Witch containment diary

Chapter 160 Volunteering to Become Food

For a long time, Koike Taishi just stared at her wordlessly.

Zhang Su was thoughtful, wondering how this guy would react.

For a long time, Koike Taishi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Are you crazy?"

He slammed his fist on the table, the wine glass clinking and shaking.

"That bastard Saburo will torture you, kill you, and then eat you! The 'meal' we are talking about is not a joke, we are really going to eat you! They will cut you into several pieces and then cook them carefully. Make it delicious!" He took a deep breath and spoke impulsively, as if he had eaten it before.

Chiyo Fujikawa raised a hand.

"Listen to me. I've thought it over." She traced it with her finger.

"First of all, this 'dinner' can eliminate your suspicion. I know your situation. I have been chased by Saburo once before. Many of his men died, and you also lost the chance to escape Tokyo. You can say yes to Saburo In order to make peace, I will trade my life for yours."

"My position has always been on your side, and I have a blood feud with Saburo. He will not believe that I betrayed you." Koike Taishi said without hesitation.

"Really?" Fujikawa Chiyo sneered.

"What do you mean?" Koike Taishi questioned.

"You have brought so many people, and there are all 'loyal men' inside and outside the house. Who are you trying to guard against? Or are you planning to take me there in exchange for a reward early in the morning?" Chiyo Fujikawa asked.

Koike Taishi's eyes are profound.

Zhang Su felt that there were a lot of games here, but since he had absolute power, he didn't think too much about it.

Koike Yasushi waved his hand to Fujikawa Chiyo to continue.

"Saburo is very wary of traps. But in the face of such a precious 'meal' as mine, he may have to accept it personally, enough to keep him in the Naking Snake Commercial Building. In this way, we can raid the banquet venue and kill Saburo." Chiyo Fujikawa explain.

"Then the righteous people come to attack. It's okay. Fujikawa Saburo usually hides in the dark area. Only this kind of 'banquet' brings him to the ground. It is said that he will also entertain distinguished guests from the An'in family..." Koike Taishi pondered.

"All in all, Saburo Fujikawa is too ambitious and really does not know how to live or die. I heard that you and Saburo are still in contact, so your death is inevitable. After all, the Fujikawa group has been targeted. There are only two ways now, either cooperate with me to fight Saburo, fight for a chance of survival or be buried with Saburo." Fujikawa Chiyo said.

Koike Taishi touched his chin and pondered what Fujikawa Chiyo said.

Zhang Su remained motionless.

This bet could easily go awry and cost Chiyo her life.

Probably due to the habit of contaminating stamens.

All his efforts are accomplished in one battle!

"...There is a risk," Koike Taishi said, "It depends on how long you can survive in the Naking Snake Mall. If you enter, you will be cut into pieces and made into a soup. No matter how many stories you tell, you will not be able to use it."

Chiyo's lips curved into a smile.

"I won't die that simply. But I can't elaborate yet." Fujikawa Chiyo said.

"..." Koike Taishi frowned, with deeper wrinkles etched on his rugged face, "Your request is too difficult, we can only follow it with faith."

"That's enough. Faith and righteousness are the key to linking the Fujikawa group together. Saburo has destroyed the foundation left by my father." Chiyo stared at him with firm eyes, "I bet my life on this. , because if we don’t do this, the Fujikawa group will eventually be slaughtered and no one will be left.”

Saburo Fujikawa's spying on Sky Tree has touched the bottom line, and the ground forces will not tolerate the Fujikawa group appearing like cockroaches in the daytime. Zhang Su thought silently.

From this perspective, Chiyo Fujikawa is right.

Sooner or later Edith would pour boiling water into the cockroach nest, crushing all danger.

Unless Chiyo Fujikawa can take over, lead the Fujikawa group to change their minds and strive for transformation.

The izakaya fell into silence, with only the occasional crackling of burning candles.

Zhang Su saw Koike Taishi weighing Chiyo's strategy, and the other party looked hesitant.

This is the most dangerous moment, when success and destruction are just a matter of thoughts.

Finally, Koike Taishi nodded.

"Chiyo-sama, our lives depend on you!" Yasushi Koike bowed to Fujikawa Chiyo and bowed deeply.

"Get up. After taking back the family, the Fujikawa Group will surely achieve a greater renaissance." Fujikawa Chiyo said loudly.

Her posture is so confident.

But only Zhang Su, who was standing behind her, saw that Fujikawa Chiyo's back was covered in sweat.

Koike Yasushi bowed to Fujikawa Chiyo again, and then left with his men.

Fujikawa Chiyo sat back.

Zhang Su waited for the Fujikawa team members to disperse, and the stench, blood smell and alcohol smell on their bodies also dispersed, and then nodded to Fujikawa Chiyo: "Go out for a walk?"

