Witch containment diary

Chapter 166 Planned Invasion

After several gunshots, the team member behind Chiyo Fujikawa who tried to help was shot dead.

In the corridor outside, louder chopping sounds were heard. The loyal brothers who wanted to support Fujikawa Chiyo were executed one after another, and were attacked to death without a chance to fight back!

Koike Taishi drew his sword.

Fujikawa Chiyo felt part of herself being pulled out of her body.

He grabbed Fujikawa Chiyo's hair, lifted her head up to reveal her neck, and aimed the tip of the knife at his throat.

Chiyo Fujikawa looked at Saburo Fujikawa with contempt.

"Beast! Kill me!" She stared wide-eyed and cursed sternly. Even though her body was covered in scars and blood was flowing, her attitude remained resolute.

"Huh..." Ansuin Hideyuki tried to step forward to protect Fujikawa Chiyo, but everything was too difficult for him, an old man.

"Father, please leave." An Yin Long Yi took out the pistol from his arms and supported the aging Hideyuki.

"Hurry up! The good times are outside, not here..." Ansuin Kyouji hesitated for a moment, and then took out a light pistol in an attempt to defend himself.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion not far away, and the ground shook.

People were troubled. It was not their gunfire. Attack?

As more gunfire rang out, Saburo Fujikawa's expression changed from mocking to wary.

"The Metropolitan Police Department... no, it's the army! Get ready to fight!" He could distinguish the sound of large-caliber urban warfare artillery, which was once used to suppress the violent demons on the ground, but now it was aimed at the Snake Shopping Mall.

Swish - the smoke bomb is thrown into the center, and the thick smoke is billowing, blocking the line of sight.

Fujikawa Chiyo coughed loudly, feeling severe pain all over his body, and staggered to find a way out in the darkness.

Shui Li suddenly appeared!

He rushed to Fujikawa Chiyo with the Shadow Sword.

"Chiyo, it's time to go." Shuili supported Chiyo Fujikawa with one hand and knocked back Taishi Koike next to him with a knife. Taishi Koike screamed.

"Shui Li...!" Fujikawa Chiyo was relieved. Ninja…

Shui Li nodded lightly, her expression unclear due to the mask she was wearing.

She jumped up, carried Chiyo Fujikawa onto the beam of the hall, and then waited for an opportunity to retreat to the corridor next to her.

"Fire!" The suit team members opened fire wildly. Enemies were still coming, and bullets were flying everywhere.

"A lot of people...a lot of demons...we must remind others...this is a big demon cave..." Fujikawa Chiyo mobilized her magic power to try to stop the bleeding.

"We will fight together." Shui Li and Fujikawa Chiyo back to back.

"Well..." Fujikawa Chiyo raised her head, and the battle outside was still fierce.

Is it true that a large army is coming? The power from the military is particularly explosive!

The members of the Fujikawa group no longer care about the banquet. Now it is obvious that the official people are trying to close the net and attack them. They must fight hard to protect themselves.

The sounds of submachine gun fire, shouts, death cries and explosions were heard all the time.

And Shui Li felt that Fujikawa Chiyo's breath was weak.

When she turned around and looked, she saw a huge stab wound on her body, which had been stabbed from behind by Koike Taishi. At this time, it had burst and blood was gushing out.

"Chiyo! Blood!" Shui Li gritted his teeth.

"Saburo and I died on the same day. In this case, the future of the Fujikawa group...Mizuri..." Fujikawa Chiyo smiled helplessly.

She leaned back and fell, having lived so long that she had exceeded the limits of her own abilities and destiny.

Mizuri lifted Fujikawa Chiyo up and tried to get through the chaos in front of her. Just like playing ninja games when I was a kid, I have to carry Chiyo to a safe place. she said to herself. The black scarf was wet, not sure if it was blood or tears.

It's raining heavily in old Tokyo.

"Operation 'Thunder in the Night' has begun. Prepare to clear out the demons and rescue the civilians." The secret order was issued, and the attack and defense around the Ming Snake Commercial Building began.

A nearby four-story self-built residential building was requisitioned by Kazama Yoshihuai as a temporary command post.

Zhang Su, Lian Wu and several police detectives were in place.

According to the archives, the building was uninhabited, but the management of old Tokyo was in disarray. It was only after Kazama Yoshikaei arrived that he discovered that a large family member had illegally stolen property.

There were 2 men, 1 woman, and 4 children. When they saw these people suddenly breaking in, they were shocked and trembling, thinking that their lives would be lost!

However, Kazama Yoshihuai only temporarily invited them upstairs, freeing up one floor to serve as a command post, and gave them more than 40,000 yen to compensate for the disturbance.

Zhang Su watched the staff of the Metropolitan Police Department move in the temporary recorders and monitors.

The spies of the Solo faction have sneaked into the Ming She Commercial Building and are transmitting video signals to the outside world in real time. It can be seen that it is quite chaotic inside.

The rain was pouring outside the window, and the sounds of quiet conversations and TV watching could be heard from upstairs.

Kazama Yihuai and Shang Shuqin stared at the screen and implemented the plan.

