Witch containment diary

Chapter 165 At the flesh-eating banquet

"Father...it turns out that you have always been..." Anxin Yuanlong put his hands on his knees, looking surprised.

No wonder Sister Renwu has always been afraid of Masako Asami, hating her for being very cold. What temperature would such a monster have?

And his father still stayed with her day and night, sleeping on gold. It seems wealth can really replace credibility.

Seeing the glittering golden light in my eyes, there was no place in my body where my blood was not boiling.

"I...I have to go." Ansuin Kyouji stood up and walked out, but was so frightened that he returned to his seat.

The three entrances and exits on the back and side of the banquet have all turned into scarlet sphincter muscles that are constantly expanding and contracting, and blood is flowing on the ground!

The box in Masako Asami's torso continues to open.

A fountain made of precious gems and gold coins gushed out like a waterfall. People screamed in amazement. The flood of sparkling gold and silk flooded the floor. Just a handful of it can make people have enough food and clothing!

"Ah ha ha!"

"Get rich...!"

"These are all real gold! Jewelry... necklace! Jade!" They were amazed and happy, pushing each other.

The air in the room was originally thick and turbid, like a floating sea of ​​blood, but now it is stained with radiance and gold.

Fujikawa Saburo was intoxicated by this scene.

He bent down, picked up pieces of green jade and hung them on his body.

Their jade surfaces are extremely waxy, thick, and green-grey in texture. Each piece of jade is worth more than 40 million yen, which is equivalent to the money an ordinary person can earn in a lifetime.

"Now, our two families can really continue to trade. As long as we share the meat, we can survive forever." Fujikawa Saburo looked at Ansinin Hideyuki.

"Dinner..." Ansuan Hideyuki has also heard of it.

The flesh demon Carmen will perform the ritual generously, and those attending the banquet will become youthful and energetic.

He had lived for 65 years and his muscles and bones were exhausted.

And he still remembers how wonderful it is to be young, with endless strength and unlimited spirit, and there is no pain even if you stay up late.

Now, it's time to prepare the main meal.

"...Today is Meidaizi's birthday. You haven't congratulated Meidaizi on her birthday yet, Yuichi's daughter." Saburo Fujikawa looked at Chiyo.

"Happy birthday, Meidaizi." Chiyo Fujikawa raised her glass.

She believed her face must have looked extremely pale.

"Thank you." Mei Daizi smiled.

"Happy birthday." Saburo Fujikawa smiled dotingly at Meidaizi, "I hope you have enjoyed the entertainment activities so far. Celebrating holidays is important for children, but the main course is coming soon."

main course? Fujikawa Chiyo was stunned.

"main course!"

"main course!"

"Entree!" the gang members yelled.

"Eat him." Fujikawa Saburo pointed at Koike Taishi.

Several shirtless team members rushed over immediately.

Koike Taishi's expression suddenly changed.

"I will never bow to you again! Brothers of the Fujikawa Group, this old man will bury us all sooner or later! Look at the demons around him, they will ride on our heads in the future, all for the sake of achieving the success of Saburo. This guy’s ambition...!" Koike Taishi yelled.

Fujikawa Saburo smiled ferociously.

The hall masters around the table all looked calm, presumably they had passed away before the banquet.

"What a shame." He gestured, and a shirtless Fujikawa member holding a samurai sword stepped forward to act as the executioner.

Fujikawa Chiyo's breath was stagnant, Saburo would kill Koike Taishi in front of her!

She felt Saburo Fujikawa glance at her.

He looks amiable, like a kind old man, but his eyes look like the cruelest monster.

"...The daughter of Yuichi-nii," Saburo Fujikawa said kindly. "This useless dog Koike Yasushi betrayed our Fujikawa group. I have never had any sympathy for such a person. He dared to betray you and put you to death." It’s really despicable that you serve him as the main dish at our banquet. I will torture him to death and let everyone see the fate of the traitor and let him serve as the main dish!”

The leader of the Fujikawa group, Wakatou, younger brother, and team members are all looking at Fujikawa Chiyo.

They are either attracted by flesh and blood, or fascinated by gold and silk, and their postures are almost crazy!

Chiyo Fujikawa held the knife tightly.

"You bastard!" Yasashi Koike yelled at Saburo Fujikawa, "If you dare, let me chop you!"

"Hee, hee—" Saburo Fujikawa sneered.

The executioner holding the knife grabbed Yasushi Koike's right arm and lifted it up.

Everyone else looked at this scene with joy on their faces.


Fujikawa Chiyo rushed out with a knife and slashed at the executioner. With one strike, many of the man's fingers were cut off.

The executioner's face immediately turned blood red, his eyes were about to burst, and blood spurted from the broken part of his palm.

"You bastard—Chiyo Fujikawa—I'll kill you!" the executioner roared at the top of his lungs.

"Hee... hee..." Saburo Fujikawa took a sip of wine with satisfaction.

"Thank you!" Koike Taishi survived, breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated behind Fujikawa Chiyo.

"Again, come again. Chiyo! You seem to want to kill people today! Keep killing!" Fujikawa Saburo said, and other Fujikawa Hall masters also shouted loudly.

The executioner stabbed Fujikawa Chiyo with a knife.

Accelerate the seven-character slash!

Chiyo Fujikawa slashed down with a faster speed, and the blade passed the man's thigh.

Tsk - He immediately lost his balance, sat on the ground, and lowered his head.

Anger boiled in Fujikawa Chiyo's veins.

