Witch containment diary

Chapter 159 At the beach after sleeping

Next is Mayumi and Muroka's room.

Komurohua lay down on the bed, and Zhang Su and Mayumi helped her pack her things and place them where she could reach them with one hand when she wakes up tomorrow.

The puppy Pepper was resting in the corner. Zhang Su poured the brown dog food into the indigo plastic food bowl. The dog took Shihua for a day and was getting hungry.

"Good night, teacher, see you tomorrow." Mayumi sat on the silk quilt.

"Good night." Shi Hua waved in the direction of Zhang Su.

"See you tomorrow, have a good rest." Zhang Su pressed the sleep mode on the wall panel.

The lights in the room gradually dimmed, as if the grand party was gradually coming to an end. The children continued to think about the amusement park before going to bed, weaving the material of tonight's sweet dream.

The last one is Reio and Saho's room.

Zhang Su saw Lian Yang in the bathroom, seriously removing her makeup in front of the mirror. Reiyo's presence always reminded him that they would soon grow up, become tall, beautiful, and have unique personalities.

Watching them grow up, Zhang Su felt a strange sense of compassion. Several children who would have been forgotten and killed by poverty and freezing are now thriving. At that time, they will also understand that growing up does not solve all problems. On the contrary, growing up is the beginning of the problems.

After Saho woke up, she was responsible for sorting the photos taken by Reio and sorting them according to the color of the clothes people were wearing.

"Why are you so obedient today?" Zhang Su saw that Zaosui was particularly well-behaved.

"This is senior sister's request! It must be completed." Hayho worked hard.

"You played a lot of projects today, how do you feel?" Zhang Su asked. What he bought for his children were golden tickets that could be queued up in advance, so they went to the next one after playing one, which was very smooth and there was no lengthy queuing process.

"Gao's projects are all scary!" Hayho emphasized.

"Why are you afraid of heights?" Although Zhang Su knew the answer, he still let Saho find out on his own.

"Because...because it feels like high places are dangerous, and high places are...'death'!" Hayho was very nervous.

It is said that after the Shadow Witch gave birth to the witch egg, she tried to throw the witch egg off the top of the mountain so as not to drag herself down.

"It is indeed necessary to be afraid of high places because it is unsafe. But overcoming the fear of heights is also a part of growth." Zhang Su said, "What else?"

"Besides, the haunted house scares itself. When I think that the staff of the haunted house are also poor people with low wages, I feel pity for them and not afraid of them. The carousels and bumper cars are duels with other children, too Childish! Water sports are more suitable for me, just like when I rushed down the water slide today... I was so happy..." Saho spoke softer and softer.

Like everyone else, Saho is also immersed in good memories. Today's trip to the amusement park will become a happy memory for them.

"Teacher~" Lian Yang came out of the bathroom in pajamas, pretending to be angry, "This is the boudoir!"

"I'm sorry, the teacher will disappear voluntarily..." Zhang Su retreated.

"Good night!" Zaosui knelt on the bed and turned to wave to Zhang Su.

"Good night, please have a good dream." Lian Yang said goodbye to Zhang Su.

After leaving the hotel, Zhang Su went for a late-night snack, eating fried chicken and drinking beer.

Picking up the phone, he saw a message from Fujikawa Chiyo, which was very long.

——The general idea is that Fujikawa Chiyo met a hall master who was willing to let her into the Naking Snake Commercial Building, and hoped that Zhang Su could come to the scene to help cover it.

It seems that this matter has finally made progress, Zhang Su said secretly.

The bloody "Meat Sacrifice" banquet is getting closer and closer, and Chiyo Fujikawa may be able to directly enter it and help blast the Fujikawa Group from the inside.

The agreed meeting place was an abandoned izakaya on a pier in old Tokyo.

Fujikawa Chiyo said that the other party's name was Koike Taishi, and he was originally very loyal to Chiyo.

Zhang Su set off to arrive.

The izakaya sits alone on the shore, its wooden exterior has faded and some windows are missing.

It was dimly lit inside. The air is filled with the salty smell of sea water and the strong smell of tobacco and alcohol.

"Provoke it...!"

"must be careful!"

"There are so many mosquitoes! Bastard!"

Many Fujikawa members were smoking, drinking, talking, and throwing garbage into the sea irritably.

Zhang Su dressed himself up like a burly ninja. When he arrived, motorcycles, cars, and bicycles were already parked around him. It was estimated that more than a hundred Fujikawa team members were visiting.

"Miss Chiyo is inside." Shui Li led Zhang Su in. The team members next to him were very wary.

"Yeah." Zhang Su walked into the izakaya.

The tables and chairs had been cleared away, leaving only dusty empty bottles on the shelves with brand names of various sakes on them.

The tall Fujikawa team member lit the paper lantern, and the dim yellow light flickered. Due to insufficient wax, the firelight was closer to dark brown.

The floor creaked with Zhang Su's footsteps, and the paint on the walls peeled off in many places.

Fujikawa Chiyo stood alone in the corner of the room. A majestic man was standing opposite her, surrounded by several guards.

"...That's Koike Taishi. Because he once expressed his support for Chiyo, he was chased by Saburo and survived." Shui Li whispered.

Zhang Su observed carefully.

Koike Yasushi has a strong physique and well-developed muscles. He wears an impeccable formal suit and has the Fujikawa family's black dragon tattoos on the back of his hands and neck.

His hands were particularly rough, with scars on the knuckles and heavy gold rings. There was a deep sense of power in them. Zhang Su had no doubt that these hands could crush people's heads.