"This joint operation spans multiple units, including 10 action teams of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, a standard urban combat battalion of the National Defense Force, a rapid response special operations company, and 160 agents of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau. I am fully responsible for this operation There are three principles for combat: eliminate all evil; do not harm civilians; and avoid the expansion of the battle." Kazama Yoshihuai said briefly.

Zhang Su heard the sound of armored vehicles, signal listening vehicles and drones starting up in the rain outside.

Everything is being arranged quietly to strangle Saburo Fujikawa.

The thrill before the battle gave him a feeling of anticipation.

Shang Shuqin modeled the combat plan. She skillfully designed the plan, and AI generated the corresponding combat sandbox model to deduce the combat results.

"The Ming She Commercial Building is located on a large east-west road. It illegally built courtyards, ponds, corridors, etc., and used the public blocks as private gardens. We first cut off water, electricity and communications, and then the main force launched attacks from two directions to induce The enemy goes out to reinforce from the building, and then uses drones to strike in the air to accurately eliminate the target." Shang Shuqin reported the plan.

Both police inspectors and SADF officers began to deploy quickly.

"...The offensive is fierce, they...will hide." Lian Wu said to himself.

"What did you say?" Fengjian Yihuai glanced at Lianwu.

"!" Lian Wu was startled, hid behind Zhang Su, and patted his back gently.

"...If we fight too fiercely, the enemy will huddle in the building and defend the house, which will prolong the battle." Zhang Su conveyed Lian Wu's opinion.

"Then in your opinion, how should we fight this battle?" Fengjian Yihuai frowned.

Lianwu hid where others couldn't see her, thought for a while, and then quietly expressed her thoughts to Zhang Su.

"...The most effective method is to decapitate, because the Fujikawa-gumi's organization is top-down, with very strict levels and disciplines. It is very efficient when the organization is complete, but once Saburo Fujikawa is killed, or senior members among them encounter... If attacked, the vast majority of lower-level members will fall into chaos and have no ability to act independently." Zhang Su said.

"Then, I need someone to penetrate the Fujikawa group's defense line and threaten Saburo Fujikawa himself. As for the candidate..." Kazama Yihuai and Zhang Su looked at each other, and Zhang Su nodded imperceptibly, "...Since someone has volunteered, then... No problem."

Shang Shuqin remodeled the model and found that the AI ​​analysis's rating of victory in the battle has improved a lot, and the casualties of friendly forces have also been greatly reduced. If the fight is good, it can even achieve zero casualties!

She couldn't help but refresh her impressions of Lian Wu and Zhang Su. Lian Wu seemed to have a particularly good mind and was very smart.

"As a result, the plan has changed slightly. We will conduct feint attacks from the east and west directions, and then attract the opponent's attention. We will wait until the enemy's command center is destroyed before launching a general attack." Shang Shuqin nodded vigorously.

All members began to take action, preparing to wipe out the Fujikawa group's base camp and destroy the criminal group headed by Fujikawa Saburo in one fell swoop.

"The attack on Naruji Commercial Building will affect the safety of Ansin Hideyuki, Ryuichi, Kyoji and the other three, right? Aren't you worried about Miss Renwu?" Kazama Yihuai turned to look at Renwu.

Lian Wu patted Zhang Su gently.

"Only if we fight quickly can they have the greatest chance of survival." Zhang Su said.

Their cooperation will come in handy in the future. Zhang Su is brave and brave, but lacks restraint and has no sense of details. Lian Wu is as careful as her hair and considerate. Kazama Yi said with heart. Then his eyes returned to the screen.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu came to the house. He picked up the black box and prepared to fight.

"Miss Lianwu, I'm going to take part in the operation." Zhang Su was about to leave.

"Yeah!" Lian Wu gave Zhang Su a thumbs up.

After watching Zhang Su leave and disappear into the rainy night, she looked up at the moonlight.

She also wanted to follow him, stepping into the moonlight, and huge curved horns sprouted from the top of her head.

The "Black Beast" is already in place.

Zhang Su checked the surrounding situation from the display panel of the helmet.

The attack was quite violent. Regular troops such as the Metropolitan Police Department and the National Defense Force launched an attack from the front. Heavy weapons were also mobilized, and several artillery pieces were used to shoot at the doors and walls.

Under the bombardment of real military weapons, civilian protective facilities were severely damaged.

However, according to the battle plan, this was just a false attack.

The members of the Fujikawa group were shocked at first, but then they felt that the offensive was not strong, so they became arrogant and tried to fight back.


"The enemy is coming!"

"I can still hold on!"

"Make them look good! Bastards!" Fujikawa team members showed off their power and rushed out from all over the building, preparing to fight back.

He soon heard the sound of fierce fighting on the other side of the mansion wall, and the flash of gunfire illuminated half of the night sky.

Zhang Su moves his fists, and the matte paint of the black armor blends into the ambient shadow. The polymer padding inside the armor is close to the skin, giving it a soft touch.

Zhang Su jumped violently from behind, his feet stepped on the wet ground, making a heavy impact, and quickly jumped off the ground, flying extremely high, all the way over the wall.

Violently invaded the Ming She Commercial Building and crashed into the central banquet hall!

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