Witch containment diary

Chapter 174 Sharing Insider Information

go outside.

The battle at Ming She Commercial Building finally ended. Zhang Su looked into the distance. Most of the city was still sleeping, with streets and alleys intertwined like a black maze.

The surroundings are eerily quiet, with a faint glow in the night sky gradually turning into pre-dawn gray. Before sunrise, the light appears dim and diffuse, like wings made of phantoms. This is the quietest and most subtle moment.

Shui Li came to Zhang Su.

"Have Chiyo settled down yet?" Zhang Su asked.

"Yes, send him to the hospital and he will be out of danger soon." Shui Li nodded. She did not look at Zhang Su, but was thinking deeply.

She followed Zhang Su and realized that the man in black armor from before was him, which meant that he had helped her again, helping her, a stupid ninja, to re-establish relationships with others.

"I hope Chiyo Fujikawa can make the world a little brighter after taking over." Zhang Su said hopefully. He has always been full of hope and confidence. This kind of appearance will also inspire the beliefs of others.

"Yes, I have such thoughts too." Shui Li sighed.

"You look a little different." Zhang Su observed.

"Of course, ninjas shouldn't have any emotions or relationships, but now I really feel warm and relieved. It seems that I can live with a clear conscience and make some friends. Whether it's you or Fujikawa Chiyo takes me very seriously. If you put it this way, I am not a duckweed in the world." Shuili thought.

"That would be great. What are your plans for the future?" Zhang Su asked.

At this time, the dark clouds had opened, and the first ray of dawn came, like a golden and white heavy sword piercing the ground.

"Forbearance. In this way, I have repaid Miss Fujikawa Chiyo's 'favor'. As I said before, I will serve you wholeheartedly from now on, Lord Zhang Su!" Shuili knelt down on one knee and completed the oath.

As an exclusive ninja, Shui Li looked up at Zhang Su with bright eyes.

"Then, the contract is decided." Zhang Su supported Shui Li with both hands.

"Yes, my lord!" Shui Li nodded vigorously, "Drive me as you please!"

"I'm not driving you, I'm inviting you to live together. Let's go back and sleep!" Zhang Su started and carried Shui Li on his body.

On the other side, somewhere no one knows.

Edith drew a black door in the shape of an inverted cross and took Li Yixin in, preparing to archive Fujikawa Saburo's soul.

Li Yixin stepped in, and she felt like she had arrived at a fragment in the gap, an isolated world.

This is Edith's domain, a storage room.

Edith was wearing a long black dress, her red hair was braided into a single braid, her hands were behind her back, and she led Li Yixin forward on the checkerboard-shaped floor, each other's footsteps echoing in the vast and empty room.

Li Yixin moved forward cautiously, holding the flame ray in his hand.

Strange cultural relics are arranged on both sides, including many glass bottles. Each bottle contains a soul with different expressions, suspended in the colorful air. Most of them appear in a state of pain and depression, as if they have been tortured.

The air was filled with the stench of some kind of medicinal herb. Li Yixin didn't trust this place. The ceiling here was very high, at least several hundred meters, hanging from the top like a mountain. Even if it fell down, it would take a long time to be smashed to death. she.

"Where is this?" Li Yixin couldn't help but ask.

"I store things here that I have a grudge against, or that I like, or that I find interesting, and they are arranged and collected according to time." Edith stopped after walking more than ten meters from the entrance. There was still a lot of blank space on the shelves on both sides. .

"It's so far." Li Yixin looked into the distance.

They hadn't even finished one percent of the showroom. At the end was an infinite corridor with an infinite number of collections, jars and souvenirs lined up on both sides, as if Edith's wealth had all been hoarded here.

"...Here, I found it." Edith looked at one of the shelves.

There was an empty can on top with the name "Saburo Fujikawa" on it.

She took the jar off and opened the lid.

Dark shadows appeared on Li Yixin's body. She entered a demonic state, covered with deformed demonic black matter, and her face was distorted.

Then, she vomited Fujikawa Saburo's soul from her mouth, just like spitting out a remnant that made her uncomfortable.

Fujikawa Saburo's soul floats in the air, shrinking.

"Love, Edith..." His soul was horrified. He had never seen such a different place.

"We talked a week ago, and you tried to threaten me then." Edith mocked him.

"...No, I was wrong...What should I do? Where is this...what are you going to do to me? Let me go..." Fujikawa Saburo was at a loss.

"It is said that if a consciousness is given infinite time, he can exhaust all the mysteries from ancient times to the present. Now you can try this proposition and have enough time to meditate. In time, you will be wise, relieved, and more importantly, feel There is no difference between joy, anger, love and hate." Edith put Fujikawa Saburo's soul into a jar and put it on a display shelf.

Thus Saburo Fujikawa joins one of Edith's numerous collections.

Li Yixin felt distressed. Although Saburo Fujikawa deserved his crime, it was another thing to be imprisoned for endless years in such a place.

Edith left without saying a word.

She walked through the door of the inverted cross and returned to reality. The long black dress looked like a holy garment. This was the first time Li Yixin saw Edith wearing it like this.

She is so good looking.

In any case, the jar with Saburo Fujikawa's name on it remains on the shelf, coexisting with the torture tools of time.

Li Yixin paused on the spot. It was her first time entering this place and she was still curious.

The corridor itself seems to lengthen as the collection grows.

Li Yixin walked to the place where it had recently grown. There were some brand new empty cans lined up on the shelf, which seemed to be where Edith was preparing to put new collections.

