Witch containment diary

Chapter 170 The Great Banquet of Beautiful Spirit Demons

Zhang Su kept pushing forward, treating demons as disposable consumables. All these beautiful spirits and demons were his toys.

But because there are so many of them, it’s no less fun.

The beautiful spirit demons are all masters of seducing souls and seizing thoughts, and are born with the ability to control human beings.

But in front of Zhang Su, they had no choice but to succumb to this monster's physique and pitch-black armor!


"So hot!"

"Spare us!"

"Get out of the way, I'm coming too!" The beautiful demons talked all over the place and tried their best.

Wings overlapped and collided, arms pushed each other, some were anxious, some were afraid, and most were waiting expectantly.

Watching the companions who went ahead turn to ashes amid screams of satiety, I imagined what it would be like when it was my turn.

It's like a bizarrely funny death match.

The prize is a few seconds of endless joy followed by a blaze that burns you to death.

"Ouch... so scary!" A beautiful spirit demon with a triangle on its head ran away.

"Want to escape?" Zhang Su reached out to catch her, and pressed the beautiful spirit demon to where she should go. In just a few strokes, the beautiful spirit demon lost its ability to resist.

Some of them were very grateful because this was the task they were born to complete, so many of them spoke softly to Zhang Su and served him attentively.

Zhang Su also learned that these beautiful demons belonged to the nearest great demon territory, the "Phantom City" of Legion Commander Nazmi.

"The immensity, emptiness and violence of hell made some demons tired, so the demon lord Nazmi established Phantom City to silently house books and classics. Ah, it is really boring to the beautiful demons, now we are so violent Mang, you will be sent back to that dead city, but you are already our friend. When you are lucky enough to arrive there in the future, we will be happy to entertain you again, if we can still go back alive..." The most beautiful hair The beautiful spirit demon whispered in Zhang Su's ear.

Then came her sweet, light lips, and she was left with few companions, and she was driven to the fire.

Due to the spread of the breath of flesh and blood and the energy of demons, the entire facade of the Snake Commercial Building began to swell, twist, and deform.

The glass outside the building turned into a film of flesh and blood, with bones covered with muscles protruding from the walls. The Fujikawa team members inside were also overwhelmed by the demonic atmosphere, becoming more and more swollen and ferocious.

Kazama Yihuai came to the scene in the rain to investigate the frontline battle situation.

Beside him, Shang Shuqin held an umbrella in his left hand and picked up a loudspeaker in his right hand.

She shouted to the people inside: "The Ming She Commercial Building has been surrounded. Surrender now! A reduced sentence and a suspended sentence! Those who are willing to put down their weapons and come out will also receive bonuses!"

"Ah! I really want to surrender..."

"It's time to put down your weapons and get out...!"

"It's the power of the true witch, everyone, be careful! Don't be manipulated!"

"Think about what a scum should think, and don't shirk your responsibilities as a bad person!"

"There are too many cops!" The lower-level members of the Fujikawa group hesitated.

"Ah... don't kill me!"

"I surrender!" More people put down their weapons one after another and retreated.

Watching the Ming She Commercial Building being invaded by the power of demons, they were afraid that they would also become irrational monsters.

"Where is Saburo-sama?" Several senior Wakatou asked nervously, but Fujikawa Saburo had obviously escaped. Without Fujikawa Saburo's direct command, they were also hesitating.

Seeing many members of Fujikawa's team trying to surrender, Shang Shuqin was very satisfied.

It seems that someone successfully invaded the banquet hall and killed or drove away Saburo Fujikawa. I don’t know who did it. It really came in handy.

"The battle plan is working! Sure enough, once Saburo Fujikawa is threatened, the people below him will also be shaken." Shang Shuqin chuckled.

"So far, the fighting has been excellent. As long as we advance steadily, the enemy will not be a problem and will eventually be cleared. This is an impeccable act of justice. Everyone who participates in the battle tonight is a hero of this city." Kazama Yihuai nodded.

Finally, the cancer of Saburo Fujikawa must be removed from the ground. Without a bandit leader, people will feel safer.

boom! boom!

The hard-liners of the Fujikawa group resisted and shot those members who tried to surrender, scaring others away from surrendering.

The fleshy walls became more and more solid, and the windows of the commercial building turned into bloody mouths.

"If this continues, the whole building will turn into a pile of carrion." Kazama Yihuai squinted his eyes and observed.


"Somewhat scary..."

"Using human lives to fill the devil's lair? Are there any robots?"

"Are we going to go into a place like this soon?" The human police officers and soldiers were also a little frightened.

At this moment, they all felt that the moonlight was a little dim, and through the heavy rain, a huge creature suddenly entered the battlefield.

Huge leathery wings propelled her heavy frame, smooth scales gleaming against her skin.


The roar of the dragon!


"It's a witch! The situation is favorable to us!"

"Cover the witch!" The morale of the soldiers was greatly boosted! Quickly shoot to suppress the hostile Fujikawa team members.

Katie roared and flew over the side of the Snake Shopping Mall, spitting fire from her bloody mouth, and balls of flames burned the corroded outer walls of the Snake Shopping Mall.

The fierce flames burned the diseased organs and proliferated flesh and blood wrapped around the wall, burning them all and turning them into ashes!

The scorching dragon flames shattered the swollen rotten flesh inch by inch, and continued to burn inwards, burning out all the flammable demon blood along the way, opening up a purified path.


