Witch containment diary

Chapter 161 Information about the banquet attendees

Katie looked directly into Zhang Su's eyes.

In New Tokyo, Zhang Su didn't stay with her in the hotel every day, but instead ran around, which annoyed her.

Katie can't wait to hold him 24 hours a day, like clasping a prey with her claws, and her soul sinks into the other person's heart. That is happiness!

But he is so strong and strong, it would be a waste if he is not allowed to fight in the outside world. The boundless world is his destination.

"Hurry up." She suddenly bit Zhang Su's finger, then drove him out with her feet, covering up the uneasiness in her heart with a ferocious gesture, and then lay down flat.

Zhang Su exited repeatedly.

Cady is moody, like a true monster.

It was the same in his previous life. One second he was calm and gentle, but the next second he wanted to tear his ears off.

Katie covered her ears with a pillow, not wanting to hear his leaving footsteps, and purred softly from her mouth.

Going outside to the swimming pool, Zhang Su continued to exercise.

He moves his muscles and bones, has the best skills of hundreds of schools, and has superb combat skills. At the same time, he has amazing bones and strong energy. He can kill with punches and kicks. He is strong enough to kill seven in and seven out among ordinary people.

Haoho followed him stumbling over, imitating the posture beside him.

"Hey, ha!" Hayho punched.

Zaohui looked at Zhang Su, then looked at his own thin arms and legs, and felt that there was a big difference!

"Where are the other children?" Zhang Su looked at Zaosui beside him.

She is just a little girl, with small hands and feet and a stubborn expression. Her hair was combed by Lian Yang and braided into small braids.

"Watching cartoons." Saiho said.

"Then why don't you follow and watch instead of practicing here." Zhang Su demonstrated how to deliver a quick jab.

"I want to become stronger too." Saho imitated.

Zhang Su has a solid foundation and his movements are as standard as a textbook.

Even if Hayho only learned one or two moves, he would still benefit a lot from them.

"Become stronger? Why?" Zhang Su asked.

"There are many strong people in this world, and they do what they want to do." Hayao was exposed to many new things in New Tokyo, which made her use her brain even more.

"You don't just do whatever you want, everyone abides by the law." Zhang Su found that Zaosui imitated his every move accurately, as if he had an extra shadow.

"Because the law is made by the most powerful and violent guy, otherwise there would be no rules to follow," said Saho.

"Even if everyone is equally strong, people will legislate for consensus and guidance in life." Zhang Su said.

"Then I'm going to become stronger and control others. Everyone is so naughty and mischievous that they should have been controlled a long time ago." Saiho said.

"You have to work hard to become stronger." Zhang Su showed Saho how to prepare for a standing posture. "Stand firm, aim slightly sideways at the opponent, and leave yourself some room. No matter how the opponent wants to deal with you, you must have room to fight back... …”

"Hey!" Hayho put on a posture.

She learned from Zhang Su's shadow. She felt that the movements of Zhang Su's shadow were more real than Zhang Su's own movements.

Learn from the movies.

People can make fake movements, but shadows can't. Watching the movie is like taking care of your heart, and Saho's expression becomes more and more serious.

She walked up to Zhang Su's shadow without realizing it.

Zhang Su lost Zaosui's vision and felt something furry on his back, as if he was being stared at by a killer.

Fortunately, we knew it was Saho, otherwise he would have been ready to fight the enemy!

In the next few hours, Zhang Su continued to exercise by the swimming pool, trying to make his body like copper ribs and iron ribs stronger, sweating profusely.

Lianwu woke up from her nap and saw Zhang Su exercising persistently on the hotel terrace outside.

She folded her hands and learned to do push-ups, but she soon became tired.

never mind!

Lianwu felt that she was more powerful when she had two horns on her head and her hair was as white as snow, but she was still more fragile during the day when she was illuminated by the moonlight.

She lay on the bed and looked at Zhang Su from afar.

He also concentrated on training. He was as tall and majestic as a muscular monster, reminding Lian Wu of a giant carrying the sky on his shoulders.

With such extraordinary physique and arm strength, I'm afraid it would be easy to hit anyone.

However, Zhang Su continues to train, striving to have a more hardworking spirit, a more powerful spirit, and a stronger body!

It is indeed very perseverant.

Lian Wu looked at it, and gradually felt complicated emotions rising from the bottom of her heart.

It seemed like she was willing to keep watching like this.

However, it is also difficult for her to express this emotion!

Still having to find a way, Lian Wu turned over, lay on the bed, and patted her cheek.

She lay there for a while.

Then, Renwu received a call from Ansuan Hideyuki.

Father! Lian Wu was startled. Tonight he was going to the Ming She Commercial Building to attend the Fujikawa group's banquet.

