Witch containment diary

Chapter 169 Another group of beautiful spirits and demons

Fazheluo's counterattack was very fast. He immediately punched and attacked Zhang Su fiercely. His iron hands were like pincers. He opened his bow from left to right and hit Zhang Su on the head.

Such strong endurance, are all the robots made by Quantum Bodhisattva so strong? Zhang Su thought of the Steel Knight he had fought before.

Bang bang—bang bang—Zhang Su parried in a series, and every time he blocked, Fazheluo's power was dissolved.

During the battle against Zheluo, Zhang Su's threat level was constantly raised.

He didn't know Zhang Su, so he could only label him as a "black monster". Due to the heavy beating before, he had to use his computing power to assess the damage during the battle.

As the data was listed line by line, Fazheluo realized that there was no critical damage enough to paralyze the operation, but he could not withstand more beatings and had to end it all as soon as possible.

Zhang Su's boxing skills are mainly Sanda and mixed martial arts, and every move is very fierce.

Fazheluo kicked Zhang Su. He realized that Zhang Su cherished his armor and would not resist easily. As expected, Zhang Su retreated to distance himself.

Immediately afterwards, Fazheluo immediately followed up with a kick, changing his pace quickly, and it was a line-changing kick! The fierce mechanical kick was like a poisonous snake, piercing Zhang Su's heart!

Zhang Su's sharp eyesight allowed him to zoom in on Fazheluo's attack line and predict the results of his various reactions.

He immediately pulled his body diagonally, fell backwards, and lay down as if he had been kicked down. But at the same time, he supported the ground with both hands, ready to go. While avoiding the line-changing kick, he stood up and kicked out!

Fazheluo saw that his kick was empty and Zhang Su fell backwards, so he couldn't help but start to calculate.

[Large archive verification completed, no completely matching moves]

An unfamiliar technique, like some kind of dance...! Combining several techniques, it has become this person's unique skill——

Back to the days!

The air flow penetrated Zhang Su's whole body and gathered on one foot. This kick hit Fazheluo's waist and abdomen, and only heard a loud tearing sound. Fazheluo's torso was instantly kicked, and metal parts exploded all over the ground. !

Fazheluo was brutally crushed and completely shattered by this kick!

He used his arms to support his damaged upper body. The parts inside his body were buzzing, and blood and engine oil were mixed with each other. The mechanical monk was still partly human.

Fazheluo lowered his head and suffered shocking damage from the ribs down. There were significant kick marks up to half a meter wide on the body. The aluminum alloy shell was severely deformed, the metal plate was bent and folded, and the coaxial cable was completely torn.

Sensor arrays such as infrared cameras, lidar, and optical units were kicked to pieces...the support structure and connecting rod components were also destroyed.


He recalled Zhang Su's bounce kick just now and found that this stunt was a unique combination of muscles, skills, technology and breathing.

Fazheluo had to admit that Zhang Su's power was far superior to everyone in the field, and he could be said to have stood at the pinnacle of mortal force.

"The mechanical monk was defeated!"

"It's a master, retreat quickly!" Seeing that Fazheluo was defeated, the gang members nearby retreated and fled!

Calm returned to the venue.

"All Fazheluo share the same mind, is that true?" Zhang Su stepped forward to interrogate.

"In the future, donors will find me in other places, and we will collect wisdom for Quantum Bodhisattva. Therefore, donors cannot kill me, otherwise they will be hunted by countless Fazheluo, and Quantum Bodhisattva will also be resentful." Fazheluo murmured.

"Ask Quantum Bodhisattva to come to me. I specialize in treating witches." Zhang Su said.

"Are you really not afraid?" Fazheluo said angrily.

Zhang Su knew the method. He raised two fingertips together and accurately poked into the nerve plexus of Fazhe Luo's shoulder and neck, which is where the human body and mechanical transformation are combined.

Fazheluo was not too surprised at first. It was only now, when Zhang Su inserted his fingers into his only vital part, that he felt the shock throughout his body!

"You, how do you know this life gate? This is our Fazheluo's secret -" Fazheluo stared at the black beast armor.

Zhang Su remained silent.

Then, Fazheluo's originally stiff face suddenly became extremely surprised, and he refused to close his eyes!

"——I'm not the first Fazheluo you've killed!" he shouted.

"You guessed it right." Zhang Su cut off the circuit.

Fazheluo was completely shocked, and the system stopped functioning. It convulsed, then collapsed and lost the ability to move.

[Available combat chip detected, please obtain it from the Mechanical Monk]

A new prompt appears on the helmet.

This armor can recover intelligence from mechanical enemies.

Rather than leaving it here, it is better to gain wisdom from its wreckage. Although it is one of many Fazheluo, there are also files worth downloading.

Zhang Su squatted down to investigate carefully, opened Fazheluo's head, and rescued intact parts and electronic chips. When he took out Fazheluo's combat chip, the last light in the body disappeared.

Zhang Su plugged the hardware into the interface on his hand, and combat knowledge was extracted and integrated into the armor's machine learning system.


[Reading completed]

A large amount of analytical data suddenly appeared in Zhang Su's sight. After the armor passed the records, it could distinguish high-quality combat intelligence and learn to use it.

[Learned: Prediction algorithm enhancement]

Prediction algorithm? Is it similar to a read-ahead attack? Zhang Su looked around, and members of the Fujikawa team noticed Zhang Su's gaze and immediately trembled with fear.

