Witch containment diary

Chapter 162 Almost Eternal Attraction

As time goes by, the banquet will begin.

Lianwu went to take a shower and change clothes, and Zhang Su heard the sound of water rushing in the bathroom.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Shui Li.

"The time has come." Shui Li's voice sounded very clear, "We will arrive at the Ming She Commercial Building at 6 o'clock tonight. Koike Taishi pretended to capture Fujikawa Chiyo and sent it to Saburo as a 'dinner'. Saburo was with his My adopted daughter Mei Daizi is preparing, and the banquet will be held as scheduled. I will protect Chiyo’s safety in secret.”

Her tone was calm, as if she was just discussing the weather with Zhang Su.

Zhang Su could imagine how she looked when communicating, calm and focused, expressionless, hiding in the dark.

"We have scouted before and there are countless enemies in Ming She Commercial Building, so be careful." Zhang Su said.

He didn't doubt her abilities, but the best-laid plans could go awry.

"Understood." Shui Li replied, as succinctly as ever.

After a pause, Shui Li added another sentence, which was beyond Zhang Su's expectations.

"...Thank you for your concern." She said.

After ending the communication, Zhang Su felt incredible. Shui Li will also express her gratitude! A welcome improvement for her.

And there is not much time to prepare, only half a day.

Zhang Su continued planning.

The first step is to let Fujikawa Chiyo use herself as a "dinner" to restrain Saburo to prevent him from being alert in advance and escaping to the dark zone.

The second step is to mobilize heavy troops to attack with thunderous force and eliminate criminal groups. This requires the cooperation of many parties.

After tonight, the balance of power in New Tokyo's underground will change dramatically.

As for strategic planning, Zhang Su felt that Kazama Yihuai was the most suitable tool. After all, he was a senior supervisor and had a wide range of friends.

When he supervised An Yuan, Zhang Su suffered a lot, and now it was Zhang Su's turn to torture Kazama.

He dialed the contact information of Tongfeng Yihuai and waited for the other party to answer.

Now is the prime time for strategic preparation. If your plan is to be successful, you must be well prepared.

Finally, Kazama Yihuai answered the phone.

"Hello." Kazama Yihuai's voice was extremely serious, as always.

"The net can be closed." Zhang Su said.

"How are you doing there?" Fengjian Yihuai's tone was low and measured.

"...So..." Zhang Su briefly described his situation, "This may be our best chance. Once tonight is over, it will be too late to lock in Saburo Fujikawa."

Fengjian Yihuai understood Zhang Su's arrangement.

"It's a good idea." He first affirmed and then denied, "But the risk of storming the Ming She Commercial Building is very high."

"I am the main attacker. This is part of the test. Please mobilize all departments to cooperate and destroy the Fujikawa Group in one strike." Zhang Su felt that Kazama Yihua was impeccable, and this old boy was quite cautious.

Kazama Yihuai thought silently for a while before answering.

"Okay." He said.

Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not easy to get a "good" word from this person.

He originally thought that Kazama Yihuai would follow the rules and bargain, but Kazama Yihuai made quick decisions and probably took a fancy to this opportunity.

"Fighting crime is a great achievement." Zhang Su said.

"What's more important is to rescue the witches who are under the influence of the Fujikawa-gumi's power. Many people are sinking in the dark zone, and the crime rate is rising. Only by defeating the solid dark zone forces can we regain control of the witches in the underground world." Kazama Yihuai said.

Zhang Su understood.

The Witch Countermeasures Bureau also wants to enter the Dark Zone, and this operation may be the beginning of a series of ambitious plans.

It was an instant hit.

Kazama Yoshihuai had planned to storm the Naking Snake Commercial Building before. Based on the current intelligence and layout, the chance of winning was very high, enough to solve all the troubles in one go and shock the entire New Tokyo.

Secret agents of the Metropolitan Police Department, special police officers, and special operations teams of the Human Defense Force were all mobilized to temporarily set up a joint combat unit. Coordinated by Kazama Yoshihuai, they were quickly in place and even had heavy firepower.

Zhang Su discussed logistics, emergency strategies and backup plans with him.

After talking for a while, Zhang Su felt confident.

Kazama Yoshihuai will handle tactical details meticulously, which is his strength.

Zhang Su only needs to be responsible for entering the battle at the right time, saving the time of planning.

"...Then, let's act like this." Zhang Su nodded.

"I will follow up all night. Goodbye." Kazama Yihuai ended the communication.

Zhang Su took a deep breath.

All plans are in motion.

After tonight's battle, no matter the outcome, Ming She Commercial Building will turn into a burning ruin.

He looked out at the scenery of New Tokyo and fell into deep thought.

In his previous life, Chiyo Fujikawa had actually died long ago at this point. He was found dead on the street less than three days after being released from prison. His death was miserable.

It's not like what it is now. I've been given a second chance and am expected to regain control of the Fujikawa Group.

If he can change the fate of Fujikawa Chiyo, Zhang Su may be able to change more things, change his own destiny, control his own power, protect Anxin, and even fulfill his previous promises.

Interfering with Edith's fate.

Ming She Commercial Building.

The entire building was originally a shopping mall and office building, but now it is the headquarters of the Fujikawa Group.

Koike Taishi entered Fujikawa Saburo's inner chamber under the leadership of several "Gluttonians".

Each of these gluttons is strong and powerful, like an iron tower, with extremely strong muscles swelling on their bodies. Many of them were originally mediocre in physique, but now they have become living monsters that make people look up to them.

