Witch containment diary

Chapter 158 Endless Fireworks Show

Shi Hua's words made Zhang Su's heart move.

"Yeah... Judging from the results, every investment made by Anxinyuan Hideyuki has been successful. Maybe it's not because of his good vision, but because after Mr. Hideyuki invested, he also invested heavily in expansion and lifted the other party up." Zhang Su immediately started to check the relevant information.

Every business acquired or funded by Anxinyuan Xiuxing has achieved rapid growth in value and profitability within a few months, even going against market trends and analysts' predictions.

Zhang Su flipped through economic data reports.

All of them mentioned "large capital injections", as if Anxinyuan Xiuxing has repeatedly attracted unexpected investments or borrowed large amounts from overseas banks.

Borrowing is no problem.

But what is the collateral? Is gold, jewelry or other hard currency from a legitimate source?

In any case, no competitor can match the financial resources of Ansuan Hideyuki.

Article after article followed to build momentum, praising Hideyuki's "gold-leaf god's eye", and then began to brag about his vision, young genius, and maverick...

The commercial media mentioned him as the economic savior of Dongming State, especially for injecting capital into the country. Xiu Xing paid for the construction of 50% of Dongming State's infrastructure and public affairs.

In the hearts of many people, Ansin Hideyuki is indeed an indispensable entrepreneur for the people, and even the Uguosha would not assassinate him.

However, as Muroka accidentally said...

What is more suspicious about An Yuan Xiuxing is the source of money, rather than the "investment genius" persona he has created over the years.

"Speaking of which, what kind of person is Lord Hideyuki's bride?" Zhang Su asked.

"Dad quickly found Masako Asami as his wife...she...is as cold as a...cold piggy bank. That's why I dare not speak." Lianwu said slowly.

Piggy bank?…

Zhang Su leaned back and crossed his hands behind his head.

He then checked the internal files on the investigation of the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce.

Many operators and investors have mentioned that they feel a bit spooky in their home.

There are many secret rooms in their home, as well as a large number of gold, silver and jade articles, countless, stacked like mountains.

The money also blocked the mouths of various investigators.

Until today, due to the deficit of Dongzhou Wall, the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce suffered huge losses, and the hostile chaebol established the Sun Group to launch revenge.

Anxinyuan Xiuxing has lost its former glory and is in an almost desperate situation.

Soon, the desperate father-in-law will go to Naomiya Commercial Building to cooperate with a large gang like the Fujikawa-gumi... What is the purpose? Zhang Su thought.

"..." Lianwu continued to think along this line of thought, and became afraid again. She sat down and patted her face with both hands.

Shihua continued to fumble with the photos, reading the pictures on the screen and reading out new content.

"This is a Ferris wheel." The voice announced.

"Ferris wheel?" Shi Hua raised his head, "Teacher, what does a Ferris wheel look like?"

"The Ferris wheel... is a very large facility that will slowly take us to high places. Like a disk, we live on its edge and rise as it rotates." Zhang Su stood up, "Then, the troublesome thing Leave it to me to deal with it, let’s go meet everyone and finally ride the Ferris wheel!”

"Let's go!" Mayumi was very happy.

The Sega Playground shines brighter in the lights, and Zhang Su joins other children.

At this time, the children, led by Li Yixin, played from one facility to another, having more fun.

They saw Zaosui being sent onto the jumping machine by Li Yixin!

The safety officer lowered the protective frame and checked whether the tourists' seat belts were fastened. Li Yixin still didn't know about Zaosui's fear of heights.

"Li Yixin! Stop!" Zhang Su shouted.

"Huh?" Li Yixin glanced at Zhang Su.

"Haha, what is this?" Zaho was very interested and looked up at the 500-meter ultra-high pole of the jumping machine.

"Are you ready? Start now!" The operator started the machine.



Hayao's eyes widened as he saw himself suddenly lifted off the ground. The whole world shrank in front of him, and he seemed to have penetrated into the clouds!