She wasn't sure if she caught something out of the corner of her eye. Then, her pupils shrank and her pores felt cold.

Li Yixin felt something touching her neck.

Her eyes were fixed on the two empty cans side by side on the shelf, both with names on them.

One is written Li Yixin, and the other is written Zhang Su.

"Last night a large-scale gun battle broke out in the Naked Snake Commercial Building, and the result is undoubtedly exciting. The citizens of New Tokyo can rest easy. The leader of the terrifying criminal gang Fujikawa-gumi, Fujikawa Saburo, has been killed, and many criminals have been arrested..."

The positive news is refreshing and the weather is exceptionally sunny today.

Zhang Su didn't get up until two o'clock in the afternoon from his deep sleep. All the stress and fatigue were gone while he slept, and he had inexhaustible strength in his body.

He took the children to visit Chiyo Fujikawa.

Clear Sky Medical Center is located in old Tokyo. Fujikawa Chiyo has a special status. The police put her in the separate care unit. Zhang Su and the police officer on duty at the door breathed before going in. The police officer was drowsy. It seemed that he had been monitoring her for a long time. He was really tired. Can't stand it anymore.

The lights in the ward were dim, and the curtains were drawn down just enough to let in a thin ray of morning light.

The vital sign monitor hums rhythmically, and the smell of disinfectant hangs in the air.

Zhang Su walked to Fujikawa Chiyo. She looked a little fragile. The seriously injured parts of her body had been bandaged, but she barely survived.

"Chiyo?" Zhang Su said softly.

Fujikawa Chiyo opened her eyes, and her eyes immediately focused on him. There was an unprecedented fatigue in her gaze.

"I survived." Fujikawa Chiyo's voice was weak but firm, "Is there any news outside?"

"After Saburo's death, many leaders were arrested, but many key members fled back to the Dark Zone. Other families are aggressively attacking the Fujikawa Group's former territory. Gunfights broke out in many subway stations in the Dark Zone." Zhang Su briefly read the report.

"The streets will be red with blood. I really wish I was there now." Chiyo Fujikawa gritted her teeth.

With the death of Saburo Fujikawa, Chiyo Fujikawa's fighting spirit burned stronger than ever before.

"There is still hope. Since you are alive and Saburo Fujikawa is dead, you are the only legal successor and the most suitable. As long as you negotiate the terms with the police, they will let you go. There must be a dark zone Wang, this is a clear consensus." Zhang Su said.

"If Father is still here, he may question my cooperation with you, but I believe this is a necessary move..." Fujikawa Chiyo nodded.

The scars seemed to make her less majestic than before, but her backbone was still strong.

Zhang Su looked at her expression and saw that Fujikawa Chiyo was still a fledgling, but she was already ready to fight in the outside world.

The past events are still vivid in her mind. She paid a deep respect to Zhang Su in Anxinyuan, and Zhang Su also taught her how to avoid murderous intentions... But now, after going through all the difficulties and obstacles, she has just obtained the ticket to take charge of the Fujikawa Group.

"Become stronger and win everything." Zhang Su said slowly.

"Thank you." Fujikawa Chiyo looked at Zhang Su, "Without you, I wouldn't be able to live at all and I wouldn't be able to defeat Saburo! Although it's a little strange, I admit that I owe you a lot of things, and I will pay them back sooner or later. . And I will always remember what happened between us, and what happened to An Yuan."

"No one has forgotten it." Zhang Su nodded.

"Everyone?" Fujikawa Chiyo was stunned.

Zhang Su opened the door, and the children filed in, nervously, expectantly and curiously surrounding Fujikawa Chiyo's bed.

"Hoho! We're here to see you!" Hayho ran over.

"Sorry, I'm sending you gifts and flowers." Lian Yang held the flowers, milk and supplement gift boxes and placed them on the bedside table.

"Teacher! Chiyo-teacher!" Natsuki shouted in a low voice, squatting beside Chiyo's bed. She was so short that Chiyo could only see her big eyes.

"Ah——" Fujikawa Chiyo's face changed, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, feeling surprised and happy.

"Teacher, does it hurt?" Natsuki asked with concern.

"I'll be fine, little brat." Chiyo Fujikawa pinched Natsuki's face, "The wound is healing, and the new flesh is stronger."

"Hey, we're not little kids, we're adults! I've grown taller!" Saho said, "When will you go back and teach us how to play basketball?"

"Ah... that's difficult..." Fujikawa Chiyo felt weak and wanted to laugh. The time in Ansin Hospital was like a ray of silvery light in the bloody life, like a random scene in her life, but when she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel weak. So valuable.

"I heard that there was a fierce battle. Were you also involved?" Reio was the only one paying attention to the news.

"Of course, Tokyo is a dangerous place." Chiyo Fujikawa stroked Natsuki's hair, "Be careful here. I don't even know how you came here, a bunch of brats..."

"Of course I'm here to have fun." Hayho said nonchalantly.

"Tell me what you guys are doing here." Fujikawa Chiyo was curious.

These words made them particularly excited, because they actually played a lot of interesting things and shared them all.

Zhang Su watched this happy reunion with satisfaction, and this vitality diluted the dullness in the ward. Ruizi's bet also won. Fujikawa Chiyo would not treat her badly and would give her a lot of funds from now on.

Zhang Su went outside to make a phone call.

Seeing Zhang Su walking away, Hayao quickly climbed onto Fujikawa Chiyo's bedside quietly and spoke to her in a low voice.

"Hey, Chiyo, tell me about Shadow Street. The teacher said it's particularly dangerous there." Hayho said.

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