"The demonic corruption was burned-!"

"The members of Fujikawa's team were also repelled... What a good opportunity!" People were excited to see a large number of members of Fujikawa's team who were guarding windowsills, corridors and entrances being killed in the flames!

The demonic flesh and blood tissue that had spread crazily was also burned in the fire.

At this time, the situation suddenly turned crazy towards the besieging party, and the members of Fujikawa's team who were trying to defend felt their morale shaken!

"Roar!" Katie circled the Snake Commercial Building and flew again and again. The soldiers attacking next to her felt extremely excited and happy.

With a dragon supporting them, what enemy can't be defeated?

Kati continued to breathe fire, and the flesh and blood corruption on the surface of the Snake Commercial Building was burned away, which made it easier for the soldiers to accept it.

"Stop everyone!" A loud shout broke the silence.

Several strangely huge monster-like "Gluttonians" of the Fujikawa group appeared, as well as several shirtless and enhanced elite members.

They strode out of the burned-out Ringing Snake Commercial Building, pushing the people behind them forward, making them kneel on the muddy ground after the heavy rain.

"Cease fire." Kazama Yihuai ordered immediately.

Three men kneeled on the muddy ground, guns held above their heads.

An Yin Xiuxing has gray hair and remains stoic. His sons Ryuichi and Kyouji were forced to kneel on the ground. Ryuichi's expression was full of humiliation, and Kyoji was even more frightened.

An Yuan's family was caught!

"I am Shinji Kanda," shouted the Fujikawa group leader, "Give us a suitcase full of 1 billion yen and a shuttle, now! Or we will wipe the floor with their brains!"

"It's difficult to penetrate their hearts." Shang Shuqin tried to use the power of breaking the position. "I can guarantee that half of them will change their minds. The success rate is considerable."

"Prepare magic power." Kazama Yoshihuai whispered, then he stepped forward and shouted to the people inside with a loudspeaker, "Don't act rashly, I am Kazama Yoshihuai, senior supervisor of the Witch Countermeasures Bureau, we will give You have a lot of money, provided the hostages are safe. In exchange for their safe release, I am willing to help you negotiate for funds and evacuation tools."

"One billion yen, I want it now!" Kanda Shinji shouted angrily.

"Roar..." Katie fell to the ground and looked at the hostage scene in front of her. She felt that it was very troublesome. If the Fujikawa team caught the hostages, it would be difficult to deal with them.

And if they were allowed to leave alive like this, their reputation would be even more tarnished.

Katie suddenly felt someone patting her scales next to her, turned her head, and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

This woman was floating with bare feet, a pair of curved horns growing out of her head, her skin was pale, her eyes were purple, her long silver hair fell behind her like a waterfall, and she looked in front of her expressionlessly.

Yuehuaji? !

Or...An'yuan Lianwu?

"Ouch!" Katie growled at her, not liking this guy at all! No matter it's Yuehuaji or Lianwu!

Braving the heavy rain, Lianwu jumped up, stepped on the ground like anti-gravity, and jumped onto Katie's neck. She put her two small hands on Katie's horns and pointed forward.

He's going to get wet, this guy...

Ouch - Katie shook her head impatiently, just this once, just once, she will definitely be eaten next time.

Katie flapped her wings, lifted off the ground, and flew along the street.

Lian Wu leaned out half of her body, and the moonlight in the sky penetrated the rain curtain and solidified into an even more dazzling moonlight in her hands.

A bright white light suddenly penetrated the darkness, forcing those present to raise their hands to cover their eyes.

When people finally recovered from the dazzling moment, they saw a silver-haired beauty riding a flying dragon across the sky in the sky. The woman was so beautiful, with a temperament as cold as ice and a noble and elegant appearance.

"What is that?" Kanda Shinci's eyes widened, he had never seen such a life.

Yuehuaji? ! Kazama Yihuai was also deceived at first, but in a flash he thought, isn't this Lianwu with horns?

Ansuin Hideyuki's eyes widened.

"Ancestor—! Lord Yuehuaji!" He was shocked.

"What, this is... Yuehua Ji?" Anxinyuan Long Yi was shocked.

"Ancestor, save us!" Ansuin Kyouji quickly kowtowed.

"What kind of monster, what dare you do?" Kanda Shinji yelled.

Lianwu raised her hand and released her magic power.

Yuehua Tianyin! The power of the tide!

Under the moonlight at night, Kanda Shinji and the people around him instantly lost control and rose into the sky, as if they were about to be sucked up to the moon!

This force constantly eroded their bodies, causing their muscular, flesh-and-blood bodies to become distorted.


"Oops -" Their features changed rapidly, and by the time Lian Wu threw them to the ground, these people had all turned into women!

His previously bushy eyebrows became slimmer, and his broad chin became pointed.

Likewise, the formerly violently swollen muscles have now turned into heavy, hanging fat! Make them stunned.

The other brothers were stunned.

"What, what is this-" Kanda Shinji quickly went to find the gun on his belt, only to find that it was missing!

The originally wide clothes are now falling down with the change of body shape! The white skin is radiant and extremely dazzling.



"Don't look!" They were nervous and nervous, and the "hero" and aggressiveness in their hearts were completely taken away!

The elite gunners of the Fujikawa Group in suits in the distance originally tried to fire into the sky, but when they lowered their heads and saw that the bosses in front had turned into beautiful girls, they were suddenly shocked.

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