The seat galloped upwards, and Hayao felt his stomach tremble violently, his knuckles turning white from gripping the railing.

Her mind went blank and she looked at the scenery in the distance.

Hehe, hehe, I can see so far, so far... Mom, I'm going to die!

The jumping machine suddenly came down.

Hayao suddenly felt a frightening free fall. The feeling of weightlessness made her forget to scream. Her body fell down, but her soul was still in the air. She hesitated whether to chase after her or simply eject out of the cabin to escape from all this horror. .

Until we return to the starting point...

Hayao came to his senses.

"Haha, that's it!" She felt like she wasn't afraid at all.

"We will still go up!" Zhang Su shouted outside the court.

"What, get up?" Hayho felt that the seat was shaking a little, but the mechanical equipment continued to operate.

The jumping machine takes off again!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (convulsions) - help, help, help, help - uh (fainting) -" Hayho howled miserably.

Jump machine to the top.

It's the scariest thing when it's hovering, because you don't know when it will fall. Haoho's tongue sticks out and his eyes turn white.

When it reset, Li Yixin also shouted, enjoying the rapid experience brought by the game facilities.

——The jumping machine returns to the ground.

Hayao woke up and opened her eyes.

"...I'm still alive...I'm still alive!" She felt like crying with joy, "I'm not afraid of heights anymore!"

So aren’t heights so scary?

Hayho feels braver now.

Some things, as long as you face them and bear their hurt, you can become stronger!

Saho's eyes became clearer.

Don't underestimate the witch's perseverance!

"Let me down." Hayho pushed the guardrail on his body, "Why is it still locked? What are you doing?"

"The jumping machine has to jump three times!" Zhang Su shouted.

"Crooked! Please! Stop!" Hayho was completely shocked.

"Everyone, how did you feel about the previous two jumps? The third jump is the limit of this machine." The operator announced while raising the intensity to the highest level according to the process, and then started the machine.

Wait, aren’t the previous two considered high? ! ! Hayao's mind went blank.


The jumping machine catapults straight to the top, leading to the highest!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh (screaming) - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (whining) - ahhhhhhhhhhhh (convulsions) - uh (fainting) -"

Hayho, disappeared...

After everyone finished the jumping machine, Li Yixin carried Zaosui out.

"Has this child always been like this?" Li Yixin felt worried.

"It will come back to life." Zhang Su hugged Zaohui, who was foaming at the mouth.

Today they experienced bumper cars, pirate ships, haunted houses, roller coasters, spinning flying chairs, and 3D holographic projection adventures.

It can be said that I had as much fun as I wanted, and I took a lot of photos.

"It was so fun~" Natsuki was still very happy after playing with the jumping machine. When she flew into the sky, she really wanted to hang in the sky and not come down.

She held many souvenirs and stuffed animals in her arms and wore a cartoon-themed hat on her head.

"There are many people here, many, many, many people..." Yuanzhi was so tired that she held a dozen balloons in her hand.

Lian Yang walked quietly through the amusement park, and she also took photos, but the ones she took were all of happy people.

She had to leave them in the frozen photos and take them back to An Yin Hospital to treasure them.

"Let's go to the Ferris wheel. This is for leisure." Zhang Su regarded the Ferris wheel as the end point of today's joyful trip.

Zhang Su and Mayumi sat in one of the sedans, and the others also lined up to enter. Renwu sat on one holding the fainted Hayao.

Soon the wheel moved, the Ferris wheel rose, and Zhang Su leaned back.

Mayumi looked out expectantly, holding the shark doll in her arms.

The people down there are so small, like garbage. Mayumi looks out.

Suddenly, all the worries in the world feel out of reach.

As the Ferris wheel reached its height, there was a crackling sound outside the window and colorful explosions lit up the sky.

Fireworks show!

Xia Xi's excited shouts came from the viewing booths below. Zhang Su raised his head, and the sparkling burning residue flew in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, another firework shot into the air, exploding into a brilliant light, followed by more fireworks, and children and tourists shouted for joy one after another.

