Witch containment diary

Chapter 168 Mechanical Absolute Front

After killing all the enemies in the backyard, Zhang Su jumped onto the tile square at the back door of the Ming Snake Mall.

The building itself is like a crouching black monster, lying in the middle of the block.

Behind the glass door, there were a large number of Fujikawa team members coming to pursue him. He only felt that he had endless strength, endless fighting spirit and soaring blood.

[The temporarily high blood surge will increase the host's power. Even if it is severely injured, it will not retreat. It will fight until the last moment, so please enjoy]

A line of characters was reflected on the panel in front of Zhang Su. He suddenly felt a tingling pain in his waist, and the armor automatically injected him with a treatment needle and X-injection.

The treatment needle greatly stimulates vitality, and the X-injection can temporarily block pain and promote adrenaline secretion. This piece of armor wants Zhang Su to devour everything, urging him to continue killing with arrogance!



Reinforcements arrived, and a new batch of Fujikawa group cadres and newcomers arrived carrying long guns and short cannons, looking at the tragic situation in the backyard with livid faces.

This area was obviously carefully guarded and a large number of people were deployed to guard it, but now it was broken through by the man in front of him alone!

Even official special forces, legendary super soldiers, or witches would be hard-pressed to kill so quickly.

And the people who were killed looked so miserable!

It's like a disaster scene.

The dead people piled up like a mountain in the backyard. Their heads were separated, or they were covered in blood, or their limbs were broken. More of them were beaten into minced meat and blood mist, as if they were exploding from the inside. The smell of blood was extremely strong.

They were so frightened that they didn't even dare to fire, for fear of provoking a powerful enemy.

Zhang Su walked toward them step by step.

"Wait a minute... It seems that the Kirishima Maru was also annihilated by such a monster..."

"I... don't want to die -"

"Brother! Take us to run!"

The Fujikawa team members all retreated and separated to both sides.

A humanoid figure wearing nano monk robes came quickly.

He glanced at the tragic scene in the open space behind Ming She Commercial Building, shook his head, and turned to Zhang Su.

Zhang Su scanned the other party carefully.

[Memory of "Fazheluo": A mechanical monk who has been deeply transformed to collect knowledge and search for true knowledge for the Quantum Bodhisattva in the spiritual world. Every Fazheluo shares a thought and originates from the same superior will. They are a group of unpredictable existences. ]

Fazheluo's skin was gleaming with complex tattoos, his face was stiff, like a solemn monk with his eyes closed and meditating, and his muscles were all taut, and he was no worse than Zhang Su.

Fujikawa Saburo probably spent a lot of money to invite Fazuruo to help.

Zhang Su also dealt with some Fazheluo in his previous life. They just wanted to exhaust the mysteries of the world and dedicate them to Quantum Bodhisattva.

"The donor's murderous karma is not small, and it is harmful to the peace of the world." Fazheluo said, but in fact he kept scanning the black beast armor on Zhang Su's body.

He was overjoyed.

This experimental armor has never been seen before. Undoubtedly, this time it can provide new wisdom to the Quantum Bodhisattva!

His curiosity suddenly became intense, and he wanted to break Zhang Su into pieces, dig out each chip and examine it carefully, take away all the memories, and squeeze out the information inside!

Zhang Sureng looked at Fazheluo, knowing the nature of this mechanical monk.

This bald donkey must be beaten into scrap metal! Zhang Su didn't say a word, just raised his hand.

Fazheluo's head turned at a weird angle, a loud motor buzzed from his body, white heat-dissipating air spurted out from his ears, and then a magnetic levitation ball flew out of his chest.

He assumed an offensive stance, raising his hands slightly forward and moving his steps forward and backward.

"You will learn something new today." Fazheluo said calmly.

Zhang Su tensed his muscles.


He rushed forward quickly, like a red arrow.

As he moved at high speed, blood from other people kept slipping from the edges of his armor, leaving blood stains on the path of his charge.


Zhang Su originally wanted to use the extra attack distance brought by the airflow to kill Fazheluo, but he retreated significantly enough to avoid the attack, predicting the punch with flawless acuity, and even anticipated the punching style of Zhang Su's "flooding air" .

Not a single hit.

Zhang Su punched to the left as a feint, then switched to a flash jab from the right, swinging and swinging at an extremely fast speed.

However, Fazheluo completely saw through Zhang Su's skills, dodged towards Zhang Su's relatively empty left side, and then punched at high speed. The Vajra Iron Fist hit Zhang Su's black armor.

[The outer armor is damaged by 4%, and the intactness remains at 96%]

Zhang Su immediately saw a red warning on the helmet panel, indicating that the armor had been slightly damaged.

How could it be... Zhang Su suddenly didn't intend to take action easily.

Mechanical monk Fazheluo regained his balance, moved his right foot across a semicircle on the ground, assumed a quantum sect martial arts posture, and hooked Zhang Su with his right hand as a provocation.

"The young monk also wants to know more secrets about your armor and you, so use your tricks and let the young monk learn." He said proudly.

Zhang Su rushed forward and unleashed a series of lightning-quick jabs. The punches were so fast that they were invisible. Fazheluo moved his head left and right, which was exactly the pendulum-style dodge in boxing. He dodged Zhang Su's seven punches in a row in one second!