"Okay." Chiyo Fujikawa stood up hard and walked out.

The oceanfront promenade is filled with fresh, calm air and waves crash against the embankment.

The moonlight cast a pale light on the waves, and the glory of New Tokyo shone in the distance.

Fujikawa Chiyo stopped as soon as he saw the lights of New Tokyo.

She raised her hand and pointed across the bay.

"Last December, I rode with my father by the seaside and pointed at New Tokyo in the same way. The horse's name was Mejiro Reian. My father saw it winning in the morning and snatched it from the racecourse in the afternoon," Chiyo Fujikawa said. .

"If I don't give you a horse, I'm afraid the horse's head will be chopped off and stuffed into the horse owner's quilt." Zhang Su said.

"The Fujikawa group is indeed very powerful, so I have always hoped to lead such a fierce and fearless army in the future." Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"Why do you think the Fujikawa group is so powerful?" Zhang Su asked.

"Because the Dark Zone is our home and our recruiting ground. As long as the light of New Tokyo does not illuminate the Dark Zone for a day, the Dark Zone will remain dark forever, and people like us will always be born and aggressive. "Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"Is this also your father's philosophy?" Zhang Su asked.

"Yes, my father said, Dongming Kingdom has always designed to harm those who follow the rules. For example, they deliberately built New Tokyo on the sea and moved all schools, company headquarters, luxury shopping malls and boutiques there, trying to live a good life. People who live must swallow their anger and spend a lot of money to buy real estate in New Tokyo even though they know it is a trap. With this method, Dongming Country bought out the fruits of many people's lifetime labor in one go, keeping them there for decades to come. Everyone must work honestly. Anyone who cannot persevere in this game will be destitute, relegated to the dark zone, and eventually become the reserve force of the Fujikawa group." Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"Why do you think they join the gang?" Zhang Su asked.

"When they were penniless, we gave them knives and pistols and told them that from now on, no one outside would dare to hold their heads and teach us how to do things! When I shouted to the newcomers, I looked into their eyes. They Their expressions were all shocked, as if they were seeing a new, never-before-seen door open before their eyes." Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"Your purpose is to unify and control the dark zone." Zhang Su pondered.

"Of course, I originally planned to lead the Fujikawa Group to unify. The Dark Zone needs time to recuperate and clean up the garbage. The underground could also be prosperous. The 'Four Ports' black market in the Dark Zone trades endless transnational supplies. As long as I can intervene in the business , I can make people live richer and more prosperous than people on the ground." Chiyo Fujikawa said.

"But a dark zone military force like the Fujikawa Group has now fallen into the hands of Saburo Fujikawa, and he is more interested in intervening in ground affairs." Zhang Sudao.

"Because he thinks he is very smart and can arm-wrestle with people on the ground. But I am different. Maybe because I was caught and imprisoned by you before, I know that fighting against you will not end well... Forget it, there is no need to discuss Saburo, After all, his ending will be revealed soon, at the banquet tomorrow night." Fujikawa Chiyo said.

The power of electromagnetic drive surged in Fujikawa Chiyo's body.

Thunder rumbled softly on the sea nearby, responding to the anger and violence brewing in her heart.

"...I have something to ask you for help. Although I know it is very difficult and it is inconvenient at that time, but please look after Mr. Hideyuki Ansinin. He is Lian Wu's father. It is said that he will also attend the banquet. I hope he will not do it as much as possible. Let him die a violent death." Zhang Su said.

"No problem, I will adapt accordingly." Fujikawa Chiyo nodded, "However, you have to attack before I am eaten."

"Understood." Zhang Su nodded.

They bid farewell to each other on the dockside, as dawn begins to break in the sky behind them, and the final showdown is imminent.

the next day.

Katie eats and sleeps, sleeps and eats, and her schedule is very much like a real dragon.

Servants will bring everything you eat to the room. If you want anything, just call the front desk and ask for it. According to Kati, dragons in ancient times lived like this. If they wanted special tribute, they would issue oracles to the tribal priests.

"There is a military operation tonight, will you participate?" Zhang Su cut his hair and put on smart clothes.

"Kill? How many?" Katie turned over on the bed and clamped the quilt between her legs.

"A lot, maybe one or two thousand." Zhang Su simply stretched.

"I want to eat them. I want to eat a lot of things to supplement our children's nutrition..." Katie licked her lips.

"That is in line with our actions, because they are also feasting now." Zhang Su said.

"I'm happy to help, because when I fly across the sky, the mortals on the ground will shout: 'Look, a witch, the situation is in our favor!' - This is always the proudest moment of my career. ." Katie narrowed her eyes slightly.

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