They looked at Koike Taishi as if they were looking at food, which made his hair stand on end.

The laughter, shouts, and music grew louder and louder as they got closer to Saburo's room.

Koike Taishi took a deep breath and stepped in.

The mixed smell of perfume, spirits, cigars and secretions made him dizzy. The room was filled with deep red velvet and expensive gold jewelry.

Saburo Fujikawa sat in the middle, with four girls kneeling down towards him from four directions. His expression was particularly leisurely, his wrinkles had faded, and his eyes were shrewd.

"Chiyo Fujikawa will be sent here in a few hours." Koike Taishi explained.

Fujikawa Saburo looked at Koike Taishi's uneasy eyes and let out a harsh laugh.

"She didn't suspect you," he said.

"No." Koike Taishi shook his head and suppressed his trembling.

Two strong gluttons presented freshly cut pieces of meat to Saburo Fujikawa, who gorged himself on them.

Saburo Fujikawa now has eight legs.

Muscular limbs grew symmetrically from under his torso, each one like a miracle. The rich nerve plexus made his waist swollen, covered with blue and purple blood vessels, and the hip bones were overdeveloped, balancing the fabric of these legs. List.

"It's scary at first, but soon you'll feel beautiful." Fujikawa Saburo noticed Koike Yasashi's fear.

"...Yes." Koike Taishi looked at him in awe.

The new growth has a bright red skin, like the highest quality cuts of beef, and seems to have new blood flowing through it.

"Is there any other news?" Saburo Fujikawa asked.

"The White Road people interfered, and Fujikawa Chiyo hugged a big tree, maybe from the Metropolitan Police Department." Koike Taishi said.

"The Metropolitan Police Department...!" Saburo Fujikawa laughed, and everyone else was also happy, "The Metropolitan Police Department...! They will tremble when they see us, and they will inform us before taking action, and Fujikawa Chiyo actually thinks they can be of use!”

But what if it is a higher-level intervention...such as the National Defense Force, the Human Defense Plan... Koike Yasushi thought, but did not say it.

This place made him feel so uncomfortable. If the former leader Yuichi Fujikawa was still here, the Fujikawa group would never have become so scary.

"Do we really want to eat Fujikawa Chiyo?" Koike Yasashi confirmed.

"Yes, let every member of the Fujikawa group join us and become a bond, a whole, we can hold such a feast. I taste the carefully sliced ​​white brain, you will devour the crystal muscles, and her skin will make We are forever young, the blood fills each of our cups, she is a witch, that's what matters most, we share immortality from the blood, taste the divine in sin. This is even better than the meal I arranged before, look Well, she will walk in by herself soon, and she will be beautiful and delicious." Saburo Fujikawa said softly.

Koike Taishi saw that his appearance was getting younger and younger, almost coquettish.

"Yes." Koike Taishi bowed again and left.

At the door, he saw the exhausted Meidaizi, the adopted daughter of Saburo Fujikawa.

"Are you okay?" Koike Taishi asked.

"Yes." Mei Daizi was almost speechless. She nodded slightly, her eyes wide open, looking terrified.

As the closest relative to Saburo Fujikawa, Mei Daiko must have witnessed all the changes in Saburo Fujikawa with her own eyes. This idea made Yasushi Koike uneasy.

"It will be over soon." Koike Taishi said to himself.

He bid farewell to everyone, left the Naking Snake Commercial Building, and prepared to go to the predetermined place to invite Fujikawa Chiyo here for tonight's banquet.

Then everyone can eat.

Dusk, Ming Snake Commercial Building.

Fujikawa Chiyo lowered her head, walked through the gate, and followed several Fujikawa team members.

Is security focused internally? There are so many luxury cars around, and there are so many people coming to Uncle Saburo's banquet.

People from the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce must have arrived. Fujikawa Chiyo turned around and saw multiple luxury cars side by side.

They all have close ties with foreign countries, especially North American and European capitals. Hideyuki's second son Aninin Kyoji owns one of the four limited edition Maybachs in the world, and she recognized it. An Anyuan's family participated in this banquet, and they must have their own demands.


"That rascal……"

"Isn't that...isn't that...Miss Fujikawa Chiyo!"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense..." The surrounding Fujikawa team members accidentally saw Fujikawa Chiyo and were immediately shocked.

She was originally the heir until Saburo Fujikawa framed her and then took power before she came back.

Now Chiyo is caught! Still by the hall leader Koike Taishi!

People were buzzing and talking, and many people came out to watch how Chiyo Fujikawa walked, crossed the road, and entered the main entrance. The interior was furnished like a restaurant. She was not a diner, but food.

Fujikawa Chiyo walked forward with her head held high. She had a slender figure and a strong body. She was only wrapped in a ceremonial robe, and her sleeves were rolled up. The dragon's tail was clearly visible.

All the members of the Fujikawa group have dragon tattoos on their bodies, but only Fujikawa Chiyo has a big black dragon tattooed with its head and claws all over! That is the privilege of being a descendant of the Fujikawa family!

Saburo Fujikawa originally had a complete dragon tattoo on his body, but it was severed when his legs were chopped off.

The new flesh grew like ruby, but it didn't have the Fujikawa family's dragon tattoo.

Seeing Fujikawa Chiyo entering unarmed from the monitor at the door, Fujikawa Saburo couldn't help but feel hungry.

Brother Xiong's daughter is really... beautiful and fragrant.

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