[Memory of "Yasashi Koike": A vicious gang member who was born in the streets of old Tokyo. He loyally served Yuichi Fujikawa. He fought many times and made great achievements during the Fujikawa-gumi's establishment in old Tokyo. Died at the banquet 2 days later]

The red thread of death is attached to this person. Most people in Zhang Su's observation room will die, and the fate of Fujikawa Chiyo is also stained with blood.

"So, are we all here?" Koike Yasushi said in a deep voice, his voice was quite low, and he exuded the smell of high-end cigarettes.

Zhang Su walked next to Fujikawa Chiyo, with his hands behind his back, acting as a thug.

"I heard that after Uncle Saburo took over the family, you were the only one among the thirteen hall masters who raised objections. For this, I commend you for your loyalty." Chiyo Fujikawa raised her head and said.

Although she was calm on the surface, Zhang Su felt that she was still quite nervous.

There are more than a hundred Fujikawa team members outside, and they all take orders from Koike Yasushi, not Chiyo.

If Chiyo Fujikawa fails to negotiate today, I am afraid the scene will be ugly.

"I escaped, but my wife and daughter were stuffed into cement pillars and sank alive into Tokyo Bay. This is the price." Koike Yasushi took a drag of his cigarette.

"I deeply regret your loss. Fujikawa Saburo is cruel and tyrannical, and the family has no honor at all." Fujikawa Chiyo reached out to Koike Yasashi, "If you want revenge, then become my subordinate! Only in this way can we let Fujikawa To restore the reputation of the group, I will give you the opportunity to kill Fujikawa Saburo with your own hands."

The air is heavy.

Zhang Su's breathing was even and steady. His role was to help Chiyo Fujikawa hold off the battle to prevent her from being killed.

Koike Taishi's majestic and shrewd eyes quickly glanced at Zhang Su, and then fell on Fujikawa Chiyo.

"The late Yuichi Fujikawa treated us like his own father, teaching and leading us sternly. Saburo Fujikawa was also a smart and courageous leader, and now he is smoothly managing the 40,000 members of the Fujikawa Group. Ten Among the three hall masters, even if I want to support you, I am isolated and helpless. There are only more than 100 people following us, which is 100 versus 40,000." Koike Taishi said coldly.

He is testing. Zhang Su secretly said. He pointed out the huge disparity in numbers in order to know how many people Fujikawa Chiyo could mobilize.

"There are no more than 40,000 people in the Ming She Commercial Building. Uncle Saburo is still there. He is in the open and is at his most vulnerable," Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"Fujikawa Saburo and his adopted daughter Meidaiko are holding a banquet, and they will entertain distinguished guests with a 'dinner' tomorrow night. After that, Saburo may not stay in Naru Snake Commercial Building." Koike Taishi frowned.

I see. Zhang Suxin said. Saburo Fujikawa lost his body below the waist in an accident. He is a disabled old man. Unexpectedly, he also has an adopted daughter, who seems to be Saburo's baby.

"Dinner?" Fujikawa Chiyo asked.

"Have you heard about the Kirishima Maru incident? That ship originally carried the 'dinner' transported by Saburo Fujikawa, but it was all gone and blocked by someone. So he is now anxiously looking for a new meal." Yasushi Koike said.

Those dozens of people were bought by Saburo Fujikawa. Are there so many people to eat for dinner? Zhang Su judged. How bloody.

"Then, come to my side, Lord Koike, I am sure of victory." Fujikawa Chiyo thought, "Reinforcements will come, and their firepower is far stronger than the enemy."

She glanced at Zhang Su, who nodded imperceptibly.

Koike Taishi looked at Zhang Su carefully

"——A person with a white path." Koike Taishi judged it keenly.

Fujikawa Chiyo stared at Koike Taishi with decisive and sharp eyes.

Zhang Su had seen many people "gazing", and the most special one was Edith's gaze, as if she was from a high place, coldly peering into the soul.

However, Fujikawa Chiyo's eyes did not have this kind of aggression, but more about wanting others to recognize herself.

"All you need to know is that I have enough help to raze the Naked Snake Commercial Building to the ground, and Fujikawa Saburo will be defeated." Fujikawa Chiyo said decisively.

"...Although once a white man is involved, he cannot get rid of it, but I will always avenge the blood debt of my wife and daughter. Then, let's have a drink together." Koike Taishi waved his hand.

The men on both sides began to serve wine and filled the glasses with the treasured sake.

Chiyo Fujikawa drank it all in one gulp.

"I have a plan, but I need your cooperation." Fujikawa Chiyo said loudly.

Koike Taishi frowned, but still motioned for her to continue.

"Are the people here reliable?" Fujikawa Chiyo looked around.

"They are all willing to die for you." Koike Yasushi said.

"You, go to hell." Fujikawa Chiyo pointed at one of the Fujikawa team members casually.

Without hesitation, he put the pistol to his head and pulled the trigger.


Zhang Su took the lead and shot to block the opponent, but the bullet missed.

"Wow!" Fujikawa's team member looked furious and aimed his pistol at himself again.

"That's enough -" Chiyo Fujikawa waved her hand.

These people are so curious that someone can prove their loyalty like this. Zhang Su's heart moved. The gang members are too extreme, otherwise they are just acting.

He stepped back and returned to Fujikawa Chiyo.

Koike Taishi was deeply impressed by Zhang Su, Zhang Su was too fast!

Before he could see what was happening, he had already rescued the other party.

"...The plan is that I will let you catch me and give me to Saburo as a 'dinner' to show your loyalty." Fujikawa Chiyo said calmly.

A trace of shock flashed across Koike Yasushi's weather-beaten face. Zhang Su was also a little surprised.

Chiyo Fujikawa volunteered to be the main course at the meat feast?

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