A few seconds later, a huge burst of bright red fireworks rose into the sky. Just as Zhang Su expected, when it exploded, the entire sky was illuminated red, and crimson embers fell rapidly.

The performance escalated rapidly, and the banging sound of fireworks was heard all the time.


A piercing whistle sounded, and the burning blue comet rose straight into the night sky with a sparkling wake, followed closely by several special fireworks.

They explode one after another, blooming like flowers, with dazzling blue flames, sparkling golden palms, purple chrysanthemum fireworks and dazzling silver Pegasus... The colorful explosions fill the sky with colors and are never monotonous!

Then, silence returned.

The fiery flames went out and turned into black stars falling down.

it's over……?

People sighed and were disappointed, feeling that they had not seen enough fireworks.

Zhang Su suddenly heard a round of strong music.

here we go again!

A thunderous roar came, and even bigger fireworks were launched!

As if having read people's psychology, after the brief silence just now, the amusement park took out the biggest and most beautiful fireworks!

Mayumi's mouth opened wide, and people couldn't help but use their phones to film the scene.

Like a volcano erupting, huge fireworks exploded in the night sky one after another, and the Ferris wheel was slightly shaken by the explosion of fireworks.

Fireworks barrage!

They bloom in turn, so brilliantly, like a gorgeous tapestry covering the sky. Bright red, emerald green, and golden fireworks exploded high in the sky, and stars scattered everywhere!

Finally, a particularly huge ball of fireworks exploded in the night sky, like a brilliant nebula blooming in the sky! Be the perfect ending to this fireworks show.

For many, it is the most beautiful thing they have ever seen...

"I've seen it once in my life...it's really worth it!"


"That's great!"

The crowd burst into cheers and applause.

After the last firework was fired, the Ferris wheel arrived.

Everyone really felt their hands and feet were sore, they were so excited, they were full of praises, and they were ready to leave.

"So beautiful!" Natsuki jumped up and down.

"Very noisy...very happy..." Murohua listened.

"Teacher, didn't you ride a roller coaster?" Lian Yang asked.

"If I go up, the roller coaster and my legs will definitely explode." Zhang Su said.

At the door, Zhang Su saw Li Yixin still waiting for him.

"What? Are you still investigating me?" Zhang Su asked.

Li Yixin saw the children behind Zhang Su.

They held toys, marshmallows, balloons and souvenirs, drowsy, exhausted but enjoying themselves.

They seemed to fall down at any time, but Zhang Su watched them closely and protected them without any fatigue.

"No, I think those suspicions are too ridiculous. How can you take care of these children in the safe home and make pictures everywhere at the same time... It's too divisive. If it were me, I would have gone crazy. Ha, so I'm following them The dark beast... the situation is still confusing." Li Yixin shook his head.

During the day, he is a kind and friendly elementary school teacher, and at night, he transforms into a cruel and ruthless punisher of darkness. It is impossible to think of such a thing!

"It's getting late, let's go and rest." Zhang Su took a taxi and took the children back to the hotel.

After the float car left, Zhang Su looked down. Li Yixin was still lingering at the entrance of the amusement park, looking up at the taxi's taillights.

After another half minute, Zhang Su turned around again, and Li Yixin's figure disappeared into the darkness.

Zhang Su sent the children back to Tianjing Hotel and said good night to them all.

The children have had a satisfying experience in the amusement park and are now about to go to sleep. They must have a good rest for the day and no longer have the energy to play.

New Tokyo is really an endless maze of treasures for them, with surprises at every corner.

"Do you think it's time?" Xia Xi was completely exhausted.

Zhang Su helped her put all the souvenirs and animal figurines on the bedside table, and then put her under the quilt. She got in drowsily and could feel the heat through the quilt.

"It's time to huff and puff...Good night, teacher..." Yuanzhi curled up in the quilt.

"Good night, have a sweet dream." Zhang Su covered them with quilts, stuffed Yuan Zhi's kitten tail back to prevent them from catching cold, and finally turned off the light.

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