Fazheluo's relatively thin figure dodged at the limit, seemingly about to be defeated by Zhang Su's frantic fists, but in fact he dodged every attack accurately.

Next to them, the Fujikawa group gunmen who were holding guns were stunned.

"Shoot!" a boy yelled.

"...No." The gunman holding the sniper rifle couldn't help but say, "The battle between these two people was too fast, they were like two monsters."

His forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Is this a battle that mortal life can achieve? Every blow exceeded the limit of human nervous reaction. An ordinary person would have been beaten to pieces long ago.

Zhang Su could actually deliver such a critical attack, and Fazhe Luo could actually perform such an incomprehensible dodge... Both sides were extremely weird!

Relatively speaking, mortals like them who stand with guns really cannot get the slightest sense of security from the guns in their hands.

The Fazheluos collected information from all over the world and spent countless hours studying human martial arts. All of Zhang Su's actions were as he expected.

Zhang Su's series of critical attacks continued, his vitality was endless, and the torrent of strong wind ripped through Fazheluo's monk's robe, making it roar.

Fazheluo suddenly made a judgment and swung an anti-horizontal hand knife. He found a gap in Zhang Su's fist, avoided his arm, and hit Zhang Su's faceplate.

Immediately afterwards, he smoothly connected from one action to the next, launched endless counter punches, and then raised his leg to kick Zhang Su.

Kick? Zhang Su immediately raised his knees to defend, but saw Fazheluo change his moves dangerously, turning from a kick to a sweep, hitting Zhang Su's other leg. Severe pain hit Zhang Su, and Zhang Su was immediately kicked and slightly shaken.

Fazheluo seized the opportunity and punched three times in a row, while Zhang Su retreated in time, turning the slight unbalanced movement into a backward jump to increase the distance.

Have you slowed down? There is a problem with the shooting speed. Zhang Su adjusted his breathing.

As this armor continued to bring blood rage, Zhang Su had to stay rational.

Fazheluo followed up simultaneously, and the evil wind sounded from one side. The magnetic levitation power ball Fazheluo released from his chest hit Zhang Su at high speed, cooperating with him like a drone!

On the one hand, Zhang Su had to guard against Fazheluo, and at the same time, he had to raise his right hand to intercept the ball.

Zizzi - I instantly felt a tingling sensation of electricity coming from my right hand. The entire power ball was an electromagnetic trap!

[The outer armor is damaged by 17%, and the intactness remains at 79%]

The right hand part of the armor was temporarily paralyzed. Zhang Su suddenly felt that his right hand became extremely heavy and was far less flexible than other parts.

The defeat caused Zhang Su's mentality to change, and he felt a surge of anger rising in his heart...

——Zhang Su adjusted his breathing in time, and the air flowed through his body again.

This armor weakens rationality and precision and enhances strength and speed.

If it is dominated by the anger brought about by the armor, it will become weak and unable to achieve its maximum effectiveness.

To rely on wisdom and fight with wisdom, Zhang Su forced the armor to obey him.

Fazheluo observed some slight changes in Zhang Su's body and felt that Zhang Su's threat level had increased again.

However, now is the best opportunity for Fazheluo to pursue!

Just when Zhang Su was out of balance, Fazheluo activated his core engine, jumped up with great momentum, locked Zhang Su with his optical sensor, spun sideways in the air, and unleashed a powerful kick in the air!

The modified metal right foot kicked Zhang Su's head like a spear, and the titanium alloy leg was enough to shatter Zhang Su's helmet!

Killing move!

Zhang Su widened his eyesight and carefully figured out the origin of the opponent's martial arts.

Although he is a machine and has no fate line, with the help of the magic power of the treasure, the high-speed movements in his eyes have slowed down!

...can see clearly! Relying on the dynamic vision of the Eye of Insight, Zhang Su was able to catch the opponent's air attack and kick.


Zhang Su quickly stretched out his left hand and grabbed the opponent's kicked foot.

Fazheluo's battle simulator was instantly filled with a terrifying red exclamation mark!

From the place where he was caught, there was a surging force!

This man's strength is so explosive!

"Uh-!" Fazheluo shouted.

His machine tilted greatly, and the mechanical body was instantly unable to control itself and was thrown out!

Fazheluo tried to correct his swinging gyro balance, trying to change his posture in the air, trying to reduce the impact damage.

But Zhang Su's violence penetrated his body, and no parts could be saved!


Fazheluo's body quickly hit the ground, making a terrible metal crunching sound, and the internal parts buzzed and collided.

Zhang Su took the opportunity to pounce on the magnetic levitation power ball that had been shot suddenly before, and smashed it into pieces to prevent it from hitting him again in the melee.

The armor was consuming the saved nanobots and was repaired again. Zhang Su took advantage of the situation and took a breath.

[Armor integrity restored to 100%]

Fazheluo got up and regained his posture.

The gang members on both sides became more and more aware that they were not qualified to intervene in such a battle, so they stood in silence with their hands behind their backs and did not intervene.

"The donor has done a good job." Fazheluo recognized Zhang Su, "However, the young monk has been blessed by Quantum Bodhisattva and will not fall easily!"

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