Wearing slippers, she patted the glass door and asked Zhang Su to come over.

Zhang Su went in to visit Lian Wu. Even if she stayed in a hotel room, Lianwu kept the room clean.

When the room cleaning robot enters, it always shows a frustrated expression because there is nothing that requires its efforts, and there is also a lingering fragrance in the room.

He couldn't help but be more vigilant when he saw Ansin Hideyuki's correspondence.

Mr. Hideyuki is also very suspicious now, maybe he is a criminal colluding with the devil.

"!" Lian Wu answered.

"Lian Wu, is it true that you won't come tonight? In this case, Dad will feel more at peace. Although Dad really wants to see you and your boyfriend, the place he is going to tonight is really not a good place. In this place, the people you want to meet are also some rough people." Ansinin Hideyuki said.

"..." Lianwu held Nervous's hand, her fingers were light and thin.

"When I first heard that you went to Anxinyuan, my father didn't feel very good. After all, it was the place where your mother's bones were buried. She was very depressed. My father had always wanted to move the whole family away to New Tokyo. If it had been earlier, maybe You can also save a lot of money to buy land. New Tokyo is like a big ship. When it docks at the port, you can board it as soon as possible and leave together. When it leaves, you can't ask it to come back and wait for you. ." Ansinin Hideyuki said.

"...!" Lian Wu listened silently.

"Hey, Lian Wu, dad has always wanted to make a lot of money for our family, stand upright and become powerful, just like the current 'Sunrise Group'. Dad's old rivals have all gathered together to step on my shoes. face. I'm really worried that such revenge will affect you, but don't worry, after attending tonight's banquet, Dad will become younger and more energetic, like in the past, able to fight the enemies and fight hard, and then Our family is still healthy and safe." An Yinxiu Xing thought to himself.

"...Dad...Dad...!" Lian Wu whispered.

"Yes! Lian Wu, dad is listening." Ansuin Hideyuki was very happy that Lian Wu could speak.

"...Dad...don't go!" Lian Wu held the phone sadly.

"How can you not go? I was kindly invited and everything has been arranged. Lianwu, have you heard any news? Is someone going to disturb the banquet tonight?" Anxinin Hideyuki asked.

No information should be leaked. Lian Wu shuddered.

"..." Lianwu said nothing.

"Yes... yes, Dad understands and will definitely be careful. Don't worry about Dad. This is the responsibility of our generation. The last thing Dad wants is for you to worry about it. Try to put the guilt and guilt together as much as possible. I will not be afraid if the responsibility is put on Dad. And Lianwu, you must live a good life. As a witch, you can live for a long time, and Dad is old and has seen enough things in this life. Don't worry about me too much, Lian Wu, just enjoy your own life." Ansuin Hideyuki said firmly, and then cut off the communication.

Lian Wu jumped up and tears fell down.

Zhang Su sat next to her.

It sounded to him that Mr. Ansuin Hideyuki was determined and was already planning to join the Fujikawa group's "Meat Feast".

However, tonight, artillery fire and killing will come, completely defeating Saburo Fujikawa.

The safety of Anxinyuan Xiuxing is difficult to guarantee.

"...Soon it will be time for Ansin Hideyuki-sama and your brothers to attend the 'banquet'. Be careful then, official people will surround the scene, waiting for an opportunity to attack and arrest the super criminal leader Fujikawa Saburo. Mr. Hideyuki may also be attacked. , However, due to confidentiality regulations, Mr. Hideyuki cannot obtain this information." Zhang Sudao.

"..." Lianwu looked at Zhang Su sadly.

Now she understood the plight of the children in Anyuan, whose loved ones were all guilty.

"You must really want to go to the scene, but please do not enter the Ming She Commercial Building. At most, observe from the sidelines and don't cause trouble to the operation." Zhang Su said seriously.

"!" Lian Wu nodded sadly.

Zhang Su pondered.

Thinking about it this way, it seems obvious that the Anxin family is colluding with the devil.

At some point in the past, Aninin Hideyuki made a deal with the devil and became wealthy.

Now the Fujikawa group has successfully completed the sacrifice and received the favor. Now the two sides are about to merge. This is the most terrifying situation.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, the best way is to raid and arrest both parties at tonight's banquet and collect evidence at the scene, so that no one else can raise objections.

In the previous life, Miss Lianwu disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, and no news about Lianwu was ever heard again...

Zhang Su felt shuddering.

Maybe Miss Lianwu had been sacrificed to the devil to be devoured in her previous life. Only now is there a chance to survive.

Thinking of this, Zhang Su sighed and couldn't help but hold Lian Wu in his arms.

Lianwu also got used to his company. She leaned back, leaned her back on the strong muscles, and fell into deep thought.

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