Witch containment diary

Chapter 167 The Form of the Slayer

"Hey hey——"

"You guy..."

"Is it a monster?"

"Don't underestimate us, you bastards!" Fujikawa team members were on guard in the backyard. When they saw Zhang Su breaking in, they were furious!

Zhang Su gathered his energy and sprinted again, crossing a distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

In their eyes, in just an instant, the armored black monster had already broken into their side!

He grabbed the throat of the nearest person without hesitation. The Fujikawa team member's throat was clenched with metal gloves, and his entire face immediately became panicked.

Zhang Su lifted him up high, and he kicked with both feet desperately, but was unable to break free. He could only watch as he fell into Zhang Su's hands.

"Wow -" he screamed and was thrown into the crowd by Zhang Su.

"Get out of the way!" Several members of Fujikawa's team quickly retreated, letting the unfortunate guy slam into the ground and bounce like a pillow, all the muscles in his body were broken.

Zhang Su grabbed another Fujikawa member and smashed him to the ground.


With one blow, a pit instantly appeared on the ground, and the upper half of Fujikawa's team member's body was smashed into a pulp!

[Health is accumulating, continue killing to release the full power of the armor]

Zhang Su saw a line of prompts flashing on the helmet panel, indicating that the armor was being activated to enter a higher stage.

"How could it be possible?" When they saw their companions being killed in such an explosion, many of them went blank.

"too fast!"

"Fire!" They quickly counterattacked. The bullets hit Zhang Su's armor, but bounced off the metal shell. Zhang Su also used his own inner energy to partially attach them to the armor, greatly strengthening its protective power.


Zhang Su pounced forward, and he crossed the battlefield of dozens of meters in a few steps. The Fujikawa team members blinked and instantly saw Zhang Su appearing in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of devastating blows!

The first punch hit the enemy in front, smashing his head into pieces. The second hit hit the head of a Fujikawa team member, instantly denting his head. The third flying kick was even more fatal. The kick not only broke the opponent's ribs, but the remaining force still stirred up in the opponent's body, causing him to fall limply, like a bloody balloon, completely shattered by the kick!

Zhang Su did it in one go, striking three times in a row, each blow extremely fatal.



"Help—" Fujikawa's team members felt their scalps numb. From the perspective of people in the distance, their comrades were killed instantly. Zhang Su's offensive was extremely terrifying.

"Don't panic!"

"Shoot!" Another group of Fujikawa team members came to support and immediately picked up large and small firearms and opened fire on Zhang Su.

Zhang Su's helmet detected the surrounding battle situation and revealed the opponent's approach in front of him. Multiple heat signals gathered from the east and west wings.

Okay, okay, there are more and more enemies.

He rushed forward wildly, struggled to cross a gurgling fountain, rushed into another group of enemies, grabbed an enemy with one hand, and slammed him to the ground.

"Ah——" The other party screamed miserably, and his head slammed into the ground. In an instant, his skull cracked and his flesh and blood were blurred.

"Drink!" A Fujikawa-gumi ronin brandished a sharp samurai sword and slashed at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su turned sideways, spun around, and then kicked out a high kick!

The speed of a rifle bullet flying through the air is 1000 meters/second.

The speed of Zhang Su's kick reached 40 meters/second, which is one-twenty-fifth of the bullet speed!

Coupled with his mass and explosive muscle power——


Zhang Su hit the opponent's head with a kick, and actually kicked his head away from his neck!

His head flew through the air quickly and disintegrated due to violence in the air. The remaining fragments hit the cement exterior wall of the Ming She Commercial Building behind him and exploded into a cloud of plasma!

Zhang Su rushed forward again, rushing towards other opponents, selecting enemies with many people, grabbing several enemies with each hand, and smashed them into each other, smashing their heads.

Others felt their scalps numb when they saw this, what a pure monster!

In their expectation, people who move so fast are the kind of light and agile ninjas, but the person in front of them is a two-meter-tall strong man with heavy armor and long hands.

What else can stop such a humanoid monster——

"There are so many of us! Kill!" Another member of Fujikawa's team rushed over.

"Death!" Zhang Su shouted loudly, and in the darkness he could only see the shadows of fists hitting him continuously, followed by several screams, and several members of Fujikawa's team were killed on the spot! However, a few bullets hit the surface of the armor, causing only sparks or being pushed away by the flowing air.

These ordinary team members usually fight fiercely on the streets and don't take anyone seriously.

But under Zhang Su's violent attack, he was completely crushed on the physical level!

Every punch and blow has the weight of breaking mountains and rocks. Every attack of Zhang Su is backed by blood, bones or brains. Every blast releases the power to the limit.

After the killing, the environment became much quieter.

...It’s so quiet, I’m not used to it. Zhang Su looked at Huokou. Is that all there is?

When the two or three surviving Fujikawa team members saw this scene, they immediately collapsed to the ground.

wait wait wait……

They came to their senses and were horrified to find that this monster was the only one on the field.

And everyone else was wiped out!

There were more than 40 people stationed here just now, but now there are corpses lying on the ground, motionless.

Zhang Su wandered on the street behind the building, his armor almost all dyed vermilion.

Their bodies were shaking.

How come the group leaders, brothers, and friends who usually drank together, played pinball machines, bragged, and collected debts were now like blades of grass, being easily slaughtered by this black monster?

"Run, run away!"

"Hey, the police, the Metropolitan Police Department? We are from the Fujikawa Group, and we were attacked!" In despair, a survivor begged the New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department for help! The operator was so frightened that he cursed.

"We are not opponents -" They were frightened and retreated quickly.

Word reached the banquet hall.

Fujikawa Saburo was planning to continue the banquet and complete the ceremony when he heard the news that the back side of the building had been forcefully breached.

The armed personnel on the perimeter are completely unable to intercept.

"If he breaks in, we won't survive long. I'm afraid we will all die in a few minutes! All my brothers have been beaten to death!" The scream of the leader of the Fujikawa group came from the communicator.

"Nonsense, is he so strong? Only one person?" Saburo Fujikawa frowned.

"Team leader! Help! Help!" The team leader just cried.

"Sanlang Donor, the young monk is intending to record the data records of the world's powerful people and transmit them to Quantum Bodhisattva. Why don't you send me to knock them down." Fazheluo, the hired protector monk, said.

"Please, please. As long as the master takes action, there will be no worries. If we let him rush down like this, we will have no choice but to escape. Please help me get through this disaster." Saburo Fujikawa's heart moved when he heard this.

Spending a lot of money trying to get in touch with the witches in the spiritual world is useful now.

Saburo knew in his heart that the enemy seemed to be attacking fiercely, but they only needed to survive the twists and turns and stabilize their defense.

The official is afraid of public opinion. It cannot afford to die and it cannot be delayed for long. Sooner or later, peace will have to be negotiated. At that time, Saburo can propose terms at will and turn defeat into victory.

He hurriedly bent his eight legs, kowtowed to the other party, and asked him to take action.

"The poor monk will return as soon as he leaves." Fazheluo then set off to meet the enemy.

Its files contain data on all martial arts and famous warriors in the world. No matter who attacks, they will only be defeated if they encounter it. Unless there are powerful enemies and martial arts that have never appeared in this world.

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