Saburo Fujikawa and Masako Asami were both grinning, especially Masako Asami, whose smile split from her deformed face.

I can't bear it anymore!

Why are there so many demons!

Fujikawa Chiyo suddenly stood up, the magic power of electricity was running rapidly in her body, and the magnetic field was pushing it, bursting out with infinite power, instantly lifting and overturning the entire dining table!

Get out of here all!

The lamps, meat dishes, plates, wine bottles, and chopsticks on the table all flew out in all directions. A powerful lightning flashed in all directions, instantly repelling the Fujikawa team members!

Smash this despicable and bloody party!

The masters of the Fujikawa Hall were covered in blood and meat, while Hideyuki Aninin and the others were also covered in wine and blood.

Everyone was shocked!

"You guy..."

"Chiyo Fujikawa!"

"you dare!"

Everyone in the room immediately stared at her.

Fujikawa Chiyo showed no fear and pointed the knife at the diners.

"When did the Fujikawa group degenerate to the point of colluding with the devil!" Fujikawa Chiyo asked sharply.

The boiling and filthy situation was immediately suppressed by Fujikawa Chiyo's angry shout!

"Flesh and blood will bring us great strength." Fujikawa Saburo pointed to his strong limbs.

He's getting used to the extra limbs, and his body is big and strong!

"Power?" Fujikawa Chiyo spat at the flesh on the ground, "This is not strength, but madness, and shame! The ancestral motto of the Fujikawa family is honor and righteousness! Even if you are killed by the enemy, it is not a disgrace to your reputation, but I What do you see: a feast of cannibalism, fighting with teeth instead of blades, you are cowards! Cowards!"

Around her, the expressions of middle- and senior-level cadres such as Master Fujikawa and Wakatou changed slightly.

At this moment, they more or less had a vision of the scene when Fujikawa Yuichi was still alive, which also shocked the entire Fujikawa group.

"Don't destroy our precious opportunity with your rudeness. We have spent a lot of effort to achieve cooperation with the devil. Let Mr. Ansuin Hideyuki express his opinions and talk about his feelings about cooperating with the devil." Saburo Fujikawa raised his hand.

"Ansuin Hideyuki! Do you remember what I told you?" Fujikawa Chiyo yelled.

"You...do I know you?" Ansuin Hideyuki was confused.

"Half a year ago, when I was imprisoned in Anxinyuan, you once tried to contact Lianwu... and got a lot of high-spirited responses. It wasn't Lianwu who was replying to you, it was me who was replying to you! Because she doesn't like to talk, so Let me do it for you. You are a good father and a good person in my eyes. It is a precious opportunity for me, so I hope that you will find your way back at this time!" Fujikawa Chiyo said loudly.

Ansuan Xiuxing was shocked, his head buzzed as if he had been struck by lightning!

It turned out that it was Fujikawa Chiyo who contacted him to send the message!

Fujikawa Saburo frowned, when did this happen? He has never heard of it.

However, the tide did begin to turn.

"Yes - I remember, it turned out to be you... I felt that if it was Renwu, it would be impossible for him to send me so many messages. Thank you, Chiyo, you are a good and ambitious daughter." Ansinin Hideyuki stood with gritted teeth. Get up, "Let's go."

"Let's go!" An Yinlong Yi struggled to stand up.

"Let's go home and find Sister Renwu..." Ansuin Kyoji also stood up in fear, feeling like he wanted to cry.

"It is not a good character to betray one's trust at an ally's banquet." Masako Asami said quietly.

"I regret it, I regret it." Ansuin Hideyuki said painfully. Masako Asami sighed in boredom and disappointment.

"Today's banquet is destined to not last long, Saburo." Fujikawa Chiyo said loudly.

This answer obviously dissatisfied Fujikawa Saburo. He made a gesture and Meidaizi whistled.

"Protect Master Saburo!"


"Come here quickly!" Fujikawa's team members shouted sharply, causing chaos on the scene.

The surrounding shoji doors and grating walls were broken through one after another, and the flesh and blood shattered under the impact of guns and samurai swords.

Rows of gun-wielding members in suits appeared, like four identical human walls, raising their pistols and aiming at Chiyo Fujikawa.

"Who are you looking down on, bastard!"

"Looking for death, you bastard!"

"What a disgusting bastard!" they shouted in unison, and the elite members of the Fujikawa-gumi gang gathered together!

There were at least several hundred people - too many to count. Fujikawa Chiyo looked around.

"Do you really think you can deal with me? Brother Xiong's daughter?" Fujikawa Saburo stood with eight feet on the pile of money, hugging his adopted daughter Mei Daizi, his posture was intimate, more like a lover.

"You..." Chiyo Fujikawa clenched the katana in her hand, and the surface of her skin crackled like lightning.

"Do you think you can fool me on my territory? No matter what you try to do, it will be in vain." Fujikawa Saburo laughed.

"...You guy!" Fujikawa Chiyo's anger surged.

"I hate it! Why is the team leader decided based on blood rather than talent?" Saburo Fujikawa sneered, "With your stupidity, you will never be worthy of leading the Fujikawa Team."

"You-" Chiyo Fujikawa was about to say something when she felt a chill in her vest.

"I'm sorry!" A knife stabbed Fujikawa Chiyo from behind.

She turned her head and saw Koike Taishi holding the handle of the knife with a calm expression.


"Miss Chiyo is in danger!"

"For Lord Yuichi!"

"Support Miss Chiyo!"

"Fight with Saburo!" A few people shouted with eyes splitting from their eyes.

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