online than buying them offline," Zhang Su said.

"So we should stay away from these deceptive machines! And the street vendor who was shooting just now!" Mayumi understood.

"But if you can get happiness from it, it's not a loss. When you come to play with your friends, and your friends want to play, but you say: 'Don't smoke! It's much cheaper to buy online!', you become a spoiler. ." Zhang Su said.

"It's too complicated, does it mean that people have various motives?" Mayumi pondered.

"Yes, classical economics assumes that everyone is a rational person who can savvyly calculate benefits and plan their daily actions. But in reality, people often make many outrageous decisions, resulting in the inability to obtain the optimal solution." Zhang Su explained.

"There must be a better understanding now," Mayumi reasoned.

"Now there is a new concept of 'bounded rationality'. A person can only be rational within the scope of his own knowledge. Once it exceeds his cognitive structure, his decisions or conclusions are not wise." Zhang Su said.

"So we have to be careful in expressing opinions and judgments, because we may be stupid at heart." Mayumi thought thoughtfully.

"Maybe. We are not better than others. We are just trying to explore, learn and survive in this world. We are all living beings." Zhang Su walked forward and joined the others.

Hasumi and Komuroka are walking in the playground.

Because she hates flying around, Renwu doesn't dare to sit in the facilities, and Komurohua is not allowed to sit because of her disability and can't play.

She couldn't see the twinkling lights, colorful stalls and various prizes, but she could smell the various sweet foods.

Somewhat shyly, although I have eaten a lot of things since arriving in New Tokyo, I don't know what they are because I can't see them.

Others can easily understand popcorn, tempura, and ice cream, linking nouns, images, and flavors together.

But for Muroka, it's just hard things, hot things, and ice-cold soft things.

Lian Wu gave her cell phone to Shi Hua and stopped for a while every time she took Shi Hua to a place.

After that, Shihua tried his best to raise the phone to his "eyes", then gently shook his head, as if it was what he saw with his eyes, then took pictures and pictures, and then understood the content by reading aloud on the screen.

She clicked on the photo she had taken, and her phone began to read aloud what Shihua had captured.

"A big colorful sign that said 'Welcome to Sega Arcade.'"

"A photo of a roller coaster, with many people cheering, waving, and diving down. The roller coaster is shaped like a space saucer, it is blue, and the frame of the roller coaster is red."

"A food stall that said 'Taiyayaki' and four people were around."

"People were standing next to a model replica of Tokyo TV Tower and taking photos happily, including many female high school students in uniforms and foreign tourists dressed in fancy clothes."

"A huge cartoon character with blue skin, a big, round head, white hands and feet, and a small ball at the end of its tail. It is smiling. It is Doraemon, a famous anime character. "

Shihua held the mobile phone in his left hand, and swiped through the photos with his right hand.

The phonetic spelling conjured up a patchwork of brilliant and gray scenes in her mind, enough to occupy an extraordinary place in her memory.

The roller coaster worked around her, and she could tell she was next to some huge ride, and people would scream in delight or fear as a metal device moved quickly!

After getting used to this, whenever she heard the obvious acceleration sound of the machine, she would mentally anticipate the screams of the passengers following her, and she got her wish every time.

The amusement park is so nice. Shihua felt very happy. Saw something amazing.

And this modern "mobile phone", as thin as glass, can see, explain, and read everything to her. Shihua thinks it is too powerful and should cherish it.

Zhang Su and Mayumi joined them and sat down to rest next to the food vendors.

"Come on, Shi Hua, I'll treat you to pizza." Zhang Su bought delicious food for Shi Hua.

"Huh? This is..." Murohua smelled the aroma of baked dough and cheese, sitting at the plastic picnic table and enjoying it.

She took a big bite of the pizza, and the thick mozzarella cheese pulled out long strands.

Shika could taste the rich cheese flavor and the crispy and chewy crust, followed by the warm and soft pie, as well as sausage, bacon and green peppers.

She was always careful in her movements to avoid stumbling and worrying that others would think of her as mentally retarded rather than visually impaired.

While eating, Murohua also listened carefully to the surrounding details.

After arriving in New Tokyo, she always learned about this place through the words of others.

She always has to absorb new knowledge through listening, and then work hard to think and accept it, like nourishment. If not, her spirit will wither in darkness and chaos.

"Father, I have invested in this place before." Lian Wu looked around.

"Mr. Ansin Hideyuki's investment vision has never been wrong. This place is also very prosperous, and Sega has also made many good games." Zhang Su said.

"Dad gave Sega money to restart the series, 'Yakuza', and re-develop it for the Saturn game console. And this, the Sega Amusement Park." Lian Wu said slowly.

"The Anxinyuan family doesn't have such momentum." Zhang Su thought.

"We originally lived near Anxinyuan, and we were from the countryside. My father went to Mitsubishi Bank to borrow money, and was scolded. When he came back, he was very angry. It is said that my mother was not happy either. After giving birth to me, she went to Anxinyuan. And we will move to New Tokyo." Hasumi said slowly.

"...So, the Anxinyuan family, which was originally an ordinary family, suddenly had a lot of money, so it suddenly changed from a small family in a small monastery to a wealthy family, and then sold Anxinyuan to the Human Defense Project as a witch asylum. Following the trend, Develop Dongzhou Industry into a supplier, build the Dongzhou Wall, establish the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce, and lend a large amount of money to the Prime Minister of Dongming Kingdom to maintain public services, thereby gaining political influence. As expected, Hideyuki has unparalleled investment vision." Zhang Su concluded.

Shihua listened slowly.

She mentally listed the facts and built a logical chain among them.

Shihua felt that what she heard and understood was different from what the adults said.

"...Maybe..." Muroka said softly, "Sir Hideyuki Ansinin doesn't have any 'investment vision', he just has 'inexhaustible money'."

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