Some of them gritted their teeth and held knives in an attempt to defend themselves.

Zhang Su instantly found that his fighting consciousness had strengthened. The slight shift in his center of gravity and the precursors of his movements all foreshadowed the actions they would take next.

Yes, it is the countless martial arts files that Fazheluo downloaded. Now this armor has also learned to absorb them, helping Zhang Su complete higher-level pre-reading.

Now he is almost the same as Fazheluo. As long as the opponent's skills are not novel enough, he will perfectly predict them and resolve them.

This means that ordinary people can no longer pose a threat to Zhang Su!

It was really a good technical technique. Zhang Su took some time to adapt to it, and then stepped over Fazheluo.

The other gang members were frightened.

"It's over...there is Master Saburo's banquet ahead..."

"Oh...I miss mom!"

"Now is the time to say this! It's time to run!"

The huge black armored warrior crossed over Fazheluo's paralyzed body. This scene will become their long-lasting nightmare!

"You go and defend the front, we must retreat to a safer place." Saburo Fujikawa learned that the enemy threatened the banquet hall, and issued the final order, asking the elite to go to the designated location to assist in defense, while he retreated to a safe place.

"Carmen... Lady Carmen... our flesh and blood ancestor... if she is willing to show mercy, we still have a chance to survive. We can't stay here any longer." Fujikawa Saburo led Meidaizi to retreat to the basement.

The bloody smell around him became stronger and stronger, and the structure of the entire building began to change!

Soon, Zhang Su broke into the banquet hall.

The situation here revolted him physically.

The stench hit first, and then the red light spread. The once magnificent hall was now part of a flesh and blood area, with blood smeared on the walls, and viscera and severed bodies piled beside the broken dining table.

Masako Asami sat in the first seat, which was formerly Saburo Fujikawa's seat.

Next to them, a group of beautiful spirits were singing and dancing. Zhang Su didn't see anyone from An Yuan's family.

"Welcome." Masako Asami waved to Zhang Su. She regained her appearance and her face was very beautiful. The beautiful spirit demons behind her were even more beautiful and pleasant in appearance.

"We are here to serve you." Mei Ling Mo said softly.

"?" Zhang Su stared at them.

"'Black Beast', isn't it? We have heard of your reputation and know of your existence. You killed many people on the Kirishima Maru. A strong man like you must need money and beautiful women to accompany you. We heard that you were coming, so we specially wanted to wait for you here." Masako Asami smiled.

She raised her hand, and countless gold ornaments, diamonds, jades and rare gemstones fell down and piled up into a hill.

Around her, beautiful spirits and demons were standing, sitting, or lying, all of them cute and attractive.

"We appreciate you and respect you very much. We are not greedy human beings. We are pure demons and the embodiment of human desire. As long as you sit next to us, have been with us, and accepted our service once, you will It will change your mind. Instead of playing house in the low-end world with vulgar humans, why not go to the outer space with us and enjoy endless money." Masako Asami waved her hand, and a burning contract appeared in the air, waiting for Zhang Su Leave his name behind.

Zhang Su jumped over with a lunge, tightened his right arm, and slammed his huge fist on Masako Asami. The huge force penetrated through the knuckles and hit with the Qi Jin Fist Edge!


Asami Masako's shell shattered instantly, and the shock wave instantly blasted a hole in the place. This extreme violence destroyed her physical existence in an instant, and blasted her soul directly out of the body!

"——?" Masako Asami was speechless. She was killed before she could feel the pain of being beaten, leaving only debris on the ground.

"??" The other beautiful spirit demons were stunned. Why did the good-looking Masako Asami turn into a soul state now? Where have people gone?

Asami Masako's "Treasure Box" also fell to the ground.

"Box - open the box, you will get endless treasures..." Masako Asami's soul gradually dissipated in the air, burned and was exiled back to hell, but her last wish was for Zhang Su to open the treasure box and gain wealth!

Zhang Su's right hand was lucky, and the energy penetrated the meridians and strengthened his muscle strength, which was many times more powerful than his bare hands, and then punched the box.

Break again!


At the time of impact, a large amount of energy roared out.

The treasure chest was broken inch by inch, and all the wealth inside was smashed into dust. All the carvings that produced wealth or delivered materials fell apart, leaving a big waste in place!

"No - no - no -" Masako Asami looked at the destruction of the treasure box ash with grief and anger, "Eighteen hundred years of history... you..."

With her soul destroyed, she was completely exiled and no longer existed in the world.

Zhang Su shook his fist and looked at the beautiful spirit demon next to him.

ah! It turns out to be here!

They are the beautiful spirit demons lurking in New Tokyo mentioned in Illini's information!

Now he is also here to help the subordinates of the Wealth Demon and the Flesh Demon. After all, they are all a group of low-level demons.

They noticed Zhang Su's gaze and couldn't help but hesitate.

Zhang Su grabbed two beautiful spirit demons in each hand and found that they all seemed a little docile.

"Are you just bullying us weak demons like this?" The beautiful spirit demon was grabbed by Zhang Su and looked up at him pitifully.

"Then you all come together, I'll take care of them all!" Zhang Su said.

The beautiful spirit demons looked at each other in fear. There was no way, the beautiful spirit demons could not refuse such an invitation!


"Yeah...what a good man..."

"Let us remove the blood stains and restore your vitality, my lord." The beautiful spirits and demons were all gorgeous, trying their best to surround the ring, hesitating...!

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